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In Defence of Dogs

Page 38

by John Bradshaw

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  First published 2011

  Copyright © John Bradshaw, 2011

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

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  ISBN: 978-1-846-14296-3

  John Bradshaw is one of the world’s leading dog experts, and In Defence of Dogs gives us a uniquely authoritative insight into what dogs would ask us for, if only they knew how.

  The dog has been mankind’s faithful companion for tens of thousands of years yet today finds itself in crisis throughout the western world. Until just over a hundred years ago, most dogs worked for their living, and each of the many breeds had become well suited, over countless generations, to the task for which they were bred. Now, in their purely domestic roles, we fail to understand their needs. And it is time that someone stood up for dogdom: not the caricature of the wolf in a dog suit, ready to dominate its unsuspecting owner at the first sign of weakness, nor the trophy animal that collects rosettes and kudos for its breeder, but the real dog, the pet that just wants to be one of the family and enjoy life.

  Biologists now know far more about what really makes dogs tick than they did twenty years ago – and John Bradshaw has been at the centre of this research. However, this new scientific understanding has been slow to percolate through to owners and has not yet made enough of a difference to the lives of the dogs themselves. This book is here to set the record straight. It is time we understood one of the most successful species on the planet, our closest friends, the dog.


  In Defence of Dogs

  ‘A lovely and clear-headed book on all things dog – emotion, mind, and breed. John Bradshaw’s authority and experience are matched by the thoughtfulness and humanity of his writing. Read this before you bring a dog into your life’

  Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a Dog

  ‘Every so often we are reintroduced to an old friend, and we may see them in a new light, reinvigorating a long-standing relationship. John Bradshaw reintroduces us to mankind’s oldest friend, the dog. He compiles and explains new information on the origin of dogs, their relationship with ancestral wolves and why we need to base our relationship with dogs on partnership and cooperation, not outmoded theories about dominance. Dogs and dog lovers alike will benefit from Bradshaw’s insight’

  Stephen Zawistowski, PhD, CAAB, ASPCA Science Advisor

  ‘[Bradshaw] provides a well-grounded overview of the Canis family’s evolutionary journey. He also considers dogs’ brainpower, emotional states, sensory capacities and problems that come with breeding for looks rather than temperament. The point of all this science is to lay the foundation for his central thesis … Ultimately, this is what makes the book so appealing. He does more than simply lay out interesting theories; he uses science to advocate a better life for companion dogs’

  The Bark

  ‘An alternative to conventional, dominance-based approaches to understanding dogs (Cesar Millan’s methods, for example) in an informative … guide to how canine biology and psychology determine behaviour … Bradshaw’s book is useful to those looking to further their understanding of dog behaviour and clarify common misconceptions’

  Publishers Weekly




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