I Am Become Death
Page 10
She flashed him a sinister glare. She could not forgive the sin of mentioning her eyes. “If you really want to kiss somebody, kiss this guy.” She looked at Kaijin and added, “You too. Kiss him.” The two males looked at each other and shared a brief smooch. She laughed at her sweet revenge while Chisato and Yukiko watched in awe.
“That’s not enough,” she said, wanting to see more. “Make out with him.” The boys hugged each other and aggressively locked lips, prompting everyone around them to witness the disturbing display.
Dozens of teens and young adults howled in laughter. Even the DJ on the stage had to say, “Hey, the club for that is on the other side of town.” Officer Maeda, the policeman who usually watched over the club, walked up to them and told them to stop, but by then, Michiko had had her fun. “Okay, stop kissing.” The two guys let each other go, revealing their embarrassed faces to the crowd. The young stranger got out of his chair and walked away, trying as hard as he could to keep his dignity with the crowd laughing at him.
“He’ll think twice before trying to get into my pants again.” Michiko took another sip of her drink, oblivious to her friends’ looks of suppressed fear. They had seen her use this strange persuasion of hers to make people do weird things, but now she was taking it too far. “Why are men so stupid?” she asked with a hint of contempt. “Sex drives their minds, no logic or anything. Kaijin-kun, you’re a man. Tell me why men are stupid.”
Having just been humiliated by her in front of dozens of people, some of which were still looking at him and laughing, Kaijin was at a loss of words. “I... I don’t know.”
“Tell me. What makes you want me?”
“I just...” The compulsion to obey her command overrode his resistance. “My mother left, and no girls ever liked me, but you accepted me. I love you.”
As he hid his face in his hands, she stared in disbelief. She knew he liked her, but she never considered his feelings ran this deep. His emotional breakdown made her feel just a tinge of guilt. “Stop crying.” He obeyed, as he always did, but the expression of sadness still lingered in his eyes. She asked in her normal voice, “Why did your mother leave?”
“I don’t know. I was just five. I guess it’s my dad, because he’s an asshole.” He looked like he was about to cry again, but her earlier command restrained him.
Yukiko couldn’t bear to see this anymore. “I think we should leave. It’s getting late.”
Chisato, sensing an uncomfortable amount of drama, agreed. “Yeah, this is getting scary.” The four friends got up and quickly left the club. Michiko felt Kaijin lightly hold her arm as they walked down the street. For the first time, she let him keep it there.
The next day, Michiko sat in class and tried to take notes, but Kaijin’s confession dominated her thoughts. Not even the school’s talk of the recent attack on the American military caught her attention. She couldn’t care less what some anti-American terrorists blew up.
Her memories swirled in her head like an angry tornado. She had never really loved a guy before, and never knew of one who loved her. All the boys of her youth preferred to mock her for the obvious differences that made her stand out from the crowd. No matter how nice and caring she tried to be as a child, the stares and ugly names her gray eyes made her endure hardened her heart even more. She couldn’t remember most of her past, but she could never forget the gradual disintegration of her friendship with Renka.
Speaking of which, she looked to the backs of Chikara and Renka. They usually chatted together, all carefree and happy, but today they stayed silent. Something bothered them, and she just had to know what. She turned to Yukiko and said, “Those two look depressed today.”
Yukiko replied back, “That’s because her date went bad.”
“What date?”
“You didn’t hear? Renka-chan went on a date with Kagekuro Gen on Saturday. This girl I know saw them at a restaurant because she was eating with her brother. She says Kagekuro’s friends dressed as ninjas, so Kaminari beat them all up, so he left all angry, and Renka-chan was crying.”
Michiko looked over at Renka’s back and grinned. Her former ally dated that handsome communist? This required investigation. She continued taking notes from the lecture while an idea brewed in her mind.
As soon as class broke for lunch, Michiko and her henchmen entered the cafeteria. She led her friends to the Democratic Youth League’s table and, noticing Gen’s absence, approached Suekichi. The two had never met before, but she had watched the club in her spare time and figured he could answer her question.
“You… tell me where your club meets!”
Suekichi replied, “Room 214, today after school.”
“Thanks.” She moved back to her table, making the other boys scratch their heads in disbelief.
“What was that all about?”
“Do you think she wants to join?”
“Nagasado? No way,” answered Shungiko. “She has something up her sleeve, and it’s not good.”
When class ended, Gen walked to room 214 as he always did. He opened the door and spotted Michiko and her friends sitting with his comrades. No female had ever set foot within their meetings before, leaving the boys confused. Michiko walked up to him with a calm, happy pace and said, “Kagekuro-san, how are you?”
Gen smelled a rat. “I’m fine, Nagasado. Are you interested in our club?”
“No, I’m interested in you. I heard you took Kusaka-chan out on a date?”
He could read her nonverbal cues. She looked at him with a devilish grin and wide eyes, and her body stood right next to his, close and defenseless. He knew she was coming on to him, probably another one of her schemes to hurt Renka. “That’s none of your business. Now, if you excuse us, we have a...”
“You will take me to the same restaurant right now.”
He felt the numbing sensation spread through his body, urging him to do as he was told. Chikara told him about this feeling, but he didn’t believe in it until now. His mouth moved against his will. “Yes, let’s go.” She took his arm and led him out of the school, as his mind tried in vain to resist.
The train ride back to Kedakai restaurant was the most awkward trip Gen had ever taken, even more so than the trips to the military base to destroy their planes. Michiko clutched his hand amidst the crowded vessel, and she freely pressed her body up against his when others further crammed the space. Whenever the sliding doors opened, he contemplated dashing out before she could catch him, but something in his head prevented him from even moving toward the exit. He felt as though he just had to take her to dinner with no compromise or room for failure.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Michiko told him, “Let’s sit at the same place you sat with her.” Feeling the strange tingle again, Gen pointed out the table under the sakura tree and took his seat. Michiko groaned, “Aren’t you forgetting something? Pull out my chair.” Gen had no choice but to obey. He grabbed the chair and held it there until she sat down.
Gen took his seat again and looked at the teenage beauty that currently enslaved him. He had to admit she looked stunning. With her bell-shaped hair and perfect figure, she could control any man even without her hypnotic voice. Her strange gray eyes, however, gripped his attention the most. He had never seen another Japanese person with eyes that color. The whole school suspected her to be of mixed race, but nobody talked about it aloud.
Michiko looked over the menu and asked, “So, what did Ren-chan order?”
Gen couldn’t feel the commanding sensation this time. “She had the fried tempura.”
“Then I’ll have that. Wow, this is a lovely tree. It’s going to bloom soon, huh?”
He couldn’t believe this. She was controlling him like a marionette, yet she stopped to appreciate nature. “It’ll certainly look beautiful.” When the waitress arrived, Gen noticed her to be the same one as before. She recognized him and flashed a condemning glance, thinking him to be a two-timer. After he
ordered their food and tea, he felt a slight kick from under the table. Michiko looked back at him with dreamy, tempting eyes. Renka had looked nervous, even frightened, but she didn’t betray the slightest discomfort. She knew who was in control.
“So, what made you ask me here?” asked Gen, hoping to get back on her good side.
“Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to know how Kusaka could get the school’s dream-boy before I could.”
Michiko flashed a grin. “Oh yeah, every chick is hot for you. You didn’t know that?”
“No, I... never knew that. Why?”
“You’re cute. I guess that communist thing helps too. You know how we girls like the bad boy.”
“I’m a democratic socialist.”
“Whatever. I don’t care about politics. We get a new Prime Minister every year anyway.”
When the waitress arrived with the tea, he poured it for his date while he tried to calculate her intentions. I don’t think she knows about my powers. She’s likely just trying to make Renka-chan jealous. Still, this situation could get ugly if she asks the wrong questions. I’ve got to play this smooth.
Michiko playfully kicked him under the table again. “I hear Kaminari ruined your date.”
“Uh... yeah, my friends dressed as ninjas to spy on me... they aren’t too bright... and she was spying on me too, so she thought them a threat. It was a total disaster. They still walk with a limp.”
“That’s too bad. So... what did you and Kusaka do afterwards?”
Gen panicked. Now she was getting personal. “We said our goodbyes and left. She went with Chikara-san and I went with my friends. You know… nothing too big.”
Michiko wasn’t satisfied. She leaned forward with a foxy grin and asked, “So what did you really do afterwards?”
He was trapped. If he didn’t tell her what she wanted to hear, she would control him again and learn of everything that happened Saturday night. She would know that he could control darkness, Renka could sense and control emotions, Chikara battled his shadow warriors and he committed an act of international terrorism. He had to diffuse the situation, and he didn’t have time to think of a better idea. Here goes nothing. He knew he would regret this later.
“If you must know... we had sex.”
Her gray eyes widened in shock, proving he had succeeded. “Really?”
“Oh yeah. I stopped by to apologize for leaving so angrily, because of our friends interfering... I walked in, we started talking and... one thing led to another.” This one time, Gen wished he had developed Renka’s gift instead, just so he could know exactly what his puppet master felt.
“Wow, that’s... good, I guess.” She didn’t know what to think. Renka had always been so timid. Gen must have been the aggressor. There was no way meek little Renka would have pushed a guy into her bed.
Just then, the food arrived, so the two started eating. The idea of Renka loving somebody enough to go all the way with them blew her mind. Why couldn’t she have somebody like him? Sure, she could get anyone she wanted with a simple command, but she couldn’t develop the same feelings for them like Renka could.
She put her chopsticks down and asked him, “Was she good?”
“I’m not at liberty to discuss that.”
“Kiss me.”
He lost control and felt his body bend over the table and pucker his lips. She took his jaw in her hands and pressed her lips to his, feeling his inner mouth with her tongue in front of the entire restaurant. The other customers stared at the cute couple, and some even clapped and cheered. He could do nothing but feel her slobber all over his mouth. While any other guy would kill to be in this position, he hated it. How could she control his body like this? It wasn’t natural.
A terrifying thought crash-landed into his head. Indeed, her persuasion wasn’t natural. It was supernatural, just like the strange things that had been happening ever since Chikara opened that safe. Somehow, this girl got to that ring.
They ended their embrace. He saw the other customers looking at him and chuckling, quietly telling them to get a room. Michiko revealed her own confusion with a guilty expression. She seemed to regret what she had just done. She looked back at him and smiled. “Did you like it?”
He decided to turn the tables. Her facade of control was down, allowing him just a short window to confirm his suspicions. “I loved it. You’re even better than Renka-chan.”
Michiko’s eyes lit up in excitement. “You mean it?”
“Yes. I should buy you a present.”
“Ooh, I like presents.”
“How about a ring? Do you like rings?”
Gen watched her face droop down. Her gray eyes moved to the right, and her fascinated smiled turned to a sad frown. She could only say, “They’re pretty.” This confirmed his theory. She had to have access to a ring, and his new mission was to find out how.
When the couple finished their meal, he handled the check and volunteered to walk her home. After another uncomfortably close train ride, she led him to the Peaceful Tranquility massage parlor she called home. He asked, “You live here?”
“My mom’s a masseuse. The best in town.”
“Good, because my back is just killing me.”
“Good night, Kagekuro-san.” Michiko walked into her house and shut the door. Gen hoped she would invite him to her room so he could knock her out and look for her ring, but he decided that going in covertly would be the best way to find it. He opened his phone and called Chikara.
“Chikara-san, it’s me. We need to meet right away.”
“What is it? Are you thinking of robbing a bank this time?”
“Look, we have more important things to argue about. Just call Renka-chan over. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“So what’s so important that you have to interrupt our studying?” asked Chikara.
“It’s only Monday, geez. I’ve got a possible lead on the source of all this freaky stuff.”
“Yeah, socialists who destroy military jets.”
Gen just huffed, and Renka felt his frustration. She guessed the emotional spell she had put them under had worn off.
“Look, I made a mistake, and I regret it. Now, can we move on to more important matters?”
Chikara rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
“First off, tell me truthfully... did you share that ring with anybody else?”
Chikara looked a bit offended. “No, of course not. Just Renka and you.”
“What about you, Renka-chan?”
“No, I didn’t share it with anybody.”
Gen sat down in one of Chikara’s chairs and revealed their new problem. “And I didn’t share it, so Nagasado must have another.”
“Nagasado?” exclaimed both girls at once.
“She made me go on a date today after school. I found out...”
“You dated her?” Renka felt her body go numb in panic. Had Michiko committed the ultimate sin and gone after her man?
“It’s not what you think. She used that mind control on me. You know, you were telling me about it. I couldn’t resist… my body did whatever she said no matter how hard I fought.”
Renka let out a massive sigh of relief when her lie detector didn’t activate. Chikara just groaned.
Gen continued, “Anyway, I’ve figured it all out. I have a supernatural gift because I used a ring. Renka-chan has a supernatural gift because she used a ring. So Nagasado has a supernatural gift because...”
“She used a ring!” shouted the girls.
“Exactly. Since she didn’t use ours, she must have another one.”
“How could there be another ring?” asked Renka.
Gen held up the box that contained the strange item. “We don’t even know where this thing came from. For all we know, there could be dozens. Maybe hundreds.”
Chikara had to sit down and take this in. Her mother’s warning of other people using power f
or radical ideas made sense now, in a more terrifying way. “You’re right. She must have one. What do you suggest we do?”
“We can’t confront her directly. She’ll make us cluck like chickens all day long. I say we break into her house and find it.”
“Burglarize her house? You have a one-track mind, don’t you? Break into a military base and now...”
“Do you have a better plan? Maybe we’ll use your powers. Want to show us?”
Renka felt Chikara’s fear and already knew. “You didn’t wear it.”
Chikara looked hesitant and embarrassed. “I’m not ready yet. I’ll do it when I feel like it.”
Gen groaned, but kept the conversation on his plan. “Look, if we find this ring, we may get some answers. Don’t you want to know where these things come from and how your mother got one? It’s worth a shot.”
Renka felt both of their emotions and decided to go with Gen’s idea. “He’s right, Chi. We need to know this stuff if we’re going to save the world.”
Chikara knew she was outmatched, and she silently admitted to herself that the plan made sense. “Okay, fine, we’ll break in. I know she has dance practice on Tuesday evening, so we can do it tomorrow.”
The smiling Gen flipped off the light-switch and shaped the resulting darkness into a glowing trophy embroidered with the phrase, “Kaminari Chikara. Welcome to the dark side.”
Chikara rolled her eyes and flipped the lights back on, making his bad joke disappear. “In your dreams.”
The next evening, the trio made their way to the Peaceful Tranquility after they stopped by Gen’s apartment. He had to pick up a few ski masks and walkie-talkies for their mission. Chikara wondered just how many burglaries he had committed already. When they got to the massage parlor, he asked, “Okay, do you know exactly where her room is?”
“Yes, it’s on the second floor,” replied Renka, remembering her old play dates with Michiko years ago.
“Okay, can you show it to me from the outside?”
Renka silently led her friends to the back and pointed out the window to Michiko’s room. “It’s right there. I remember exactly.”