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VALIANT REIGN (The Royals Book 3)

Page 20

by Brooke Sivendra

  He returned his attention to the screen.

  “His next move will not be subtle, Asher,” the Queen of Arinia agreed.

  “Then we’ll retaliate, and continue to do so until he is defeated,” Asher said. “I won’t live in fear of Adani and I will not let them take my kingdom. They have started this, but we will finish it.”

  King Luang gave a small smile and his eyes looked a little less pained. “You’re so much like him. You have his fighting spirit.” His eyes darkened. “And you’re going to need it. We all will.”

  Asher shook his hand. “Thank you for standing beside me.”

  “Killing Martin was Adani’s biggest mistake. They murdered my friend, and I can’t stand by and let them get away with that. We fight together.”

  Asher turned to the Queen of Arinia, who nodded.

  King Luang looked to his security, who prepared to escort them to the waiting helicopters. They’d agreed to stay together for the initial attack, but now Asher had to return home to Santina. He needed to be there for his people.


  “What would you do now if you were the Adani king?” Asher asked as he buckled himself in.

  James chewed on his cheek then sighed heavily. “I would teach you a lesson and hit you where it hurts most.”

  “My family?” Asher asked.

  “Your extended family,” James clarified. “King Khalil will hit the city—or at least that’s what I’d do. Not all of the Adani soldiers were killed at the border, and some of them would’ve made their way into Santina. He might use them to coordinate an attack, but I don’t think it’ll be big enough.”

  “He can’t poison the water supply. We put your additional measures in place,” Asher said.

  “I don’t think he’ll be that subtle. You need to watch your airspace—that’s how I’d retaliate.”

  As if on cue, the helicopter bounced and Asher clutched the hand rests before exhaling a shaky breath.

  James continued, unfazed. “And while you’re focused on that, he’ll move in his soldiers from every side.”

  Asher met his gaze. “I need to give him a distraction of his own.”

  A plan was formulating in Asher’s mind. If he hadn’t already started the war, what he was thinking would have done so in spectacular fashion.

  He leaned back and prayed for a smooth flight. He prayed for a few minutes of sleep too, but all he could see when he closed his eyes was the image of fallen men. It didn’t matter that they were Adani soldiers—they were still men following orders of a corrupt and violent king. They shouldn’t have to die for a man who wouldn’t die for them. But that was beyond Asher’s control. If he hadn’t fought back, he would be seeing dead Santinians when he closed his eyes.

  One of his prayers was answered and the turbulence faded, replaced by a rhythmic hum. Asher drifted off to sleep, knowing he would need it, because it might be the last sleep he’d have for a while.

  In the blink of an eye, they’d landed on the Bennetts’ helicopter pad and Asher was shaken awake before being ushered inside.

  “Everything is ready for the press conference,” James said.

  “Good,” Asher said, heading in the direction of the room he’d requested be set up: a live speech to be broadcast over Santina’s television network. The palace was in shambles and the balcony had been blown up, so that wasn’t an option, and they didn’t want to invite media into the Bennetts’ home. A broadcast was the safest option.

  Asher’s eyebrows lifted when he walked into the room. A painting of the Santinian flag had been hung on the wall. It was the exact painting that hung behind Asher’s desk—his father’s desk.

  William entered, his eyes following Asher’s. He sighed. “They’re a matching pair, those paintings. I had them made for your father’s birthday one year. And then after everything that happened . . . I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it, but I also couldn’t look at it every day. It has been wrapped up and stored in our basement until tonight.”

  “Thank you,” Asher said, placing one hand on William’s shoulder. “I’m glad you kept it.”

  William smiled. “Me too. I certainly did not foresee needing it for such an occasion.”

  Asher nodded as he moved to stand behind the desk. He took a calming breath as a crew member counted down to zero.

  “Santina,” Asher said, looking directly into the camera, “the day has come to defeat our enemy—the one who has been hiding in the shadows. Adani.”

  Asher narrowed his eyes, taking a moment to let that name sink in.

  “Adani was once our friend, but they are greedy, and they want what they cannot have: Santina. I told you I would not be blackmailed and that I would destroy anyone who threatened Santina. So, I am telling you this: King Khalil is your enemy. He planned to do to Santina what he did to his poor many years ago—poison their water system and kill them off.”

  Asher could almost hear the gasps of his people.

  “I don’t make these accusations lightly, and I don’t make them without evidence. King Khalil is corrupt, violent, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We will not tolerate this any longer! And we do not stand alone—Santina has friends who will back us and fight with us on every border. My father fought so hard to avoid a war, and this was not a decision I made lightly. But while my father didn’t see the heinous acts Adani is capable of, you will—I will expose the Adani to the world. There will be no mercy!”

  He took a long breath.

  “A war has started, and we will fight alongside our allies to defeat our common enemy. We may be small, Santina, but underestimating us was Adani’s biggest mistake. We will fight, we will advance, and we will be victorious!” Asher locked his eyes on the camera, not afraid to reveal the emotion in his eyes. He meant every word and he would fight for Santina until his last breath.

  When the cameras stopped rolling, Asher realized Abi was there, standing against the wall, her face unreadable.

  He moved toward her, ignoring everyone else, before stopping a step in front of her.

  “Strong, brave, and honest, King Asher,” she said with a smile.

  He returned the smile tightly. “But what do you think, Abi?”

  Her eyebrows threaded together. “I just told you what I thought.”

  Asher nodded. “I know this is going to be hard,” he said. “This war goes against everything you stand for.”

  She took his hands, threading her fingers through his. “I stand for righting the wrongs in the world. Do I like war? No, I don’t. But do I like Adani murdering innocent people? No, I don’t,” she said flatly, looking into his eyes. “I told you I would stand beside you and support you. That doesn’t change now. If you go to war, I’ll grab my gun and stand beside you. Forever.” She turned her hand so her engagement ring shone.

  “Thank you,” Asher told her quietly, and he truly meant it. Her support had never meant more to him than it did in that moment. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, looking over his shoulder for security.

  They surrounded them in seconds and escorted them to a bedroom.

  Asher found a new toothbrush in the bathroom, cleaned his teeth, and threw his suit on the floor. He crawled into bed, settled his head on the pillow, and pulled Abi into his arms. He exhaled, sighing with relief. It had been a hellish twenty-four hours, but they were safe, and he could finally close his eyes for the night.

  His cell phone ringing on the bedside table startled him from his sleep. When he saw the name on the screen, he knew it wasn’t going to be good news.

  “James,” Asher said quickly.

  “Adani has retaliated,’ James said, his words rushing into each other. “They hit the holy site, the Lithe Ruins.”

  Asher’s blood froze in his veins as he tried to process what James was telling him.

  “How did they do that without being detected by our radar?” Asher asked, his voice strained.

  “They were detected,” James said tersely. “Your military
tried to shoot them down, but it was too late. They’d already launched the missile.”

  Asher pulled at his shirt like it was strangling him. He sat upright, swinging his legs out of bed. “How bad is it?”

  “It’s a catastrophic, fiery blaze, Asher. There will be nothing left of the Ruins.”

  Asher leaned forward, shaking with fury as he rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head.

  He drew a long breath, and then another. “I’ll call you back.” He ended the call and paced the length of the bedroom. He knew where to hit Adani hardest, but he wouldn’t make that decision without King Luang’s consent.

  He dialed his number. “I assume you’re not calling with good news,” King Luang answered.

  “Adani has hit the Lithe Ruins—the holy site I refused to sell them. If I wasn’t going to give it to them, they were going to make sure I couldn’t have it, either.”

  There was a long pause. Then, “What do you want to do now?”

  “We will attack the royal compound. Reed is in place,” Asher said, his voice shaking with rage. “It is time for Adani to fall.”


  The fourth book of The Royals will be released late 2020.

  In the meantime, you can begin James Thomas’s story in ESCANTA, Book One of the James Thomas Series.








  The Favour


  The Ranger

  The Redemption


  The Vault

  The Traitor

  The Conspirator


  The Secrets of Their Souls

  The Ghosts of Their Pasts

  The Blood of Their Sins


  Reviews are the most powerful tools in my arsenal when it comes to getting attention for my books. As much as I’d like to, I don’t have the financial support of a New York publisher. I can’t take out full page ads in the newspaper or put posters on the subway (not yet, anyway).

  But I do have something much more powerful and effective than that, and it’s something those publishers would kill to get their hands on.

  A committed and loyal group of readers.

  Honest reviews of my books help bring them to the attention of other readers.

  If you’ve enjoyed this book I would be so grateful if you could spent just a few minutes leaving a review (it can be as short as you like). You can jump right to the page by clicking here.

  Thank you so much.


  Brooke Sivendra lives in Adelaide, Australia with her husband and two furry children. She has a degree in Nuclear Medicine and worked in the field of medical research before writing her first novel.

  You can connect with Brooke at any of the channels listed below and she personally responds to every comment and email.








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