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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

Page 8

by Michelle Wright

  Maybe just maybe Summer was right. He tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together, but thinking back was so sketchy. The sudden loss of his money and phone, the bridge, Rone appearing from nowhere and Reggie with his half way house.

  “The hippy woman who told us to move on I think she was some kind of psychic, she could see us and she was alive.” Summer remarked.

  “Elaine why so quiet, nothing to say?” Adam commented sarcastically.

  “I don’t want to talk about this, you see I’m happy here I don’t want it spoiled.”

  “Don’t you mean stuck?” Summer replied.

  “Don’t be so ridiculous of course I’m not stuck.”

  “Dead or alive Elaine what are you?” Adam was pleading for an explanation.

  “I think I’m dead. I must be I remember I took my own life.”

  “And Gary?”

  “The same, I think, we never talk about it, you know we put it in the past, best way really.”

  There was no way Adam could shut out the questions in his mind, What if I’m dead, really dead and there were no voices in my troubled mind telling me things that aren’t true? Why am I in a luxury apartment in a real city with thousands of people just outside the door acting normally, except they don’t see me? He refused to accept that everything up to this point wasn’t real. That would mean all the conversations with his father weren’t real either.

  “The best thing I can do is go home, and then I’ll know if I’m alive or dead when I’m faced with Roy.” Adam said.

  “That’s the worse thing you can do.” Summer replied, worried that he was serious

  “It can’t be any worse than thinking I’m either dead or crazy.”

  Something told her it was futile to try to convince him to stay. His mind was fuelled with thoughts that made no sense at all and he was desperate for answers.

  “I’ll hang with you if that’s okay?” She suggested hoping he’d say yes.

  “Do what you want, stay or come, I don’t care anymore.”

  “I’ll follow you anywhere, I’m not staying here alone.”

  Leaving Elaine without even a goodbye Summer was far from happy but Adam was past caring what she thought; he was on a mission to search for the truth. A long way from home with no means of transport and no idea of how to get back resilience kicked in as he told himself to ‘keep walking’ until he found the way. Being uptown meant he was a long way off and needed to head downtown and trace his steps from there.

  Summer made light conversation hoping to break the icy atmosphere,

  “Where exactly in the suburbs are we going?” She asked.

  “Fairview falls…crescent drive, I remember, I think?”

  “If you need any help just ask.” She replied trying to please.

  She was worried that he didn’t seem so sure of the area or the street where he lived so she figured that it would help by retracing their steps back to Rone’s. Maybe then he would remember where he was before that. This involved a lot of walking most of it unreliable as they drifted further and further uptown.

  “We’re going the wrong way,” Summer said. “We need to turn back and go right at the street I said instead of going straight. We’re miles away from Rone’s.”

  “Are you sure, I don’t remember turning right back there?”

  “I’m not sure but if we keep walking this way we’ll be even more lost.”

  Tired from endlessly going round in circles Adam was nearing the end of his rope. Being told he was a schizophrenic had him fighting to keep the resilience he so desperately needed to carry on- without it he feared he would capitulate into insanity. Not even her support had any affect as he believed himself to be on the edge of madness. In the midst of all the craziness a woman cradling a small dog stopped and approached them.

  “Are you two pixies lost?” She asked in a sweet voice.

  Pixies, who the hell does she think he is calling us that! Freak morons and weirdo’s everywhere!

  “We’re trying to get downtown.” Summer replied.

  “You’re a long way from there and what about you?” She replied referring to Adam. “You look troubled, what’s the matter son?”

  “You’re not real; you’re a figment of my imagination.” He replied.

  “I’m sorry but I am real son, why are you saying that?”

  “You’re not real.” He repeated again to be sure she got the message.

  Summer attempted to explain that he was desperate to go home but couldn’t remember where it was and that he was muddled and stressed. Adam didn’t take too kindly to being spoken about in the third person,

  “I’m here yeh…see me Summer hello!”

  “Why don’t you join me at the Spiritualist Church? There’s a local medium on this evening, it’s free and I’m on my way right now.”

  Her offer didn’t go down too well with Adam but clutching at straws he figured there was nothing to loose. His only experience of mediums came from watching them on television going into supposedly haunted houses. He wasn’t really sure what they actually did but figuring it was worth a try, he agreed. Unless she was a female psycho on the hunt for new victims anything was worth a shot.

  “Okay then lead the way.” He said doing his best not to be rude.

  Summer had always been intrigued with the afterlife and couldn’t wait to see what the woman had to offer, not just for Adam but for her also. Expecting a Church they were surprised to see it was a large hall and the people that were already there smiled and said hello. It was such a relief to be acknowledged that it took them by surprise. They were grateful and said hello back still expecting some kind of subterfuge- but people continued to be friendly.

  Inside there are chairs laid out in neat rows in front of a small stage as the hall filled quickly with eager attendees anticipating messages from the beyond. They happily took their seats next to the woman while Summer petted the cute dog that was sleeping peacefully in the woman’s arms. It did occur to them that they didn’t even know her name but it didn’t matter. Just being there was enough and if the medium could help then they’ll be on their way.

  Summer’s excitement was building up, “There are a lot of people here and they all see us!”

  “I know isn’t it great, finally, maybe we’re not loony tunes after all.”

  “That’s right maybe we’re not dead after all and I imagined it like I dreamt it or something.”

  A middle aged portly woman came onto the stage to the sound of rapturous applause. Looking around the sea of people she introduced herself,

  “My name is Pricilla Monkton, I am a psychic medium and tonight we will attempt to contact the world of spirit…I call on my guide Letis to come to me and bring forth the spirits.”

  “Is this woman for real?” Adam whispered.

  “Sshh…let’s see if she can help us.”

  The room was hush quiet as people waited anxiously for a message or a sign from a deceased love one. Adam was the only one there expecting something else and his patience was being stretched moment by moment. He tried hard to keep an open mind but it became more and more difficult as he listened to her chanting in an unrecognisable language presumably talking to her disembodied guide Letis.

  “There is a woman here in Sprit coming through for the man in the corner, yes you sir in the red sweater I am getting sister, passed suddenly…yes a sister.”

  The man in the red sweater immediately accepted the medium words, he did loose a sister and she died suddenly. Messages were given and through the emotions he seemed relieved.

  “9/11…I’m getting 9/11 is there anyone here who lost a loved one on 9/11?”

  “Adam, that’s you.” Summer prompted him.


  “She’s talking about 9/11…that’s you, it’s your dad.”

  “I lost someone on that date.” He answered meekly.

  “It’s a man you were very close to him oh dear is it your father? He’s very adamant that you have to mo
ve on, he’s telling you to make up your mind.”

  “What’s with everyone telling me to move on, and now my dad’s telling me the same, this makes no sense at all?” He answered, not afraid to share his thoughts with strangers.

  “He keeps repeating that you have to move on, make a decision. I’m sorry but he’s gone. Can I please go to the woman in the second row? I have a message for you.”

  Adam was dumbfounded, one moment she’s claiming his father is there the next she moved on to someone else. What am I, air? What am I doing in this damn stupid place, I want out of here!

  “Let’s go Adam I can see you’re had enough.” Summer said.

  Without saying a word they got up to leave. The woman didn’t seem surprised, but she did have something to say,

  “Good luck Adam and don’t forget to move on, that is if you know where you’re going!”

  “Am I in some kind of psycho horror movie or what?” He remarked to Summer when they were back outside.

  “Some frigging movie maybe I’m in it as well?”

  “It has to stop now, we can’t go on in this nightmare, it’s enough.”

  “Then let’s do it! Find your folks then everything will make sense I’m sure.”

  They were now in an area that was totally unfamiliar. Hedging their bets they decided to go east hoping that led downtown. Once there Adam was certain he could track his route back to the bridge and home. Their walk took on a new focus, no longer tentative they journeyed with purpose determined to find a way out of the maze and an end to the answered question- what had happened to them and why?

  “Here here…look that building over there I recognize it, look!”

  Summer pointed to a tall office building towering into the sky that was hard not to notice, a landmark possibly to their route. Adam also thought it looked familiar so they walked towards it taking a left. The hunch paid off, they were on track for downtown.

  “I can tell we’re close to Rone’s six blocks at least,” She said.

  “As long as you don’t have any notions of dropping by cause I’m not going there.”

  “No way, we’re going straight to your folks, promise.”

  He began to work out what he would say to Roy when they came face to face or, more to the point what Roy will say to him; assuming a high probability of dire threats. He expected his mother to hug and kiss him crying with relief that her wayward son was home. It wouldn’t matter anymore why he left, he’d be welcomed back with open arms.

  “I’m gonna change when I go home,” He said. “No more messing around it’s time I got a job, took some classes and stopped staying up all night. I can understand why my mom was so pissed all the time. Maybe I’ll raise the cash to get my own place so I can get away from Roy. I see it now.”

  “Wow, that’s mature I guess you can do it if you try.”

  “Or not, a lot depends on Roy. What about you Summer? I don’t know if they’ll let you stay at the house, what are you gonna do?”

  “Hey I never asked so don’t worry about me. I’ve got friends, places to stay I’ll be okay. I’m a survivor.” She answered sure that she’d find her way as she’d been doing for so long.

  Summer was a tough little cookie. Her short life was full of set-backs and she’d learned fast how to stand on her own against a harsh world that was out to break her at every turn. Manipulating anyone who came across her path so she could get through another day Adam was the only one that she trusted; the only one who had ever warmed her heart. She knew right from the start there was a strong chance it wouldn’t last but it was worth a short moment of happiness; that being so thin on the ground. If by chance he even got his happy family reunion and forgot all about her she would have no choice but to continue to drift around just as she always had, landing on her feet and making the best of every bad situation.

  All appeared positive as they took a left by the building and everything began to change. The further they went the more the sights and smells of downtown became music to their ears. They had walked for hours and still had a way to go but it was a great relief to be back.

  “Two blocks that way is Rone’s place so we’re going in the right direction…thing is which way’s the quickest?” Summer remarked.

  “That way.” Adam replied pointing straight down the street.

  “Are you Sure?”

  “It looks familiar, that’s all I can say.”

  “I’ve been thinking you know what the medium said about moving on, maybe she meant move back home, could be huh?”

  “Yeh but other people have said it, move on, do they mean go home?”

  “Who knows, they were morons anyways so forget it.”

  Stepping up the pace Adam spotted a familiar site in the distance, the faint outline of a bridge, praying it was the one that he attempted to jump from he ran toward it, with Summer hot on his heels. She was confused with the sudden rush and unaware that it was the bridge where Adam had contemplated suicide.

  “I can’t believe we’re here this is it, I’m halfway home!” He yelled with delight.

  “I’m getting hungry.”

  “I’ll get you some food, let’s go look.”

  Trying not to veer off course they come to a gas station, the evening sky made it easier to go unnoticed as they immediately headed to the back of the station hoping for garbage bins.

  They were in luck wrapped sandwiches past their sell buy date had been thrown away by the dozen. Eagerly they pulled them out one by one, not concerned at all with health hazards.

  “Ham and cheese, salami, egg mayonnaise…wow this is neat!” Summer exclaimed.

  “Don’t eat too much and don’t throw up!”

  “I won’t I’ll only eat what I need. We’ll take the rest for later.”

  Finding a plastic bag in the bin, they meticulously straightened it out and carefully put the rest of their booty in it for a later date.

  “Hey wait look.” Adams said.

  Further down in the bin were unopened drink cans that were too damaged to sell. Popping a can each they drank the warm pop that tasted delicious considering they couldn’t remember how long ago it was they had anything to drink. Summer took off for the restroom to wash her face and Adam was starting to feel a little more stable and less panicked.

  Thank God I’m out of the city, now I know why people live in the suburbs!

  Chapter 8

  On his insistence they returned to the bridge so he could relive the moment he nearly jumped.

  Summer was curious, “Why did you want to kill yourself, was it really that bad?”

  “It was coming for years since I was a kid I wanted to be off the planet, since my dad died everything was black and my home life was shit.”

  “What about now?”

  “Maybe not so much it depends on what happens when I get home.”

  “Did you ever have the feeling that you didn’t fit in?”

  “Every minute of the day since my dad died and, I hated school.”

  “Me too all my life, like I never belonged here, an intruder.”

  Guilt swept over Adam at the thought of dumping Summer who, in all probability would head straight back out on the streets getting into God knows what. Knowing Roy would never agree to let her stay even if his mother felt sorry for her pushed him to consider the possibility of not staying so they could be together. But where would they go? Neither had any money and apart from couch surfing with dubious characters prospects looked pretty dim for the future. Never before had Adam faced any kind of responsibility whether to himself or another. Now that he was feeling responsible he didn’t know how to deal with it.

  The bridge was deserted and down below the traffic was intermittent,

  “If you had jumped I’d never have met you.” She said wistfully.

  “That’s true and you’d have not gone through so much shit!”

  Tenderly she put an arm around him and laid her head on his shoulder. He didn’t push her away and together they st
ood silently watching the traffic below, both in their own thoughts and both uncertain about the future and what was coming.

  Making their way to Adam’s neighbourhood they were ready for anything although his heart was pounding with anxiety fearful of a confrontation the closer the got to home. Suddenly a voice called from behind them,

  “Is that you, Adam Smith, It’s me Mr. Langley.”

  Turning around he was surprised to find an ex-neighbour who he’d never really had time for. The poor man had become a nuisance after his wife died always asking everyone for favours and taking up too much of people’s time. Had he been more popular and likable people may have been more cooperative and Adam’s biggest headache was the incessant talking- if he ever had the misfortune to run into him,

  “Hello Mr. Langley how are you?” He replies being polite as possible.

  “I’m fine, what a lovely young lady you have with you. What’s your name sweetheart?”

  “I’m Summer, pleased to meet you.”

  “What a fine young couple you make and I live here now,” He replied pointing to a house across the street, “It’s smaller and more compact as it’s only me.”

  “Yeh I’m sorry that your wife died, must have been tough.” Adam replied trying his hand at the new sympathy he felt.

  Mr. Langley was starved of human companionship and was elated to meet someone he knew. Wryly he managed to persuade them to come and see his house but Adam was reluctant, yet he was afraid to refuse in case he thought him mean spirited, a pleasant change from his normal way of thinking. It would be for a short while, a distraction from the inevitable- the big family homecoming that he would give anything to put off.

  Summer wasn’t pleased about the diversion and didn’t understand the motive behind it. But to keep the peace she agreed. The house was small and slightly dark with a damp smell but it was a brief respite from outside, a chance to rest.

  “Sit, sit kids…make yourself at home.” Mr Langley was so grateful for the company he couldn’t contain his excitement.

  “What’s your first name Mr. Langley?” Adam asked.


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