Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 47

by Aria Ford

  “Take it easy,” Ernest said. “After coming all of this way we don’t want you getting hurt now.”

  Ernest led Amanda up the steps of the front porch, stopping just in front of the massive front door. He reached for the handle and quickly opened the door wide for her to get her first glimpse. Before she knew what was happening Ernest leaned down and picked her up in his arms.

  “I believe that the bridegroom is supposed to carry the bride across the threshold,” he said with a laugh. “Welcome home Mrs. Latimer!”

  Amanda blushed from the intimacy of the moment. She threw her arms around Ernest’s neck to hold on while he stepped across the threshold and into the cool entryway of the house. It was the closest she had been to him and she could feel the heat coming from his lean, hard body.

  Amanda’s eyes were bright when Ernest put her back down on the floor. They were standing in a large hallway where a flight of stairs led to the second floor. Along the side of the staircase were doors that led to the sitting room, dining room, and kitchen. To Amanda’s surprise, the house was tastefully decorated, something she was not expecting of a bachelor.

  “I am going to get our belongings out of the wagon while you explore your new surroundings,” Ernest said. “All of the bedrooms are located up the stairs. The bathroom is also upstairs, but in the future I have plans to add an additional bath to the first floor. The largest bedroom is located at the right end of the hall, and that is the one I currently use. Feel free to explore to your heart’s desire. When I get the wagon unloaded I must go and meet with my ranch hands to get caught up on what has been happening while I have been away. I will be gone for a couple of hours so you will have time to take a nap if you desire.”

  Amanda was too excited to take a nap. She wanted to explore every nook and cranny of the house. This was so much more than she had expected. She wandered from one room to the other while Ernest brought their bags in from the wagon. She failed to notice that he placed her bags in the same bedroom as his.

  The sitting room held a comfortable looking couch, end tables, a couple of easy chairs, and a large fireplace dominated the room. Amanda couldn’t imagine needing a fire in temperatures like this, but she supposed that the winter months might be cooler. Across the hall the dining room held a large table and eight chairs. Along the side of the wall was a long table that she believed was used to hold food for large gatherings. In the corner was a large china cabinet that was filled with some of the most beautiful blue china she had ever seen. She thought the china must have belonged to his mother, for she could not imagine Ernest wanting something so delicate. She was delighted to find the kitchen was well furnished with a stove, sink, pantry, and plenty of cabinets that were used for storage. She opened one and peered inside to find a set of sturdier dishes that she felt would be suitable for everyday use. There were plenty of pots and pans, cleaning cloths, silverware, and dishes of all kinds. This kitchen was well stocked and screaming for somebody to cook in it.

  After checking out the downstairs, Amanda bounded up the stairs two at a time. The first two bedrooms faced the front of the house and both seemed similar in size. She discovered the bathroom in the middle of the hallway and was delighted to discover a large, claw foot tub tucked in one corner. Making her way on down the hall she found a third bedroom that looked out on the rear of the house, giving her a good view of the lush garden. She made her way to the fourth bedroom that was much bigger than the others. She came to a quick halt when she discovered both her and Ernest’s bags sitting on the bed. She had never shared a bed before, but she knew that husbands and wives usually slept in the same room. At least that had been the way of her parents. Now it looked like Ernest expected her to sleep in the same room with him. She eyed the huge bed that dominated the room and suddenly she felt very shy. Not wanting to dwell in the room any longer, she turned and went back downstairs. She wanted to get a quick look at the garden and see if there was something she could find to prepare for supper.

  Chapter 6

  When Ernest returned to the house some hours later he discovered Amanda in the kitchen covered in flour. He looked around and discovered a pan of biscuits waiting to go into the oven. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before him. Amanda nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard him.

  “I see that you have made yourself at home in the kitchen,” he laughed. “I’m not sure if there is more flour on you or in the biscuits!”

  “Oh, I meant to get cleaned up before you returned. I was getting hungry, and I was sure that you were too. I wanted to cook you a decent meal for our first night home, but I fear I tend to be a messy cook. Don’t worry! I will get this all cleaned up and we can enjoy our meal. I hope you like biscuits and gravy. I also fried some potatoes that I found in a bin on the back porch,” Amanda said.

  “I can see that life with you is going to be enjoyable,” Ernest said. “I didn’t expect you to go to such trouble tonight, but I must admit, those biscuits look rather inviting. You had better get cleaned up before I mistake you for a biscuit!”

  Amanda blushed and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. When she saw her reflection in the mirror she almost passed out. There was flour in her hair, on her face, and her dress was covered. She quickly took off the dress, brushed as much flour out of her hair as possible, and took a wet bath cloth to her face. She ran down the hall and dug in her bags to find another dress to wear for the evening. By the time she returned to the kitchen she looked somewhat presentable.

  “I took the liberty of putting the biscuits in the oven while you were gone,” Ernest said. “It looks like you have everything else under control. Suddenly I am starving!”

  When the biscuits came out of the oven Amanda was pleased with their appearance. It had been a long time since she had made biscuits, but these looked brown and fluffy. She said a silent prayer that they would be as good as they looked.

  Amanda watched in awe as Ernest ate three biscuits covered with thick gravy and a huge pile of fried potatoes. She didn’t know if he was really enjoying the food, or if he was just hungry.

  “Woman, if you feed me like this every day I fear that I will get to big to fit into my clothes,” Ernest said. “I haven’t had a meal this good in a long time.”

  “I’m glad you are pleased,” she replied. “I promise there are other things that I can cook, but this was the quickest thing I could think of. I didn’t see any meat so I just threw something together in a hurry.”

  “There is a smokehouse out back where I keep most of the meat,” Ernest said. “In the morning I will bring in some bacon that you can fix for breakfast, but for tonight this was perfect. Now why don’t you go upstairs and take advantage of that large bathtub and I will stay down here and clean up the kitchen. After you are finished with your bath I think I will take one as well.”

  “I don’t expect you to clean up my mess,” Amanda protested. “I made it and I can certainly clean it up. I’m sure you have bigger things to do.”

  “I promise you, I will not volunteer my cleaning services every night, but on this first night home I will give you a break. Now, go take that bath before I change my mind,” he replied.

  Amanda turned and ran from the room. If Ernest was offering her the luxury of a bath she was going to take it. She had not had a proper bath since that last night she was home in South Carolina. She had packed some of her special bath soaps that she used when she wanted to pamper herself. Their gentle fragrance would help to soothe her soul after her long and hurried trip. It didn’t take her long to fill the tub and sink down into the refreshing water. She lathered up a cloth and rubbed the dirt and grime from her body while enjoying the feel of clean skin. She had a tub in South Carolina, but this one was much bigger and held a lot more water. She sat there in water almost up to her chin, allowing herself to relax for the first time since this wild trip began.

  Downstairs Ernest was smiling while he washed up the last of the dishes. It seemed that God had indeed sent him a woman
that he could enjoy spending his life with. Amanda was somewhat immature, but that could work to his good. She had not been exposed to much of the world outside of her mother and father and that could allow him to help mold her into a woman that he hoped would someday come to love and accept him. He hoped that her acceptance would begin tonight, for it was time for him to introduce Amanda to marriage on a whole different level.

  Amanda had no idea what Ernest was thinking. If she did she might have just stayed in the tub until she shriveled up. But instead, the water started to cool and she decided that it was time to get out. She reached down and pulled the plug to release the water from the tub before she stood and reached for her towel. When she looked at her reflection in the mirror she discovered that Ernest was standing in the doorway. She quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her while glaring at him the whole time.

  “You don’t need to hide from me, Amanda,” he said. “God has united us together and has blessed us with a suitable union for both of us. He allows certain intimacy between a husband and wife that is not allowed between strangers. I happen to enjoy watching you bathe. It allowed me to see how relaxed and happy you really are, and I hope that going forward we can get much closer as our relationship grows.”

  “I am happy with you, and I too hope that we will grow closer, but this is all so new to me,” Amanda said. “Over night I have found myself married to a man I never met before, I travelled across the country alone to meet you, and now I find myself sharing this beautiful home with you. I’m sure that one day I will look back at all of this and have a good laugh, but today I am still nervous. I want to please you in everything that I do, but I am bound to flounder somewhere along the way.”

  “You have pleased me thus far, Amanda. Don’t think I don’t realize the changes you have gone through since the loss of your parents. But together we will make many good memories, and those memories will sustain us throughout our lives. I think that tonight is the time to show you the other side of marriage. The side where God provides personal pleasure and enjoyment that only a husband and wife can share. I need you to trust me. Please wait for me in the bedroom while I get a quick bath. I will join you in a few minutes.”

  Holding the towel tightly around her, Amanda walked hesitantly down the hall to the bedroom that apparently she was going to share with Ernest. Something inside her told her that something big was about to happen, and when it does she will never be the same again. Not knowing exactly what to pray for, Amanda bowed her head and asked for God’s guidance.

  The following morning it was difficult for Amanda to wake up. She and Ernest had not fallen asleep until the wee hours of the morning. But she had to get up, and Ernest had to go to work. She swung her feet off the side of the bed before reaching for her wrap. She tied a bow at her waist as she made her way down the hallway toward the bathroom. She walked up to the sink and turned on the cold water, hoping it would help revive her. After thoroughly washing her face she caught her reflection in the mirror. This morning was different from any other morning of her life. Yesterday a young girl stared back at her from the mirror, but this morning there was a full grown woman in the mirror.

  Amanda was in deep thought while she was preparing breakfast. So far marriage to Ernest was so much better than anything she had ever expected. He had been so gentle and understanding with her last night, calming her fears and showing her how God intended a marriage to be. Some might think it impossible to fall in love with a person in only two days, but Amanda knew that her heart was lost to Ernest. Love had never been mentioned as part of the marriage bargain, but her love for her husband was starting to blossom, just like the spring flowers that were sprouting outside beside the front steps.

  Ernest awoke to the smell of fresh baking biscuits and the woodsy smell of frying bacon. Amanda must have discovered the smokehouse and retrieved the bacon without him. He grabbed his pants and shirt to quickly get dressed before practically running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  “Well, somebody is industrious this morning,” Ernest said. “The smell of bacon interrupted my sweet dreams.”

  “I could have slept a little longer, but I figured that you needed to work today and I have plenty to do around here,” Amanda said. “If you don’t mind I might even pay a visit to the barn. I would like to meet some of these cattle that take so much of my husband’s time.”

  “You are welcome to visit the barn, but be careful around the cattle. They are not used to you and you might spook them. With time you will win them over, just like you did me,” Ernest said.

  Amanda smiled at his remark. Ernest had done as much of the winning over as she had. She never expected so much joy out of this marriage, but she was thankful that God in His infinite wisdom had brought the two of them together.

  Chapter 7

  The next few days went by quickly for Amanda. During the day she would cook and clean the house before heading out to the garden to collect the daily harvest. She had unpacked all of her belongings and found an appropriate place for them and she felt she was even starting to make some headway with the cows. Instead of standing back and eyeing her warily, some of them were starting to come up to the fence to allow her to pat them on the head.

  It was while she was patting one of the cows on the head that she spotted another one that looked as if it were in distress. She stood there for a few minutes just watching, trying to figure out what was going on when the cow suddenly laid down on the ground, rolled over, and stood up again, giving birth to a brand new calf. Amanda watched in amazement while the mother cow cleaned up the baby and kept nudging it, trying to get it to stand. Amanda thought something was wrong with the baby, but as she stood there the baby slowly found its feet and stood, although somewhat shaky.

  Amanda was still standing at the fence staring at the new calf when Ernest walked up behind her. She jumped when he spoke, not expecting him to be this close to the house.

  “Ernest, look. There is a new calf. I got to watch the mother give birth to it. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen,” Amanda exclaimed.

  “New life is always amazing,” Ernest said. “No matter how many times you witness it. That baby will depend on her mother for several weeks before it will finally be strong enough to live on its own. You will witness the miracle of birth many times here on the ranch, especially in the spring. It is the time when God renews life and provides hope for the future.”

  “What about us, Ernest,” Amanda asked. “Will we ever have children?”

  “Well, that is up to God. If He thinks we would make good parents, then He can certainly bless us with children. I will welcome the promise of new life in our home, but it does not come without risks. Some women have an easy birth and others have it difficult. My mother had a difficult birth with me so her and dad decided they would not have any more children. When the time comes we will have to depend on God to help us. Raising children is a huge responsibility and is not to be taken lightly. Just like that mother cow, the child is totally dependent on its parents for survival.”

  “I think that you would make a great father,” Amanda said. “You have been very patient and understanding with me.”

  “With you it is easy,” he said. “Now, as much as I would like to stay here and watch this new calf with you, I have to get back to work. I had just returned to the barn to get some more fencing. The guys are probably wondering what happened to me.”

  Amanda watched as Ernest hitched a horse to the wagon that was filled with new fence wire. She watched the new calf nurse for a few more minutes before she returned to the house. She hadn’t meant to broach the subject of kids just yet, but sometimes she still had trouble with what came out of her mouth. Ernest’s reaction was not what she had expected. She had expected him to want kids someday in the future, but he seemed open to the idea now. This was something she was going to have to pray strongly about. Giving birth was scary, and she had no idea what kind of mother she would make.

p; Amanda spent the rest of the afternoon working in the garden. She could easily understand why this place was chosen as a garden spot. It was richly abundant with all types of vegetables and plants. Many of the plants did not belong in the garden. She spent as much time pulling weeds as she did picking the vegetables.

  Just as she was about to head to the house, Amanda heard a commotion in the distance. She looked up to find the horse and wagon coming in the direction of the house at break-neck speed. Something must be wrong for Ernest to work the horse so hard. But when the dust cleared she saw that is was not Ernest who was driving the wagon. She watched in fear as the driver pulled the wagon up to the front of the house, all of the time yelling for her to come help.

  Amanda took off running to the wagon to find out what was wrong. She recognized the man as Paul, one of the ranch hands that helped mostly around the barn. He jumped down and told her that Ernest had been hurt. She looked in the back of the wagon to find Ernest unconscious with a deathly pale look on his face.

  “What happened,” Amanda asked.

  “We were working to repair some of the fence the cattle had torn down when something spooked the horse. Ernest started running toward the animal to calm it, but the horse reared up on its hind legs and when it came down it struck Ernest on the side of the head. I haven’t been able to wake him since,” Paul said.

  “Here, we must get him inside. Do you think you can help me get him up to the bedroom on the second floor,” Amanda asked?

  “Yes mam, I sure can,” Paul said. “If you can grab his feet I think I can manage the rest of him. I’ll walk backwards so that you will have it the easiest. Just keep an eye out for me and guide me in the right direction.”

  Together the two of them managed to get Ernest to the bedroom and stretched out on the bed. Amanda eyed the knot on the side of his head worriedly, fearing the worst and praying for the best. She ran to the bathroom and filled a bowl with cool water to wash some of the grime away from the wound.


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