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Paranormal Erotic Romance Box Set

Page 35

by Lola Swain

  They all gave it up very quickly, however, and no girl ever refused Allen Connor. And all of the accolades, achievements and adoration certainly inflated Allen Connor’s head and his expectations.

  After graduating from Harvard Medical, he chose to be an ER doctor and shrugged off his father’s plan of taking over his private practice in Marblehead. Dr. Connor loved the adrenalin rush of emergency medicine and he liked the nurses as well. Where his father’s practice offered much money and stability, Allen Connor loved the freedom of living in Boston and the perks city life offered. He was not a suburb guy…not yet, at least.

  He knew from a very young age that his smooth, deep voice and dimpled smile lured people, especially women, to him. But Dr. Connor had a secret ability to look at a girl and deduce everything she lacked in one glance. Then, he set about to fill their voids that left them utterly addicted to him.

  Which is exactly what Dr. Allen Connor did when he met Zoe Nicolas sitting on the sidewalk in front of Mitchell Rowlett’s sidewalk.

  He was there for a dinner party with a radiology nurse he met at Mass General. And he forgot all about his date after seeing the beautiful, tragic girl sobbing on the sidewalk below Mitchell’s brownstone. He figured out what was going on pretty quickly after he and the others went outside to survey the scene. It was obvious that the man of the house was fucking around on his very pregnant wife. Dr. Connor could not deny his relief when the beautiful girl with the dark hair and haunted eyes denied that it was she who was fucking Mitchell Rowlett. From what he saw of the blond rolling around on the sidewalk under Mitchell, she seemed much more his type anyway. After the Rowlett’s and the other guests, including his date, went back inside, Dr. Connor stayed outside to make sure Zoe was okay.

  When he looked into her red-rimmed, green eyes and her beautiful face, Dr. Connor saw everything that Zoe Nicolas lacked and it was a lot.

  This girl, more than any other he ever met, needed to be taken care of. She would be Dr. Connor’s biggest project by far and he was up for the task. Her neediness, in the beginning, did not turn him off. On the contrary, Zoe Nicolas’ neediness made Dr. Connor feel more virile than he ever felt. And for someone like Dr. Connor, having that virility constantly coursing through his body was as important as breathing.

  Dr. Connor asked Zoe where she lived. She whispered her address and he reached toward her and tilted her face until they looked into each other’s eyes.

  “I would like to drive you home. I just want to make sure you’re okay. You’ve got quite a bruise on your forehead.”

  Zoe brushed her fingertips across her forehead and winced. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh no, it’s okay,” Dr. Connor said as he stroked Zoe’s cheek. “You are still absolutely beautiful. I would be honored to drive you home.”

  Zoe shook her head and glanced at her friend who was staring at them down the sidewalk.

  “I’m sure she can take care of herself,” Dr. Connor said as he stood from the sidewalk and pulled Zoe from the ground. “Just say yes. I promise, you will be glad you did.”

  He left his date at the Rowlett’s without a word and Zoe’s slutty friend on the sidewalk and they walked toward his car.

  Zoe didn’t speak as he drove his car through the dawn-tinted streets of Cambridge. He knew she was embarrassed and it was the first time he could not figure out what to say to make a girl feel like she was home. He kept glancing at her as he drove and her head was tilted and resting against the passenger window. Her eyes were fixed straight ahead and she never even gave him a side look. Her neck was so graceful and beautiful and he wanted to lean over when they were stopped at a light and brush his lips against her skin. He never wanted to stop looking at her.

  For the first time in his life, Dr. Allen Connor was smitten.

  “We live near each other,” Dr. Connor said as he drove down an empty city street.

  Zoe didn’t respond. Did not even look at him.

  He shook his head as he drove toward Zoe’s building. He knew the sleek south end building well. He had many dates in the sophisticated apartments.

  “How’s your head? Any headache or dizziness? You know, you should give me your number. In case you feel any symptoms. You could see me at the hospital. I work at Mass General. I’m an ER doctor, but I can see you there. I have my own office. It’s a pretty big office,” Dr. Connor said as he stopped in front of Zoe’s building.

  She opened the passenger door before the car came to a complete stop and twisted her body toward the open door.

  “Wait!” Dr. Connor said and fumbled with his seat belt. “I’d like your number. Do you like sushi?”

  Zoe stared at Dr. Connor and gave him a hint of a smile.

  “Yes. Thank you for the ride,” she said and fished around in her purse. “I don’t have a pen.”

  “Just tell me. I will remember it.”

  Zoe stared at the incredibly handsome stranger and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She thought of the scene with Mitchell and she wanted to die.

  “Did you ever just want to run away from home?” Zoe said as she stared over Dr. Connor’s shoulder at her building. “Just leave everything and everyone behind and float out to sea?”

  “I can help you with that, Zoe,” Dr. Connor said and turned her head toward him. “I will help you with that.”

  “You don’t even know me,” Zoe said and closed her eyes.

  “I do know you. Not as much as I’d like to, but if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been trying pretty damn hard to fix that.”

  Zoe looked at him and smiled. He held his breath as he stared at her. He didn’t want to exhale until she gave him her phone number.

  “Okay,” she said and sighed as she took her phone out of her purse. “What’s your number?”

  Dr. Connor took Zoe’s phone from her hand and dialed his number. His cell phone rang and he took it out of his suit pocket. He looked at the screen and smiled.

  “Now I have it. I will never forget this number, Zoe.”

  “Okay,” she said and slid out of the front seat. “I’m going in now.”

  “So, tonight?” Dr. Connor said as he stared at Zoe’s ass, still quite lovely even under the large sweatpants she wore.

  Zoe turned around and knelt in the open door of Dr. Connor’s car.

  “You’re not married, are you?”

  Dr. Connor held up his left hand and shook his head.

  “Absolutely not. Not yet, at least,” he said and winked.

  “Okay,” Zoe said and smiled, “tonight.”

  That night turned into the next and the next and the next.

  Zoe decided she would do something different with this one. She made him wait and work to get her pussy. Zoe was as wildly attracted to Dr. Connor as he was to her, but she vowed not to fuck this relationship up and tried to ratchet down her neediness. However Dr. Connor made it very hard.

  From the first date, Allen Connor pulled out all the stops. Every day for two weeks, he sent one dozen long-stemmed roses to her apartment and one dozen to her office. He took her for expensive meals, outdoor concerts, picnics, museums and even asked her to shop with him for new furniture for the large brownstone he bought in the north end. He not only swept her off her feet, he made damn sure they never touched the ground. And Zoe could not believe her good fortune…her luck finally turned.

  So Zoe was happy, Dr. Connor was over the moon, however, there was one person who was anything but ecstatic at the turn of events in Zoe’s life.

  Vicky Westwood wanted to strangle Zoe. She paced her room as Zoe got ready for her sixth date with the handsome doctor who rescued Zoe from the sidewalk in front of Mitchell Rowlett’s brownstone.

  “How could this have happened?” she said to herself as she flopped on her bed and punched herself in the stomach. “This cannot have happened!”

  “What cannot have happened?” Zoe said as she walked into Vicky’s room, dressed beautifully for her date.

  Vicky scrambled
to sit up on her bed and stared at Zoe.

  “Nothing. I lost something for graduation.”

  “Oh. Hey, can I borrow your gold hoops?”

  “Yes,” Vicky said and sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Zoe said as she fluffed her hair in Vicky’s vanity mirror.

  “I’m just stressed…graduation, you know. You’re going to be there, right? I mean, my mother couldn’t even bother to make it back from Europe. At least she sent a check.”

  Zoe turned and looked at her friend. She always felt sorry for Vicky when she thought of how hard she tried to make her mother proud. From the time they were young, Vicky’s mother’s solution for the daughter she never had time for was to throw money at the sad girl. Vicky wanted what everyone wanted: love and acceptance. And where Zoe felt Dr. Allen Connor fulfilled those needs in Zoe, Vicky had no one. Zoe also felt scared to talk to Vicky about what she and Dr. Connor talked about the night before.

  Dr. Connor, in the middle of a hot make-out session in the back of his car at the Metropolitan Museum of Art benefit, asked Zoe to move in with him. Zoe knew this news would devastate Vicky. They always lived together, but she also knew that this was her time to shine. After a lifetime of disappointing men and heartbreak, Zoe finally found the one. And she could not allow him to slip through her fingers.

  “Of course I’m going to be there! I wouldn’t miss it for anything. Friday, eight o’clock, right?” Zoe said and sat on the edge of the bed and threw her arm around Vicky.

  Vicky looked at Zoe and managed a smile.

  “Thank you,” she said as she rested her head on Zoe’s shoulder and inhaled deeply. “I love that perfume. It’s so sexy.”

  “Isn’t it?” Zoe said. “It drives Allen wild.”

  “So where is Doctor Love taking you tonight?”

  “The Pops are playing in the park. He’s arranged a picnic.”

  Vicky stared at her friend’s outfit and shook her head.

  “How the hell are you going to sit on the ground in that skirt? I mean, I can practically see your panties and you’re sitting up! Or is that the point?” Vicky said and stared at Zoe’s tan, shapely thighs.

  “God, no. I better change.”

  “God, no? When did you turn into such a prude?”

  “It’s an experiment,” Zoe said and smiled. “Since everything I’ve always done with men never works, I’m doing the complete opposite.

  Vicky stared at her gorgeous friend and laughed.

  “What?” Zoe said and stared into Vicky’s eyes. “It’s not that funny!”

  “You’re serious? The complete opposite? Are you telling me that you’ve been seeing Doctor Perfect for nearly two weeks and you’ve not fucked him?”

  “That’s exactly what I am telling you. Nothing more than making out.”

  “Nothing more than…you are out of your mind! Not even a dry hump or two in his car?”

  “Nope. Not even. He’s working for it and believe me, it’s not easy, but I’m pleased with the results.” Zoe said and smiled.

  “Well,” Vicky said and shook her head, “it’s your funeral. I’m sure your vibrator has clocked quite a few miles in these past two weeks.”

  “Nope. We made a pact.”

  “A what?”

  “A pact. We promised each other. We promised we won’t even cum…even alone…until we do it together.”

  “You’re kidding me?” Vicky said. “So after you guys make out and the two of you go back to your respective corners, you don’t even masturbate? Give me a fucking break.”

  “It’s the truth,” Zoe said and giggled. “I know it must be hard to believe for Miss Super Sex, but we promised. Plus, can you imagine how explosive it’s going to be when we finally do it? It’s going to be something absolutely special and I can’t wait. I’m tired of the cold showers.”

  “Yeah,” Vicky said and smiled slyly, “I can imagine. So he’s not even jacking off? Please! And you believe him?”

  “Of course I believe him,” Zoe said and stood from Vicky’s bed. “Why shouldn’t I?”

  Of course Zoe should never believe a word that a man like Dr. Connor says, but in this case, she was right.

  Dr. Connor honored their silly pact and it was killing him. This was the longest he’d gone without cumming, either alone or with others, since he was eleven-years-old. He had a two-week case of blue balls and he was getting weaker. Of course the women at the hospital didn’t help. Never had he noticed women throwing their pussies at him as if they were Frisbees more than during the pact. And the lack of release was causing the normally sensible man to do many things that were out of character for him.

  Like asking Zoe to move in with him.

  He couldn’t believe the question flew out of his mouth. But fly it did and, much to his regret, Zoe accepted his invitation. This was a step that he was not ready to take, but he knew he couldn’t take it back. He just hoped that Zoe was worth it. Not that he had any intention of giving up his extracurricular life after they fulfilled the pact, but he knew he would have to be a lot more creative. Besides, having a woman like Zoe in his home may quell his parent’s disappointment at the fact he rejected his father’s plan to go into private practice. Dr. Connor talked himself into the idea as he drove to Zoe’s apartment to pick her up for his special surprise.

  “You never bring strange back to your house anyway,” Dr. Connor said to himself as he looked into his rearview mirror. “This girl better be worth it.”

  Zoe was upstairs getting ready for Vicky’s graduation ceremony when the doorman called the apartment to announce Dr. Connor’s presence. She looked at the clock and grabbed her purse and ran downstairs.

  “What are you doing here?” She said as she ran across the lobby and threw her arms around him. “I thought you were working the night shift.”

  “I had to see you,” he said as he gathered her in his arms for a hug. “I want you to come with me. I have a surprise for you.”

  Zoe pulled away from Dr. Connor and stared at him and then looked around the lobby. The residents of the building stared at the gorgeous couple with nothing but envy and Zoe felt proud.

  “But I can’t,” she said and brushed a lock of his hair away from his long, dark eyelashes. “I have Vicky’s graduation. I can’t miss it.”

  Dr. Connor frowned and closed his eyes. A bolt of fear shot right to Zoe’s heart. She disappointed him.

  This is how it starts and if I don’t go with him, he’ll find someone who is free to spend time with, she thought.

  “It’s a special thing,” he said and smiled until the dimples she was enamored with popped up.


  “You won’t,” he said.

  Zoe stared into his eyes and shook her head.

  “No, I can’t. Vicky is my best friend. I’ve not spent any time with her since you and I started going out. And I haven’t even told her that I’m moving in with you yet. I’ll be the only one there for her. No one in her family is even showing up. It will crush her if I don’t go, Allen,” Zoe said and glanced at her watch.

  This was Dr. Connor’s test for Zoe. He was about to see if she passed.

  “Do you remember when the hospital phoned me and asked me to pull a shift last Wednesday?” Dr. Connor said and sighed.


  “No, just listen. The hospital called when we were having dinner at Brandolino’s, right? And what did I say to them? I said I won’t come in. I did not say I can’t come in, I said I won’t come in. Will not. Do you know why that is, Zoe?”

  Zoe hung her head.

  “Look at me,” Dr. Connor said and lifted Zoe’s chin. “Good. Now why did I say won’t and not can’t?”

  “I’m not sure?”

  “No,” he said and sighed, “you’re not sure, are you? That’s okay, I’ll tell you this one time, but listen up because if you and I are going to work out, it is vitally important that you understand this. Vitally as if your life depends on it. Do you understand?”<
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  “Y-yes,” Zoe said as she wondered what happened to her soft-spoken, accommodating boyfriend.

  “Okay, the reason I didn’t tell Dr. Millet, the Chief of Staff, no less, that I can’t come in and rather said that I won’t come in is because there is no can’t. Get it?”

  “There is no can’t?” Zoe said.

  “Make that a statement and you are one hundred percent correct. There is no such thing as can’t. You see, I could go in to the hospital, however, you and I were in the middle of a beautiful date. I would not go into the hospital because I did not want to end our date. So, you can go with me to see your surprise, but you won’t go with me to see your surprise.”


  “And as there is no can’t, there’s no but either. Because when you say but, Zoe, you will negate everything you say before and in most cases, after.”

  Zoe’s brain spun out as she tried to figure out what to do and what her lifetime use of cant’s and but’s meant. And as Dr. Connor turned away from her and she watched the back of his head bob as he walked toward the revolving door of the lobby, she knew that while she was going to crush Vicky, she would not risk losing Dr. Connor.

  “Allen, wait,” Zoe said as she ran after her man.

  Dr. Connor stopped and bowed his head at the lobby door. He smiled as he looked at his glossy wingtips. Zoe passed the test.

  The surprise that Dr. Connor planned for Zoe could have been postponed, of course, but he wanted to show her the new bed he purchased just for her, but any hope he had of getting her into that bed was dashed when Vicky called Zoe’s cell phone when Zoe didn’t show up for her graduation ceremony.

  Zoe always felt like she was in trouble when she disappointed someone.

  When she didn’t show up for Vicky’s ceremony and Vicky called her incessantly when she was at Dr. Connor’s, Zoe felt like she was in the most trouble in her life. Zoe had an incredible capacity for guilt and the guilt she felt about missing the ceremony coupled with the fact she was moving in with Allen and still had not told Vicky, filled her to the brim. She resented the fact that she had to rush from Dr. Connor’s surprise and she hope he understood. Her guilt notwithstanding, disappointing Dr. Connor was a million times worse than disappointing anyone else in her life. Be that as it may, she was terrified of confronting Vicky.


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