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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 9

by Tyler, Paige

  She let out a little squeal. “How else could I be sure that you’d spank me? You've been so busy at work lately that I haven't had a good spanking in what seems like forever, and I knew you wouldn't do it with Capri here unless I gave you a good reason.”

  Capri blinked. Oh my God. Aly had purposely provoked her husband into spanking her. And quite obviously, it was something they did frequently. Though apparently not as frequently as Aly would like.

  Sam smacked Aly’s upturned ass again. Capri thought it might be her imagination, but it seemed like he was doing it harder now that he knew his wife had tricked him. Aly didn’t seem to mind. If anything, she seemed to enjoy what he was doing even more. She cooed like a woman in the throes of ecstasy.

  “Hey, quiet,” Sam warned. “You don't want to wake Capri.”

  Aly sighed audibly as her husband rubbed her red ass with the paddle. “Capri could sleep through a hurricane.”

  Huh? Where did Aly get that idea.

  Sam chuckled, the sound soft and sexy. “I think you like getting spanked while your best friend is asleep in the guest room, all the while knowing she could hear. It’s making you hot just thinking about it, isn’t it?”

  “Of course not… Oh!”

  The words ended on a gasp as Sam dipped his hand between her legs and slid his fingers in her pussy.

  Capri bit her lip.

  “Then why is your pussy so wet?” he demanded.

  Aly didn’t answer. Instead, she pushed her ass higher, as if begging for more. Sam took his fingers from her pussy, then delivered a smack to each cheek before tossing the paddle on the bed.

  “I think that's enough punishment for tonight, honey.” He pulled his wife to her feet. “Now, what do you say after that spanking I gave you?”

  Capri retreated into the shadows of the hallway, afraid Aly would see her. But her friend only had eyes for Sam.

  “Thank you for spanking me,” she said softly. “It was exactly what I deserved.”

  Capri’s jaw dropped. Aly had just thanked her husband for paddling her ass! Then again, that made sense. Aly had clearly enjoyed it.

  Sam tipped up her chin. “Would you like to show your appreciation?”

  Aly’s lips curved in a sultry smile. “More than you can know, babe.”

  Dropping to her knees in front of her husband, she reached into his boxer briefs and pulled out his cock.

  Capri almost let out a whimper. Sam’s cock was just as big as the rest of him—and just as beautiful. Her pulse quickened as Aly leaned in and opened her mouth.

  Capri jerked back before Aly wrapped her lips around him. She couldn't watch. It would be wrong to violate her friend's privacy like that. But she could still hear what was going on in the room, and her imagination filled in every detail that her eyes were missing.

  Afraid she’d give into temptation and peek if she stayed there any longer, she turned and ran back to her room, closing the door behind her. She stood there for a moment, then threw herself on the bed. She lay there, breathing as hard as if she’d just run five miles, her mind whirling a thousand miles an hour.

  Beneath her short nightie, her pussy throbbed. What had gotten her so hot—the image of Aly getting spanked, or the one of her best friend kneeling in front of that big cock about to take it in her mouth?

  Down the hall, Aly moaned. Capri’s pussy spasmed as the sound of pure sex filtered into the room. She closed her eyes. Aly and Sam were making love. And they weren't being quiet about it. Or maybe they were—they might be much louder when she wasn't there.

  Capri slid her hand down between her legs. Dear God, she was soaking wet. As turned on as she was, she wouldn’t even need her vibrator. While she couldn’t see Aly and Sam, she could imagine what they were doing and it was better than any fantasy she could have come up with. She pictured Aly sucking on Sam’s cock; pictured Sam burying his face in Aly’s pussy; pictured Aly on her hands and knees with Sam pounding into her

  Capri moved her finger faster on her clit. Tingles of pleasure started right there, then spread everywhere, making her entire body tremble. She bit her lip hard, trying to stay quiet, but more than a few squeaks slipped out as she came. When her orgasm subsided, she lay back against the pillows, completely spent.

  She kept her fingers pressed to her clit long after the trembling stopped. Down the hall, she thought she heard Aly coming, but she couldn’t be sure.

  Damn, what a first night. If the rest of her visit was anything like this, she was going to need a vacation from her vacation.

  Chapter Two

  Capri woke up to the smell of coffee the next morning. She rolled over to look at the clock and groaned when she saw the time. Six-thirty. Back home she would have been up way before this on a work day, but she was on vacation. She’d never been able to resist a good cup of coffee, though. And after getting a whiff of the stuff from downstairs, there was no way she was going to be able to go back to sleep. Throwing on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, she put her hair up in a haphazard bun and headed downstairs.

  Aly was at the kitchen counter, her back to Capri. Her long hair hung loose down her back, and she wore a short, terrycloth robe that showed off her shapely legs. An image of Aly bent over her husband's knees suddenly flashed into Capri’s head, and heat rose to her cheeks. She quickly yanked open the fridge and ducked her head inside before her friend could see. That should cool her off.

  “Morning, girlfriend,” Aly said. “Sleep okay last night?”

  Capri grabbed a carton of hazelnut non-dairy creamer. “Yes, thanks.”

  It was true. She always slept well after an orgasm. That thought sent her diving back into the fridge.

  “I'm making whole wheat pancakes. You want some?”

  Praying her face was back to its normal color, Capri closed the fridge. She turned around to see Aly mixing a big bowl of pancake batter. Bacon was already cooking in the microwave. Her stomach growled at the aroma. Since she and Aly practically lived on cereal in college, the bacon and pancakes had to be for Sam. But he was nowhere around.

  “Sure. Sounds good,” she said in answer to Aly’s question. “Where's Sam?”

  “He went for a jog. He should be back any minute.” Aly glanced at her. “While we wait, you want to check out the sale stuff for the mall? The ads are on the table.”

  Capri poured coffee into a mug and added a generous amount of creamer, then sat down at the table. She picked up the first flyer and was leafing through it as Sam came in. He was wearing shorts and sneakers, and that was it. She stared at his broad chest and big biceps, remembering how the muscles there had flexed when he’d spanked his wife.

  She flipped up the paper and forced herself to focus on it.

  “Stop Sam, you're all sweaty!”

  Sam let out a deep-throated chuckle. Capri peeked over the top of the paper to see him nuzzling Aly’s neck. “And you love it.”

  He pressed a kiss to his wife’s cheek, then turned and started for the stairs only to stop and look at Capri. “We weren't too loud for you last night, were we?”

  Her heart almost stopped. “Huh?”

  There was no way he could know she’d spied on him and Aly, was there?

  “Aly and I got to talking and stuff,” he explained.

  “Oh.” Capri sagged with relief. “No, you didn’t keep me up. I didn’t hear a thing.”

  He grinned. “Good.”

  Then he turned and jogged up the steps.

  “Hurry up,” Aly called after him. “I'm putting the pancakes on right now.”

  Capri watched as Sam's muscular legs disappeared from view at the top of the stairs.

  “See anything you like?”

  Capri jumped at the sound of Aly’s voice. She picked up her mug to gulp her coffee, and almost choked. Crap, that was hot. “Wh-what?”

  God, she sounded like an idiot.

  “The sales.” Aly gestured at the papers with the ladle she held. “Did you see anything you like?”

flyers. Right. “Yeah. Actually, I saw quite a bit of stuff.”

  Boy, did she ever.

  Capri didn’t know how she managed to eat breakfast with Sam sitting across from her. The man looked so damn good in his police uniform that it was all she could do not to drool. Somehow, she got down a piece of bacon and a pancake along with another cup of coffee.

  Before Sam left for work, he took Aly into his arms for what Capri assumed was going to be a peck on the cheek. She was wrong. He reached down, grabbed Aly's robe-covered ass in both hands and pulled her close for a long, slow, breathtaking kiss. It made Capri's knees weak, and she was only watching. When he was done, he released Aly and turned to Capri. For a crazy, heart-stopping moment, she thought he was going to give her a kiss, too.

  “Have fun shopping and don't let my wife get you in too much trouble.”

  Capri grinned. “I won’t.”

  Aly made a face as she flopped down in her chair. “Oh, don't mind him.”

  Capri laughed. “You really got lucky with Sam. He’s a great guy.”

  Her friend’s eyes took on a dreamy look. “Yeah, I did. I count my blessings every day.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were still newlyweds.”

  “You mean that kiss Sam gave me before he left?” Aly blushed a little. “That’s just Sam being Sam. He’s all about the passion.”

  Capri tried not to be jealous as she smiled over the rim of her mug. “Yeah, I got that impression.”

  “Not that I’m complaining, of course,” Aly added. “It was one of the things that made me fall in love with him. That man has introduced me to all kinds of things in bed I never would have dreamed of.”

  Like spanking? Capri wished she had the nerve to ask. But she simply couldn’t. Not without admitting what she’d witnessed the night before. She really wanted to know how Aly could enjoy getting her ass paddled, though.

  “You know,” Aly said. “Maybe I can get Sam to bring over one of his hot friends while you're here. He knows pretty much everyone on the force. It’d be a lot easier—and safer—than hooking up with some guy you meet on the beach. If you want to hook up at all, I mean.”

  It was tempting, especially since the guy would be a cop. But she shook her head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m here to hang out with you. I don’t want anything getting in the way of that.”

  Aly was silent as she considered that. “Okay. But if you change your mind, let me know and I’ll have Sam put out the word.”

  Like a BOLO or an APB? Capri almost laughed as they got ready to head out.

  If there was one thing she and Aly both loved, it was shopping, and the mall Aly took her to didn’t disappoint. Not only was the place beautiful, but it was filled with so many stores Capri thought she was in heaven. They went into every clothing and accessories store, and spent most of the day trying on every pair of gorgeous, outrageously expensive designer shoes they came across.

  “Oh, my God! Those look amazing on you.” Capri eyed the black stiletto cage-style heels her friend was modeling in front of the mirror. “You should get them.”

  Aly gave them a wistful look. “I’d love to, but I can't. Sam and I are saving up to renovate the kitchen, so I have to be good.”

  She did another turn in front of the mirror, then reluctantly took them off. Capri was a little surprised at her friend’s willpower. Back in college, Aly would have bought the shoes even if it meant maxing out her credit card.

  Aly was unusually quiet as they drove home a little while later. At first, Capri thought she was obsessing over the cage heels she’d tried on, but resisted buying. Then she noticed Aly staring at the speedometer. They had just gone from a fifty-five to a forty-five mile per hour speed zone, but Aly didn’t slow down. In fact, she sped up a little.

  “What are you doing?” Capri asked.

  Aly didn’t take her eyes off the speedometer. “Wait for it.”

  Capri frowned. Wait for what?

  She found out a second later when a parked cop car pulled out behind them, lights flashing. Capri slunk down in the seat—as much as one could slink down in the seat in an SUV—as the police officer got out and walked toward the car on Aly’s side. Getting pulled over always embarrassed her.

  Aly, on the other hand, didn’t look embarrassed in the least. She calmly reached into her purse for her license and registration and had it ready for the cop. Tall with dark blond hair, a chiseled jaw and broad shoulders, Capri had to admit he was cute.

  His brow rose behind his sunglasses. “Fifty-eight in a forty-five, Aly? That’s the fourth time this month I’ve caught you speeding.”

  “Sorry, Matt. “Aly shrugged. “I keep forgetting the speed limit changes back there.”

  Matt sighed. “I can’t let you go with just a warning again. I’m going to have to write you up this time.”

  Capri expected Aly to try to talk her way out of the ticket, but to her surprise, her friend nodded.

  “I understand.”

  They sat in silence while the cop wrote out the ticket. When he was done, he held it out for Aly to sign. After she did, he handed the topmost copy to her.

  “Have a good one, Aly,” he said. “And remember to slow down next time.”

  “I will,” she promised.

  Capri watched as her friend stowed the ticket in her purse, then started the SUV. “Aren’t you afraid Sam’s going to find out?”

  It had to be mortifying for his wife to get caught for speeding.

  “I’m sure he will.” Aly shrugged. “It’s not like I’ve never gotten a ticket before.” She grinned. “That’s how he and I met, remember?”

  Capri remembered. She also remembered Aly telling her how she’d talked her way out of the ticket Sam had intended to give her and gotten his phone number instead. If Aly wasn’t going to worry about the ticket Matt had given her, neither would she.

  “Want help making dinner?” Capri asked Aly when they got back to the house.

  “I’d love it.”

  Capri once again made the salad while Aly put together the lasagna. As they made dinner, Aly went over the list of things they could do and see while she was in town.

  “You really don't mind taking the whole two weeks off to play host?”

  “Definitely not.” Aly took out the plates and placed them around the table. “Sam is taking off Thursday and Friday this week and next, too, so we can all hang out together.”

  “You're the best,” Capri said.

  Aly grinned. “I know.”

  She and Aly were chatting about hitting the local art museum on the following day when Sam's cruiser pulled into the driveway. The moment he walked in, Aly ran over and gave him a big kiss. When they came up for air, Sam gave Capri a wave, then turned back to his wife.

  “So, what’d you two do today?” he asked.

  “We checked out the mall, then went to lunch,” Aly told him.

  His eyes narrowed. “Didn't spend us out of house and home did you?”

  She smiled up at him. “Didn't spend a penny.”

  “Thank you. I know how hard that can be for you.” He kissed her again. “Dinner smells great. Let me run upstairs and clean up.”

  Aly frowned as she watched him go.

  “Everything okay?” Capri asked.

  It was Ali's turn to be caught off guard. “Huh?”

  “Is everything okay? You looked upset for a second there.”

  “Oh.” She shook her head, then flashed a smile. “It's nothing.”

  Capri didn't think that was true, but didn’t press her friend on it. She was Aly’s guest, and she didn't want to pry. By the time Sam came downstairs, she forgot all about it.

  Until she was helping clean up after dinner. She’d just finished folding the fancy table cloth Aly insisted they use, and was putting it in the linen closet in the hallway when she heard a distinct change in Sam’s tone from the kitchen.

  “Aly, that's the fourth speeding ticket in two months.”

bsp; Capri cringed. She’d been right about Sam finding out. And now her friend was going to get a lecture.

  “But it wasn't my fault,” Ali complained. “It was a speed trap.”

  “It doesn't matter. You can't keep expecting me to cover these up for you. You're lucky Matt came to me with the ticket instead of turning it in. If he had, we’d be paying the fine and it’d be going on our insurance right now.”

  “I know. I'm sorry, Sam. I promise it won't happen again.”

  “Sorry isn't good enough this time, Aly. We talked about this. I told you that if you got another ticket, I was going to have to step in and handle it.”

  Capri couldn’t really blame Sam. He was a cop, after all. It had to be humiliating to have his wife get stopped repeatedly for speeding. And four tickets in two months was insane. While she couldn’t be sure for certain, it looked like Aly had sped up through that area, as if she wanted to get a ticket. Which was crazy.

  Aly was her best friend, but Capri had to agree with Sam. There had to be some repercussions for all these tickets. Nobody could afford to pay extra on their car insurance—it cost too much to begin with. What could Sam do, though, take away Aly's license? That obviously wasn’t practical. Maybe he’d insist she enroll in one of those safe driving courses. They had classes like that, didn’t they?

  “What are you going to do?” Aly asked in a small voice.

  “After Capri goes to bed, I'm going to strap your bottom like it’s never been strapped before.”

  Capri had to slap her hand over her mouth to keep from gasping out loud. Sam was going to spank her friend again!

  Aly didn't even try to hide her shock. Capri could hear her gasp all the way out in the hallway. “You wouldn't! What if she hears?”

  “You're the one who said she sleeps like a log,” Sam reminded her. “Besides, with both doors closed, she probably wouldn’t hear the smack of the leather strap against your ass even if she is awake.”

  “She will if I make noise. You know how loud I am when you strap me.”

  “Then I suppose I'll have to gag you, won’t I?”

  Sam’s low, sexy growl sent delicious shivers through Capri, and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. When that didn’t help, she ducked into the hall bathroom and closed the door. Going over to the sink, she looked at her reflection in the mirror and blinked. Dear God, she was blushing scarlet. She couldn't go out looking like this. Grabbing a hand towel, she moistened it with cool water and pressed it to her cheeks.


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