Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri

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Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri Page 5

by Camille Anthony

  One moment, Daiq was riding her wild bronco; the next, they were cocooned in some strange, metallic shield that closed low over Daiq’s head, forcing her to bend close to Lorrkar’s chest.

  Chapter Eleven


  Somehow, someway, she was going to figure out a way to keep him.

  As Lorrkar’s semen pumped out of his cock in strong waves of life, flooding her unprotected sex, Daiq lay pondering the vast differences between her and her new consort. They would have many obstacles to face in order to be together, but she had no doubt she’d found the one male she didn’t want to live without.

  Quick? Hell, yes, her decision was quick. She was a soldier, a warrior. Her life was measured in battlefields, where snap decisions determined whether people lived or died. She made life or death decisions every day. Making one concerning her love life seemed simple in contrast.

  “Tell me, Lorrkar… who is the master, and who the slave?”

  “I cannot master my own response. How could I begin to master you?”

  “You’re hedging.” She reached up and felt his face, seeking an expression she could understand. “It’s dark in here. I can’t see your face.”

  His arms came about her. “Once I relax, my carapace will retract. Until then, it is good the light is dim. I don’t think I could tell you these things in broad daylight.”

  Daiq frowned. She looped her hands over his shoulders and rested her head on his chest, content to wait for his carapace, whatever that was, to open.

  “They gave you to me for an underhanded reason, not for honor. They think I don’t know they wish to use you against your own people in this insane war.”

  Daiq’s breathing halted. “You think the war insane?”

  He harrumphed. “What would you call it? I suggested years ago we try a peaceful approach, ask for help rather than force ourselves upon the Earth. We have learned nothing from the calamity that happened to our people eons ago. The queens are too stubborn to listen to any reasoning but their own.”

  “Our people are at war, no matter how insane you think it. If we want to be together…” Her words trailed off, unsure if Lorrkar wanted the same things she did. Perhaps she’d let the phenomenal fucking go to her head. Maybe he hadn’t been as impressed with her sexual performance as she had been with his…

  “We are together! For whatever reason, the queens gifted me with you and I’ll let nothing and no one come between us.”

  “I’m almost shocked to find I agree with you, but I feel the same way.”

  “Why shocked?” he asked, running his hand through her cropped locks. “Don’t your people experience instant attraction and fast joinings?”

  “Not this instant.” She shook her head. “Don’t you realize how different we are?”

  “Not so different,” he argued. “In fact, in the important ways, we are very much alike.”

  She propped her elbows on his chest. Her head thumped against his still extended shell. “Great Matrix, I’m lying here, sloppy from having just had sex with a creature that has antennae and looks like a damned big insect. I’m trapped inside his shell with him, which is part of his body and won’t release us until he can relax enough to control his reflexes. I have to ask…” she laughed a little, “how could you possibly believe we are at all alike?”

  Lorrkar sighed heavily. “First and foremost, we are both warriors, trained and disciplined to fight, who have learned that the best way to win at war is never to engage the enemy in battle. All our lives, we’ve put our emotional needs on hold in order to serve the greater good.” His lips brushed the top of her head. “And we both hold positions that demand of us things we would rather not give.”

  Daiq lay quietly, absorbing the truths Lorrkar had brought to her attention. What he said was true. They had both been molded by strong mothers. Her mother’s expectations of her had shaped her early years. Though she’d grown up and moved away, Thalassic still overshadowed Daiq’s choices and decisions -- in a good way, she realized. Her mother was a wonderful woman, honorable and totally loyal to the peoples of Earth. She couldn’t have had a more worthy example to follow… but she needed to be her own person, not a carbon copy of the woman the world called their military savior. Yet for all the problems she’d had with her mother, Daiq had never doubted Thalassic’s love for her children.

  Poor Lorrkar had a Hive Queen for a mother -- an ambitious female willing to condemn her progeny to a war that would decimate large numbers of them with little to no practical return, because Earth would never surrender to alien invaders. The Scarth would fight and die for years before gaining a foothold that would never be secure.

  Light and heat poured over Daiq as Lorrkar’s carapace finally retracted. She smiled as comprehension and enlightenment -- and a possible solution to their dilemma -- came to her at that same moment. Everything became clear…

  If Lorrkar could bring himself to trust her, to lay everything on the line and go against the direct orders of his Hive, the two of them just might be able to avert the disaster looming ahead for both their peoples. With mutual trust and togetherness, they just might end this war.

  Trembling with rising excitement, Daiq sat up and gazed down on the male her heart had chosen. She and Lorrkar had come together through strange paths. Ahead of them loomed even stranger roads to travel. The knowledge was daunting, but Daiq could not deny this alien had become dear to her. With his honest heart and honorable standards, he had melted the ice in her heart, heated the frozen wasteland of her soul. Matrix knew that stinger of his had caused a nuclear fallout in her still sensitive pussy. For the first time in years, General Daiquiri Harmon was warm both physically and emotionally.

  She leaned over and kissed Lorrkar, who responded with an impassioned entwining of tongues and lips. Who would have guessed he’d never kissed before two hours ago?

  After an eternity of loving, Daiq dragged her attention back to solving their problem. “I think I have a plan… one that will allow us to be together.” Her voice faltered. “If that’s what you really want…”

  Lorrkar sat up and pressed his lips to each of her breasts, saluting her passion-stung nipples with sharp teeth before looking earnestly into her eyes. “If you remain in doubt, I will gladly try convincing you again.”

  She laughed. Actually threw back her head and chortled with gladness. Heart giddy, feeling lightheaded, Daiq marveled at the changes this male had already brought to her life. It had been years since she’d laughed out loud. Not since moving out of her mother’s compound. She wondered at what else life with Lorrkar had in store for her.

  “No need, Lorr, you’ve convinced me. You say your queens are determined to launch the armada. I know my planet will never allow your ships to get that close to Earth without reprisal. We can’t really impact those set parameters, but there is a way to minimize their control. I think we -- the two of us -- can end this war. It’ll require much from both of us, but if we trust and support each other, I honestly believe we can pull it off.”

  Lorrkar’s antennae came erect. His large brown eyes sparkled with interest and hope. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

  “We need to convince the queens that I am pregnant. Is there a way that can be done by trickery?”

  Lorrkar tilted his head. “You might be. My honey is potent.”

  “Yes, it is, but trust me… it’s too soon to tell in a Human female.”

  He looked disappointed. “I do not know anything about this, but I have a friend who drones in the labs. His name is Breen. We will go see him.”

  He bounded off the bed and stretched his hands toward her, offering her a hand up. Daiquiri took his hands but pulled him back when he would have turned to go out the door.

  “Wait! Be sure, Lorrkar. What we are planning will be seen as treason by your people. Once you step onto this road, there will be no turning back.”

  His pupil-less eyes gazed at her in blatant trust. “Do you plan to harm my people?”

>   Daiq shook her head. “No.”

  “Do you truly like me? Will you keep me when we come to your home, to Earth?”

  Her expression became fierce. Protective feelings swelled within her, fear of losing him causing her pulse to race. “I will keep you by me for all time. Matrix help any who try to separate us!”

  Lorrkar bent to her and pressed his lips against her parted mouth. His tongue swept in and licked in a quick foray. Breathing heavily, he drew back and showed her his root, standing tall and thick, his dripping stinger emerged. “Before you, I had never seen my stinger. You make me more than I am. I wonder how much more I can become with you.”

  She closed her eyes to savor the sweetness of his words. “I, too, am different than I was. Being with you is a good thing.”

  His hands smoothed over Daiq’s shoulders and breasts, thumbed her nipples in passing on their way to her bushy mound. He gently parted her long petals, her labia, and slid his fingers through her slick heat before leading her back to his sands. “We will go to Breen, but first, I will have you again. I will take you over and over until this fake pregnancy is real. Together, we will make a new Hive, one in which both our people can flourish.”

  As Lorrkar lowered her onto the hot sands, Daiquiri Harmon -- Amazon and General and only lately a woman -- opened her arms and thighs to her alien consort. She knew her people would consider her a turncoat and traitor. She would be lucky if they didn’t kill her outright, before giving her a chance to speak. Daiq could only hope her mother retained enough power to grant her an audience before ordering a court-martial.

  Mentally resigned to her fate once she reached Earth, she decided to enjoy the moment and not dwell on the future. Anxious to feel his thick sex tunneling up her tight channel, she lifted her hips in a plea for his possession. “Fuck me, Lorrkar. Fuck me and make me forget…”

  The End

  at least of this story…

  Some Like It Hot!

  General Thalassic Harmon is considered by most to be the ultimate warrior, the post-Martian savior of the Earth, but in order to serve her planet, Thalassic has sacrificed much. Few know the tears she’s shed over her daughters, wishing for a closer relationship, wishing she could be the soft mother most girls crave. One man knows. Darvic Gunderssen -- Martini Harmon’s father -- knows Thalassic better than she knows herself… knows the woman behind the icon. He alone knows the lust to submit that burns inside Thalassic and he’ll do whatever it takes to fan those flames until they are both consumed. He’ll master her and tame her again and again. Because when it comes to passion and control, Thalassic is about to be reminded that… Some Like It Hot!

  Camille Anthony

  A California native, Camille Anthony now lives in the beautifully wild Low Country of South Carolina. A fertile imagination and a love of both Romance and Science Fiction fuel her writing. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find that one special someone. Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot! She loves to hear from her readers. You can e-mail her at [email protected] or visit her website at www.camilleanthony.com. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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