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Paranormal Erotic Romance Box Set

Page 41

by Lola Swain

  “Yes, Elder,” Luca said and bowed his head, “I understand.”

  “This mission is decreed! Now go!” Elder Andarnus said as he dismissed Luca and Lena.

  As Luca and Lena approached the Departing Chamber, Luca admonished himself for not listening to the directive.

  “Assignment?” an Elder who stood at the entrance of the Departing Chamber said.

  Luca stared at the ancient man and felt Lena jab at his arm.

  “Ah, our Assignment,” Luca said. “Our Assignment is in—”

  “New York, United States,” Lena said.

  “Time?” the man said.

  “Present,” Lena said as she gave Luca a cross look.

  The man scribbled in a leather-bound book.


  “Their names or ours?” Lena said.

  “Your names! I assumed that was the easiest of questions!” the Elder said.

  “Yes, our names. Inquisitors Maretti and Mason,” Luca said.

  “Glad you finally made it,” Lena said under her breath.

  “Offenders?” the Elder said.

  Luca looked at Lena, her beautiful mouth open and ready to speak. He was angry she embarrassed him in front of the Elder and decided when they arrived at their destination, he would silence that know-it-all tone by shoving his cock into that lovely hole. Or holes, no matter.

  “Go right ahead,” Luca said as he nudged Lena toward the Elder.

  “Kirschner. Paul and Katy Kirschner,” Lena said.

  “Fine, enter the portal,” the Elder said and stepped aside.

  “It’s not like you knew anyway,” Lena said to Luca.

  “Just get in!” Luca said and pushed Lena into the chamber.

  The journey from where the Inquisitors were to where they went was a rough one. Being jettisoned from one world to the next was never easy, but they prepared well for the trip. This was Lena’s first mission back to the world she was violently deprived of and she felt the transformation deeply as she moved between the world of the Order to the world of the living.

  It had been three years since “Cute Mitch” killed Lena. Three years since she was inducted into the Order. The torture she endured during her reeducation was no worse to Lena than the torture she endured in life. The Elders showed her the pathetic ways she lived her life and how those ways contributed to her death.

  The travel to the present was exciting and not fully understood to Lena. She wanted to ask Luca a million questions but noticed his eyes were closed. How could he sleep? But suddenly and despite her excitement, she too felt very sleepy and it wasn’t long before her body slumped against Luca’s. She didn’t wake until she felt her body hit something after the crash.

  “What?” Lena said as she looked around. “Wait…where are we?”

  Luca was at the far end of the bedroom in a cream, linen suit in front of the room’s wet bar making a drink.

  “We are here,” he said and smiled as he took a tiny pair of tongs and placed some ice in a glass. “There’s a bigger bar in the main room, but I didn’t want to leave you alone for your first reentry. Cocktail?”

  “Sure,” Lena said and sat up slowly on the large bed. “Where is here?”

  “The Waldorf-Astoria of course,” Luca said. “What is your pleasure?”

  “Vodka with some sort of juice, I don’t care.”

  She waited until Luca’s back was turned and he was busy making her drink before she slid off the bed. She grabbed two large pillows and put one in front of her naked body and one behind and tiptoed off looking for the bathroom.

  “You should not cover,” Luca said as he pointed at her. “Your body is magnificent.”

  Lena stopped in the hallway and turned toward him. He looked beautiful with the light shining through the sheer curtains beside the bar.

  “Um, thank you, but I assume I need clothing for this mission?” she said and walked toward Luca and dropped the pillow covering her beautiful bottom and took the cold drink from his hand.

  “Yes, it would be helpful. At least, initially,” Luca said and chuckled. “You will find everything you need in that closet. There are toiletries for you in the bathroom.”

  Lena sipped the cold, sweet drink and felt the burn from the vodka slide down her throat. She stifled a choke and Luca laughed.

  “Been a while?” Luca said and brushed a curl from Lena’s forehead.

  “Yes,” Lena sighed. “It’s been three years now. And for you?”

  “I returned from an Inquisition not too long ago. So it really hasn’t been that long since I enjoyed a drink.”

  “Really?” Lena said and backed toward a leather club chair and sat down, clutching the pillow to the front of her body. “Where were you? I mean, if I can ask?”

  “Oh, sure. The mission sent me to Moravia. I hoisted a large amount of slivovitz whilst there,” Luca said and sat on the side of the bed near Lena. “It was a good time.”

  As with everything else about Luca, Lena found his Italian accent very sexy. They didn’t talk much within the Order so it was nice to hear him speak.

  “What was your mission?”

  “Hmmm, well the mission was a tough one,” Luca said and swung his long legs onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard. “You sure you want to hear?”

  “Definitely,” Lena said and scooted the chair closer to the bed.

  Luca took a long sip of his scotch and placed the glass on the bedside table. He folded his arms behind his head and crossed his legs at the ankles. He reminded Lena of a patient in a therapy session getting ready to spill dark secrets.

  “Well, as I said, I was sent to Moravia recently. The Offender was a priest at a small parish near Brno. The irony! At any rate, I arrived and set about to carry out the task. The Elders chose me especially for this particular job and I knew if I carried out the directive successfully, I was one step closer to libertas. The tension was very high, but I was immune to his pleas.”

  “What did he do, the Offender?” Lena said and moved her chair even closer to Luca. “What was his crime?”

  “One of the worst crimes, actually,” Luca said and winked at Lena. “By day he preached to his faithful parishioners about virtue and piety and abstinence and by night, he raped.”

  “Raped?” Lena said and gasped. “Children?”

  “Not technically, not like babies. However, his victims were quite young. Males and females alike. It was tricky. He was quite an elderly man and very well regarded in the village. But they didn’t know the real man behind the robe.”

  “And his punishment? What was his punishment?”

  “What is the Law, my lovely pupil?” Luca said. “The Law most popular that the Elders preach? Lex talonis, of course.”

  “So, you were to rape him? And his victims, did they get their revenge as well?”

  She was fascinated that Luca was so forthright with the information. She always wanted to hear about the missions the Inquisitors went on, but knew it was forbidden to speak of while in their world.

  “Oh yes, they got their revenge on him as well,” Luca said and laughed. “I took him first and showed him the errors of his ways. His victims who came forward, finished the job.”

  “Finished?” Lena said and touched her neck. “They killed him?”

  “Yes, they killed him.” Luca said and rolled his eyes. “Quite enthusiastically, I might add.”

  “But they all don’t die, do they? I mean, some of the Offenders are spared.”

  “Sometimes they are spared, sometimes they are not. Death is neither planned nor expressly ordered in most of the Inquisitions. One knows that it is a byproduct of some of the Inquisitions though, just as it was during the original age of Inquisition. With him, the priest, it was a combination of the severity of the punishment and his age that left him dead. We are not ordered to kill, simply torture. Sometimes torture leads to death.”

  “Yes,” Lena said remembering her reeducation, “I am aware of this.”

bsp; “Good. We show no empathy on our missions, Lena. They must be carried out. Remember the goal.”

  “Libertas,” Lena whispered.

  “Exactly, libertas. And think how nice that will be!”

  “I do. Every day.”

  “Excellent. In the meantime, you can enjoy yourself during the mission. Don’t you notice you feel different? Go, look in the mirror. You’ll see you even look different.”

  Lena held the pillow against her body and walked to the mirror hanging over the desk in the bedroom. She certainly felt different, she could actually feel. And she looked different, if only because, she had not seen her reflection in years. She was very pleased with what she saw.

  “Yes, I look different than what I expected. I think I look beautiful.”

  “Well, you certainly do from here,” Luca said.

  Lena whipped around and held the pillow tighter against her body. She tried to ignore the heat she felt creep across her face. She knew she was blushing, but it didn’t bother her as much as it would it life. She thought it most fortuitous to be able to feel any emotion again.

  “Um, can you please not make it your goal to embarrass me?”

  “Ah, little gattino is shy. I like that,” Luca said and crawled toward Lena. “Tell me when it was that you last enjoyed flesh, little cat.”

  Lena’s heart pounded as Luca crawled toward her like a panther. His face exquisite: beautiful Roman nose, full, cherry-red lips and eyes that sparkled despite their dark. The want that invaded her body startled her. She felt her focus drift away, but she didn’t care once she felt the feelings of being human again. It was a gift for Inquisitors to carry out missions and finally, Lena was able to fully grasp the effects of the gift.

  “Three years,” Lena said and looked at the floor. “It’s been three years.”

  Luca reached the edge of the bed and came up on his knees.

  Lena could reach out and touch that beautiful face he was so close, but she clutched the pillow covering her body tighter. She dug her fingernails into the fabric and imagined she was clawing at Luca’s back. Luca stared into Lena’s eyes as he slipped his suit jacket off his broad shoulders. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and when he took it off, revealing his tanned, muscular chest, Lena felt dizzy.

  “And now, do you feel it? Do you feel the rush of the blood? The beating of the longing?” Luca said as he unbuckled his pants.

  “Yes,” she said and licked her lips, “it is very strong.”

  “I feel it too, Lena,” Luca said and slipped his pants down his thighs. “My cock is throbbing. Drop the pillow.”


  “Drop the pillow!” Luca said as he sat back and slipped his trousers off.

  Lena jumped at the harshness of Luca’s tone. She felt the fright she used to feel at the moment she was thrown off guard by a man she foolishly thought was kind. She bowed her head as she clutched the pillow to quell her trembling.


  “Look at me!” Luca said. “Lift that pretty head and look at me. Now!”

  Luca knelt in front of Lena in nothing but his white boxer briefs. Covered in tattoos, he stretched his arms out and Lena’s eyes dragged over every muscular ridge of his stomach and rested on the considerable bulge in his underwear. The fright gave way to desire as it always did. The throb Lena felt in her body was unbearable and she wanted nothing but Luca inside of her. She reached toward him, wanting to grab his cock, needing to feel what she was sure was amazing.

  “No, little cat,” Luca said and slapped Lena’s hand away. “I told you what I want. Now, you need to do it!”

  “Oh, what the hell,” Lena said and dropped the pillow to the floor exposing her nakedness to him.

  Luca studied Lena’s body as if he were an inspector. He smiled and bit his bottom lip. He was very pleased with Lena’s curvaceous body. Large, firm breasts, a small, toned waist and beautiful, shapely hips.

  “Turn around, baby. I want to see that ass.”

  Lena turned slowly and planted her hands on the desk in front of her. She poked her ass out toward Luca and turned and looked at him over her shoulder.

  “You like?” Lena said and smiled as she enjoyed Luca’s obvious pleasure with her body.

  “Very much. You have an ass like an apple,” Luca said and leaned forward on his knees toward Lena. “Makes me want to take a bite!”

  Luca opened his mouth wide and brought his teeth down on Lena’s firm, plump ass. She gasped, first out of pain and then moaned into the pleasure. She leaned into his bite and wished his hands would crawl around her waist and between her legs, but he stopped biting her.

  “Turn around,” Luca said. “I want you to see me.”

  Lena turned and leaned her sore ass against the desk as she watched Luca slowly peel his boxer briefs down to his knees. His cock sprang up and was as magnificent as Lena imagined: large…thick…hard as a rock.

  “You like?” Luca said. “Never mind, I see from your hard little nipples you like very much.”

  “Could be the temperature in the room.”

  “No, it’s not the temperature in the room,” Luca said and gripped his cock with two hands. “I look at your beautiful pussy and it shines with your excitement. Spread your legs wider. I want to see more.”

  “Yes, well you caught me, I suppose,” Lena said and parted her legs.

  “Do you want this?” Luca said as he glided his hand back and forth over his hard shaft.

  “Yes,” Lena said and moaned. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  “Ah, good. But, you’ll have to wait, love” Luca said and winked.

  “Boo!” Lena said and pouted. “Isn’t this one of the supposed benefits? I’m pretty sure I read about this in the brochure.”

  “I love your sense of humor, but I am the lead Inquisitor, Lena. I will always make the rules,” Luca said.

  Lena was certainly not used to being teased by a man. In life, and to her detriment, she used her beauty to turn men to mush. Initially.

  Whenever Lena first met a man, he would do anything to get her into bed and she never waited. Sooner or later, because of Lena’s personality and her inherent weakness however, a switch always flipped and the man gained control.

  There was nothing Lena could do about her past and because of Luca’s position in the Order, he did make the rules when it came to their interaction. She would only be able to exert any control over Offenders.

  “Hop up on that desk,” Luca said. “I want to watch you end your pain.”

  Lena planted her ass on the top of the desk in front of Luca and pressed her back into the mirror behind her on the wall. She pressed her legs together and waited for his order.

  “Are you feeling shy?” Luca said as he stared at Lena. “I can’t see what I want to see.”

  “A little self-conscious,” Lena said and stared at her knees.

  Luca moved back on the bed and rose to his knees. His hard cock pointed at Lena like a divining rod.

  “Spread your legs, kitten.” Luca said as he spread his knees wide on the bed.

  Lena forced her legs apart and braced her feet against the desk. She brushed her long, wavy hair off her shoulders and Luca had a nice view of her large breasts.

  Luca wanted nothing more than to plunge himself deep inside Lena. She was so beautiful…so wet. But he knew she was insane with desire for him and such was his depravity, he would make her wait.

  “Beautiful,” Luca said as he stared at Lena’s body. “Now, touch yourself.”

  Lena reached down between her legs. It had been many years since she touched herself. A lifetime ago, Lena was a master in pleasuring herself, sometimes spending entire mornings in bed using her hands or toys to bring herself to multiple orgasms. It was one of her favorite things to do and she felt the rush of memories and the pleasure as she began to rub up and down between the wet folds of her vagina.

  “Faster!” Luca commanded as he stroked himself. “Rub yourself faster, bella!”
r />   Lena’s wetness created the perfect slippery lubrication and her hand flew up and down between her legs. She pressed her palm against the swollen skin covering her clitoris on each up and down stroke. She quickly felt the long-missed tingle building in her lower back…the sign of what was to come. She rested her head against the back of the mirror and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  “No!” Luca said. “Open your eyes and look at me while you play with yourself!”

  Lena opened her eyes and brought her head forward. Luca stroked his cock quickly, his beautiful hand glided back and forth over his wide shaft. Lena never wanted a man as badly as she wanted him at that moment. She imagined him pouncing on her like an animal. Tearing her flesh up and pummeling her until nothing remained. She had never watched a man masturbate before and watching Luca do it, turned her on more than the combination of every lover she ever had. She rubbed herself with no shame as she watched him. She loved watching him and loved him watching her as much.

  She stared directly into his eyes as she felt her orgasm coming.

  “I want you!” she said and moaned. “I want you more than I’ve wanted any other.”

  “Pinch that little clit!” Luca ordered. “Tug on it like I do my cock.”

  Lena lifted up on the hood that covered her clit and exposed her engorged, throbbing bud. She pumped two fingers of her other hand in and out of herself while staring into Luca’s dark eyes.

  “Yes,” Luca said and groaned, “that looks beautiful!”

  “It feels beautiful!” Lena said and squealed. “It would feel even more beautiful if you were pounding me instead of my fingers!”

  “Soon! Now, do as I say and tug on your clit,” Luca snarled.

  Lena pinched her clitoris gently between her thumb and index finger. She watched Luca stroking his cock in short, staccato bursts and she mimicked those motions against her clit. Instantly, her legs convulsed against the desk. She pressed the hand that held the hood back deeply into her mound and moaned.

  “I love watching you play with your pussy while I play with my cock, Lena,” Luca said as he tried to control his breathing. “Are you close?”


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