Page 11
‘Charlie! You gave me a fright, I wasn’t expecting you to be in and… oh’ Penelope shrieked, and then she realised that he was not alone…
‘Em, this is, erm…’ Charlie struggled to introduce the girl he was with, Penelope realised what was going on and jumped in to introduce herself first to save him the embarrassment of struggling with the girl’s name.
‘Oh, I see, hello I’m Penelope…’ Penelope interjected.
‘Hi I’m Felicity…’ Felicity sounded a bit suspicious of Penelope.
‘That’s it! Felicity! This is Felicity.’ Charlie stated a little bit too enthusiastically.
‘I know she just told me!’ Penelope glared at him affectionately. ‘Well, nice to meet you Felicity, I think I’ll stumble on up to bed, literally… sorry… Good Night.’ Penelope tripped on the stairs as she was dying to get away from the two of them. It was so awkward.
‘Oh my god, he couldn’t even remember the poor girl’s name. I don’t know what they see in him. It’s got to be the band thing, girls seem to be really into that in a big way. I wonder if I would fancy him if I didn’t know him… hmmm, now there’s food for thought. I never really thought of him that way before.’ Penelope made her way on up the stairs.
Zara was still awake in bed upstairs. She had just got warm and comfortable and was ready to nod off, when the inevitable happened…
‘I won’t go, I can’t bear getting out of my nice warm bed, no I have to pee, ok. Here goes’. Zara reluctantly headed down to the toilet. ‘Oh, what’s that noise? It sounds like someone is having sex in the living room! Wonder who it is? Well I’m definitely not going down to find out, oh, but it could be burglars! I’ll just have another listen… nope, definitely not burglars, definitely people shagging! Must be Charlie, bloody musicians, they’re all the bloody same.’ Zara was getting acquainted with life in the house very quickly indeed, she definitely didn’t expect to overhear anything like that on her way to the toilet.
The next morning Penelope rang George first thing, she couldn’t wait to tell her all of her news from the night before.
‘Hi it’s me,’ Penelope said as George picked up the phone.
‘Hi Pen, what time do you want to meet up?’ George beamed as she spoke.
‘Do you want to just drop into my office at about half six, and we can head down together.’ Penelope couldn’t wait to catch up in person.
‘Good plan, have you decided where yet? I was thinking Floridita would be good, we could get something to eat too.’ George was so excited too.
‘Sounds lovely, let’s do that then, I haven’t been there in ages.’ Penelope enthused.
‘Ok, see you later.’
Zara bumped into Charlie on her way out the door.
‘Hi Charlie, were you in the living room late last night? I got up to go to the loo and I thought I heard some gymnastics going on down there, I thought we were being burgled.’ Zara decided to make light of it as she felt so uncomfortable about the whole thing.
‘Yep, sorry about that Zara, it was me… you know the way it goes…’ Charlie looked very sheepish as he said this.
‘Indeed, oh well as long as you were having fun, that’s the main thing,’ Zara smiled at him.
‘Oh yes, lots of fun, three times,’ Charlie winked at Zara.
‘Bloody hell! I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend,’ Zara blushed.
‘Oh, no, no I don’t.’ Charlie realised that Zara seemed really uncomfortable.
‘Oh, I see, bloody hell.’ She regained composure.
‘I know… that’s Rock & Roll for you Zara,’ Charlie grinned at her as he said this.
‘Bloody hell!’ It was at moments like these that Zara couldn’t believe that this was her new life in London, this would never happen in her mum’s kitchen back home!
‘We’re looking for a new singer for our band, we think it would enhance the music to have girl on board, and I’ve met quite a few hotties at the auditions.’ Charlie was explaining the process to Zara.
‘You’re terrible!’ Zara thought this was quite funny actually.
‘No, no, I would never sleep with someone if I thought that she was going to get into the band, mind you I don’t tell them that though.’ Charlie winked at Zara again.
‘You’re hilarious!’ Zara giggled.
‘I like to think so. Actually we have loads of people to see on Saturday for the room.’ Charlie thought this was great, it was probably one of the first actual conversations that they had had that wasn’t small talk.
‘No pole dancers I hope?’ Zara teased him.
‘None that I know of anyway,’ he shot back at her.
‘Hopefully we’ll find someone nice.’ She sounded a bit more serious now.
‘I’m sure we will.’ Charlie was reassuring.
Zara made her way on out the door.
‘That could have been so embarrassing if he wasn’t so chilled about it. I hope I didn’t come across as too much of a prude, sometimes I’m so bloody naïve, maybe it’s because I have no brothers… I just don’t get it. Looks like living here will be an education. Fingers crossed I don’t lose my job and have to leave London really soon, hmm am I actually admitting to myself that I want to be here now. One minute I’m dying to go home and the next I actually want to stay here… make your mind up Zara!’
Later on that evening George and Penelope had just arrived at 100 Wardour Street in W1. Floridita was absolutely buzzing, even this early on a Thursday night. The mojitos and cuba libres were already flowing.
‘This is great fun George, well done for deciding to come here. I haven’t been out drinking midweek in ages, I’ve been so busy in work… you know the way it goes.’ Penelope was really enjoying the champagne cocktails that they were knocking back like water.
‘I know what you mean, and going out midweek really makes the week go much faster don’t you think?’ George was a big fan of making the weekend come around a bit faster.
‘I couldn’t agree more. It’s so nice to be in the land of the living, and not in a suit. I usually just go home and go straight to bed, but it’s nice to be in jeans. So it’s usually just suits, gym gear and jammies all week for me until the weekend.’ Penelope was loving the disconnect from work.
‘Do you not have dress-down Fridays?’ At George’s office they were allowed to wear what they liked any day, but especially on Fridays.
‘No, they really don’t know how to do casual at our place, there’d be no point. They did try to introduce it, but they all kept coming in in suits. So they dropped the whole idea. Casual would not be a good idea in an investment bank.’
‘That’s a shame. We only have to be suited and booted if we have client meetings, if not it’s smart casual, and then dress-down Fridays. I love those, you can go out straight after work in your own clothes and not in your work “uniform”… it makes Fridays more fun somehow, working in jeans,’ George smiled.
‘God, George, there are some really yummy guys here…’ Penelope could not believe the amount of well dressed, interesting looking guys around her, it was such a contrast to the suited and booted crowd at dinner the night before.
‘Well, I haven’t really been looking, but now that you mention it… yum…’ George had a good look around.
‘Look at that bloke over there with the black hair, he looks like a young Antonio Banderas with longer hair… I love that “growing the hair” look, you know it’s so supposed to look like that on purpose. Nice clothes too, hmmm, a bit too nice actually, do you reckon he might be gay?’ Penelope was checking out one guy in particular, in a non-obvious way of course! He really stood out.
‘No, not by the way he’s looking at you anyway.’ George had a totally different perspective, she could see over Penelope’s shoulder.
‘Is he looking, I didn’t notice at all…?’ Penelope whispered to George.
‘Ah, yes, but only when he’s sure that you are not looking, but I see every
thing… eyes in the back of my head you know, give him a smile if you catch his eye… and he might come over…’ George was always very wise about men.
‘Yes, mum!’ Penelope agreed.
‘He is bloody gorgeous actually.’ George had a better view now that Penelope had got off her stool.
‘I just need to pop to the loo,’ Penelope whispered as she brushed past George.
‘Ok, don’t be long, I don’t want to look like a pickup at the bar.’ George sounded serious.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.’ And with that Penelope was gone.
George stared into her cocktail and played with the napkin, she was miles away until she was rudely awakened…
‘Hi, I’m Alyx, Alyx Stuart-Bruges, I was just wondering… is your friend seeing anyone at the moment? I didn’t want to strike up a conversation and offend… if her boyfriend is here somewhere.’ The guy who had been checking Penelope out headed straight over to George when he saw that her gorgeous blonde friend had left her alone.
‘Well, Alex…’ George was a bit taken aback by this. He certainly was direct!
‘Alyx!’ Alyx repeated. ‘Why on earth do English people always get it wrong!’ he thought to himself.
‘Sorry, Ah-leeks.’ George made an effort to pronounce his name properly, which was no mean feat after a couple of Bellinis. ‘Very wise of you to ask in advance… and the answer is no, she is not seeing anyone at the moment, as far as I know. If you stick around for a minute, she should be back and I’ll introduce you…’ George was being very organised about this, and sobered up momentarily.
‘Thanks, that would be great, and your name is?’ Alyx remembered his manners.
‘George.’ She shook his hand.
‘Pleasure to meet you. Your name is a little unusual, is it Welsh?’ George didn’t know what else to talk to him about.
‘French actually, mother’s side of the family, nobody can ever pronounce it properly.’ Alyx gave her a winning smile.
‘And what do you do for a living then?’ George wanted to get as much information out of him as possible to see if he was a “suitable candidate” for her best friend. Alyx was doing pretty well so far.
‘I’m a lawyer, not as dull as it sounds though, I specialise in entertainment, the music industry mainly…’Alyx was quick to mention that he wasn’t some boring lawyer.
‘I see, sounds fabulous, brainy and glamorous, oh here she comes…’ George beamed back at Alyx. He certainly had her seal of approval, so far so good.
‘Pen, you were gone for so long… I have made a new friend, and he is just dying to meet you… Pen, meet Ah-leeks.’ George was loving this flurry of excitement on their midweek girly night out. She grinned as she introduced them.
‘Hello Alyx, I’m Penelope.’ Penelope gave him a big smile, but managed to remain composed.
‘The pleasure is all mine…’ Alyx was a worthy opponent, also remaining calm.
‘Not Alex then? Ah-leeks is it?’ Penelope was really interested in his name. She loved slightly unusual names. She was surrounded by too many Williams, Johns and Roberts… at work. Dull, dull, dull!
‘Well technically yes, it’s French actually, but you can call me Alex if it makes you more comfortable. The story goes that granny couldn’t spell Alex properly so every generation is stuck with the name Alyx…’ Alyx wanted to make Penelope more comfortable.
‘No, no, Alyx is fine. And what do you do?’ Penelope enquired.
‘I’m a lawyer…’ Alyx began…
‘Oh no! Boring, boring, boring!’ The smile literally fell off Penelope’s face as he said this.
‘Oh, your face dropped there… it’s not as boring as it sounds. I specialise in the music industry… lots of perks,’ Alyx added.
‘Now, that’s better…’ Penelope’s smile slowly etched its way back onto her face.
‘That sounds really interesting. Do you get to meet the stars? Are they difficult?’ Penelope was really interested now.
‘Yes I do, I work closely with a few big stars. I can’t name names of course, and no they are not difficult, we wouldn’t work with anyone who was difficult. What about you Penelope, what do you do?’ Alyx wanted to leave the rest of this conversation for next time, hopefully if they got to meet up again.
‘I’m in banking, Capital Markets mainly, not Rock & Roll, but it pays the bills.’ Penelope began with a sigh…
‘Em, hello… remember me…?’ George interrupted, she was getting seriously bored. Penelope and the gorgeous Alyx were rapidly becoming engrossed in their conversation and had forgotten she was even there.
‘Oh sorry George, I nearly forgot about you there…’ Penelope literally had forgotten about George, she was so locked into the conversation with Alyx.
‘Would you two ladies like a drink?’ Alyx decided to lighten the mood.
‘That would be lovely.’ Penelope smiled at him again.
‘I can see you are both drinking Bellinis? Same again?’ Alyx was on top form now.
‘Yes, yes please.’ George smiled at him, as she was finishing the dregs of hers.
‘Here you are,’ Alyx turned to them and placed the drinks in front of them. ‘I’m afraid I’m going to have to go back over to my friends. They have been waving frantically there for a few minutes. Penelope, I was just wondering if I could get your number, maybe you would like to come out for dinner or a drink sometime…?’ Alyx was not leaving without her number.
‘Well, I’m not in the habit of giving my number out to people in bars, but I think I’ll make an exception for you, you seem like a nice fellow…’ Penelope handed him her card.
‘Great, thanks, lovely to meet you both.’ Alyx made eye contact with both of them, and then he was gone.
‘Likewise,’ Penelope smiled at him.
‘Bye Ah- Leeks… … … … …’ George called after him, over-pronouncing his name and slightly swaying on her bar stool. She was a bit tipsy now, and loving all of this drama.
The minute Alyx had gone, Penelope broke into a warm smile, she was practically dizzy she fancied him so much.
‘My god you’re cool Pen, if I had been in your shoes, I would have been weak at the knees. He is absolutely gorgeous, I’ve never seen a guy with a face that beautiful, he is stunning! He’s almost more beautiful than you!’ George winked at Penelope as she said this. Penelope nearly choked on her Bellini.
‘Oh my god, do you think?!’ Penelope grimaced. ‘Thank god for makeup’ she shuddered at the thought of Alyx being more beautiful than a woman.
‘He’s very manly though. That jaw, and the jet black hair… and I know we couldn’t see them, but did you see those arms lurking under the jacket.’
‘I did indeed!’ George announced triumphantly. The girls had had their farcical checklist since they were teenagers, which no man was actually meant to live up to. ‘… and I think he looked about 5ft11… don’t you think?’ The girls had decided years ago that this was the ideal height for the ideal man, not too tall, not too small. Particularly as Penelope was 5ft9, she needed a bit of wiggle room so that she could wear heels without towering over him.
‘I think he probably was, but it’s only when you get really up close to someone that you can actually tell…’ Penelope winked at her as she said this.
‘I don’t think we have ever met anyone who ticks all of the boxes!’ George mused. ‘I mean we set the bar impossibly high, and the checklist was always a bit of a joke. I never thought you would actually meet the perfect man.’
‘Now George, he’s not the perfect man… you can’t judge a man on looks alone,’ Penelope chimed. ‘Although the clothes do maketh the man,’ Penelope giggled, slightly drunk from the alcohol and the excitement.
‘Funny name, what’s that all about?’
‘Like he said, it’s French. One of my cousins is called Alyx. My aunt is French… George, I think I’m in love.’ Penelope felt like she was floating.
‘Me too…! I mean, I would be if I were you. He
does look kind of foreign, but not really. He has definitely got something. Wow! Well done! A good team effort there if I may say so myself.’ George was delighted with herself. She could not have planned the whole thing better if she had tried.
‘Yes, well done George, I couldn’t believe it when I came back and he was here chatting to you, how on earth did you manage that?’ Penelope needed details.
‘I did nothing, he just came over when you went to the loo, and asked if you were seeing anyone, didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes apparently, afraid there might be a big hulk of a boyfriend lurking, ready to beat him up,’ George explained.
‘Wow, nice work though, I presume you told him I was single.’ Penelope was very impressed.
‘Afraid I had to, I didn’t want him to run off before you got back,’ George reassured.
‘Yes, very wise, very wise indeed.’ Penelope was very grateful. ‘My heart sank when he said he was a lawyer.’
‘I knew you’d react like that, but…’ George added.
‘I know, but… in the music industry, fabulous, brainy and glamorous…’ Penelope interjected.
‘That’s exactly what I said!’ George giggled.
‘I hope he calls…’ Penelope stared off into the distance as she said this.
‘Only time will tell…’
‘Let’s go after these drinks, I think I’ve had enough excitement for one night, and it’s not even the weekend… fabulous!’ Penelope was thrilled with how this week was going. So much had happened and it was only Thursday night.
She found it hard to get to sleep that night when she was in bed, she was still buzzing from the champagne and the excitement.
‘I’m still on a high from meeting that guy tonight. It has really jolted me awake. It has just made me realise how dull the guys I normally date are. He was really smooth too. I hope he calls. I can barely sleep, I’m buzzing after all of that.’
The next morning Zara was up nice and early.
‘Yay! It’s Friday… now I hate mornings, the trek to work is bad enough, but Fridays are always good. There has to be an easier way to get to work. I might ask Rob when I get in, he’s great, he has lived here for three years now, and knows it all. It’s taking me over an hour to get there each day, but it’s not that far on the map. A nice long shower will wake me up properly…’