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Page 9

by Cameron North

  Halcyon shook her head once and quietly said, "The gods have cursed me."

  Leonidas turned his wide-eyed expression to her. "The gods have given you nothing but gifts in your life, including this one."

  "Not this one." Halcyon finally met the king's gaze. "It has weakened me. I am half the hoplite I should be."

  "You are more than one hoplite now," Leonidas replied, sternly but with a plea in his eyes. "And that is what you must remember over these coming months." He gingerly touched Halcyon's arm. "I am proud of you, Halcyon. I must know your life will continue." He turned to her and now cupped her flushed cheeks. "Go home, for me."

  Halcyon searched the aged king's eyes. Over time, she had come to care deeply for the king, and he had become a father to her. She had been one of his hippeis for many years now, and she hated to be away from his side during battle.

  "Please, Halcyon," Leonidas whispered.

  Halcyon bowed her head into her king's warm hands. "Very well."

  Leonidas was truly relieved and kissed Halcyon's temple, over the battle wound. "Thank you." He withdrew his hands. "Come to camp with your brothers."

  Halcyon silently conceded because this was her last time with them. Her heart was heavy now that she had made her choice to return to Sparta, alone. Once back in the meager camp, she indeed bonded with her brothers throughout the night, until Stesichoros fetched her. She swore to her brothers that their song would be told back in Sparta. Halcyon then shared a long hug with Leonidas and accepted a folded message meant for Gorgo.

  "Be safe on your journey home," Leonidas said.

  Halcyon withdrew from the hug, but she left her hands on her king's padded shoulders, gazing deep into his earthy-brown eyes. "I will see you soon."

  "Yes. Upon my shield." Leonidas had accepted his fate months ago and looked forward to his foretold destiny. "Please tell my wife that I love her."

  Nodding, Halcyon pressed her left palm against the king's bristly cheek, leaned in, and softly kissed his other cheek. "I will not forget you, my king." She straightened up and turned to Stesichoros, who returned her dory and aspis.

  "Two Thespian hoplites will escort you home," Stesichoros told Halcyon on the walk to the rear of the camp. He paused when Halcyon looked back at the camp, then followed her gaze back at the hippeis, who swore to protect Leonidas as his honorable guardians.

  Halcyon was saddened at her brothers' future deaths, but they would be honorable.

  "Halcyon, dawn is quickly approaching." Stesichoros knew how hard it was for Halcyon to leave her post, comrades, and king during what would most likely be the darkest, yet most inspiring, battle in Spartan history. It would haunt Halcyon for many months.

  Forcing herself to turn away, Halcyon shoved on her helmet, which had blood spots, dents, and a tear on the backside. She left the camp with Stesichoros and sought out the Thespians, who waited for her at the pass.

  Stesichoros called out to them. They glowed under the moonlight thanks to their bronze armor. They were welcoming to Halcyon and swore to Stesichoros that they would see her home. Stesichoros was grateful, and he exchanged a heartfelt farewell with his comrade.

  Halcyon hefted her dory as the Thespians took her side. She gave a final nod to Stesichoros and left with the Thespians, heading south for Sparta.

  Stesichoros remained there until Halcyon and the Thespians were gone from view. "May the gods protect you." He faced the camp and started back to his brothers.

  * * *

  It was a long journey back to Sparta, even longer than the journey from Sparta. Halcyon was unsure if the trip would come to an end. Her declining health made matters difficult and slow. She refused to acknowledge her ailments to her companions, although Stesichoros had told them.

  Nearly every morning, Halcyon would steal away from the camp until she had space from the Thespians. Then she would finally crumble to her knees behind a tree or rock and allow her last meal to burn against her throat until there were only dry heaves. The stench under her nose was revolting and made her loathe her body further.

  After several gulps of air, Halcyon would rinse her mouth and calmly return to camp. She would choke down a breakfast and prayed it would remain in her stomach. What made matters worse was her shoulder wound swelled, and foul pus oozed from it. Her armor constantly scraped the wound and irritated it further. Halcyon sensed a fever come over her a few days after leaving Thermopylae. The late summer's heat added to her body's stress. She sternly reminded herself she was a hoplite and continued the march to Sparta.

  The Thespian hoplites spoke little during the trip south. Everyone silently shared concerns for the battles at Thermopylae and Artemisium. The Thespians knew they would return to the war but after the battle in the pass ended. They sensed that Leonidas and his hippeis would not survive the bloody battle for many more days. Even for three hundred Spartans, it was impossible to hold off King Xerxes's infinite lust for revenge. But by then, the games would conclude, and the Spartan army would mobilize for battle.

  Halcyon was plagued by guilt for leaving her king's side and her brothers, her return to Sparta felt like a true failure. She could only imagine what fellow hoplites in Sparta would think of her, so she attempted to think about other things, like her home.

  As such thoughts passed, she wondered how Thora was faring now. A full month and several days would have passed by the time Halcyon returned home. Thora's Greek would have improved further since her departure. She had reminded Yarikh to continue schooling her each day as well as look after Thora's interests. Admittedly, Halcyon had secretly grown protective over her Norsk slave, but she disliked if people saw it. Yarikh had lightly brushed the topic with her, and she nearly cancelled her arrangements with him. Yarikh apologized rather sincerely and remained silent about Halcyon and Thora's unusual relationship.

  As Halcyon drew closer to Sparta, she actually looked forward to seeing her home where peace waited for her. She imagined the olive trees along the street to her house, and she could almost smell the blossoms. At the villa's open gate, Cesare would be there with his loyal, warm smile in place. Then Thora would stroll into the courtyard and wipe her hands on a linen towel from the kitchen. In her imaginings, Thora was surrounded by a sweet air from baking. Halcyon returned Cesare's smile but reached out and gently touched Thora's pale cheek.

  Instead, Halcyon hit a stone with her foot and nearly toppled forward, but her dory caught her. Her warm vision of home drifted away and left Halcyon's skin hot and heart chilly. She was far from home, despite her longing. Like the Thespians, she hoped to be in Sparta within a day and a half, yet the distance seemed incredibly long to her.

  After they stopped to make camp, Halcyon repacked her shoulder wound with salt. She noted the wound had split open wider, but she could do nothing for it. She ate little and nearly collapsed into her bedroll, once her fever spiked for the day. Thankfully, the cool night aided her overheated body that battled against the infection from her shoulder. By dawn, the Thespians roused her, and she mustered all her strength to put on her armor and pick up her aspis.

  One Thespian attempted to take Halcyon's aspis, but he was denied by the tip of the dory at his face. He warily backed off from the ailing Spartan and considered whether she would make it home. He prayed the female hoplite's pride kept her more alive than dead.

  * * *

  By the following day, the weary travelers finally approached the fields that surrounded Sparta. Halcyon recognized the lands immediately, and her pace increased although her body was nearly to its end. The Thespians recommended they go to the barracks and find a healer. Halcyon ignored their ideas and instead went directly home after entering the city gates. She barely registered all the onlookers' strange and curious gazes. The Thespians remained at the hippeus's side until she slowed near the entrance to a villa.

  Halcyon's dory had become a crutch as she entered her home's courtyard. She leaned heavily against the dory, and suddenly, her aspis felt like a rock tied to her. She att
empted to call for her slaves, but her throat was dry. Already, the Thespians' entrance had roused the slaves.

  Cesare came out of the supply room after he had helped Glauce put certain items away from the agora. He stared wide-eyed at his owner's unexpected return.

  "By the gods!" Thora was in awe after she entered the courtyard from the rebuilt kitchen. She hastened across the courtyard to her owner, who was about to collapse. One Thespian moved forward, but he halted when the tall, unusual slave jumped forward first.

  Thora caught Halcyon, but she remained bent forward because Halcyon was so heavy with the armor and weapons. "Cesare, remove her aspis."

  Halcyon dropped her dory, which clanked loudly against the courtyard's stone floor.

  Breaking from his stupor, Cesare freed the aspis, lowered it to the ground, and watched as Thora moved her right arm under Halcyon's bent legs. Thora clenched her teeth as she lifted up and adjusted the fallen hoplite in her arms. She let the bronze helmet slide off, and it loudly hit the ground to reveal Halcyon's stricken features. It had been years since Thora had seen someone so close to death. After lifting Halcyon more, a horrible wound peeked out from under the armor.

  "She is injured," Thora told the other slaves. "You must retrieve the healer."

  Cesare rushed out of the open gate.

  Thora ignored the two hoplites. "Glauce." She startled the girl, who was staring at Halcyon. "Boil a pot of water."

  Glauce ran across the courtyard to the kitchen.

  Thora exchanged a glance with the two hoplites but said nothing, too panicked by Halcyon's injuries, and a rush flooded her veins which helped her take Halcyon upstairs.

  The Thespian hoplites briefly watched, then turned and left the home.

  On the second floor, Thora entered the thalamus and lowered Halcyon onto the small bed. Hastily, Thora removed the xiphos, greaves, and cuirasses, then the sandals last. She left Halcyon in her red exomis and exited the room in search of supplies. Hopefully, Cesare would return soon with a healer.

  Emerging from his room, Yarikh was surprised by Halcyon's return and assisted Glauce with the pot of hot water. Thora tended to Halcyon after Yarikh brought the water upstairs. Just as she finished cleaning her, a healer entered with Cesare. Thora stepped aside and prayed the healer could help their owner, who was so close to passing to the Underworld. If Halcyon died now before Thora's eyes, then even the Fates could not hide from Thora's wrath.

  Chapter Ten

  Thora remained slumped in the hard wooden chair. She had her head propped against the wall as she slept through the night. This was her second night in the same spot, although Cesare offered to keep watch on their owner. Thora refused and, instead, reclaimed her seat near Halcyon's bed.

  Halcyon stirred a few hours before dawn. Her movements and cough alerted Thora, who popped up from the chair. What little candlelight was left was enough for Thora to gather a skyphos of water.

  "You must drink." Thora helped Halcyon sit up and drink. She then set the clay skyphos on the small table beside the bed.

  Halcyon lowered into the bed again and touched Thora's skin. "My eyes deceive me." Her voice strained from disuse.

  Thora briefly gathered the smaller hand into her own. "You are home but must rest more." She pulled up the fur.

  Halcyon heeded the command and instantly fell asleep. She only moaned a few times when Thora wiped her brow with a damp cloth. Thora sat in the chair again and studied the ill hoplite. The healer had treated Halcyon's injuries, and Thora expected him to return tomorrow. In the meantime, Thora took care of her. She could hardly fathom why Halcyon had returned home.

  * * *

  The next day, Halcyon stirred in the late morning and heard someone leave the room. She was unsure who it was until Glauce came into view. Halcyon attempted to sit up, but her shoulder flared up in pain. She groaned and slumped deeper into the bed.

  "You must rest." Thora entered the room after Glauce had found her. She went to Halcyon's side and knelt down. "You must heal."

  Halcyon gazed upon Thora's familiar features and felt a sense of relief. "How long?"

  Thora hesitated as she tried understanding the question. "You came home three days ago this afternoon."

  Halcyon wished to get up, so she started moving out of bed until Thora pressed a hand into her good shoulder.

  "The healer insisted you rest more."

  Halcyon shook her head. "I have slept enough." She wished to go to the barracks and report their king's plans, but her weakened body gave out under her. She doubted King Leonidas was even alive.

  Thora caught her. "You are weak." She settled Halcyon onto the bed. "You should eat." She looked over her right shoulder at Glauce. "Bring the broth and bread."

  Glauce nodded and disappeared from the room.

  "The healer will return today," Thora said and handed a skyphos. "He is uncertain how you are still alive." Her eyes lowered to the hidden wound under her owner's shift. "Your fever broke last night."

  Halcyon drank all the water, then handed the skyphos back to Thora. "You stayed here all night," she said.

  Remaining silent, Thora turned when Glauce arrived with the food, took the plate, and placed it on the table. "More water, please," she ordered, then handed Halcyon the bowl of broth.

  Halcyon remained seated on the side of the bed as she ate the hot meal. She loved the comforting flavors of home and thanked the gods she made it back.

  "You have many cuts." Thora had inspected nearly every span of Halcyon's body. The shoulder wound was the most dangerous. Yet, the most noticeable one was the cut on Halcyon's eyebrow, over her eyelid up to the top of her cheek. Yesterday, Thora examined Halcyon's helmet, which mirrored the other half of the cut at the top then down to the eye slit. She wondered whether it would leave a scar on Halcyon's beautiful face.

  Halcyon ate slowly but peered up from the bowl. "Gifts from the battle." She was sore all over, especially her shoulder and right side. Most likely, she had a few broken ribs, which would simply require time to heal.

  Thora let the silence pass for a moment, but her curiosity finally won, and she asked, "Why have you returned home?"

  Halcyon lowered the spoon into the nearly empty bowl and placed it on the table. "I do not wish to speak of it." She tasted the bread, which added weight to her stomach.

  Thora frowned and relented, for now. "Other... hoplites came to see you, but I sent them away."

  Halcyon was keenly interested in the news until a wave of nausea hit her frail body.

  Thora came over and said, "Lie down."

  Halcyon conceded and rested on her back, placing her hands on her treacherous stomach. "Thora?"

  Thora knelt beside Halcyon.

  "Þakka fyrir," Halcyon said sincerely.

  Thora sadly smiled at the gratitude and gently touched Halcyon's arm. "Ekki at þakka." She went to the window. "Rest until the healer comes." With the mat in hand, she hooked it over the window, and the darkened room was only lit by the candlelight from the walls. Thora collected the bowl and allowed Glauce to return with water before their owner returned to sleep.

  * * *

  Shortly before sunset, Thora led Giles to Halcyon and removed the window mat for better light.

  Giles spent almost an hour with Halcyon. He concluded she was on her way to recovery, but it would take time. It was obvious her wounds from battle had weakened her greatly, perhaps more than necessary. Giles left Thora with a special salve to keep Halcyon's shoulder wound clean. He doubted the salve would fail to halt any scars, including the one on her face.

  Once Giles left, Halcyon requested a bath and waited for Thora to organize the proper linens and clothes. Briefly, Halcyon dozed off while Thora prepared the bathing room, and she stirred upon Thora's return.

  The task to take Halcyon to the bath was slow and difficult. Halcyon insisted on walking there, but Thora kept close to her. Cesare waited at the bottom of the steps in case Halcyon lost her footing, releasing a breath when she m
ade it down safely.

  Halcyon was cautious while going through the courtyard in the darkness. As she approached the bathing room, she wondered where Yarikh was or if he had gone home.

  Thora closed the door behind them and guided Halcyon to the in-ground bath. Once in front of the steps, she helped remove Halcyon's shift, then went to the stools where the linens were placed earlier.

  Halcyon hesitated in front of the bath's steps, barely trusting her legs and weak body. "Thora?"

  Setting the shift on the floor, Thora peered over at her weakened owner and quickly came to her. She almost asked what was wrong, until Halcyon looked at her.

  Halcyon cleared her throat and said, "Bathe with me."

  Thora nearly argued until she saw the concern in Halcyon's normally icy features. She nodded and took off her sandals. "Let me help you in first." Gingerly, they descended into the inviting water. Thora lifted her half-soaked chiton and slipped out of it after she organized the soap and cloth by the bath.

  Halcyon enjoyed the water that soothed her injured body even though her shoulder wound stung for a while. She leaned against the wall of the bath and looked over when her nude slave approached the steps. Thora only recalled one other time when Halcyon had seen her nude body. She masked her own insecurity and hastened into the bath.

  For a brief instant, Halcyon was fascinated by the delicate brown that speckled over Thora's shoulders and arms. She remained silent because it was obvious that Thora was uneasy in the bath. "Come sit by me." There was just enough room for two people to sit side by side.

  Thora did so and became comfortable beside the other woman, wondering how common it was for a slave to bathe with their owner.

  Leaning her head against the stone, Halcyon closed her eyes and sensed the tiredness in her limbs from the trip downstairs. Most likely, it showed on her face too. "Your Greek has improved greatly."

  Thora rested against the wall, too, and stared across the room. "We are reading and writing more now."


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