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Black Velvet

Page 9

by Black Velvet (lit)

  “Yeah, sort of.”

  “There is no sort of about it. You want that fantasy woman. During our dance make her want you so badly that she will beg you to fuck her. Don’t you see her now?”


  “Good. You keep her in your mind and by time our dance is done every woman in this place will want to be that woman you are dancing for.”


  “Jody.” Hunter turned to her and smiled. “I’m glad you are here.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “You see that pole over there?”

  Jody saw the pole that the stage hands were finishing putting up. There were wrist shackles attached to the pole. “That one?” she pointed.

  “Yep. You are going to be chained to that pole. That’s all you have to do. Zoltan and I are going to try and get your attention with our dance. He is the one that you want.”

  “I don’t think that will be the case,” Zoltan said.

  “Sure it will be. You are going to out dance me tonight. Now let’s get ready. It’s almost show time.”

  Hunter led Jody to the pole. He gently attached the wrist shackles. “If you like this maybe we can play like this later.” He smiled seductively at her.

  “What is she doing here?” Melinda growled as she came onto the stage.

  “She is a prop for our dance.”

  “You didn’t run this by me first.”

  “Trust me, the women will love this.”

  “They better,” Melinda glared at Jody then walked off the stage.

  “You ready?” Hunter asked Jody.

  “So, you want me to just stand here chained to this pole?”

  “Yep, that’s it.”

  “Well then I’m ready.” Jody jingled the chain.

  “What about you, Zoltan? You got your fantasy woman firmly embedded in your mind?”

  “Yep. Let’s do this.”

  Hunter motioned to the stage hand that they were ready. He watched Melinda go out onto the side stage. He took a deep breath and readied himself for the dance. He hoped the scenario he had set up really brought out just how sexy Zoltan was. He didn’t want Zoltan looking for another job. Pretty soon, both Zoltan and Dai wouldn’t have to do this kind of work anymore. Of course that was assuming that the heist Hunter was going to do, worked. Right now he had to clear his head. Right now this dance was the only thing that mattered. Melinda wouldn’t win. He would make damn sure of it.

  “Ladies, I have a surprise for our first dance. Both Zoltan and Black Velvet will dance for you at the same time. Plus, a lucky audience member was selected to be part of the show. Get ready to be aroused,” Melinda announced.

  When the curtains opened, the music started to play. Hunter and Zoltan stood in front of Jody. They glared at each other, challenging one another without saying a word. Because I’m sexy, the singer’s voice repeated over and over as the sexy beat blared in the background.

  Zoltan pushed Hunter out of the way as he started to dance in front of Jody. The women in the audience roared their approval. Hunter smiled, watching Zoltan move his body.

  “Good boy,” Hunter whispered.

  He jumped back up to his feet and started to walk down the runway.

  “Hey!” Hunter shouted. The spotlight went to him as he danced trying to get Jody’s attention.

  Zoltan stomped down the runway. He mocked-punched Hunter, sending him to the ground. He moved his hips seductively as he tried to draw Jody’s attention back to him.

  Jody writhed under the chains. She felt aroused as she watched Hunter and Zoltan trying to get her attention. She knew it was just an act, but oh damn was it so delicious to watch. She could just imagine what the women in the audience must be feeling. Hearing their roars, they were just as aroused as she was. She gasped when Zoltan pulled Hunter to him and kissed him as they both moved their bodies to the beat of the music.

  The guards were busy pulling women off the stage as they tried to touch the two men.

  Zoltan pushed Hunter away and strolled over to Jody. She couldn’t look away from him. He pressed his body against her as he grinded to the beat of the music.

  Hunter walked over and grabbed a hold of Zoltan’s long hair, pulling him from Jody. Hunter turned around, facing away from Jody and pressed against her as he moved to the music.

  Zoltan got back up and play punched Hunter, sending him crashing to the ground. He placed himself where Hunter had been. He moved his body against Jody’s. His hair felt like silk against her skin. She wore only a dress that had short sleeves and was very short.

  Zoltan moved away and headed back down the runway. He looked magnificent as he danced to the sexy beat. Hunter’s plan to make Zoltan look hot really worked. Zoltan outshined Hunter. Jody looked down at Hunter as he laid there. She saw the smile on his face as he watched his friend dance as the women in the audience went crazy.

  Zoltan walked back over to Jody as the music’s volume started to fade. He pulled her head gently back and positioned himself so the audience could see him kiss her. Then the curtains closed.

  “I knew you had it in you,” Hunter said as he came up to his feet.

  Zoltan reached up and unchained Jody. “Thank you for helping us.”

  “It was most definitely my pleasure,” Jody said.

  “Well that was interesting,” Melinda said as she walked over to them. “She can go back to her seat now.”

  “Thank you, Jody,” Hunter said.

  Jody wanted to touch him, hell, she needed to touch him, but the way Melinda was glaring at her, she knew it would be unwise. She didn’t want Hunter to suffer Melinda’s jealousy.

  Melinda waited for Jody to leave. “You might just be staying, Zoltan. That was pretty damn hot. Now get ready for the cages.”

  “Thank you, Hunter,” Zoltan said.

  “You don’t need to thank me. Let’s get ready for those stupid cages and get this night over with.”

  “I’m with you on that.”

  Jody went back to the table where Linda was waiting. Linda was smiling as she read a note in her hand.

  “What’s that?” Jody asked as she sat next to her.

  “A note from Maxim. He wants to be with me again.”

  “He is asking you to bid on him? Wow, that’s never happened before.”

  “He doesn’t want me to bid on him. He wants to be with me. He said he would pay me for the privilege. You know, I thought I felt a connection between us, but … I figured that was how he acted with everyone else. I don’t know what to do.”

  “See him. It sounds like you want to.”

  “Yeah I do, but then I would be a hypocrite.”

  “How so?”

  Linda folded up the note and carefully placed it in her purse. “I told you not to fall in love with a dancer and if I see Maxim, well … I might end up doing the same thing.”

  “You love him?”

  “I don’t know, but if I see him again I’m in danger of falling in love with him. I don’t know if I want that. But at the same time … oh, I don’t know.”

  “Go for it. What happens, happens.”

  Linda looked at Jody strangely.

  “What is with that look?”

  “I can’t believe you said that. No offence, but you are a bit uptight. Maybe Hunter is doing you some good. Speaking of him, did you enjoy being a prop for their dance? That was so flippin’ hot. I’m a bit jealous,” Linda chuckled.

  “Oh, I enjoyed it.”

  “Every woman around us wants to bid on Zoltan. He is really hot, but I always thought he was.”

  “Yeah you did.”

  “His eyes danced tonight too. Did you notice that?”

  “Yeah. Now what are you going to do about Maxim.”

  “I think I will actually listen to you. What happens, happens. All I know is that I would like to be with him tonight. So I’m only going to worry about tonight.”

  “Here’s to living in the moment.” Jody raised her glass.r />
  “Living in the moment.” Linda clinked her glass to Jody’s.

  Both women enjoyed watching the rest of the show. Jody was so happy for Zoltan when he got the highest bid of the night. He had to have made enough money to keep Melinda happy, but Jody wasn’t too happy about watching the woman who won Hunter jumping up in down with delight. Jody couldn’t bid on him--somehow it felt wrong for her to do so.

  “This is for you,” a guard said as she handed Jody a note.

  I will see you tonight at your apartment. Be ready for me. Hunter

  “It’s from Hunter, isn’t it?” Linda asked.

  “Yeah, he is coming to my apartment tonight.”

  “Live in the moment, girl,” Linda said as she took the last swig of her drink.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To be with Maxim. He is meeting me outside the club.”

  “What about the woman that won the bid on him?”

  “I don’t know. He just said to meet him outside the club after the show. Have fun with Hunter.”

  Jody got up and paid her tab. She walked out to her car and watched Maxim holding a car door open for Linda. He hurried around and got into the driver’s seat and took off. Melinda was going to be pissed.

  Jody went to her car and sat in the driver’s seat. She closed her eyes and saw Hunter dancing in her mind. She slowly opened her eyes. She couldn’t wait to see him. The only thing that bugged the hell out of her was knowing that he was fucking that woman who won the bid for him. She tried to shake that thought from her mind. He was only doing his job. But that didn’t mean that she had to like it, now did it? Anger and lust danced inside her. She started her car and took off. The sooner she got home and popped into a nice hot bubble bath, the happier she would be. She would focus on getting ready for Hunter. Still, the thought of that other woman fucking him was driving her crazy.

  “Damn it,” she grumbled as she stepped on the gas pedal.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jody about jumped out of her skin when the doorbell rang. She quickly went over and opened the door.

  “You should really check who it is first before you open the door,” Hunter said.

  He looked as though he had just taken a shower. No doubt to get that woman’s scent off of him. Jody quickly cleared her jealous thoughts from her mind. She grabbed Hunter and pulled him in. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply.

  “Mmm, you are eager,” he purred against her lips.

  “Yeah … I want you, now.” She pulled at his jeans wanting them from his body.

  “No,” Hunter said softly as he gently pushed her away. “Not yet.” He could see her heavy breathing and that look on her face. His cock hardened even more when she bit her lower lip.

  “Hunter …”

  “What do you want to do to me?”

  “I want to touch and taste every inch of you.”

  “Mmmm … where would you start?” He smiled, seeing her looking at his cock. Slowly he unbuttoned his jeans then slipped his hand inside. He stroked his cock watching her the whole time. “You want to taste my cock?”

  “Yes,” she said quickly.

  “Tell me, did you think about tasting my cock while you waited for me.”

  “Yes.” Jody looked up into his handsome face. A sudden rush of anger swept over her. “Tell me something. Did that woman, who won you, suck your cock?”

  Hunter brought the hand he was stroking his cock with up to his lips. He slowly licked his fingers. “Yes, she did.”

  “How long did she taste you?”

  “She spent a good deal of her time with my cock in her mouth. Why do you want to know that?”

  Jody’s gaze followed his hand as he slowly felt down his body and began stroking his cock again.

  “Why did you want to know that?” he repeated.

  “I don’t know,” she said in a rush.

  “Yeah you do. Tell me. Ah …” he moaned as he stroked his cock a little faster.

  “Don’t come.”

  “Then tell me why you wanted to know if that woman sucked my cock.”

  “I’m jealous, all right?”

  “Ah … yeah ...” he stroked faster.

  “Don’t come.”


  “I want to make you come.”

  Hunter quickly removed his hand. “Then make me come.”

  She hurried to him and fell to her knees. She pulled down his pants and took his cock into her mouth. She sucked vigorously and greedily.

  “Ah … mmmm … yes.” He threw his head back. His whole body trembled as his orgasm hit. He could feel Jody’s mouth milking his cock of every last drop of his cum.

  “I’m not done yet,” she growled as she pushed him to the floor. She removed his pants from his ankles and started kissing up his legs. She took his balls into her mouth and sucked gently as she stroked his cock coaxing it to get hard again. The moment his cock was hard she took it into her mouth again.

  “Slowly, Jody,” Hunter pleaded.

  She let his cock pop from her mouth. “No … I want you to come down my throat again.”

  She took his cock back into her mouth and sucked angrily. The image of that woman sucking him wouldn’t leave her mind. Her need to bring him pleasure became overwhelming. She had to bring him more pleasure than that woman did. She wanted him to writhe in ecstasy. She felt his body move under her, his hips lift up and his sweet voice crying out in bliss. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted him to forget about that other woman, to forget about all those other women.

  “Jody stop! Let me catch my breath.”

  “No …” her hand went back to his cock.

  “Jody …” he grabbed her hand and pulled her up to him.

  “I need to bring you pleasure.”

  That look in her eyes tore at him. She looked hurt, angry … lost.

  “Jody, stop.” He sat up and pulled her into his arms. “We have all night.”

  “I want you to forget about that woman.”

  “What woman?”

  “That woman who won the bid.” Jody pulled out of his embrace. “I have to bring you more pleasure than she did. I have to.”

  “You do …”

  She stood up and looked away from him. “I’m sorry, Hunter.”

  He quickly stood up. “You don’t need to apologize.”

  “I can’t take it. I know you were just with another woman. I can’t stop thinking that she has fucked you better.”

  “Stop this Jody.” Hunter wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. He pressed himself against her back.

  “I know that it’s your job. I know that.”

  “Shh, it’s okay.”

  “Derek left me for a woman who fucked him better. That’s what he said.”

  “I’m not Derek.”

  “No … I know that. But you are …”

  “I’m what?”

  She pulled out of his embrace. Hunter reached down and put his jeans back on.

  “I’m what, Jody?”

  “I’m sorry I don’t know what has come over me. Let me get us some wine.”

  “Answer the question, Jody,” Hunter grabbed her by the arm.

  “You are a pleasure dancer, okay? I know this … I know what your job entails. It was wrong of me to get all jealous. You fuck women for money. I’m mean … I know this.”

  The silence in the room was deafening. She slowly turned around and saw him glaring at her.

  “Maybe it will make you feel more comfortable if you paid me,” he said quietly. “What’s my going rate? Let’s see that woman you spoke of paid seven thousand dollars to fuck me, if you deduct Melinda’s cut that’s what ... five thousand?”

  “Hunter … I didn’t mean …”

  “Can’t afford me?” he reached down and grabbed his shoes.

  “Hunter …”

  “I never, ever, felt bad for what I do to make a living. Ever! I will be damned if you make me start now.” He started walking
to the door.

  “Hunter, please!” Jody grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry … I’m so sorry.” She started to cry.

  He just stood there for a moment.

  “I want you to want to give me pleasure. Not because you feel you must compete with someone else. More so, I felt that you had accepted me for me. Maybe I was wrong about that. Maybe it’s best if we just stop seeing each other. You know I really didn’t want the hassles of a relationship, but the more I saw you, the more I understood why people put themselves through all the crap of a relationship.”

  “Hunter, I’m sorry. Please stay.”

  He dropped his shoes.

  She gently led him to her bedroom. Neither said a word as they lay down on the bed. She snuggled up to him.

  After a while Jody broke the silence. “I am starting to have feelings for you, Hunter. And it scares me. I hope that you will forgive me for my thoughtless words earlier. You have been nothing but upfront with me and …”

  “It’s okay, Jody. I think we are both walking into new territory here. I’m a little scared myself.” A twinge of guilt swept over him. He was the thief she was trying so desperately to catch … so he hadn’t been upfront with her. Yet, he couldn’t let his feelings for her stop him from pulling off the next heist. Too much was riding on it.

  “Are you all right? Do you forgive me?”

  “Of course I do.” But he wondered if she would forgive him if she found out that he was Black Velvet the thief. He looked down into her face. He smiled at her. That look of love in her eyes filled him with warmth, but at the same time it filled him with guilt too.

  “Stay with me tonight. I want to wake up and see you sleeping next to me.”

  “I will stay.”

  Her smile put him at ease for now.

  * * * *

  Jody made her way to her desk. She quietly left her apartment so as not to wake up Hunter. She loved seeing him sleeping beside her when she woke up. When she got to work she was surprised not to see Linda at her desk.

  “Your partner is going to be late,” one of the officers said. “She called in.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  Things must have gone well for Linda, though mentally picturing Linda and Maxim together was kind of strange. Linda was so petite and Maxim was a monster of a man.


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