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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

Page 16

by Aria Ford

  “Mark’s turn,” Marcel said as his cock slipped out of her. She still wanted Marcel inside of her, it was too much pleasure for her not to be without. She was turned around by muscular hands until she had Marcel’s cock in her face. He tapped her face with it lightly, and then told her to open her mouth. It slid down her throat as she felt Mark’s hands guide her hips down onto Mark’s cock. Once again a muffled moan escaped her as Marcel rammed his cock down her throat. She road Mark’s cock and bounced on it while sucking on Marcel’s dick.

  She felt every nook and cranny filled up by the size of Mark. He pumped himself upward while hanging on to her hips.

  Mark grabbed Sienna’s hips tightly while groaning, “Oh, fuck… I’m gonna cum.”

  He let out a loud groan as he let his seed fill her vagina to the brim.

  She bounced on it as it gushed inside her. Marcel made her stop sucking. He made her stand up and pushed her face down on the sateen comforters. He rammed himself into her cunt. He thrusted and groaned, tightening his grip on her waist. She could feel Mark’s cum seeping out of her as she was getting rammed by Marcel’s cock.

  “Oh fuck, I’m coming,” he said. She felt his monstrous gush; what remaining space was available inside of her was filled with cum — all the while, the three of them let out an animalistic groan. Sienna felt the juices that were twice as thick seep out of her. She was dazed and confused.

  She kept her face down on the bed as Marcel took his cock out of her. The semen continued to flow out of her.

  She stood up and saw Mark lying on the carpet and Marcel sitting on the bed. She heard a helicopter coming.

  “That must be Gary,” Marcel said.

  “Right on time,” Mark said.

  “Right on time,” Sienna agreed. She felt both of the Moriarty’s seed trickle out from her; it was a pleasant feeling.

  “So Mags said that it was going to benefit all of us, huh? Do you think she really meant that Markie?” Marcel asked, laying back down on the bed, his cock going back to its resting place.

  “I never doubted Mags, the shit that she put us through, it was for a reason,” Marcel said, staring at the ceiling.

  “I don’t care what happens,” Sienna said with vehemence. “I will take care of this baby no matter what.”

  “And we’ll help you do it,” Marcel said, sitting back up. “Moriartys always live the best no matter what. He’s going to have a mansion with basket courts and fields to learn how to play sports. Gyms are important in learning how to harness the power of the wolf.”

  “And I’ll teach him how to be a man,” Mark said. “He’ll learn that being a Moriarty is more than being a billionaire, it’s about survival. I will teach him to be a warrior like both of us.”

  Sienna felt her eyes well up.

  ”Thank you guys,” Sienna started, “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say nothing, just be a good mom,” Marcel replied.

  “I will,” Sienna promised.

  The helicopter drew closer. All three of them stood up and went to the window. They watched as the helicopter landed. They stood side by side, with Sienna standing in the middle.

  Bear’in the Love

  Chapter One:

  I stirred from sleep, groggy and confused. A chill ran through my body, causing goosebumps to prickle across my skin, and I pulled the sleeping bag more tightly around me, trying to trap in as much body heat as possible to keep warm.

  God, my head was spinning....

  It took me a confused moment to register where, exactly, I was, lying on the ground, surrounded by a tent, and most baffling of all, all alone.... I'd sworn he'd been lying next to me just moments before. And sure enough, there were his sleeping things, his pillow and blankets, lying casually by my side. I placed my hand on the pillow. It was cold, but still rumpled from where his head had rested upon its surface.

  I lifted the pillow to my face, closing my eyes and inhaling his scent. I drew my body into myself, letting thoughts of him fill me, his smell going even further in waving me along toward an inviting, dreamlike trance.

  I missed his arms around me so badly, even in that fraction of an instant, and I needed to figure out where he'd gone as soon as possible.

  It turned out finding him didn't take that much time at all. Upon lowering the pillow from my face, I heard the faint sound of grunting coming from outside, and instinctively the corners of my lips began to push upward, into a knowing smile.

  Of course, that was where he was....

  I didn't even have to look to know it. That was why we'd come out here, after all. He'd been missing his natural element, and I, for my part, had begun to feel guilty about occupying so much of him. His time, his energy, himself….

  He'd insisted, trying his best to make me understand, that it wasn't at all like that for him. That I was nothing but a positive influence over his life, and that he didn't know what he would do without me. He could think of nothing he would rather have occupying his time, and for that at least, I felt flattered, even though I still felt burdened with some guilt for having taken up more space than I, perhaps, deserved in his life.

  Suffice it to say, he'd taken me up on my offer to come out here camping with him quite readily. It must have been nice for him, I thought, to be able to spend time in his natural environment in the midst of spending so much time caught in the rat race of the city. Or, at least, in one of his natural environments....

  It was hard for me, honestly, to fully comprehend how things must have been for Jason. To be split between his two worlds, and equally capable of adapting to whichever he found himself in. I, for my part, was a city girl through and through, and though I could certainly see the appeal that the occasional retreat into nature such as this must have held for any soul in need of rest, I doubted whether a place like this could hold all that much appeal for me for a period spanning more than a weekend at a time.

  Already, I was missing WiFi, cappuccino, the noise of the busy city streets....

  But I wouldn't trade the time spent with Jason for any of that. Not for anything in the world.

  I took in a deep breath, trying to still my nerves. I'd seen him in his transformed state of being before, of course, but it was always a lot to take in. I couldn't deny the fear that tended to well up inside me, in spite of myself, whenever I thought about what happened to him in the course of his transformations.

  The loss of control.... The distortion of his body into such a powerful, hulking beast....

  And yet, somehow - it was hard to explain, really - something about it aroused me.... Knowing that, beneath the surface, he consisted of so much power, so much fury, and that, if he wanted to, he could tear me up into little, tiny pieces....

  God, my head was going light....

  I slowly peeked out through the flap of the tent, knowing full well what awaited me outside, yet still feeling tentative about it all the while.

  And sure enough, there was Jason.... Or rather, there was a massive, snarling grizzly bear, pacing with measured footfalls around the campfire. His breath steamed hot into the cold night air, his nostrils flared, and his pelt strobed with the intensity of his steps, leaving me with an impression of the utmost awe and disbelief.

  This, I felt, was a sight that I might never grow used to....

  I didn't want him to see me just yet, so I tried to remain as discreet as possible as I peered out toward him in the darkness. There was just so much beauty to be seen in him, even in this state of being, which a normal girl might have taken to be frightful or unusual.

  My mind began to dip backwards in time, to the first time he'd told me about what he was, about his abilities and everything.... I'd laughed it off at first, as I'm sure just about any sane human being would do, and if I hadn't already fallen so madly in love with him, I might have called things off right there on the spot. It was, I felt certain, some form of insanity....

  But then he took me off into the woods one day, and showed me his powers, shifting rig
ht in front of my eyes. I don't know what exactly it was that convinced me to go with him, honestly - if any other mad man had made such a claim, I think it would be safe to say I wouldn't have been caught dead going off into some secluded patch of woods with him as per his request.

  The only explanation that I could really think of that explained it to any degree is that I actually did believe him, deep down, even as crazy as it sounded.

  And it was true, once I saw the evidence revealed before my eyes, I was left quite taken aback - but not enough to let it diminish my feelings for him. It had been a pretty hefty blow but not a deal breaker, by any means. By that time, the two of us had become so close, our lives so dependent on one another in so many intense ways that ending the relationship would be too unbearable a loss for me. I felt as though I needed Jason, on so many levels, and the fact that he'd been willing to share his secret with me made me think I could trust him - for better or for worse.

  Of course, though, Jason had had his share of conditions now that I knew the truth. He told me that there were certain lines our relationship could never cross, certain territory into which we could never have a hope of entering. And that, too, I'd accepted, because the love I felt for him was so deep, so intense, and I had a hard time imagining how I could hope to fill the place my love's absence would leave should he vanish from my life.

  That's not at all to say, of course, that living this way was easy. Not by any means. For the most part, I could say with considerable honesty that I was happy being with Jason. Even sharing his secret was something of a special form of intimacy to me, something that united us even more thoroughly than the fact of our love itself.

  But the baggage that came along with all of that.... Sometimes that could be difficult to deal with. For instance, sometimes I would see other young, happy couples, and I would envy how simple and carefree things were between them. They surely didn't have this magnitude of secrets forever looming over them, threatening to sabotage things without a moment's notice. Even worse, some of these couples would be strolling along happily with children in tow, and I would feel the acuteness of our strained dynamic beginning to get to me.

  Jason had made it a clear stipulation that, were things to ever progress further in our relationship, he would be unwilling to have children due to his condition. He didn't know what would happen if a shifter such as himself were to have offspring with a normal human being, and he didn't dare to run the risk that such a child could wind up a freak for life, like himself.

  I'd tried to talk him down from this line of thinking, trying to make it known to him that he wasn't a freak, but he refused to listen. And so I went along with him in silence, letting him believe what he wanted to believe, and convinced that I would be unable to change his mind about the subject, at any rate.

  Oh well, I thought... I would just have to see how far along things progressed, and anyway there was always adoption. Hell, for that matter, I didn't know with the utmost certainty that I would have wanted kids anyway, with him or with any partner. It was just his manner of nixing the subject outright that troubled me, but for the time being it seemed best to hold my tongue with regard to the matter.

  Besides, as difficult as moments such as these could sometimes be, they were only small complications, at least when it came to the grand scheme of things. They were nothing compared to the closeness I felt to him any other time, like now for instance.

  For some reason, I loved seeing him in his shifted form, so powerful, so fierce, yet so in control of himself and his faculties. Presently, as I watched him, he was bucking back onto his haunches, lifting his body up toward the full moon, and roaring, like you might expect a wolf to do. The fierce boom of his vocalizations sent a chill through my body, and I watched, fascinated, as he slowly brought himself back down to Earth once again.

  Lazily, now, he sauntered through the clearing, his massive pelt dragging across his bulk in the darkness, the sight astonishing to me, the wonder never quite wearing off. Suddenly the beast lunged upward once more, smashing his back up against a tree, and scratching himself up against it, in the manner that any other bear in the world would do, and I couldn't help but bust out giggling at the sight of it.

  Immediately, his eyes darted toward me, and I froze, suddenly scared out of my wits.

  He pushed his weight back down onto all fours and began to pace rapidly toward the tent, and the primal, instinctive side of myself began to panic. I knew it was Jason, but I still felt so afraid all of a sudden. Maybe he'd lost control this time, and maybe this massive beast barreling in my direction was intent on devouring me as a midnight snack.

  If I was indeed a midnight snack, though, I certainly must have proven myself an unappetizing one. For now, he stopped inches from my face, grunting as he breathed, and staring fiercely into my eyes, so that I could feel my blood running cold. His breath scorched me as it kissed my cheeks, and all I could do was wait, wait, and pray that the Jason I knew and loved still lingered beneath the surface of the animal.

  But then, sure enough, there came that long, grizzly tongue of his, darting out and sliding along my cheek, and I burst out laughing. He was kissing me like a dog, hungrily lapping up my skin, but clearly there was no malicious intent to be found in his actions.

  I was giggling, my face getting soaked, and I couldn't stop myself from swatting at him, crying, “Stop! Stop! Cut it out!” with a smile on my lips all the while.

  At last, Jason showed mercy on me, withdrawing his long tongue and shifting back into his human self, his naked body bearing down on top of me and looking especially fine in the moonlight just then and there.

  “Spying on me, I see?” he said, with a playful grin, and I smiled back at him.

  “I just couldn't sleep.... I thought maybe I could use a late night bear hug....”

  Naturally he accommodated me, leaning in, and wrapping his arms around me. His warm, naked body felt wonderful, and so did his lips as they pressed up against my own, his tongue pushing sensually into my mouth, and my head spinning all the while.

  Slowly, slowly, slowly he brought my body down to the floor of the tent, and he reached behind himself to zip it closed as he did so. After several more kisses on the mouth, each of which got my head spinning just the least bit more than the last, I pulled slightly away from him, gasping for breath.

  “I really didn't mean to disturb you, you know,” I insisted, peering into his eyes. “I just wanted to see what you were up to out there. We came here so you could be free and get this out of your system for a while, you don't have to worry about me in here.”

  “Oh, you aren't disturbing me, believe me. We've got the whole weekend to ourselves, after all, and I can always go back out later. Besides, now I have something else that I think I might need to get out of my system for a while....”

  I couldn't help but let a smile spread out wide across my mouth.

  He kissed me again, and slowly lured me back into my sleeping bag, this time with his body flush up against my own, and he zipped the two of us inside. It was a snug fit, but the intimacy we felt was beautiful and sweltering. I could feel his erect cock pushing up against the insides of my thighs, and I savored the touch of his hands as they slipped across my body, touching me all over, and slipping me out of my clothes.

  Between the close confines of the sleeping bag and the efforts of our love, I was really beginning to sweat now, wet strands of hair plastered to my forehead, skin drenched, and every nerve in my body on fire, ready to be pushed past the point of no return.

  Somehow - I don't know quite how, given how close the two of us were wrapped together at just that moment - Jason managed to creep down inside the sleeping bag, diving into its deepest reaches, in order to treat me to a bit more personal care with that special tongue of his. I braced myself, holding my breath as I felt his perfect skull slide up between my thighs. I loved the sound of squelching and twisting as he pushed his tongue up inside me, and he then proceeded to slide it sensually around
the wet, floral perimeter of my twat. I gasped out in pleasure, my body on fire for him, and he began to work his head into a steady, rhythmic bob.

  I don't know what it was, specifically, that made my love so skillful at eating pussy, but God was I grateful for the fact that he was, and in spite of myself I began to push my body forward into him, smothering him in my pelvis, letting my legs wrap around his head as though to trap him between my thighs indefinitely.

  It might well have suffocated him, but he continued to devour me all the while, licking me up as though I was the most delectable thing he'd ever tasted, and as though he couldn't ever come close to getting enough of my delicate, tangy flesh.

  Heat radiated up from inside the sleeping bag, filling my body from head to toe, and I felt as though I might dissolve outright into Jason's loving head, the two of us forever locked together in this way, never to be separated. I was really beginning to cringe with pleasure now, moans of delight stirring from deep, deep within me, and no matter how I might have tried, I simply couldn't seem to stop my head from spinning uncontrollably, making me dizzy with delight.

  Sensations rippled through my body when he suddenly hit against an especially sensitive area, and reflexively I reached down into the sleeping bag, pushing his face even deeper between my open legs. I held my breath, and somehow he continued to find places inside me to thrill with the lap of his perfect tongue. I felt like crying with the joy, my nostrils flaring and my body on fire with need.

  Jason, making the most of his position, continued to explore and experiment. He began to pinch the insides of my thighs, squeezing me tightly, in a manner that added to the sensitization of my pussy. My ass pushed upward from the bottom of the sleeping bag, smothering him more still inside me, and it was at this point that he slid one of his hands between my legs and contributed a welcome bit of manual stimulation to his efforts.

  “Oh.... Oh God.... Fuck…. Yes, yes, yes….”


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