Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri

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Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri Page 4

by Camille Anthony

  Daiq looked up into the wide, fathomless eyes of a tall alien. Two slender antennae grew out of a short dense patch of what looked more like fur than hair. His big naked body was covered with a slashing pattern of wide sable brown markings the color of his eyes. His facial features were very close to human norm. Wide high forehead, long patrician nose, broad cheekbones and a full, lush mouth set above a firm chin all came together to form an exotically handsome visage. The features looked vaguely Egyptian.

  The rest of his body matched his face for beauty. Strong, tall and muscular, the alien’s physique was just about perfect. She couldn’t help noting how long and thick the dark brown, vein-roped cock was, not with it jutting up from between his thighs like a huge blunt weapon. Or a battering ram. She very much feared her pussy was the door he planned on battering.

  “Who the hell are you? What the hell are you?”

  The questions came out of nowhere. She didn’t expect him to answer. Daiq didn’t think they could. The Scarth had never communicated with the prisoners in all the years she’d been captive. She was shocked when he opened his mouth and spoke.

  “I am Lorrkar, War Leader of the White Mountain Scarth… and your master.”

  “The hell you say!” Daiq snarled, tugging on the restraints to make enough slack to get up in his face. She was jerked back for her efforts, falling in a sprawl of tangled limbs. “You’ll never be my master, bub. Not while you’re living… not even when I’m dead!”

  He went on, as if she hadn’t spoken. “You are a gift from my queens -- a sand-slave to pleasure and entertain me.” He looked pensive. “I did not think to find myself pleasantly pleased with you, yet once again, my Mother shows her infinite wisdom. She knows me better than I know myself.”

  His hand traced the line of her eyebrows, trailed down the slope of her nose. His lips turned up in a slight smile when she snapped her teeth at his hand and he left off exploring her face. His hands dropped down, landed on her breasts. He palmed the pert curves, plucked at her nipples, alien eyes intent and focused on the tips that swelled up and hardened under his slow, firm touch.

  Daiq lay quiescent, frozen with shock at her willingness to be handled by this alien. She couldn’t believe the intense emotions and reactions flooding through her. It had been so long -- years before her captivity -- since she’d felt desire, she almost didn’t recognize it, yet the signs were unmistakable.

  Her mouth went dry. Her breasts felt swollen and achy, nipples full and tight. Her pussy pulsed and filled with liquid that spilled in a creamy rush between her thighs. Her skin felt flushed with heat, hotter than the sands beneath her.

  Breath racing through her open mouth, Daiq fought the feelings. She was the cold one, the ultimate soldier. She was nothing like her sisters Tequila and Martini, who sought out consorts for pleasure and recreation. Proper Amazons knew consorts were for progeny. Normally, she had no time for such foolishness, but she couldn’t deny her body was crying out to be filled.

  She wanted his hands trailing across her body, craved the touch of his mouth on her nipples and all her other hot, swollen spots throbbing in loneliness. Just the sight of his long, meaty cock had her vagina clenching in wet need. When a thick finger slid in, testing her for size and readiness, her hips snapped up and engulfed the rooting digit, milking it frantically.

  Her breathing hitched at the fullness stretching her sheath. Her thought processes stalled contemplating how much better it would feel being stuffed with the weighty organ bobbing between his legs. Matrix of life, but that thing would fill her past her navel!

  Resistance be damned, she needed that cock inside her. Right now!

  “Why am I tied? You think I’ll escape?”

  He laughed. “You cannot escape. The door is voice activated.”

  “Then release my hands.”

  He canted his head to study her.

  “What? You think I’ll hurt you?”

  He stirred his finger in her moisture, pressed up against the sensitive pad of her upper vagina. A gush of fluid bathed his hand. He didn’t laugh. She’d have killed him if he had. He didn’t even smile when he met her gaze this time.

  “I don’t think you’re interested in hurting me. Not at the moment, anyway.” He bent down and took a nipple in his mouth, drawing strongly on the tip. His cheeks hollowed with the suction as he pulled against the flesh, his lips covering more than half her mound.

  “Ugh!” Her breathing went awry. She bit her lip to stop another needy cry escaping. Regardless, she almost screamed when he inserted the second finger in her tight sheath and pumped in and out, gliding in the lubricating slickness of her cream.

  He released her breast with a wet, audible pop, leaving her nipple pebbled and pleasantly sore. His breathing sounded harsh to her ears, an indication he was as affected by their sexual interactions as she.

  “How interesting… Sucking your short petal has made my root harder!”

  “Isn’t that part of the arousal process for you?”

  He shook his head. “I do not even know why I did it, except you lifted your torso when I fingered you between your long petals.”

  “What are you calling,” she had to pause to catch her breath, “my long petals?”

  He pulled his fingers out and fluttered her labia. “These are the long petals that guard your stamen.” One fingertip thrummed her clit.

  “Goddess above,” she gasped. Why did this alien have the power to move her when no male before had ever done so? Until today, her title of Frozen Daiquiri had been accurate. Now, she was melting, rendered down to a puddle of liquid desire.

  Her hips lifted into his touch, wordlessly begging for more. Her legs fell open in blatant invitation and she shuddered, her entire body quaking when he accepted her offer and settled between her thighs.

  “Wait! Release me, first. I won’t fuck you trussed up like a Sabine captive for Roman rapine.”

  He canted his head, large eyes going over her features. “You will fuck me any way I wish. You are my sand-slave. I am your master.”

  She hissed in growing annoyance. “Enough with the Master/slave shit. I’m not your slave. You’re not my master.” Daiq narrowed her eyes at him, hoping the gesture was universal. “Let my arms go or I’ll rescind my offer. Trust me,” she said, when he still hesitated, “you’ll find a lot more pleasure from a willing ride than a bucking bronco!”

  “Than a what?”

  “Never mind, just get my hands loose.”

  She had begun to think he wouldn’t risk freeing her, when he finally reached up and undid the ties holding her to the pillars. With a thankful sigh, Daiq rubbed the circulation back into her lower arms and fingers, grateful to feel the tingling that said no permanent nerve damage had been done. She glanced up at him. “Thank you. What did you say your name was?”


  She nodded. “Thank you, Lorrkar. I’m…” She paused. She didn’t want to bring their differences into bed with them. Mentioning her military rank as she had been about to do would have gone a long way toward dampening the mood. “Call me Daiq.”

  “Dack,” he repeated. “Now we fuck.” He rolled to his side and tried to pull her down with him.

  “Hold up, big boy!” She placed a restraining hand in the middle of his chest. The injured look that crossed his face as he finished rolling to his back made her bite off a chuckle.

  “We’ll get to the good stuff, but I’m going to be driving this convoy. We’ll move at my speed. Don’t worry,” she added at his crestfallen expression. “I’m feeling supersonic about now, but I promise to give you a chance to catch up.”

  Feeling more in control, Daiquiri held out her hands and, when he took them, pulled Lorrkar into a sitting position. With a teasing smile, she straddled his hips and settled onto his lap, mashing his cock between their bellies.

  She flexed her thighs and rose up and down, slowly sliding her vagina along his standing cock. “Hmm,” she moaned, letting her head fall back. “Tha
t feels so good! Thick and hot and meaty against my clit… just the way I like it. I can’t wait to feel this big guy filling up my pussy.”

  Lorrkar groaned. His hands came up, smoothed over her back, fingers reaching around to tweak both nipples. He pressed her breasts against his chest bone, twisting side-to-side so his coarse body covering brushed her swollen, engorged nipples. His arms trembled as he swept his hands up and down her spine. “Stop teasing and put me inside you.”

  Daiq lowered her right hand and clasped her fingers around the thick barrel. Aiming the blunt head toward her pussy, she lifted up enough to position his cock at her entry. A cry lodged in her throat as she came down on the broad glans, as her intimate flesh parted and gave way around the thick bar of his sex.

  They both moaned.

  “By the Hive Mothers, you were made to take my root! You’re so hot and tight around me.” Lorrkar’s hands slid down to grip both Daiq’s buttocks, fingers digging into the resilient flesh. Using his grip as a handhold, he worked her on his staff, lifting and lowering her as his hips churned to impale her on his dripping stalk.

  Unable to do anything else but hold on, Daiq looped her arms about Lorrkar’s neck and raised her mouth up for a kiss. When he didn’t respond, she panted, “Kiss me! Give me your tongue.”

  His hips stilled. He stared down at her in dismay. She couldn’t understand how easily she read his expressions. “What would you do with my tongue?”

  Surprise made her pause.

  They sat motionless, joined intimately, yet miles apart in thinking and traditions. She could feel the strain in her muscles as they fought to expand around his inhumanly thick erection. His heart beat in her vagina, a steady pulse that drew cream down from her in slick washes of arousal.

  “Your people don’t kiss?”

  “What is this thing you call a kiss?” He looked perplexed and then intrigued. “Show me!”

  “With pleasure!” Heated liquid pooled low in Daiq’s belly. The thought of teaching this warrior to kiss had her awash and squirming. She ran her hands through the short strands of his hair, ending at the nape of his neck. Interlocking her fingers, she drew his head down to hers. “Open your mouth a little… yes, just like that…”

  Placing her mouth over his, she sent her tongue darting over his lips, bathing the top with quick little wet forays that garnered the distinct taste that was uniquely his own.

  A moan escaped her as she deepened the contact, pushing past his lips to tangle with his untutored tongue. The roof of his mouth tasted dark and mysterious, and she went back for another helping, widening her mouth to take in more of his flavor.

  He caught on fast, tilting his head to a more favorable angle and attacking her mouth with his. They ate at each other, mouths ravenous, tongues diving and dipping, throats working as they took turns exploring each other’s darkest recesses.

  One of his hands slid to the base of her spine and jerked her into his body, jolting her atop his cock. A quick, sharp pang high in her sheath made her wriggle uncomfortably. A tingle raced from the spot, straight to the tips of her breasts.

  His hips retreated, advanced, and the sting came again, a little stronger this time… the pain lingering a little longer.

  “Ohhh… owww!” She shifted gingerly, trying to ease her pelvis away from the source of discomfort. “Something’s poking me!”

  Lorrkar lifted his mouth from hers. “I am poking you.”

  “No, I mean, something sharp is jabbing my pussy. Ow! There it is again!”

  A purely male expression of smug superiority suffused his face. “It is my stinger. I am pumping honey into your system. Soon, you will know pleasure fit for a queen!”

  “What the fuck? Hey!”

  Daiq let out a startled yelp when Lorrkar, a supporting hand across her shoulders and the other resting at the top of her buttocks, flung her to the sands. Before her back met the heat, he had grabbed her legs and lifted them high. Pulling almost out of her, he gathered his hips and thrust into her, the strength of the movement sending his cock shuttling up her sheath with lethal power.

  In rapid succession, he fucked her pussy, ramming his cock in and out, in and out of her… over and over. Each time, the sting came fast and sharp, radiating hot sensations throughout the sensitive tissues of her sex.

  Fire raced along her nerve endings, sizzling in her blood, heating her body to a red-hot fever of wanting.

  Lorrkar suddenly pulled completely out of her and sat back on his heels. “Look!” His voice rang with pride and something else… something she couldn’t read.

  Eyes widening in shock and disbelief, Daiq stared at Lorrkar’s cock. It was just as long and perfectly formed as before, but now, protruding from the rounded head, was a deadly-looking stinger almost four inches long. Cone-shaped, the slender appendage came to a sharp hollow point. It pulsed, actually moving inward and outward with the cadence of his breathing. From the very tip, a viscous, amber colored fluid flowed sluggishly. Daiq couldn’t believe she’d had that thing inside her.

  “What the hell is that?”

  Lorrkar preened. “It is my stinger. See how long it is! Note the dark color of my honey,” he pointed out, pompously. “That dark color means my honey is very potent.”

  Daiq wasn’t impressed. “You were jabbing me with that thing. It hurt!”

  Lorrkar smirked. “In a moment, you’ll be begging for me to sting you again, until you’ve taken all my honey.”

  “Humph!” Daiq snorted. “Not living likely!”

  Lorrkar nodded. “Oh, yes. Scarth honey is a strong aphrodisiac. Once a female is stung, she becomes addicted. You will beg.”

  Even as Daiq was muttering, “The hell I will,” her womb was convulsing. “What the shit?”

  Her insides began to burn, all the soft, intimate tissues going up in flames. Damn it, Lorrkar must be right. The biological mickey he’d slipped her was working. Suddenly, her pussy shuddered and clenched, hungrily clamping down on emptiness. She needed him, craved his cock and his stinger back inside her, pumping her full of that mysterious fluid he called his honey.

  Daiq squeezed her thighs together and bit down on her tongue. She was an Amazon, but more than that, she was Thalassic Harmon’s daughter. Damned if she was going to beg some male for his cock!

  Spreading her hands wide over her belly, she pushed in, applying pressure in the hope the maneuver would alleviate the pain already building to a level she’d never before encountered.

  She groaned and curled into a fetal ball, lost to all but the urge to scream out her need.

  Gentle hands turned her, straightened her cramped limbs. Lips brushed her face, sipped her tears and pressed against her slack mouth. She opened blurry eyes to see Lorrkar leaning over her, his expression one of worshipful intentness.

  “Truly, you must be a queen among the Hoomuns. You do not ever need to beg for what I willingly have to give.”

  With infinite care, he lifted and spread her legs, laying them over his shoulders as he eased his stinger-topped cock into her cringing vagina.

  To her surprise and relief, this time, the stings were welcome, the pain minuscule in contrast to the bright, hot blasts of intense pleasure.

  Daiq moaned in rising arousal as Lorrkar rocked on his knees, firm hips flexing, cock going deep and hard into her, stabbing her womb with his electrifying stinger. The tips of her fingers tingled, her toes curled, calves locking in muscle spasms so intense it was painful. Her pussy clenched and fluttered about his thick pumping organ.

  Finally the stinging ceased, leaving only the long, hard cock of her lover pounding her pussy, digging deep and sinking into her wet, heated depths over and over.

  Her fingers curling into claws at his back, Daiq gripped him with her arms and legs, holding on for dear life as he thrust and thrust, forcing his oversized cock up in her, penetrating the deepest fissure of her slick folds. “Yes, Lorr, give it to me! Fuck me, hard!”

  Instead of responding with harder and faster thr
usts, Lorrkar froze at her words. Crying out in despair, he began to withdraw from her sopping pussy.

  “Wait! Where the hell are you going?”

  Lorrkar braced his weight on his forearms and gazed sadly down at Daiquiri. “The queens want me to dominate you. I won’t do their bidding in this.”

  “You aren’t the one in the position of power, bud. I am. We don’t stop fucking until I say so, and I’m not finished!”

  Catching him off-guard, Daiq heaved Lorrkar over on his back and rode him down. Straddling his waist, she concentrated her will and her strength and bore down on his cock with her vaginal muscles. Holding his best friend in an inescapable stranglehold, she proceeded to ride him, milking his cock with strong, rhythmic contractions that soon had him howling and bucking under her.

  “That’s right,” she crooned, watching him fall apart beneath her, “feel how tight I am around you, how hard your cock is inside me!”

  Lorrkar tried to disengage, but Daiq wasn’t having that. She tightened her grip until he yelped in pain. “You can’t get free. An Amazon learns from an early age how to hold onto the cock they want.”

  “Please… I’m losing control!”

  “That’s what I want, Lorrkar. I demand your control, your loyalty and your thick delicious cock spewing inside me. I’m determined to have it all!”

  Lorrkar gave a loud cry, his hips rising off the couch. Hands fisted at her hips, he held her down as he surged up into her, no longer trying to escape her hold. Eyes glazed over with lust, he stared into Daiq’s implacable gaze as he slammed his pelvis up, sending his cock to her depths time after time.

  “I can’t hold out any longer!” His voice was hoarse and desperate.

  As driven as he, Daiq urged him on, clinging to him like a limpet as she rode out the storm of their tumultuous lovemaking.

  “How about we both let go and fall together?”

  Lorrkar threw back his head and keened. At the height of his cry, his body shuddered and something shiny and black snapped out from beneath his shoulder blades and formed a cage about them both.


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