Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 46

by Aria Ford

  The train started to slow and Amanda noticed they were coming into another station. A large sign welcomed the travelling guests to Broken Arrow. She took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts. The hour had finally arrived and she was about to meet the man who she would spend the rest of her life with. She tried hard to swallow the sudden lump of fear she felt in the back of her throat.

  The conductor was unloading the bags of the passengers who were getting off the train. Amanda stepped down onto the sidewalk, looking both ways to see if she could spot a lone man. From behind, she heard a deep voice call her name. When she turned she looked up at a man with skin that was darkened from hours in the sun. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that he had dark eyes, deep smile lines around his mouth, and a cowboy hat covered his dark locks.

  “Yes, I am Amanda Luther,” she said. “Are you by any chance Ernest Latimer?”

  “That would be me, mam,” he said. “Why don’t we collect your bags and find a place where we can get something cold to drink and we can get acquainted?”

  Amanda watched as Ernest retrieved her bags. She was a tall woman, but Ernest was a good six inches taller than she was. His body was muscled and lean with obvious signs of hours spent working in the sun. His cowboy hat sat low on his forehead, but Amanda could still see that he had kind eyes. He was not strikingly handsome, but he was not repulsive either. She supposed that she could have done a lot worse.

  Ernest was also having thoughts about the woman he was going to marry. In her missive to him she had told him that she was not very pretty, but he found her to be attractive enough. She was tall for a woman, but that didn’t bother him in the least. She looked like she could hold up to do the work that was needed around the ranch, but her youth and innocence bothered him a little. He needed a woman who could jump right in and take over the chores of the house without supervision. He hoped that Amanda was up for the task because he had already wasted enough time searching for a mate.

  Ernest led Amanda into a small café that was situated in a corner near the center of town.

  “We can stop here and get something cold to drink,” Ernest said. “I imagine that you are tired after your long journey.”

  “It was a long trip, but the train was fairly comfortable,” Amanda said. “I brought my bible with me and read that for much of the way. When my parents were alive they insisted that I spend time every day studying God’s word. It helped me pass the time and gave me comfort too.”

  “I understand that you are a bit apprehensive about all of the changes that are taking place in your life,” Ernest said. “I am sorry that you lost your parents and that loss forced you into this decision, but I think that you will be happy here. I own a large cattle ranch just south of here and I have a very comfortable home place, but I fear it needs female attention. The church where I attend is about a three hour ride from the ranch but there are many times when I am too busy with the cattle to go. The nearest neighbors live only a mile away, but at this time of year we rarely have time for visits. It is time for planting and in just a few days the cattle will start giving birth to the new calves that come with spring. Perhaps you will enjoy seeing the young when they arrive.”

  “I am sure that everything will be perfect,” Amanda said. “I look forward to seeing your ranch and I am ready to get to work. The weather here is much warmer than South Carolina, but I will adjust.”

  “Well, you will see your new home very soon,” Ernest said. “I have arranged for us to have a civil wedding ceremony with the Justice of the Peace in about an hour. Once the ceremony is over, we must leave immediately for the ranch. When we get past the spring births then perhaps, we can come back to town and seek out some type of enjoyment. I have enough supplies at the ranch right now, but perhaps you can make an assessment and when we return we can pick up the supplies that you need.”

  Amanda sipped her tea, enjoying the cooling comfort as it slid down her throat. The air here was hot and stifling, but she was not about to complain. Her stomach was tied in knots and she feared that she might faint. Ernest had said the ceremony was scheduled in an hour. After that, her life would never be the same. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer that God would give her guidance in her new venture.

  Chapter 3

  The wedding ceremony was simple and quick. The Justice of the Peace had them repeat their vows and the announced them husband and wife. Ernest had the forethought to bring the wedding band that his mother had given him before she died. The band had been in his family for decades and now it was time for his wife to wear it. He didn’t miss the look of surprise in Amanda’s eyes when she realized that he actually had a wedding band for her to wear.

  Amanda realized she had just placed her life in the hands of a man she hardly knew. The Bible had taught her that the man was always the head of the household, so she would be obligated to Ernest’s wishes. She stared at the gold band that Ernest had placed on her finger. This band connected to the man who was now her legal husband. It felt foreign on her hand, but like everything else in her new life, she would adjust and make the best of it.

  “I wish that we had time to spend in town, but we really need to get on the road back to the ranch,” Ernest said. “If we leave now we will spend the night on the road, but we should arrive at the ranch tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Then I am ready to go,” Amanda said. “I am ready to start this next journey of my life, and I can’t wait to see my new home.”

  Ernest climbed up on the wagon and reached down his hand to help Amanda up. She sat on the seat beside her new husband, feeling strange but hopeful.

  “We will ride until just before dark,” Ernest said. “Then we will stop and set up camp for the night. I have brought enough food for us to share on the trail, but I promise you that we will eat much better once we reach the ranch. I have an established garden that supplies me with plenty of fresh vegetables, but I will be turning that chore over to you. If there are other things that you desire to plant, just let me know.”

  If it were not for the stifling heat Amanda felt like she could have taken a nap. She listened to Ernest’s deep voice as he described the ranch to her and she felt the gentle roll of the wagon beneath her. This man that she hardly knew was her husband, and for the first time since the death of her parents she felt safe. She instinctively knew that Ernest would protect her and keep her safe.

  It was several hours later when they finally stopped for the evening. Amanda was tired and sore to the bone. The heat, mixed with the ride of the wagon had zapped her of all her energy. She watched as Ernest retrieved two bedrolls from the rear of the wagon and spread them side by side on the ground. Her eyes were drawn to the close proximity of the two rolls, but she dared not say anything.

  “Rather than take the time to build a fire tonight I have brought us enough bread and jerky,” Ernest said. “I expected that you would be tired after your long trip, and that you would not feel like cooking anything. There is plenty of water also if you are thirsty.”

  Right now the most pressing thing on Amanda’s mind was relieving herself. She realized that she would have to find a place that would offer her privacy because there were obviously no bath houses around. She spotted a clump of bushes just off the side of the wagon and decided that should work. With her cheeks flaming red she told Ernest of her intentions.

  Ernest did not fail to notice the embarrassment on Amanda’s face, but that only endeared him to her. She was truly innocent of the ways of the world, but she would soon get past that. He was actually looking forward to introducing her to the adult world that she had no idea existed. So far he was very pleased with his choice for a wife. Her youth and innocence could work in his favour, and he said a silent prayer to God, thanking Him for sending him a suitable mate.

  When she returned to the campsite Amanda took a seat on one of the bed rolls that was placed on the ground. Ernest handed her some of the jerky and a slice of fresh bread. She had to admit that she was hungry and
the jerky hit the right spot. She drank freely from the cup of water he offered, enjoying the way it soothed her parched throat on the way down.

  “I am sorry that everything is so rushed right now,” Ernest said. It is just the time of year when there is so much work to do on the ranch. I have ranch hands that I hire to work for me, but they need my help to get everything done. I promise that once we get past the spring planting and birthings there will be more time for us to spend on social affairs.”

  “I don’t mind,” Amanda said. “When my parents were killed last month my entire life took a different turn. They provided me with a comfortable living, but I fear their burial took much of what they had in savings. I have never held a public job and my situation was about to get desperate. I am thankful that God sent you to me when He did. I will work hard to make sure you do not regret your decision. I also met with the local banker before I left and he has agreed to sell the house and remaining belongings for me. I told him to wire the money to me here. I thought we could put in into a bank account to be used in cases of emergency.”

  “I don’t think there is much chance of me regretting my decision. My life is so busy on the ranch that I don’t have time for traditional romance,” Ernest said. “It is common for ranchers to seek matrimony the same way that I did. It seems that we both had a need and God brought us together so that we can help each other. I am looking forward to our future together.”

  Amanda stretched and let out a yawn in spite of her efforts to stop it. She feared that Ernest would think she was bored of him, but the truth was, she was tired. The train trip, the marriage ceremony, and now the wagon trip was just more than she was accustomed to and she was having trouble holding her eyes open.

  Ernest knew that Amanda must be worn out. If it were any other time of year, he would have stayed in town for a few days to allow her to get some rest before heading toward the ranch. He felt a little guilty for the strain he had put on her today, but there was nothing to be done about it. Hopefully she would be able to catch up once they reached the ranch.

  “I know you have had a stressful day, so why don’t you just lay back and go to sleep,” Ernest said. “I will tend to the horses and join you shortly. I will not ask you for my marriage rights tonight. We will wait until we get to the ranch and you have a chance to get settled in.”

  Amanda did as he said. The last thought she had before sleep overtook her was Ernest’s statement about his marriage rights. She knew very little about the things that took place between a husband and wife, but she was sure that with time Ernest would address the issue again. For now, all she wanted to do was sleep.

  Ernest felt sure that Amanda knew nothing about God’s gift to the marriage. He provided a way for the husband and wife to experience pleasure in a way that was whole and pure, but there would be time enough for that later. He did not want to push Amanda too fast. She was still in mourning for her parents, and now her entire life had changed. When the time came he would be gentle with her and show her there was nothing to fear. He looked at her peaceful sleeping form and smiled, thankful that he had found her.

  Chapter 4

  The following morning Ernest was up early and started hitching the horses to the wagon. It was his plan to allow Amanda to sleep as long as possible, but when he looked in her direction he saw that she was awake and looking at him.

  “Good morning sleepy head,” he said. “I trust that you slept well.”

  “I don’t think I moved all night,” she replied. “What time is it?”

  “It is about 5 a.m. I was getting the horses ready because we need to get on the move soon,” he said. “This afternoon we should arrive at the ranch. Then you will have a proper bed to sleep in.”

  “A bed will be welcome, but I doubt if I could sleep any sounder than I did last night,” she said. “I was more worn out than I realized.”

  “You had a right to be worn out. When we get home you can take the rest of the day to do as you please. There are some things I need to take care of in the fields, but you can take that time to discover your new home, or perhaps you will enjoy a bath and a nap,” Ernest said.

  To Amanda a bath sounded heavenly. While on the train all she could do was wash up with a cloth.

  “Do you have a bathtub at the ranch,” she asked.

  “Yes, there is a bathtub, and there is even running water inside the house. We live on a cattle ranch, but there are plenty of amenities. We are a long way from the city where you grew up, but we still live civilized lives,” Ernest said.

  “Oh, I never thought otherwise,” Amanda said. “I mean, I didn’t think that we would live like heathens. I just don’t know what to expect.”

  Amanda decided to quit while she was still ahead. She didn’t want Ernest to think that she was ungrateful for what he was offering. Sometimes her mouth got her into trouble and she made a mental note to work on that habit.

  “I think you will be well pleased with life on the ranch,” Ernest said. “The house is large with four bedrooms, a sitting room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. It has been in my family for several generations, but after my parents died I did some work to upgrade it more to my liking. Since you will be the new mistress I suppose you can change anything that you want. There is a large back porch that runs the length of the house, and in the evening it is a great place to sit and cool off. The porch overlooks the garden where I am sure you will spend a lot of your time.”

  “It sounds lovely,” Amanda said. “I can’t wait to explore it all. I really do enjoy gardening, and I also love to cook. I just hope you aren’t too disappointed in my talents.”

  “I am looking forward to a home cooked meal that is prepared by somebody other than myself,” he laughed. “I fear my skills in the kitchen are lacking.”

  They fell into a peaceful silence as the horses slowly pulled the wagon along the trail. Amanda was taking in everything around her. Much of the land was barren, but there were also plenty of places where groves of trees stretched toward the sky. It was very different from the lush climate she was used to, but beautiful in its own way.

  Ernest topped a ridge and suddenly a large body of water came into view. Amanda was looking at it longingly, wishing she could splash some on her face. The sun was high in the sky and the heat was oppressive, but Ernest didn’t even break a sweat. She hoped that one day she would get used to the heat, but she knew that was going to take some time.

  “We will stop here and allow the horses to get a good drink,” Ernest said. “This will be our last stop because in a couple of hours we will be home. If you want, you can get down and stretch your legs a bit.”

  Ernest hopped down from the wagon and led the horses to the water. Sensing that Amanda needed to freshen up, he reached in his pocket and brought out a red handkerchief, dipped it in the water and handed it to her. She grabbed it and quickly ran it across her forehead. The cooling water felt so good to her thirsty skin and she was thankful that Ernest thought about her comfort.

  “I can’t wait to get there,” she said. “I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon exploring, but don’t worry, I will fix you something for supper.”

  Ernest laughed at her enthusiasm. She was very much like a small child with a new toy. She was a bit spunky, but down to earth. He already knew that she would fit right in with the other ranch ladies. Life with Amanda around was going to be a lot more fun than his life had been before.

  Chapter 5

  It was a couple of hours later when the wagon pulled on top of a ridge. Ernest stopped the horses to allow Amanda to get her first look at the ranch and her new home. The house had been built in the valley for several reasons. One was to protect it from strong winds, and another was the valley was very fertile for growing vegetables. There were several large trees that provided shade for the house during the day, and helped keep the winds at bay during the harsh summer storms.

  Amanda’s breath caught in her throat. Ernest had not done this place justice while de
scribing it. The house was a large, two-story log structure that sat at the end of a long drive that was lined with trees. To the right of the house was a barn that was just as big and impressive as the house. Behind the barn was a long structure that had several windows, but Amanda could not guess what it was.

  “The building that you are looking at behind the barn is the bunk house,” Ernest said. “The ranch hands live there. It is close to the barn so that the hands can hear if there are any distress calls from the cattle in the evening. That is especially important at this time of year since many of the cows are ready to give birth any day now.”

  “I never expected anything so grand,” Amanda exclaimed. “The house is huge!”

  “It is comfortable,” Ernest said. “In generations past it was filled with children, but I was the last child to live in this place. My parents had me later in life and my birth was very taxing on my mother. After that they decided they would not try for any more children. It is my hope that one day you and I will fill it with children of our own.”

  Amanda had not even thought about that, but of course every man wished for children of his own. Being an only child herself, she didn’t have experience dealing with young children, but she supposed that she could learn. Right now all she wanted to do was pass through the front door of that house and discover what was on the other side.

  Ernest turned the horses up the long drive towards the house while Amanda took everything in. The shade of the trees made the temperatures much more bearable, but all of a sudden Amanda had forgotten all about the heat. This stately looking house was her new home! She had to force herself to keep seated until Ernest stopped the wagon in front of the house. When he held up his hand to help her down, she quickly grabbed it and nearly fell to the ground in her excitement.


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