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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 19

by Tyler, Paige

  Laci could barely keep from moaning out loud at the thought of Grant doing that to her. It was also damn hard not sliding a hand between her legs to give her clit a tiny rub—just enough to give her sweet pea a taste of the pleasure she'd be getting tonight. She'd wear out the batteries in her bedside buddy for sure.

  Since she couldn't touch herself, she had to make due with some thigh-on-thigh friction. She was so lost in the exquisite torture of her neglected pussy she almost missed the part of the story where Grant explained how loud Jessica screamed as she came.

  “Thank God the gym was empty because Jessica's screams would have brought people running. Have to admit, she girl was good for my ego. I don't think I've ever made a woman come so hard.”

  Jase nodded in agreement. “I know what you mean. There's definitely something seriously arousing about knowing a woman’s coming hard.”

  Laci gulped. She wished she was the woman getting Jase that aroused. He'd never heard a woman scream with pleasure until he'd heard her do it.

  “I'd hoped focusing on Jessica for a while would calm down me down a bit—back me off from the edge, you know?” Grant shook his head. “Making Jessica come completely trashed that plan, though. I was still hard as a rock and felt like I’d come the second my dick touched anything. But I couldn't wait another second. I had to fuck her right then.”

  Laci clenched her hands tightly together in her lap to keep from touching herself. She was the one who was going to explode here.

  Jase slanted his partner a disbelieving look. “You went at it right there in the showers without a condom?”

  Grant shook his head. “I probably would have—I was that turned on. But Jessica had planned this down to the last detail. The moment I stopped licking her, she went over to my soaking wet shirt and pulled out a condom from one of the pockets. Turns out she put it in there before she came in.”

  Laci laughed. “I guess she was pretty sure how her plan was going to turn out.”

  She had to admit, Jessica was a ballsy girl. Laci might be feeling a touch jealous of her at the moment, but she had to respect the girl's go-for-it attitude.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Grant said. “Either that, or men are just so damn predictable she didn't think I'd turn her down.”

  “Showing up in the shower half naked probably helped ensure your cooperation,” Jase said dryly.

  “True.” Grant laughed. “Anyway, after we got the condom on—in record time, I might add—I pressed Jessica back against the wall, then lifted her onto my cock. She was so hot and tight, I had to recite the California Penal Code in my head before I barely even started thrusting.”

  Laci couldn’t help but smile. It was funny the lengths a guy would go to hold off coming. Especially since women had to work so hard the other way—concentrating just to get off when a guy was inside her.

  “Fortunately, Jessica was as amped up as I was. We went at it hard and fast for probably no more than five minutes before she started screaming she was coming again.”

  “I hope you know how lucky you are,” Laci said. “A lot of women can't come back to back like that.”

  “Oh, I know. But right then, I wasn't really capable of deep thinking. I just pounded her up against that wall as if my life depended on it and telling myself I wasn’t going to come until she did.”

  “Did you?” Laci asked.

  “Just barely.”

  Grant shifted in his seat, like he was trying to get comfortable. A hard cock could do that, she supposed. And she had no doubt he was hard.

  “In fact, I may have started a few seconds before her. But that made me pump even harder—which pushed her completely over the edge. She wrapped those legs of hers around me so tight I could hardly breathe.” He let out a satisfied sigh. “Damn, it was amazing.”

  Grant fell silent, clearly reliving the memory, and enjoying it. Laci couldn’t blame him. After a story like that, she needed a moment to compose herself as well.

  “Did you keep seeing Jessica?” she finally asked.

  “I would have.” His voice was wistful. “But it turned out that the only reason she’d been able to work up the courage to come onto me was because she was moving to New York City at the end of the week. We traded phone numbers, but neither one of us ever called the other.”

  Well, that was kind of a bummer. Laci was about to ask why he hadn't called Jessica when the car suddenly pitched forward as Jase hit the brakes.

  Chapter Four

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  Around them, cars squealed to a stop. Laci tensed, expecting someone to hit the rear of the cruiser at any second. But thankfully, that didn't happen. As the screech of tires faded, she lifted her head.

  “What happened?”

  “I think a dog ran across the road.” Jase leaned over to grab something from the glove compartment, then flicked a switch on the console. “The cars in front all locked up at the same time.”

  Jase and Grant were out of the cruiser before she could even think straight. By the time she followed, Grant was already working the traffic jam.

  Laci looked around for Jase and caught sight of him kneeling down beside a car. She frowned. What was he doing? Then she realized he was talking in a soothing tone to a dog under the car. She hurried over, praying the pooch was okay.

  Jase held up his hand, motioning for her to stay where she was. “He's really freaked. Stay there while I lure him out.”

  Digging into his pocket, he came out with a plastic bag. Inside were doggie treats. Laci stared in amazement. He kept dog bones in his pocket? That must have been what he’d grabbed from the glove compartment earlier. Boy scouts should be so prepared.

  Jase held out one of the treats. “Come on, boy. It’s okay.”

  Laci saw a glimpse of glimmering eyes as the dog scooted closer little by little. A moment later, the frightened animal crawled completely out from under the car, eagerly taking the treat from Jase’s hand. Jase immediately scooped him up in his arms. Awww, how cute. She’d always been a sucker for a guy who liked animals.

  Jase ran his hand over the dog’s fur. He was a mixed breed with brown fur and floppy ears.

  “He doesn’t have a tag,” Jase said as she reached out to pet the animal. “Let's hope his owner chipped him.”

  Laci silently agreed. Unfortunately, too many people didn’t want to shell out the cash for the lifesaving device.

  Jase glanced at her as they walked to the car. “You don't mind sharing the back seat with this little guy, do you? We’ll need to take him to a shelter to see if he’s in the computer.”

  The little dog blinked up at her with the cutest eyes, as if wondering when he’d get some more treats.

  “Of course not.” She smiled. “He's adorable.”

  Laci sat in the back seat with the dog while Jase helped Grant get the traffic moving. The animal curiously watched the goings on around them for a few moments, then came over to curl up in her lap. She smiled and wrapped her arm protectively around him. If he didn’t have a microchip, she might just have to adopt him.

  “How’s he doing?” Grant asked when he and Jase climbed in a little while later.

  “He’s fine.” She reached into the bag and pulled out another treat. “I think he’s already eaten half the dog bones in here, though.”

  Jase laughed as he turned off the flashing lights and put the car in gear. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll resupply.”

  “You always carry dog treats?” she wondered.

  Grant nodded. “In case we see a stray.”

  That was sweet. Apparently, the dog must have thought so, too, because he leaned forward to lick Grant’s hand when the cop reached back to pet him.

  Laci reluctantly handed the little dog over to the woman at the counter when they got to the animal shelter. Unfortunately, it turned out that the animal didn’t have a microchip.

  She reached out to run her hand over the dog’s fur. She was afraid to hear the answer, but she had to ask. “What if y
ou can’t find his owner?”

  The woman smiled down at the stray. “We’ll hold him for three days to see if someone comes to claim him. If not, we’ll have no problem getting this guy adopted.”

  That didn’t really answer her question.

  Jase must have seen the concern on her face because he smiled. “This is a no-kill shelter, Laci. If no one adopts him, they’ll keep him.”

  That made her feel better.

  Grant pulled out his wallet and handed the woman two twenty-dollar bills. “To help cover the cost of food and a check-up.”

  Laci couldn’t help but smile as Jase added another forty dollars. Attractive, charming, sexy and nice to animals? Could these guys get any better?

  Digging in her purse for her wallet, she took out twenty-five dollars and handed it over to the woman, too, then gave the dog one more affectionate pat before they left.

  Back in the car, the mood was a more subdued than it had been earlier. It reminded Laci of that awkward silence you get at the end of a date when both people are trying to figure out if they should kiss at the end of the night. Not that she was planning on kissing anyone, of course.

  The topic of sex and badge bunnies didn't come back up the rest of the day, which was probably for the best. Their stories had been fun, but she needed to get the conversation back on police work and the real reason she was on this ride-along.

  “Do you want us to just drop you back at the station?” Jase asked when she finally closed her notebook a few hours later.

  Laci tried not to look bummed as she put her pen and pad back in her purse. She really hated that the day had to end.

  “Sure,” she said. “I was just going to grab a ride on BART. The station is only a few minutes from the subway.”

  Jase exchanged looks with Grant. “We thought you drove to the station. If you're just going to take the subway, it’d be easier if we just drop you off at home. If you’re okay with that?”

  “I don’t want to make you go out of your way,” she said.

  “You’re not,” Grant assured her.

  She sat back with a smile. “Okay, then. Thanks.”

  When they got to her place, Laci didn’t get out of the car right away. She didn't know what she wanted, but she knew she didn't want this day to end yet.

  She took a big gulp of air and summoned her courage. “Do you want to come in for coffee?”

  The two cops glanced at each other, but didn’t answer. Talk about awkward.

  Her face colored. “I don’t know what I was thinking. You probably have to get back to work.” She fumbled for the door handle. “Thank you for all the information you gave me. The article will probably be in this Sunday’s paper, if you want to read it.”

  “Laci, wait,” Grant said.

  She froze.

  “Our shift is over.” Jase smiled. “Coffee sounds great.”

  Laci’s hand trembled as she unlocked the door to her apartment, but if either man noticed, they didn’t mention it. Jase and Grant had a presence about them that made her small apartment feel even smaller. It didn’t help that the sexual tension was so thick it made it hard to breathe. Between that, and their badge bunny stories, it was hard not to say the hell with the coffee and drag them off to the bedroom.

  Cool it, girl. The two cops were just there for coffee.

  She poured the steaming brew into mugs, then handed one to each man before adding creamer and sweetener to her own. “I had a wonderful time today.”

  She almost laughed. The way she’d said it made it sound like they were on a date instead of a ride-along. Sad part was, it hadn’t been a date, and yet it still rated a lot higher than most of the ones she’d been on.

  Jase flashed her a sexy grin over the rim of his coffee mug. “Me, too. It was fun.”

  “You were both so helpful and informative,” she continued. “I only wish I could repay you.”

  And how exactly would she do that? It’s not like she could ask one out on a date without offending the other. Even if she could, she wouldn’t be able to choose. Not when she was seriously attracted to both of them.

  “Don't worry about it.” Grant’s mouth curved. “Department policy prohibits any kind of payment for what we did today.”

  “Actually,” Jase said. “There is one form of repayment that would be okay.”

  “Really?” Laci’s pulse skipped a beat. He was going to ask her out. Hot damn! “What do you have in mind?”

  He smiled. “I think a kiss would make us just about even for today's ride-along.”

  Laci blinked. He was kidding, right? Not that she’d mind kissing either cop. But Jase didn’t look as if he was joking. Maybe he’d gotten that first-date vibe, too. Maybe all their sexual banter had gotten him as hot as it had gotten her.

  Don't go there. She’d be damn embarrassed—not to mention disappointed—if she thought that was how things were going to turn out and they didn't. But if a peck on the cheek was all he and Grant wanted—she couldn’t give one cop a kiss and not the other—she wouldn’t turn them down.

  When she didn’t say anything, Grant eyed her curiously, probably wondering if Jase had overstepped. Jase looked a little unsure himself.

  She set down her coffee mug and gave them a sexy smile. “A kiss seems more than fair.”

  Grant let out a snort. “Well, if Jase is getting paid with a kiss, count me in.”

  Laci laughed. “Okay. But he asked first, so he gets his kiss first.”

  Stepping up to Jase, she placed her hands on chest—damn, he had a hard body—then went up on tiptoe and kissed him. On the mouth.

  His lips were gentle on hers, almost questing, as if he wanted to go further, but wasn’t sure if he should. She parted her lips, hoping he’d take it as an invitation, but he didn’t. It was still a nice kiss, though, and when he handed her off to Grant, she went reluctantly.

  Until his partner’s mouth came down on hers. While she didn’t exactly forget about Jase, at the moment, she found it a little difficult to think of anything but Grant. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and finding her tongue with his to play an erotic game of Twister. Laci moaned, reaching up to bury her hands in his dark hair as he devoured her mouth. Now that was a kiss.

  “Hey,” Jase grumbled. “I thought we were talking about a peck on the lips. If I'd known a real kiss was on the menu, I wouldn't have settled for that chaste-ass one I gave her.”

  Grant chuckled as he released her. “I’m sure Laci wouldn’t mind if you gave her another one. Would you, Laci?”

  She shook her head, too weak-kneed from the kiss Grant had given her to do more than that. By the time Jase pulled her into his arms, she was fully in control of her faculties again and immediately slipped her tongue into his mouth to tangle with his.

  Jase weaved his fingers in her hair, sliding one muscular thigh between her legs. She sighed and ground against him as much as she dared. Her pussy spasmed at the contact. The feel of Jase’s erection pressing into her tummy nudged her excitement level up a few notches, and she clung to his shoulders to keep from getting too carried away and doing something she shouldn’t. Like sliding her hand down between their bodies and caressing him through his uniform pants.

  She got the feeling Jase wouldn’t complain if she did. In fact, the casual way he’d suggested she thank them with a kiss made her think he and Grant planned this all along. Was she the object of a well-orchestrated badge bunny set-up?

  Maybe. But as Jase gently rotated his hip, Laci decided she didn't care if they had set her up. Some part of her had been hoping this would happen when she invited them in for coffee. The real question was whether she was actually about to get her badge-bunny ticket punched by two hunky cops at once?

  She wasn't sure, but she was damn eager to find out.

  Jase slid his hand down her back to almost certainly cup her ass, but Grant snatched her back before she could find out.

  “You don’t have to hog her, you know,” Grant muttered.
  Laci couldn’t help but laugh. She felt like she was a bottle of champagne being passed back and forth after a championship game. “Play nice, you two,” she scolded as Grant put his arms around her. “There's no reason you can't share. There's enough of me to go around.”

  Grant pulled back to look at her, his dark eyes smoldering. “You sure about that?”

  She frowned, not sure whether to be insulted or not. “You don't think there's enough of me to go around?”

  Grinning, he pulled her tight against his chest, letting one of his legs slide between hers to come into intimate contact with her pussy. She bit back a moan as heat pooled between her thighs.

  “Oh, I have no doubt there's enough of you to satisfy the both of us, Laci. The question I'm asking is whether you want both of us. Really want us. At the same time. Right now.”

  Grant had only put into words what she'd been thinking, so Laci didn’t know why she hesitated, but she did. Maybe because Jase stepped up behind her and ran his fingers down her arms until his hands were on her hips. With both men this close to her, touching her at the same time, she was suddenly a lot more unsure of herself.

  Could she do this—have sex with two men at the same time?

  Sure, they were attractive as hell. And there was no denying she was more aroused than she'd ever been in her life. But two guys at once? Could she be that bold? What if word of this got out? It could ruin her career as a reporter.

  “This is all about what makes you comfortable, Laci.” Jase’s voice was a sexy whisper in her ear. “If you're not ready to do something like this, we completely understand.”

  Laci wet her lips. “I've just never done anything like this. I'm nervous. And more than a little worried that it might get out. I'd be fired the second my boss heard the rumors.”

  The two men took a step back, and Laci was stunned by the loss of their body heat.

  Grant gazed down at her. “You know we'd never tell anyone if you had sex with us.”


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