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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 3

by Tyler, Paige

  “There was a light out on 5th Street and we had to direct traffic until the power company got it fixed.”

  On second thought, maybe she wouldn’t join the police academy. Standing in the rain for hours on end was definitely not her idea of fun. “Then you’re probably in the mood for some coffee. The usual?”

  Officer Prescott flashed her a sexy grin. He was about four or five years younger than the other cop. He might be taller and leaner than his partner, but she just bet he had one hell of six pack under that navy blue shirt. “Sounds good.”

  “Grab a table and I’ll bring it over to you.”

  She thought they might not take her up on the offer, especially since they were on duty, but they surprised her by walking over to the table in the back corner of the shop. She watched as they took off their hats and raincoats and set them on the backs of some neighboring chairs. Maybe if she offered them free coffee, they’d hang around until closing time.

  Cilla poured coffee into two large to-go cups, then carried them over to their table.

  “Refills are on the house.”

  Officer Lockwood raised a brow. “You sure?”

  “Of course. In fact, I wouldn’t mind if you hung around for a while.” She bit her lip.

  “The girl who works with me went home early and I’m a little nervous about being here by myself. I’d feel a heck of a lot safer with two police officers.”

  “I think we can do that.” Officer Prescott gave her another of those gorgeous smiles.

  “Making a pretty girl like you feel safe and secure is part of the service.”

  They made her feel a lot more than safe and secure—they made her feel all hot and bothered. Cilla blushed as her mind wandered all sorts of places it shouldn’t.

  She tucked her long hair behind her ear. “I’ll go get some cream.”

  Cilla glanced over her shoulder at them and noticed both cops were tracking her ass like radar. Nice to know they were checking her out as much as she’d been doing to them. Deciding to give them a treat, she bent over to grab the cream from the fridge instead of kneeling down. It wasn’t as good on the back, but it did show off her derriere. And the looks of appreciation the two men gave her when she turned around made it worth it.

  She set the cream on the table with a smile. “I’m Cilla Garner, by the way.”

  “Reed,” Officer Lockwood said. He poured cream in his coffee. He had nice hands. Big, with long, tapered fingers. Something told her he knew exactly how to use them, too. She bit her lip to stifle a moan. “And this is Hayes.”

  Hayes grinned at her over the top of his coffee cup. Damn, he had a sinfully sexy smile.

  “Why don’t you sit down with us?” he suggested. “Unless you have something you need to do?”

  Like she was going to do her accounting homework when she could hang out with two hot cops.

  She slipped into a chair. “I’d love to.”

  As she crossed her legs, she realized the rain didn’t seem to be coming down quite as hard. Or maybe she was too busy flirting with Reed and Hayes to care. Cilla had always kind of had a thing for cops. The tight uniforms, all that leather, the handcuffs, the air of calm, assertive authority. They definitely did a number on her. Which made carrying on a conversation practically impossible. She managed enough to learn the two cops had been partners for several years, and that Reed was a Denver native, while Hayes was originally from California. From Denver herself, but having visited California, she had something in common with both men.

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you hanging around. I feel much safer,” she said. “I only wish I could offer you more than coffee as a way of showing my appreciation.”

  She looked at them from beneath her lashes, hoping one—or both—of them would pick up on her interest and ask her out. Of course, if they both did, she could be in trouble. Which one would she pick?

  Hayes leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. His hazel eyes were more green than brown, with little gold flecks. “Do you have a boyfriend, Cilla?”

  That was easier than she’d thought. She was afraid she might have been too subtle.


  She wanted to finish her degree as quickly as possible, which meant taking a full course load every semester, so she hadn’t had much time for a social life. But now that she was just a few classes away from graduating, that wasn’t a problem.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Are you seeing anyone?”

  “We’re both between relationships,” Reed said.

  Was that his way of telling her he was interested in her, too?

  Cilla looked from one cop to the other. “Hard to believe some girl hasn't scooped up two attractive guys like you.”

  “It's hard finding a woman who can handle us,” Hayes answered.


  That was an interesting way to phrase it. Hayes hadn't said it was hard finding women who could handle them, or their jobs. But a woman—singular—who could handle them—plural. Had it simply been a Freudian slip, or had he been referring to what she thought he was? The image made heat pool between her thighs, and she squeezed her legs tighter together. She'd never been with two guys at the same time before. Never even considered it. But now that she thought about it, the possibility was intriguing.

  “Maybe you haven’t found the right woman.”

  Had she just said that out loud? Well, she had to gauge their interest, didn’t she?

  Reed chuckled. “Guess not.”

  Cilla’s breath hitched. Oh, yeah. They were definitely talking about a threesome.

  Since they were both gorgeous and unattached, she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity, that was for damn sure. This might be her only chance to fulfill her fantasies—with not one, but two hot cops.

  “It’s almost closing time. I should probably clean up.” Her heart sank as Hayes and Reed pushed back their chairs. “You don’t have to leave.”

  “We weren’t,” Hayes said. “We’re just going to give you a hand.”

  “Oh.” Relief coursed through Cilla and she smiled. “That’s very nice of you.”

  Reed grinned. “We’re nice guys.”

  Cleaning out the coffee pots and wiping down the tables took a lot less time with their help. On the down side, it also gave her a lot less time to figure out a way to let them know she was up for that threesome they’d hinted at.

  Wishing there was something else to clean up, she picked up her messenger bag. “I know you’re probably not supposed to do this, but do you think you could give me a ride to the bus stop? I’d really hate to have to walk all that way in the rain.”

  Hayes exchanged looks with Reed, then gave her a grin. “We’ll do you one better and give you a ride home. Although I'm afraid you’ll have to sit in the back. That's not a problem, is it?”

  She winked. “As long as I'm not under arrest.”

  “Definitely not.” Hayes looked her up and down. “It would be a true crime if anyone ever had to lock you away.”

  The heat in his eyes made her pussy purr. “And no cuffs, right?”

  Reed gave her slow smile. “Only if you don’t behave yourself.”

  The smolder in Reed’s eyes conveyed his message loud and clear—if you want to be cuffed, I'm your man. That image made her pulse skip a beat. This night was getting more interesting by the minute.

  Cilla’s hand trembled a little as she locked up the shop. Dropping the keys in her purse, she turned to open the umbrella she’d borrowed, but Reed took it from her.

  His mouth curved as he held it over her head. “Allow me.”

  Gorgeous and well-mannered—a potent combination.

  Cilla had never been in a police car before. It felt really strange being behind the metal cage that separated the back seat from the front. Like she was their prisoner for them to do with her whatever they wanted. The idea sent a delicious, little shiver through her.

  In the front, Reed was on the radio, telling the stat
ion he and Hayes were going off shift. Was it just her imagination, or had Reed made the call so she’d know he and Hayes were free for the rest of the night?

  Hayes glanced at her over his shoulder. “Where to?”

  Cilla rattled off her address. She was about to give him directions, too, but as he pulled away from the curb and headed in the right direction, she decided he mustn’t have needed them. Then again, he was a cop. He probably knew every street in the city.

  She didn’t live far from the coffee shop, so it wouldn’t take long to get to her apartment. Which meant she was going to have to think of something quick if she didn’t want the evening to end on her doorstep.

  As Hayes pulled up to the curb a little while later, she leaned forward. “I know it’s late, but would you guys like to come in for coffee?”

  As invitations went, it was lame. But what was she supposed to say? Want to come up and have a threesome?

  The two cops exchanged a glance before Reed answered.

  “We’d like that.”

  She’d had guys at her place before, but Reed and Hayes seemed to dominate her small apartment with their presence. She could barely concentrate on making the coffee as they looked around.

  “You go to the University of Colorado?” Hayes asked from the living room.

  She glanced up to see him thumbing through an accounting book she’d left on the coffee table. “Yeah. I take morning classes there three days a week. That's why I get stuck on the late shift so much.”

  Reed crossed the room to look over his partner’s shoulder. “Accounting, huh? How close are you to your degree?”

  “Three more classes after this semester.” She switched on the coffee pot, then walked into the living room. “I'm getting close enough to taste it.”

  Reed’s gaze caressed her. “I know how that feels, being so close to something you can almost taste it.”

  Cilla got the feeling he wasn’t talking about getting his college degree. Her breath came a little faster, and she ran her suddenly damp hands down the front of her jeans. Back at the coffee shop, she thought she’d be able to play it cool, but now the two men were in her apartment, that was harder than she thought.

  Thunder boomed and she jumped. She used the distraction to get herself together. Okay, take a deep breath, girl. Just because Reed and Hayes were likely here for more than coffee didn't mean this thing was automatic. Neither man had mentioned having a threesome since they’d dropped the hint. If she wanted this to go anywhere, she had to give them some sort of signal.

  But what was she supposed to do—rip off her clothes and throw herself naked across the kitchen table? How could she tell them she was game without coming out and saying it?

  Hayes was looking at another one of her books—this time it was advanced calculus. “Have you always been good with numbers, Cilla?”

  “I guess so. I mean, I’ve always liked math.”

  Now there was a sexy subject. Yeah, not so much. Maybe she should tell him she wanted to multiply with him. Nah, maybe not. That sounded creepy.

  Hayes set the book on the table, then sauntered over to stand in front of her. He gave her a devastating smile. “And I bet a math-minded girl like you probably even has a favorite number, don't you?”

  The funny thing was, she did. But she didn't think they really wanted to hear why she thought 3.14 was so cool.

  “Actually,” she looked up at his from under her lashes, “I've always been partial to the number three.”

  “Three, huh?” Hayes’s smile broadened. “And what's so special about the number three?”

  Reed had come over to stand behind her. Not close enough that he was touching her, but still sandwiching her between him and his equally armed-and-sexy partner.

  She took a deep breath. Now or never.

  “Well,” she said softly. “There’s just so much more you can do with three than you can do with two, you know?”

  Hayes leaned in close. Behind her, she felt Reed's big hand trace across her back.

  “Yeah, Cilla.” Hayes’s voice dropped to a husky whisper. “I think we do.”

  His lips were just a few inches away from hers when an insistent beeping came from the kitchen.

  He jerked his head up, looking in the direction of the sound. “What the…?”

  Cilla couldn't help laughing at the expression on his face. “It's my coffee maker. It beeps when it’s ready.” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “I can go get it, if you want.”

  Reed’s arms slipped around her waist, pulling her back against his hard chest. “I think the coffee can wait, don't you?”

  His voice was rough in her ear, his breath warm. She moaned as she felt his erection against her ass. At least she thought it was his cock. She supposed it might have been another kind of weapon. She wiggled her ass slowly back and forth to check. Oh, yeah. That was all cock back there. A seriously impressive one at that.

  “I'm okay with letting the coffee wait,” she murmured.

  She was so entranced with Reed's shaft and what he was doing to her that she almost didn't remember Hayes until he tipped up her chin and touched his lips to hers. The spark of sexual electricity that jumped between them definitively got her attention.

  She melted into his arms and opened her mouth to his playful tongue. He tasted like coffee and pure, unadulterated male.

  Hayes slid one hand in her long hair and pulled her mouth tight to his. There was nothing that drove her wilder than being taken and kissed the way he was kissing her now—his mouth hot, hungry and urgent on hers, as if he couldn't get enough. She got off on a strong man who knew how to ride that fine line between being dominant and simply being a jerk. It was a matter of respect. Letting a guy have his way with her was fun, as long as he knew it was all about her.

  She instinctively felt Hayes got that. His kisses were passionate and demanding, yet questioning at the same time. If she pulled away, she was sure he’d back off. Not that she wanted him to, of course. This was going to be a night to remember, and she wanted him to know she was up for anything he and Reed might have in mind.

  So she let her fingers tangle in his short hair and pulled him even closer, nipping his lower lip just a bit to let him know she was well aware of what he was offering. He growled and let his free hand wander down her shirt, undoing buttons as he went. The moment he had her blouse unbuttoned, Reed took over, cupping her bra-covered breasts from behind. Talk about being in perfect synch.

  Cilla moaned against Hayes’s mouth. God, these two were good together. What they were doing was like a well-choreographed dance. Just how many times they had done this with a woman?

  She ignored the spurt of jealousy she felt and gave a silent prayer of thanks to whoever was responsible for their present mastery at the art of the ménage. Stuff like this only happened once in a lifetime, and she wasn’t about to waste the experience wondering who’d been there before her.

  Eager to take a more active role in this threesome sandwich., she slid one hand down to cup Hayes’s muscular ass and give it a squeeze. Not wanting to leave Reed out, she reached back with her other hand to massage his trouser-covered cock. Or tried to. It turned out to be a little difficult since he was pressed so tightly against her derriere. He got the message, though, and eased up enough to let her hand slip between them. His large cock was practically throbbing through the thick fabric of his pants. Hayes slipped his tongue from her mouth to trail kisses along her neck. She immediately missed the sweet taste of his tongue, but she had to admit his lips felt pretty damn good making their way down her throat.

  Not to be outdone, Reed nibbled on the other side of her neck, tugging her unbuttoned shirt aside with his hand so he could press his lips to the curve of her shoulder.

  She was so lost in what he was doing she barely even realized when Hayes reached around and unhooked her bra. But Reed sure noticed. He yanked off her blouse, then

  her bra, sending them flying across the room. Hayes stepped back to ta
ke a long, sexy look at her bare breasts.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed.

  Her nipples hardened under the heat in his gaze, and it was all she could do not to reach up and give them a squeeze. She might have if Reed hadn’t reached around and cupped both breasts. Hayes seemed so hypnotized by the view that Cilla couldn't help looking down at them, too. The sight of Reed's big, lightly tanned hands against her creamy skin was beyond mesmerizing. It was sexy as hell.

  Reed lifted her breasts, as if offering them to his partner. With a groan, Hayes dropped to his knees in front of her. He fastened his lips around her right nipple at the same time he teased the left one with his thumb and forefinger. Cilla inhaled sharply as he drew her whole nipple into his mouth and then some, suckling with strong, firm pressure. Damn that felt good.

  Hayes didn't just give a little nibble and move on, either. This particular law enforcement officer was obviously a true breast man. He completely made love to her mounds, squeezing, suckling and nipping like he was never going to stop. That was fine with her. The purring between her legs only got stronger the longer he played with her breasts.

  Reed dropped his hands from under her breast and skimmed down her stomach until he reached the top of her jeans. Unbuckling her belt, he slid down the zipper, worked her tight denims over her hips. That took a little work with Hayes flat out refusing to stop loving on her breasts, but Reed was persistent. He got them over her hips and part way down her thighs before reaching up to grab his partner's hair, pulling him away from Cilla's nipple. Her stiff peak came out of his mouth with an audible pop that made her gasp.

  “Hey!” Hayes glared up at his partner. “I’m busy here.”

  “Mind stopping long enough for me to take off Cilla’s jeans?” Reed asked, his voice laced with amusement.

  Cilla had to actually bite her lip to keep from laughing at the deprived expression on Hayes's face. “Well, since it's for a good cause, I suppose I can. But just for a second.”

  Hayes helped Reed get her jeans off the rest of the way, then both men watched in approval as she wiggled out of her barely there panties.


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