Book Read Free

Tabloid Star

Page 7

by T. A. Chase

  “Hey, boss lady,” he said when Rachel answered.

  “Josh.” She sounded relieved. “Are you home now?”

  “Just got in. I got your message plus nine more from reporters wanting to know all about my relationship with Ryan Kellar.”

  “I’m not surprised. I didn’t say anything, but more pictures have surfaced.”

  “Fuck.” He punched the wall next to the window he stood at. “More kissing?”

  God, Josh hoped they weren’t pictures of the other thing they’d done in the alley. That would be way over the line, even for the tabloid. Rachel’s laugh filled him with relief.

  “No, this is one of him punching you. He tagged you one, didn’t he?”

  He slumped onto his couch and sighed, touching his jaw. “Yeah, my jaw is still sore from it. Good thing I’m used to taking hits. Who knew all that boxing I’ve done would come in handy someday?”

  Rachel laughed again. “Can I come over? I have some news and I wanted to see you before you head North.”

  “Sure. I have some lasagna from Mia Leone’s. I’m willing to share.”

  “Yum. I’ll bring a bottle of wine. I can be there in ten minutes.”

  “Good. I’m going to take a shower, so let yourself in.”

  He’d given Rachel a key to his apartment several years ago when he’d first moved in. She kept an eye on things when he went away.

  Josh dried off after stepping from the shower fifteen minutes later. Pulling on the sweatpants he’d taken into the bathroom with him, he thought about what he was going to do. So far no one had bothered Erin, but Josh didn’t doubt some intrepid reporter would find out about her and go to talk to her.

  How could any good gossip reporter miss the chance to announce to the world that the guy Ryan Kellar was seen kissing is keeping a woman and a child up North? His heart skipped a beat as he thought about how all the hoopla would affect Pedro.

  Josh braced his hands on the counter and stared in the mirror. He couldn’t allow that to happen. He’d promised Erin that he would keep them safe, but he didn’t seem to be doing a great job of it.

  A gentle knock on the door drew him from his depressing thoughts.

  “Josh, are you ready for dinner?”

  Rachel’s voice drifted in through the door and Josh relaxed. He wasn’t alone in this, plus it wasn’t only his life being turned upside down. Ryan was dealing with the same issues, though he had an agent to field the harassment and Josh didn’t have anyone like that.

  He opened the door and smiled at his friend. “Yes.”

  Rachel hugged him. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure something out that doesn’t involve risking your sister and nephew.”

  Burying his head in her blonde curls, he let the tension ease from him. “God, there are times when I wished I liked girls, Rachel. You’re going to make some man very lucky.”

  “Yeah well, I’ll worry about finding that guy later. Let’s get some food in you and talk about my news.”

  She’d set his kitchen table and heated up the lasagna, dishing it out and pouring the wine as well.

  After taking a few bites, Josh set his fork down and looked at Rachel. “What kind of news did you find?”

  Rachel took a sip of her wine before she looked at him. “I looked at both sets of photos that have been in The Enterprise. Even though the ones of you two kissing are blurry, I think those were altered to look like that. You would think the others of Ryan punching you would be taken by someone’s phone, since not many people come to the club with a camera.”

  “They weren’t?”

  “No. Those are quality images taken by a good camera.”

  He frowned. “Are you saying that they were taken by a professional?”

  “I believe so.”

  “But why would there be a professional at the Lucky Seven? It’s not like our clientele is the crème de la crème of Hollywood.” He pushed his food around his plate.

  Rachel leaned on her elbows and met his gaze. “I think Ryan’s being followed. I just don’t know whether it’s just an opportunistic photographer or if all of this is a deliberate publicity ploy on his part.”

  Josh jumped to his feet, pacing around the kitchen and clenching his hands. He didn’t care how good an actor Ryan was. The hurt and anger he’d seen in the man’s eyes the other day wasn’t faked.

  “I can’t see Ryan doing this. He doesn’t seem like the type.”

  She shot him an incredulous look. “And you know this from all the time you spent talking to him, right?”

  He blushed, but stuck to his gut feelings. “I don’t think he’s the type of guy who would use someone like that for personal gain. Especially not when it could backfire and force him out of the closet.”

  “What’s the old saying, ‘There’s no such thing as bad publicity’? Remember that, Josh. I don’t know for sure that he’s the one behind it, but what if someone close to him is?”

  Rachel stood and left the kitchen. When she came back, she carried several papers.

  “Look at these. This is Tuesday’s edition of The Hollywood Enterprise. The infamous kiss. On Thursday, came this one.”

  Josh took the one she handed him. It showed Ryan in the process of slugging him in the jaw. The headline said, “Lover’s Spat?”

  “Great,” he muttered, tossing the paper on the table.

  “This was today’s cover.”

  “Fuck.” He stared at a picture of Ryan and the guy he’d been with at the bar. Bob? Bart? No, Bill. They seemed to be standing in line at some amusement park. This headline said, “Cheating already?”

  “Jesus, do these people get off on being as rude and crude as possible?” He crumpled the paper in his hand.

  “Probably, but that isn’t the point. The point is that these were not pictures of opportunity. If more pictures show up, I’ll be led to believe someone is following him.”

  “Wonderful. Ryan has his own stalker now. He’s made it to the big leagues, I guess.”

  Josh started cleaning off the table. As he scraped the uneaten portions into the garbage, he struggled with his inclinations.

  “Do you think I should call Ryan and warn him?” He stopped and looked at Rachel. “There really might be things and people he doesn’t want the public knowing about.”

  Rachel shrugged. “Is there someone you trust who could either follow Ryan themselves or could give you a name of a private investigator?”

  He thought while they cleaned up the kitchen in silence. When they went into the living room, his gaze landed on a picture of him with two other men. Morgan and Vance.

  “I used to bartend at this club downtown. I became friends with three of the bouncers. They quit and opened their own personal security business. Bodyguards and drivers. You know the kind of protection the big-name stars need.”

  “You think they’ll help you?” Rachel cradled her coffee in her hands and smiled at him.

  “They’ll at least know who I could get a hold of to follow Ryan for a while.” He set his cup down and dug out his cell phone. “I have Morgan’s number in my phone.”

  Scrolling down the numbers, he found Morgan’s and pushed the call button.

  “Josh, you old dog. I see your face in the tabloids. I thought you didn’t want anyone to recognize you.” Morgan’s voice boomed over the phone, almost drowned out by the loud music in the background.

  “Hey, Morgan, did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Nah, just having a little party. It’s Brody’s birthday and him and his partner came to visit. Vance and I thought we’d help him celebrate.”

  “Tell Brody I said hi and happy birthday. I was wondering if you and Vance would have time to meet me sometime this weekend.”

  “Just a second. Have to move somewhere quieter.” The music disappeared and Morgan laughed. “Much better. Sure, we can meet you whenever, but I thought this was the weekend you went up North.”

  It was and he really didn’t want to screw up Pedro’s routine b
y not showing up, but Josh couldn’t see any other way out of the predicament except to take care of it right away before it spread.

  “I have to cancel it. Would noon tomorrow at the coffee shop on the corner of my block be okay?”

  “Sure. Make it closer to one and I’ll make sure Vance is awake for it.” Morgan snorted.

  Josh smiled. Vance wasn’t a morning person and for him to get out of bed before two was a miracle.

  “Thanks and just so you’re prepared, it has to do with those tabloid photos.”

  “Are you in trouble?”

  “No, but I want to figure out how they were taken and who took them. It needs to be dealt with before my family gets involved.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll help you with anything you need.” Someone must have opened a door because the music grew loud for a second. “I have to go. I’ll catch you tomorrow at one.”

  “Thanks, Morgan.”

  He hung up and set the phone down. Dropping on the couch next to Rachel, he hung his head and rubbed his neck. Rachel pushed his hand out of the way and started massaging his back.

  “I hate to tell you this, but you should probably call Ryan and tell him what’s going on.”

  Josh jerked away and stared at her. “You’re kidding, right? First of all, he’s not going to want to hear from me. Second of all, I don’t have his phone number. I can’t call him.”

  “I pulled some strings and I got his home phone for you.” She held out a piece of paper for him to take.

  “You found a number for him. Now he’s going to think I’m a stalker.”

  “No, he won’t. Just leave him a message to meet you at the coffee shop. It’ll be up to him whether he wants to come or not. If he doesn’t, then you don’t have to tell him anything. If he does, then you can get his input.”

  “He’s not going to believe me.” He dropped his head back down and Rachel started rubbing again.

  “Tell him you’ve found a solution to your mutual problem. Hopefully that’ll peak his interest enough to make him come see you.”

  Rachel was right and he hated that. Ryan needed to know what was happening and even though Josh didn’t think the man would come, he still had to tell him.

  Reaching for the phone, he took a deep breath and dialed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The phone rang as Ryan collapsed on his couch. Growling silently, he considered not answering it. Didn’t having an unlisted number mean people couldn’t find it and harass him? Bill wandered in as the answering machine clicked on.

  “Hello, you’ve reached Ryan Kellar’s phone. He isn’t here right now. So please leave your information and he’ll get back to you. If you’re a reporter, call his agent.”

  Bill shot him a grin. “Already talking about yourself in third person?”

  He flipped his friend the finger, but the voice coming through the answering machine had him sitting up and paying attention.

  “Ryan, this is Josh Bauer. I know you probably never want to hear from me again, but I wanted to let you know what I’ve been doing in trying to solve our mutual problem.”

  Ryan flung himself across the couch and snatched up the handset. “What mutual problem, fucker? I’m the one whose career is teetering on the brink here.”

  “Very melodramatic, honey,” Josh drawled. “Screening your calls?”

  “Hell yes, I’m screening my calls. My phone has been ringing almost non-stop since those first pictures came out. The fucking reporters won’t leave me alone.”

  “Join the crowd. You’re not the only one who’s caught in the middle of this shit storm, but I’m going to stop it before it spreads and drowns people I care about.” Josh’s voice filled with anger.

  Ryan glared at the phone for a second. “This isn’t my fault.”

  “And it’s not mine either.” Josh sighed. “Listen, I’m meeting some friends of mine for lunch at one tomorrow. I’m getting some advice from them about how to handle all this. Plus I think someone’s following you specifically. The pictures appearing in The Enterprise are too good to be taken by amateurs with cheap phones.”

  He rolled over on his back and stared up at the ceiling. “You seriously believe that?”


  A voice he heard in the background made him frown. “Who’s there with you?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but Rachel is here and she’s the one who suggested that the pictures might be more than moments of opportunity.” Josh sounded tired.

  Ryan bit his lip, not wanting to feel guilt or sympathy, but his conscience punched him. Josh hadn’t signed on for all the media hype. Ryan at least knew that the possibility of it becoming a media frenzy existed. Being a star had its good and bad sides. Unfortunately, it did mean that there were innocent people hurt in the process.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

  Bill stood and left the room. He appreciated his friend’s discretion.

  “So am I, honey. You’re the best fuck I’ve had in a long time and any chance of it happening again has been ruined.”

  He blushed at Josh’s crude words and he shifted on the couch, his cock stiffening in his jeans. His head and good sense told him he shouldn’t reply to that comment. There couldn’t be anything between them. It was too risky to his career if he was seen with Josh again.

  His body seemed to be ruling his tongue though. “There is a chance of it happening again.”

  Ryan hit his forehead with the hand not holding the phone. Fuck. He seriously needed to watch what he said.


  “Yes.” He sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor between his feet. “Listen, I’ll be there. Give me the directions and I’ll come. I think I need to talk to you without alcohol or sex getting in the way.”

  Josh’s chuckle was low and hit Ryan low in his gut. Heat rolled over him, landing in his groin and causing his prick to press against his jeans like it wanted to burst out.

  “Ryan, I think sex will always get in the way for us.”

  “Not tomorrow. I plan on being good. Never know who’s watching,” he joked.

  “Damn. You’re right. Here are the directions and I’ll see you there at one.”

  He dug out a pen and some paper, jotting down the name of the coffee shop and Josh’s cell phone number.

  “That’s in case you change your mind.”

  “I don’t plan on it.” He tossed the pen on the coffee table in front of him.

  “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, honey.”

  Josh hung up and Ryan pushed the off button on his handset, staring at it while contemplating whether he had enough energy to throw it across the room. With one husky “honey”, Josh had returned all the memories from their one night together to Ryan’s head and he wasn’t sure he was thrilled with that.

  “Did I hear you right? You’re going to meet the man who tricked and used you for money.” Bill dropped into the chair across from the couch and grinned at Ryan.

  Instead of throwing the phone at the wall, Ryan tossed it at his friend. “Yes, I am, and be glad I’m not going to make you come.”

  “Why not? I’d love to get another look at that bartender.” Bill licked his lips.

  “Stop it, asshole. If you were any straighter, you’d have a ruler shoved up your ass.” He flopped back on the couch and folded his arms behind his head.

  “Sure, I’m straight, but I’m secure enough in my masculinity to say when I find another man attractive.” Bill snickered as Ryan flipped him the finger. “Are you really meeting him tomorrow?”

  “Yes. He has an idea how to solve this problem and I should hear him out, right?” Ryan peered at Bill. “I don’t believe he did it, no matter what Raz says.”

  Ryan’s cell rang and Bill grimaced.

  “Speak of the devil,” he muttered before standing and leaving again.

  Bill had never tried to hide his contempt for Raz and maybe his friend was right about Raz being a slime ball
. He’d reserve comment until after this whole tabloid crisis was over.

  “Kellar, I have a news conference scheduled for you at one tomorrow at the Roosevelt Hotel,” Raz ordered.

  “I’m sorry. I already have a previous engagement. I can’t make it.”

  “What? Of course, you can make it and who are you meeting?” Raz sounded shocked that Ryan would dare to tell him no.

  He shouldn’t say anything, but again his tongue took control. “I’m meeting Josh at one to talk about the whole picture thing.”

  “Josh? That fag bartender? You’ve got to be kidding me. I told you after the picture of you punching him came out. Stay as far away from him as you can. He’ll only drag you down in the gutter with him and make a lot of money doing it.” Raz was practically screaming by then.

  Ryan held the phone away from his ear and waited until Raz took a breath.

  “I don’t think he had anything to do with it and I want to talk to him about it.”

  “You’re thinking with your God damn dick, Kellar. You better think long and hard about this. I’m doing my bloody best to clear this mess up and you’re bound and determined to screw it up.”

  Ryan didn’t want to listen to Raz’s rant anymore. “I’m going, and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Reschedule the news conference and get back to me.”

  He snapped his phone shut and this one he did fling across the room, smiling at the satisfying crunch it made as it hit the wall.

  “Destroying your phone can’t change the fact that your agent is an ass,” Bill commented from the hallway.

  “I know, but it’ll make me feel better for a while.”

  He glared at the dent in his wall for a moment before jumping to his feet. “Let’s go to Olivera Street and get some good Hispanic food. I refuse to hide out here like some criminal.”

  Bill laughed and slapped him on the shoulder as he headed to his room. “Good for you, buddy. The best way to beat them at their own game is to refuse to play it.”

  Yeah, Ryan was done being ashamed of what happened. He was sure that at the news conference, Raz expected him to read a prepared statement denying the pictures were real. He still had to decide if he’d do that or not, but until then, he’d have fun with his best friend and not dwell on it.


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