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Paris, The Ambassador and Me

Page 17

by Mia Villano

“Where would you like to stay?”

  “I don’t care. I want some time alone with you to talk before I leave.”

  “Don’t tell me you changed your mind about marrying me?” He looked serious.

  “No! This ring is too beautiful. You aren’t getting this back.” I laughed. My ring was incredible. Four carat, square-cut diamond surrounded by a band encrusted with diamond chips, he knew exactly what I wanted.

  “What do you want to talk about?”

  “We can talk later. Let’s get in there before our wedding is planned out by both of our moms and we don’t have a say in it.”

  “Isabella, I would marry you today right here in our street clothes. I don’t care. I want you to be my wife.”

  “I’m doing this once and I want it to be what we want not everyone else.”

  “Isabella, something else is bothering you, I know.” Was I that transparent? My brow furrowed and I looked down at the floor. His hand came up and his knuckles brushed my cheek. The pull of his touch on me directed my thoughts to other things.

  “I want to talk to you. I want us to discuss a few things after you fuck me, of course.” I wanted to lighten the mood.

  He exhaled “I don’t like this. You’re upset with me for something.” He watched my face.

  “Stop it, it’s nothing. I love talking to you when I’m in your arms. Now, let’s get back out there before my mom has me marrying you at the restaurant.”

  “What’s wrong with that? Your sister is doing it.” He smiled at me and his hand closed on my shoulder. His eyes still searched my face for some kind of clue as to what I wanted to talk about.

  I didn’t say anything else. We walked back outside and like I thought, Anais and my mom were talking about the food that would be served.

  “Maybe we should elope to Vegas.” I jumped into their conversation. Fabrice stepped away and sat with the guys.

  After the sun set in the beautiful French sky, my family decided to go back to their motel in Paris and have dinner. Fabrice’s parents were going to go along and have dinner with them and stay in the city. That left the house alone to Fabrice and I. Sophia and Ben wanted to be alone and take in the sights while they could .We parted ways with the promise of flying back in two days on Fabrice’s private jet. When their car pulled away, the silence enveloped me in that huge house.

  I heard him clanking around in the kitchen. Walking in, I couldn’t help but smile at him. His head was in the refrigerator with his gorgeous ass sticking out. I tiptoed up behind him and grabbed his ass making him jump.

  “I couldn’t resist. Has anyone ever told you how perfect your ass is?” He turned round with cheese and a bottle of wine in his hand. He placed it on the counter next to him. I reached out and took his hand in mine.

  “You are amazing.” I said to him. What I wanted was to take him upstairs and then have a conversation with him.

  “Today was the best day of my life. Thank you for this beautiful ring.” He released my hand and pulled me close to him.

  “I’m taking you on an evening picnic. We can talk.” He whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I have a special place I would go to when I was a boy. It has the best view and it’s secluded. I would sit there for hours and read.”

  “Sounds wonderful, should I change?”

  “You’re wearing a dress which is perfect. Make sure to leave the panties here. You won’t be needing them.” His words turn my insides to mush. He smiled seeing me respond.

  I reached under my dress and took off my thong in his parent’s kitchen, I handed it to him and he put it up to his face, closed his eyes and breathed it in. My throat constricted and my heart started beating harder. I was breathless when his lips hovered over mine, teasing me.

  I couldn’t think of anything else but his mouth and how much pleasure it gave me.

  “Should we talk first or make love?” he whispered.

  “Uh, that’s a tough one. I say sex first.”

  “I say talk first. You have me worried about what we will be talking about.”

  He grabbed a picnic basket and put the food inside along with the wine and two glasses, a wine opener, napkins and various candles.

  Chapter 26

  The drive outside his small town was relaxing. Once we hit the countryside, the smell of grapes was in the air. I noticed the grape vineyards starting to line up on each side of the dirt country road. It wasn’t a long drive. We were in the car for about twenty minutes but it looked as if we were drove for hours. The view was like something out of a movie. Green everywhere and rows and rows of grapevines. Fabrice pulled into a very secluded area and under a huge tree..

  “Let’s talk first and have a glass of wine.”

  “Sounds perfect, this place is beautiful. Who owns it?” I was in awe at the endless rows of grape vineyards that went on for what looked like miles.

  “Well, I do. This is mine and soon to be yours.”

  We sat in the car with the engine off. The birds chirped overhead. His grape vineyard?

  “You own this?” I looked perplexed.

  “Yes, remember our first date when you told me you preferred vodka over wine?”

  “I do. You agreed with me.” That was the first night I was with him and couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t take off his clothes.

  “Well, the reason I prefer other things over wine is that I own this vineyard and a winery and a wine distillery. I have been in this business since I bought this when I was in college.”

  “You bought this in college?”

  “With the help of my father, of course, which I have paid him back with interest. I would come out here with my parents when I was a young boy. I fell in love with it and vowed I would buy it when I had the money. The place was a rundown mess when I purchased it and bought it for a steal, you would say. I worked my butt off to make it like this. It wasn’t easy and I did it while I was in the military with the help of a close associate.”

  “Wow, there’s so much I don’t know about you.”

  “That’s not true. I bring things out in stages. I don’t want you to run. If something happens to me after we are married, you will be a wealthy woman.”

  “That’s not important to me, Fabrice. Come on, I want you over anything money can buy, except this ring. I can’t get over how gorgeous this ring is.”

  “I bought that for you when I was in New York. That night you asked me if I ate alone and I ate at Lupa. I bought this and was looking at it while I was on the phone with you.”

  “Well, you knew exactly what I would like.”

  “Let’s get out of the car and go sit under the tree. We can talk.” I unbuckled the seat belt of his Bugatti and walked with him over to the enormous tree. Fabrice had brought blankets and pillows, candles, and the basket of food, and a cooler for the wine. He walked down a hill and picked a bunch of dark purple grapes. The sky was becoming increasingly darker as night fall was approaching.

  The blanket was spread out under us and Fabrice threw the pillows down and lit about ten candles around us. To say it was romantic was an understatement.

  He handed me a glass of wine and I took it happily. He leaned up against the trunk of the tree with me in front of him and he covered me with a warm blanket. The cheese tray sat beside us and I picked up a piece of cheese and a cracker and turned around and fed him. I popped the cheese in his mouth and put one in mine. It was delicious.

  “Let’s talk, beautiful. What is bothering you?”

  “Nothing is bothering me, really. I had a talk with your mom today and she said I was good for you because of Celeste. Then she mentioned your brother, who you never talk about, and she said he was trying to get back into your life. Were you going to tell me about that?”

  He sighed behind me. That told me he hadn’t intended to talk to me about it.

  “My mother is under the impression I tell you everything. Like I said to you about the winery, I int
end on telling you about me but not at once. Do you understand?”

  “No, not really, if we are going to be married and I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, I need to know about all of you. You know about me. Though, I don’t have that much to tell.”

  “You want to hear about my brother?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He took another sip of wine and started to talk.

  “My older brother, Romain, named after my dad, has always been a bad boy, you would say. He is six years older than I am and when he was a teenager, he was very bad. He drank, smoked and never came home. He was seventeen and I was eleven when I remember how bad he was. He took my dad’s car, got drunk and then wrecked it. My dad didn’t know what to do but gave him two options, he could join the military or he could go to rehab. He chose the military and excelled beyond everyone’s expectations. We were so proud of him. He went into the Special Ops. He was a brilliant leader and was making quite the impression on everyone. That is why I wanted to join because he was my hero, more or less.”

  “What changed? What happened?”

  There was a long pause and I took another piece of cheese.

  “Well, he was doing fine, stationed in Paris working at the military base and he met a woman. He was always meeting women and screwing prostitutes. It was disgusting. I knew it at a very young age when my parents were yelling about antibiotics and sluts. That didn’t change. He went to a strip club and met this woman. Her name escapes me, Vivian, I think. It doesn’t matter. She was bad news. She had him taking drugs again, this time hard drugs, heroine. I walked in on him one day in his apartment in Paris. I was eighteen and found him unconscious on the bathroom floor with a needle sticking out of his arm. I didn’t know what to do. I called for an ambulance and they came. The woman had overdosed and was dead, my brother was barely hanging on. At the hospital he was told he had to go to rehab. They sent him away and I went on with my life.”

  “How long was he in rehab?”

  “For the longest time we could keep him in there. Almost a year, he came out again with the promise of not doing that again. He was discharged from the military and my dad helped him find a job. He was doing great. I was hurt in the raid when we were rescuing the hostages and I was in the hospital with the burns on my chest. He and I were beginning to become closer then, and he would spend a lot of time at the hospital sitting with me. That didn’t last, and when I got out he began to use drugs again.”

  “Christ, Fabrice. Your poor parents. Where is he now?”

  “He went back to rehab and once again he was a changed man, or so he had everyone fooled. I wasn’t fooled. That’s when I bought my place and married Celeste. She wasn’t too into the winery like I thought she would be. I had hoped she would quit her law practice and work with me here full time. My parents begged me to take my brother and let him live here and take care of the winery. I reluctantly did because this is the time Celeste was getting sick. I was preoccupied with her. This is exhausting, Isabella. I haven’t talked this much in years.”

  “We aren’t close to being done yet.”

  I grabbed the wine bottle and poured him some more. It seemed to be loosening him up to talk to me more. His body was easing against mine and I relaxed more into him.

  “Let’s lay down. This tree is digging into my back.”

  He sprawled out on the blanket and I snuggled up next to him with my head on his chest. My favorite spot.

  “Where was I?” His hand played with my hair twisting it in his finger.

  “You said you were preoccupied with Celeste and your brother was at the winery working.”

  “Ah, yes. He came to work with me. I had him working out in the fields with the engineers and the wine makers. He was learning the business and loving it. I loved having him there and my parents and I felt this was what he needed. He found a true passion, we thought. I decided after a year to let him take over ordering and paying the workers. Big mistake, as you could guess.”

  “He stole from you?” I asked.

  “He robbed me blind and almost bankrupted me. He was embezzling money from me for two years and I was too busy trying to take care of Celeste that I didn’t realize what he was doing. I was done with him forever. He ran away when I tried to confront him and we haven’t seen him for five years.”

  “What does he want now?” I asked.

  “He wants money I’m sure. He comes around when he wants money. My parents want to make amends and I have no desire to. He almost ruined my life. Thank God, I was able to salvage this place by the skin of my teeth. It wasn’t easy and to this day, I don’t know how I did it. This place is very important to me. I want to pass it down to my children someday.” He squeezed me tight. Children? That hasn’t even crossed my mind and that was a subject for another conversation.

  “Are you going to make amends with him?”

  “I don’t know. Before I met you, the answer was no. My heart was broken by him. What he did to me, I couldn’t forgive. Then I met you, watched you with your family and I started rethinking the situation.”


  “Your family is very important to you, Isabella. That’s why I wanted them a part of today some way. You opened my eyes to what family means. I softened, I guess you could say. You brought out some good qualities in me.”

  “Fabrice, that’s so sweet.” I kissed him and he smiled.

  “He called my parents and they started talking to him again. He wants to see me and apologize. I don’t know if I’m ready yet. It will take more thinking.”

  “Well, I can’t make up your mind for you, Fabrice. I know that family is everything to me. I would forgive them over and over if that’s what it takes. Yes, what he did was horrible, but you also have to know he is a drug user. Their heads work differently than ours. I wouldn’t trust him like that again, but I would forgive him and try to be close. Who knows maybe this time he’s genuine.”

  “I don’t think so, but I’m willing to try. Because of you, my sweet Isabella. Now, can we get down to more serious matters, like eating your pussy here outside in my vineyard? I have wanted to do that since we met.”

  “I thought you wanted to have me up in your room?”

  “I did and that wish was granted. Now, I have a second wish.” He started to lift up under me and I pushed him back down.

  “I’m not done talking yet.”

  He signed loudly.

  “Your mom also mentioned you worried about a death threat. I want to know what that is about.”

  “Oh, Mamma and her big mouth.”

  “Her big mouth? I have a right to know.” I sat up this time. The vineyard was pitch black except for the candlelight and the giant full moon overhead.

  “It’s nothing. I’m the French Ambassador. Of course, I’m going to get death threats. That’s part of this job.”

  “No, I’m not taking that as an answer. Not this time. I want to know.”

  “There is nothing to know. A terrorist group has been threating my country. I have been here for the past two months when you wouldn’t talk to me. Remember that? I’ve been trying to work out what is happening. This group is the same one that captured my men and I had to rescue. I killed their leader and they’re mad. They’ve been mad for years and have done nothing. They can’t get to me.”

  “Why don’t you have security?”

  “If I see it’s necessary, I will get it. I have to pay for it myself and it’s not cheap. Yes, I have the money, but I don’t want to have some big oof following me around.”

  “I want you to have it. Can you please get it? For me?”

  “Baby, stop worrying. I’ve had a death threat since the hostage situation. It’s not any different now. Please, stop. I will look into it more when I get back. I’m safer, in the U.S. than I am here.”

  “Then why would you look into it when you get back. What is happening now that they are threatening you?”

  He wouldn’t answer me. I wanted an answer but
his response was crawling on top of me and pushing up my dress.

  “Fabrice, I’m not through with you yet. You can’t shut me up with this French love making. It’s not going to-.”

  Chapter 27

  My body once again gave into this incredible man. It didn’t take much for him to have me under his spell. Hell, we were in the French countryside, outside under the stars, and his mouth knew where to be. The wine hit me hard and I didn’t have it in me to fight him off, nor did I want to.

  “Fabrice, you make me so wet and so-.”

  My dress was already pushed up past my breasts. His glass of wine spilled somewhere under us. The scent of Fabrice’s skin, the French air, and feeling this engagement ring on my finger, took me to another place. His mouth was on my sex before I knew what was happening.

  Arousal coursed through my blood along with the wine.

  “I wanted to taste you all day. Watching you and knowing that pussy was mine under that dress. Oh God, baby. I want you so bad.”

  I felt the cool air hit my wet sex when he stopped to talk to me. I was so horny for him. My hands went to his hair and pulled him closer in.

  “Everything I’ve been through in life was worth it now that I have you. You were the reward for the bad things.” My hips lifted up to grind into him.

  He kissed my inner thighs and his scruff tickled them as he opened me up with his thumbs. My mind blanked out and everything that was concerning me was gone at that moment. The only thing I cared about was being with him and coming for him. In the darkness I groped for him. I wanted to touch him. He was mine and I loved him more than anything. His tongue licked my thighs and then he stopped at my sex.

  “Please, Fabrice.” I whispered.

  His tongue delicately sucked on my clit. I moaned. I’ve gone astray in my lust for him. He knew exactly what to do with his tongue and lips to take me over the edge. The feelings were climbing higher and I was at the point where I would fall off the edge. He lifted off me and I had no idea what he was up to. The air was cool on my skin. He rolled over on the blanket next to me. In his hand was one of the candles. Still burning he put his finger in the wax pool and lightly touched my nipples with the warm wax. He did it again. I loved it. The sensation was unbelievable. The cool air and the warm wax made me moan.


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