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Page 5

by Kim Black

  There was a picture of Julien and I entering his mansion with the caption, ‘Belmont shags American – wife away on business!’ I was completely mortified. How in the world did a reporter get this picture? It really didn’t show my face thankfully but the thought that someone had been there that night watching us was definitely disconcerting. Totally creepy!

  I skimmed the article and realized that not only was the reporter at the house, they had followed us from the bar all the way to his home, describing me as a ‘unknown plain American,’ which crushed me. Even the world saw that I didn’t belong with Julien, not that I was planning on being with him anyway but still, I was just a plain, normal girl, nothing special.

  As I balled up the newspaper, I heard a knock on the door.

  “Just a minute,” I yelled out as I placed my mug into the sink and tied my open robe closed, almost sure that it was Suzie at the door coming to check on me.

  I opened the door, but froze the minute I saw the person behind it. What the…?

  “Emily? I know you don’t know me but my name is Charlette Delacroix and I’m a friend of Julien’s,” the woman said as I stood there staring at her, trying to figure out if I was still dreaming.

  “Um… yeah… I… um… what are you doing here?” I stuttered, still holding the door. I didn’t mean to sound rude, but the sight of her, with that French snobby accent, made my hairs stand on end. It was silly that I found Julien’s accent so incredibly sexy and yet Charlette’s accent grated on my nerves, but her being perfect in every other way made me feel better about my hating her. At least she had one flaw.

  “May I come in?” she asked, seemingly unsure of how I would respond but still managing to stand tall and confident.

  I opened the door wider and stepped aside, signaling for her to enter. What was Julien’s wife doing here… in my house… did she find out about last night? This can’t be good!

  She walked in and I immediately went to the bar. “Would you like something to drink?” I asked, knowing that whatever she had to say required that I have some kind of liquid courage in me, especially after the weekend I’d had. Crap, it’s only eight in the morning; she must think I’m a drunk… I shook the thought out of my head, deciding that I didn’t care what she thought because there was no way that I would be able to have any conversation with her completely sober.

  She declined and I poured myself a stiff scotch and gestured for her to take a seat, while I sat down opposite her at the kitchen table.

  “I know we have not been formally introduced, but Julien told me what happened and I…” she said before I cut her off.

  “Listen, I had no idea the man was married. Had I known, I would have never… well you know,” I murmured before taking a long pull of my drink.

  My mind was racing. Was she here to curse me out or find out more details about her cheating boob-job of a husband? How the heck did she even know where I lived? Note to self, check Google and make sure my address isn’t on there. I instantly remembered my last note to self, and made another mental note to self to remember to ask Diana about the look that she had on her face before I left with Julien.

  “Darling, that’s what I have to clear up. Julien informed me of your relationship with him and he was beside himself as he told me about your reaction to my message, I just had to come and explain. Julien is my husband that’s true but it’s a marriage of necessity, not love,” she said as if it made complete sense.

  “What the heck are you talking about?” I asked, completely confused. A marriage of necessity? This woman is freaking nuts!

  “Julien and I married as an arrangement to keep our families from pushing us into marriage for the sole purpose of a legacy. People like Julien and I have our love… our work… and at the time neither one of us wanted to settle down so we made an arrangement to marry.”

  “Ok… so you’re married but you don’t love each other?” I couldn’t fully wrap my head around all that she was telling me. Maybe it was because I wasn’t an insanely rich billionaire but this crap about marrying to keep your parents off your back is crazy. The rich obviously had nothing better to do.

  “Correct! And we are both free to do whatever we want, and live the lives we want. Our only obligation to this marriage is to appear to social events and play the happy couple. And, in the event that either one of us decides to marry someone else, we would simply divorce; I hope you understand.”

  I didn’t understand, not really anyway. They were married, dating whomever, and where the heck do I fit into all of this? And, if it was as simple as that, why wouldn’t Julien have told me? Because you ran off like a baby before he could Emily!

  “I appreciate you coming to talk to me about this but I think I just need time to process all of this,” I said as I stood to my feet.

  She stood as well and walked to the door, then turned slightly, “You know, he really fancies you Ms. Emily. Do give him a chance, won’t you?”

  I didn’t respond. Instead I stood there and watched as the woman left my house. It was too much to take in all at once.

  Work! I only had about an hour to get ready. Julien and his non-wife, wife had to wait.

  Chapter Six

  The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, then becomes a host, and then a master.

  ~ Khalil Gibran ~


  News of my affair with Emily had reached the news outlets and I couldn’t help but wonder how she was taking it. She had never asked to be dragged into my world, yet now she was being pinned as a harlot on every newspaper and news channel. I had spent the entire weekend trying to find a way to contact her but I had no luck, she had pretty much disappeared.

  I had just arrived at the corporate office and immediately wished I had stayed home. My assistant, Sylvie, gave me a sympathetic look as I exited the elevator onto the Executive floor.

  “Mr. Belmont, I hope you had your morning coffee because you’re going to need it sir,” she said as she handed me my messages and morning agenda.

  “Sylvie, I have had an incredibly long weekend so if there is something wrong, just please get straight to it,” I insisted as I browsed through the messages in my hand one by one.

  “Well sir, that’s what’s wrong, your weekend events have been all over the news and papers all morning. Apparently a reporter followed you from a bar to your home and your father is quite upset. He wants to speak to you. Should I patch him through to you?”

  I sighed, knowing that there was no escaping the conversation. “Patch him through and then kill the story about the woman. Make sure no one finds out who she is. She is to be left alone…” I turned away to walk into my office and then immediately turned back. “Oh and Sylvie, I trust that you understand that this should stay completely confidential,” I added.

  “Not a problem sir,” she said before picking up the phone to call my father.

  Sylvie was a great assistant, one that I had become very fond of since hiring her two years ago. Though we kept a very professional relationship, I knew that she was more to me; she was a friend… someone I could depend on.

  “Mr. Belmont, I have your father on the line… and sir, good luck,” she added, making the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach even worse.

  “Thanks Sylvie, cancel all my morning meetings. I need to take care of a few things after I speak with my father.”

  “Right away sir, I’ll connect you right now.”

  I didn’t bother to sit at my desk. Instead I paced back and forth contemplating what I would tell my father.

  “Mon fils, my son… I can hear you pacing back and forth. Do you mind explaining to me how a married man finds himself picking up strange women at a bar and taking them home?” he asked, his voice sharp and strong.

  I hated that my father could read me so well, even without seeing me face to face.

  “Hello Father… the woman is a friend of mine, that’s all there is to it,” I responded, making sure to keep my voice
even and calm, knowing that my father had an ability to detect even the slightest variation in tone. It was a skill he had taught me since childhood, informing me that a successful business man with that skill could conquer the world. Thankfully, the few times I had used that very skill on him he hadn’t noticed, probably because he thought me too fearful to even bother trying to deceive him.

  “And your wife? What does she have to say about your friendship with this woman?”

  The way he said friendship told me all that I needed to know. He did not believe my story and that made me nervous. How could I explain Emily to him without letting him know that my marriage to Charlette was nothing more than a ruse?

  I must have taken too long to respond to him because he continued, “Just as I thought! Fix it… now!”

  Before I could even muster up a response, he ended the call.

  One woman, one strong willed, stubborn, incredibly sexy woman, had somehow turned my life upside down. The old me would have dismissed her the minute she’d walked out, thinking nothing more of the night we shared but something about that damn woman wouldn’t leave me alone. Despite all the heat that was on me right now, I still yearned for her. Thoughts of her creamy, silky skin against my body instantly gave me a boner.

  I needed to find her. My Emily, Mon amour.


  Thanks to Christopher’s anonymous tip, I knew news of Jules and Emily’s affair would draw the attention of Jack, Julien’s father. After speaking to Emily myself, I knew that it wouldn’t take long before she moved on from whatever delusional fantasies she had of being with Jules. Once she got a taste of all it would take to be with a man of Jules’ stature, she would surely buckle under the pressure of the media and run for the hills.

  It took a special kind of woman to stand behind a man like Julien Belmont! A woman like me, which was why his father sought me out to begin with! With Jules’ money and power, only a strong, successful, and confident woman like me could handle the responsibility of being with him. It was more than just appearing at events a few times a year in the perfect gown. It took dedication! Jules hadn’t known all that I’d done for him as his wife over the years. The interviews I had accepted merely because it would be great publicity for his company. Not to mention the deal I’d accepted from his father just to marry the man.

  My father worked so hard to build the family vineyard into the empire that it is today, and if he knew how much I had lost in the first year after his death, he would surely roll over in his grave.

  Initially the company was running smoothly, but soon investors began to question my ability to run the company. By the end of the year, we were faced with losing everything. That’s when Jack Belmont entered!

  Jack Belmont, Jules’ father, hadn’t disclosed my financial troubles from a few years ago with Jules. When the company lost two major distributors during that time, Jack sought me out and made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse.

  “Ms. Delacroix, thank you for meeting with me,” he said as he gestured for me to take a seat in front of his grand mahogany desk.

  The man was quite intimidating, but my father, God rest his soul, had done well in teaching me how to handle men like Jack Belmont. No matter how intimidating a man is, as a woman, I was to never buckle under the pressure. Never show weakness!

  “It’s my pleasure to meet you Mr. Belmont. Although, I must say I am not sure why you insisted on meeting with me,” I responded once I took my seat.

  The man’s face was void of any emotion. His eyes never left mine as he sat across from me. For several seconds we stared at each other, each of us unwilling to break the eye contact.

  “I had known your father for several years. We practically grew up together. He was a fine businessman and often advised me in my own business dealings. I was greatly affected when I heard of his passing.”

  The mention of my father made me flinch. Each time I thought about all that my father had entrusted me with, it brought sorrow to my heart.

  “He was a great man. But I’m sure you did not invite me here to tell me something that I already know. So, if you don’t mind Mr. Belmont, can you please tell me why I am here?” I retorted; feeling aggravated that the man had mentioned my father in an attempt to connect with me. I was no fool. It was obvious that he wanted something and using my love for my father was distasteful!

  “Well then I’ll just get straight to it then! You have single handedly run your father’s business into the ground! It is quite obvious that you are in over your head and I have a business proposition for you.”

  I couldn’t hide my infuriation at the man’s statement. Everything my father taught was instantly forgotten as I stood to my feet and glared at the man.

  “I don’t know who you think you are Mr. Belmont, but I can handle my father’s business just fine!” I barked at the unflinching man.

  Needless to say, the man hadn’t taken me seriously. After an hour long battle, I had buckled and agreed to marry Jules for the survival of my father’s business. Almost immediately after our business arrangement, my father’s vineyard began thriving. I wanted to believe that I had done what was best for the company, but a man like Jack Belmont wasn’t someone to toy with. I knew he was the cause of my father’s company’s near demise from the start.

  Shortly after our meeting he informed me that he had spoken to Jules and had convinced him to marry me. When I was called into a meeting with Jules himself, I was quite pleased to hear his take on the arrangement. He believed that he was the one pulling the strings, and his father was happy that we were going to marry, hoping that Jules and I would produce an heir to his glorious empire. Each party was none the wiser!

  Sure our relationship started as merely a contract created out of desperation between Jules and I but as the years went by each time we attended our obligatory events, I fell deeper and deeper for the man. Try as might, Julien Belmont was not a man who you could get out of your head once he took residence.

  When I received my invitation to the annual charity gala that Jules’ father Jack was throwing this year, I knew that I needed to tell Jules how I felt. All I needed to do now was to make sure that Emily Roberts was no longer in the picture.


  Work was a complete blur. I went through the motions, with my thoughts staying on that stupid article in the paper. I was beyond thankful that my face wasn’t really noticeable, which meant that the reporter hadn’t been close enough to get a better shot. The thought of someone following us still made my skin crawl.

  I had just gotten into my car when someone knocked on the passenger window. Slightly startled, I paused to catch my breath before letting down the window. Just as my hand went to the button, Adam’s face appeared.

  “What the heck are you doing here?” I asked as the window came down.

  He was dressed casually, a baby blue button down shirt, white t-shirt and khaki pants. It had been a long time since I had seen him and though I would never admit it to him; he was looking so freaking hot. His sexy smile was still the same, and he was still able to make me wet with just one curl of his lips.

  Don’t even think about it Emily. He is the reason your life is as horrible as it is. Remember the two blondes from work, I reminded myself.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you but I really wanted to talk to you Em,” he said with his ocean blue eyes looking at me hopefully.

  “Adam, really there isn’t anything to talk about,” I said, turning away and staring at the wheel. Just keep looking straight ahead.

  “Come on Em, just five minutes. It’s really important, please?” he brought his hands together, begging me.

  “You’ve got three minutes. I’m a busy woman.” I said but instantly regretted.

  Adam didn’t deserve a second of my time after what he had done to me. What he deserved was a good old fashioned kick in the groin.

  “Ok, I’ll take it,” he said as he opened my door and climbed in.

  His cologne was the first th
ing that I noticed. At one point in my life, his cologne was like a drug to me. It was my kryptonite. Every time he came near me, he wore that very cologne, sending me into heat, and here I was, in this small car, trapped with him and that damn cologne.

  Just breathe… 1, 2, 3, breathe.

  “Three minutes doesn’t really give me much time so I’ll get straight to the point…” his voice trailed off as he thought his next words out. “I miss you Em. I know that things ended badly between us but I still love you.” He reached over and grabbed my hand and continued as I stared at him dumbfounded, “You’re still here Em. And I know I don’t deserve you but I am willing to do whatever it takes to get you back. Name it, I’ll do it… for you…” he said as he pressed my hand against his chest, indicating that I was still in his heart.

  I really wasn’t sure what to make of this conversation with Adam. I mean, the dude had cheated on me with my co-workers, granted they were also his co-workers too, but still, the jerk embarrassed me and broke my heart. At the time I thought we were headed towards marriage, well… maybe not marriage but a nice long engagement until we settled into our careers, but instead he released his inner horn dog and freaking nearly sent me over the edge. How Diana and Suzie managed to put up with me after that breakup was something that I could never understand. I was a mess! No, scratch that… I was a HOT ASS MESS!

  And now, after all this time this man seriously thought he could just mind-f his way back into my world? You’ve got to be freaking kidding me! How dare he think that he could bathe himself in the cologne he freaking knew I loved, bat those freakishly beautiful lashes of his and smile his panty-freeing smile at me and then what? Did he think I would just forget the whole thing? Was I supposed to erase the last year out of my head and somehow continue right where we left off?

  Before I could even stop myself from doing it, I found myself open-handedly slapping the crap out of him, causing him to yelp in pain. “Who in the hell do you think you are Adam?” I screeched.


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