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Web of Angels

Page 28

by Lilian Nattel


  I’m so glad to have this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone involved in bringing Web of Angels to life. Dean Cooke, my sterling agent, had unflagging faith in me and this book. His entire team has been courteous, enthusiastic and efficient. Anne Collins, my brilliant and meticulous editor, understood exactly what this book was aiming to achieve, and led me to make it so. My copy editor, Angelika Glover, reviewed the final draft with intelligence and exactness. Kelly Hill designed a magnificent cover—I couldn’t have asked for better. My eyes were opened to the dedication and empathy of Toronto police officers during my research. Detective Sergeant Kimberly Scanlan, Child Exploitation Section–Officer in Charge, took the time to explain the procedures and mind-set of those very special officers who, committed to saving children, do the difficult work of catching child predators online. Detective Stacey Davis, of 14 Division Youth and Family Services, gave me insight into the passion and understanding of the local force, graciously showing me around the station. Avi Versanov, MSW, from the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, professionally and compassionately explained how the Society responds to calls and interviewing children. Ocean Windsong generously answered my questions about teenage boys and showed me the magic trick in Web of Angels. My perceptive friend Cas Rhindress read this novel through many drafts and provided a calm and encouraging voice. My husband, Allan, as always my number one fan and supporter, patiently listened to my self-doubts and exuberantly celebrated every triumph. My delightful daughters, Meira and Hadara, kept me in touch with what really matters in life.

  And to my friends who are multiple: thank you for walking by my side; the perps lost, you see, for the cycle is broken and none of us is alone anymore.

  LILIAN NATTEL was born in Montreal and now lives in Toronto with her husband and two daughters. She is also the author of The Singing Fire and The River Midnight, a national bestseller and winner of the Martin and Beatrice Fischer Jewish Book Award.




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