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Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2)

Page 6

by Angel, Rachel

  Chapter 12

  Marshall and I left the hotel room and made our way down to the lobby. The concierge came up to Marshall and told him that the limousine was waiting for him and he’d contact the driver to pull up. Marshall nodded, thanking the young man and then smiled. The concierge couldn’t take his eyes off me, and was being obvious in his staring. It had somehow been amusing to Marshall so I didn’t really mind. This was a dress that would bring attention. I’d better get used to it.

  It was still early afternoon, definitely not the time to be out and about in the dress that I was wearing. It was clearly meant for the night. Marshall surprised me by taking a drive to the outskirts of town to stop at the Hoover Dam. “I wanted to you to get some sightseeing in, too,” Marshall said. “It’s a shame you came all this way to Las Vegas, and didn’t even get a chance to see anything.”

  “The Hoover Dam?” I asked. I’ll admit that I never would have thought that it would be something of interest to him, but when I asked him about it he told me that it was tall, sturdy, and powerful. He liked that. After his short but apt description it made perfect sense to me why he would too. Then when we actually stopped there, and I stood there, observing all the power surging from the energy created by the dam, I knew why Marshall wanted me to see it. It was a work of wonder, and something that made me appreciate all the hard work and intricacy that went into building something with so much impact and importance.

  After a silent while of standing there in my red dress and his casual going out outfit, we headed back into town.

  I found out we were going to eat at an eloquent restaurant owned by Sylvain George, one of Marshall’s BBBBC friends. I was excited to go and enjoy a lovely and intimate meal with Marshall. The restaurant, Arsenis, was a Mediterranean cuisine restaurant that served everything fresh. It was so beautiful and eloquent inside too, containing both private booths with beautifully embroidered curtains that provided privacy and more open dining areas. We had a private booth that had a window on the back side of it that looked out into the desert that surrounded the entire city of Las Vegas. It was quite incredible.

  Marshall asked if he could order for us and I allowed him to do so, finding that I enjoyed a man taking charge of something as simple as ordering for me once in a while. I knew I didn’t have much to worry about because he had great taste and Mediterranean food was one of my favorites. All the fresh vegetables, bright colors, and tasty seafood that was in most of it was right up my alley.

  We were waiting for our wine to be delivered and nobody other than Sylvain George himself came to the table with it. Marshall introduced us, shaking hands and smiling casually with his longtime friend. I looked at him and was polite, but couldn’t help but think one of the requirements for membership to the BBBBC was that the men had to be gorgeous. I’d seriously never heard of or met one that was not an absolute dream. Sylvain’s handsome dark looks complemented Marshall’s rugged golden boy looks. Together, they were a dream to look at.

  After some small talk Sylvain left, commenting that he hoped he would get to talk with us some more later on at Melé.

  I didn’t want to act clueless in front of him so right when he left I turned to Marshall. “What is Melé?”

  “A club that Sylvain owns. It’s a member’s only club, but quite a bit of fun. It’s a place where those of us who are always under scrutiny can let loose without having to worry about repercussions from the media, groupies, and other ilk.”

  “Sounds fun. I guess I’ve made it big time, huh?” I joked, smiling widely at Marshall.

  “Yes, yes you have,” Marshall answered, completely serious. He was so hard to figure out sometimes. I liked to laugh and crack jokes, apparently more often than Marshall though.

  The meal didn’t disappoint. The food was scrumptious and my conversation with Marshall was tantalizing too. I was so happy to be by him that I honestly couldn’t repeat everything we talked about. All I recall is that everything seemed dreamy and suggestive, appealing to the best of all my senses. It felt like the first time that I had Marshall to myself without him being distracted by anything else. It was bliss and only ended when he said it was time to make our way to Melé. Deep down I hoped that Melé meant back at the hotel, in bed, and naked.

  As the doorman opened the door for us as we pulled up to Melé, Marshall turned to me and had that mischievous grin back upon his chiseled face. “Are you ready for your surprise?”

  “Yes,” I said, not realizing that the surprise was more than just the outing itself.

  “Good. I think you’ll be happy with it,” Marshall replied.

  We walked into the club and you could hear all the newest dance songs thumping in the background and sounds of laughter coming from behind the next set of doors. They sounded vaguely familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it. I found out as soon as I walked through the other set of doors though.

  In the back corner of the club was a laughing and spunky looking blonde wearing a trendy bob—it was Sophia! I couldn’t believe it and next to her was Mandi. Wow. I hadn’t seen either of them for about a year and there they were, in Vegas, at the same time as me. Marshall leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I knew you’d be surprised; however, don’t think you are giving them all your time tonight. I want some of you too.”

  I looked at Marshall and gave him a hug. “Thank you. And for the record, I’m confident that I can save a little something for you too.”

  Marshall put his arm around my waist and we made our way over to Mandi and Sophia. Sophia’s brother Sergio was standing right next to Mandi, looking like a happily married newlywed, and Andre was by Sophia. They’d been dating pretty hot and heavy according to Sophia. I had met the guys a few times, but not a lot.

  After our hugs, Marshall reintroduced me to his friends and we all chatted for a bit. The guys got to talking about whatever it was that they talked about and Sophia pulled me aside, ready to talk with me out of their earshot.

  “So, it looks like you’re getting along with your new boss pretty well, Becca,” Sophia said. I blushed a little. She really didn’t waste time in getting to the point.

  “Yes, thank you so much for the opportunity. It’s been quite the experience thus far.”

  “What type of experience?” Sophia asked, opening her big blue eyes even wider.

  “Educational and interesting. I…” My words were interrupted by Marshall, who’d come up with two martinis, handing one off to me.

  “Here’s a drink for you. What are you in the mood to do?” Marshall asked in the most suggestive voice he could have had at that moment.

  “I think I’ll get back to Andre,” Sophia said, giving me a thumbs up and hustling back to him. Her dress made her look like she was a modern day Marilyn Monroe. Nobody else would be able to pull it off with the same pizzazz either.

  I turned to Marshall, smiling and raising my glass in a toast to him. He clanked it gently and I took a sip of the martini. I’d never had one before, but it was so smooth and good. I wouldn’t have imagined that a martini would be that way.

  “So, as I was asking, what would you like to do?” Marshall said again.

  A great song came on and I said, “Dance. Let’s dance.”

  “Ask and you shall receive.” Marshall took my glass and set it down at a table and then grabbed my hand, guiding us to the dance floor.

  Once on the dance floor there was no talking, just hot and suggestive eye contact followed by even more suggestive dance movements. Our bodies seemed to naturally move to the same rhythm, making every move we made tell a story of our hidden desires. After a few dances we took a break and had a few more martinis. We were sitting at a small table, so close to each other, listening to the animated conversations of Marshall’s associates, but not really paying attention. Or at least I wasn’t. I couldn’t forget the feel of his thigh pressed against mine or the gentle tease of his finger on my inner thigh.

  Marshall leaned over to me and whispered, “Let’s go out on that d
ance floor again.” Then he nibbled my ear sensually, giving a little bite with his teeth. It sent me reeling. The desire to release what was building up inside of me was only enhanced by the martinis too, making every part of me ache for intimacy with Marshall. I was so ready to have him that I swear I would have let him take me in the bathroom if that’s what it took to consummate the deal.

  This time on the dance floor our moves were even bolder, our hands roaming each other’s bodies and dirty dancing like it was our own brand of foreplay.

  As I moved to the music Marshall would lean over me and press the small of my back with his hand, telling me that he could sense how the other men wanted me, but he was going to show them who I was with—him. Then he’d graze his lips across mine, making mine quiver and wish that he’d lingered there just a big longer.

  I was experiencing a mating ritual of the most erotic and pleasurable kind. It was a celebration of my desires and Marshall’s for me. It was the moment that I’d visualized with him since I first saw him naked in his office, giving multiple orgasms to the actress that had been the lucky one to receive his attentions at that given moment. Tonight was my turn and I couldn’t wait. I wanted it so badly.

  “Do you think we could continue our party back at the hotel room?” I asked.

  Without another words, Marshall took me off the dance floor and nodded to one of the attendants at the door, who seemed to know what he wanted without him having to say a word. I was so flushed and horny that I didn’t want to take the time to say goodbye to anybody. Not only did I not want anybody to say anything that might stop the sexual buzz I was feeling at that moment, but I also didn’t want to stop Marshall, who finally seemed so willing to open up and give himself to me.

  The entire ride back to the hotel involved hands roaming each other aggressively and rough kissing that showed the urgency that both of us was feeling. I groaned, so wet and excited that I couldn’t stand it any longer. There was no time to listen to that little voice in the back of my mind that was trying to get me to slow down. I was full speed ahead.

  Chapter 13

  The limousine finally pulled up to the hotel and Marshall and I got out, making our way into the lobby. I was well aware that my hair was messed up and I had the look of somebody who had either had sex or was ready to.

  Marshall and I made our way to the elevator, longing to get in there and away from the prying eyes that seemed to be watching us in the lobby. Once the doors closed and Marshall put his key into the slot for the VIP suites floor we began to kiss once again. He pressed my body against the glass of the elevator, letting his hands gently glide up my thigh to the place that I longed to feel them. I braced my hands on the brass bars that were on each side of the elevator, clutching them to keep my balance and give me an outlet for the intense feeling I had. I was to the point where his touch alone could nearly bring me to orgasm, something that I’d read about, but had never experienced.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, Becca. I want to get you into that room right now and take you in every place I can find. I need you so bad, but…”

  I immediately started to quiet Marshall by unzipping his jeans and sliding my hand in to feel his shaft, stroking it aggressively and not wanting to hear what would possibly come after that but. There were no buts tonight. It was our night and I was ready. I knew Marshall was ready too. This tension had been building for nearly a week now and it was something that demanded exploration.

  Through my peripheral I noticed that the elevator door had opened, but then it shut again. Marshall must have realized it too because his long arms reached over and pressed the door open button and it opened again. He took my hand and guided me out of the elevator to the room, which was only two doors down. That was a good thing because I didn’t enjoy having his hands off of me. Every place that he’d touched me seemed to leave a tattoo of erotic sensation on my skin. I wanted more and needed more.

  Once in the room Marshall and I headed right toward the bedroom. We remained standing while we undressed each other down. I looked at him, my hair now down and beginning to stick to my neck from the intensity of the foreplay we’d just been going through for the last hours. I studied Marshall’s naked body, thinking of it as the type of thing that was thought of by a sculptor—a perfect work of art and one that you longed to possess.

  Marshall picked me up and laid me down in bed, slowly stroking my entire body, as if he was memorizing every detail of it. I tried to touch him back, but he wouldn’t let me, whispering that he just wanted to experience this, and please don’t interfere. I didn’t. Instead, I felt the passion that was emanating through him through his kisses.

  For the longest time Marshall lingered on my breasts, kissing them passionately, making my nipples grow darker and more aroused with each touch of his lips. I’d never experienced such patient and seductive attention to my breasts for such a long period of time. I couldn’t believe how much I could sense all the nerve endings in them responding to the kisses, strokes, squeezes, and gentle bites. There was no rhyme or reason to it and the spontaneity and intrigue of what would happen next kept me so alert, making every touch seem more intense.

  When Marshall would stop kissing and feeling my breasts he’d slowly go down between my legs and insert his fingers into me. I was so wet and needy. Each movement or flicker of his strong big hands would give me small spasms of utter delight. Then he’d take his finger and slowly trace down my stomach, starting between my breasts and ending just above my hips, blowing on the slight dampness that came from my longing for him. It was so amazing and the change in my body temperature from those cool spots to the rest of me, which was so heated, aroused me further. He knew everything and was showing me things that I’d never thought possible. My body responded like I’d never thought it would.

  I could feel Marshall’s erect penis pressed against my thigh as he worked his magic all over my skin. He was eager for me and I sensed it was time. He slowly went on top of me and stared down at me. I couldn’t take his eyes off of him as he slowly slid toward me, beginning to enter me and give me what I’d been longing for.

  It’s hard to say what he saw in my eyes, but something immediately changed in Marshall’s. He sensed hesitation in me and despite my desires to have him inside of me I knew it wasn’t time. That voice of reason in the back of my head had won out.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do that yet,” I said, hoping Marshall wouldn’t be too ticked at me for seeming like nothing more than a tease in that moment.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay,” Marshall whispered. “Please let me please you. I want to please you so badly, see that beautiful look in your fiery green eyes as you accept the pleasure I can give you.”

  I smiled, encouraging Marshall. I did want this and somehow this was acceptable, even if he entering into me wasn’t at that moment.

  Marshall’s lips slowly traveled down my stomach until he reached my loins. He gently grabbed my legs and put them up toward my chest, reaching down and accessing me in the most intimate place with such gentle intensity that I immediately responded, shuddering from a slight orgasm that he gave me with his tongue in a matter of a minute. It was incredible.

  I lay there, unable to move and only able to enjoy everything that Marshall did to me at that moment. His tongue would harden and slide in and out of me, creating tingles from its presence inside of me. The next minute it would slide out and he’d aggressively lick me, making me want to scream out from the amazing feelings that it brought out in me.

  He was so masterful, showing that he knew exactly how to reach a woman in her most intimate spots with every part of his body. As he kept going I couldn’t help but continue to release, having the final explosion when he slid his tongue into me once again, while sliding his fingers into me and wiggling it until I came so hard that I couldn’t even say another word.

  “How do you feel?” Marshall asked, coming up to kiss me gently on the lips.

  “I...I…wow,” was all I could get out. I�
��d just experienced something that I didn’t even know was possible. It was at such a higher physically intimate level than anything I’d ever experienced before.

  “I’ll take that as a you feel great,” Marshall said tenderly, moving my tendrils of hair from my face and tucking them behind my ear. He looked so relaxed, happy, and content. It intrigued me, even at that moment of exhaustion, because he hadn’t expected anything from me. He had enjoyed giving me pleasure and that meant a lot. In that moment, my heart grew more attached to him once again. I didn’t understand how it could happen within the span of a week, but it had and I felt good about it.

  “I’ve had a fantastic day. Thank you so much, Marshall. It’s really meant a lot,” I said.

  “That’s good to hear because you deserve it. You’ve done so much for me,” Marshall said.

  “But nothing like that,” I added, laughing and putting my hand up to his face. Something about that gesture made Marshall flinch a bit, showing that despite how great he’d made me feel he was still carrying his demons around. I pulled away, just patting his hand instead.

  “Let’s get you to bed. I have a few correspondences to follow-up on before I settle down.”

  “Okay,” I said. My heart sank. I was looking forward to lying naked next to Marshall that night and feeling his naked skin pressed against mine. It was what I had been longing for.

  Marshall proceeded to tuck me in like I was a small child and kissed me gently on the forehead. I tried to fight sleep, wanting to be awake when he came back in, but the intense sexual experience, combined with wine and martinis made me lose that battle. I drifted off to sleep.


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