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Grinch Reaper: Sleeper SEALs Book 8

Page 10

by Donna Michaels

  The guy dumped the contents of her purse out on the desk, but of course he found nothing. The idiot didn’t even bother to look at her ID before shoving her stuff back inside and handing her the purse. While he did all that, the other two guards checked drawers and the computers, and they each met the gaze of the man in charge and shook their heads.

  He removed the radio from his belt and spoke into it, “Slight situation in the office.”

  “Seriously?” Brooke muttered in her earpiece. “The men just motioned there was nothing wrong.”

  True. She held her breath to see if they were going to get Simpson involved. Hopefully, not. The last thing they wanted was a face-to-face with the man abetting a terrorist…before the terrorist made an appearance.

  “Check the feed,” the guard in charge ordered.

  Bella silently echoed Brooke’s sigh of relief.

  “Negatory. Feeds been jacked up all night,” came the reply. “Trouble with the locks, too. Reports of guests in some of the rooms.”

  “See?” She lifted a shoulder and smiled. “Sounds like we weren’t the only ones making merry.”

  His gaze narrowed again. “Maybe, but we’re still going to have to search you before we let you leave.” He clipped the radio back on his belt and moved closer.

  Matteo immediately stepped in front of her. “Like hell,” he ground out, hands curling into fists again. “If you have a problem with us being in this room call the police. But you are not touching her.”

  “Damn,” Brooke muttered in her earpiece.

  Bella agreed. The outrage and warning in his tone matched his stony profile and fit with their covers, but she knew not one word of that was acting. Matteo had switched from SEAL on a mission to SEAL protecting his woman.

  His woman…

  She wasn’t sure when that had happened. Hell, for years Bella had tried to get him to see her in that light. Get him to let her in. Instead, he’d cut her out of his life. Now, he was back in it a couple days, kissed her once, and all of a sudden, she was his woman?

  A thrill like none she’d ever known raced through her, warming her up from the inside out. She squashed it down. Hard.

  Not how it worked.

  At least, not with her. No matter how damn amazing that kiss was, knocking her on her ass—even though she’d already been in that position. His touch, his taste, it tipped her world on its axis. The kiss was much better than she’d ever imagined. Better than her fantasies. Mind altering, but it didn’t make up for the fact she’d opened up to him and he’d turned her down cold, then left. For over a decade. The only time they’d crossed paths was at his mother’s funeral—five years ago tomorrow.

  “No need to call the police,” one of the other guards said, jerking her back to the present. “You two can go back and enjoy the party.”

  Some of the stiffness eased from Matteo’s shoulders. He nodded, then grabbed her hand. “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here.”

  She smiled as they walked to the door one of the guards opened. “Yeah. I think there’s some mistletoe out there with your name on it. I know how much you love Christmas.”

  His lips twitched as they walked into the hall. “That part for sure, if you’re involved.”

  “They’re still watching you,” Brooke told them. “You’d better kiss again, so they don’t suspect.”

  No one was visible from where Bella stood, but her friend did have a better view.

  “Gladly,” Matteo said, stopping to press her against the wall, his gaze dialed to smoldering as his mouth took hers in a hot, demanding kiss she happily returned…for the mission.

  Not because she wanted it more than air. Or because he kissed with a deep hunger and absolute thoroughness unmatched by any other. No. It was for the mission. To keep up appearances. To taste his hunger and bask in the knowledge that she was the one he wanted. The one he was kissing like he couldn’t get enough.

  The feeling was mutual. And just like before, a warm fuzziness invaded her brain, manifesting to swallow all thoughts, the mission, her surroundings, until her focus narrowed to only them.

  His beard tantalized and teased, while his mouth plundered and possessed, giving her all that she demanded and more. Running her palms up his chest, she moaned at the feel of hot, hard flesh bared beneath his open shirt—because the buttons lay scattered all over the office floor.

  “Okay, guys. I think they got the idea.” Brooke’s voice startled them to a stop. “I’m surprised you didn’t set off the sprinklers. Damn. I need a cold shower.”

  Matteo released her mouth and set his forehead to hers, muttering something about the ocean. She couldn’t be sure, though. Damn man stole her breath and fogged her brain.

  Panting, she worked to clear her mind and regain control of her body that annoyingly lacked strength. Mainly in her legs.

  What the hell? No man had ever physically drained her before.

  This wasn’t good. She needed her strength. Her job wasn’t doable without it. And her job was her life. Once upon a time, Matteo had filled that role. She would’ve given anything to be in his arms like this, clutching his shirt, sharing a breath, awareness trembling through her heated body. But she wasn’t the same girl she’d been back then.

  Oh, she still wanted him with her last breath, that would never change. Not in a million years. But if he knew how she lived her life, the things she’d done in the name of justice, it was doubtful he’d still want her. Or even like her.

  The last part she feared the most.

  It was the reason she couldn’t pursue their attraction.

  With that fear prevalent in her mind, she patted his chest and forced a smile to her lips. “We should go before they change their minds.”

  Or before she changed hers, about pursuing.


  For the following eight hours, Matteo tried to concentrate on figuring out how Simpson planned to smuggle Rasheed into the country, but his mind kept returning to Bella and her hot kisses, amazing taste, and the way she responded to him with an eagerness he’d never experienced, or would ever forget.

  Now that he’d had a sample of her sweetness and heat, he wanted all of it…all the time. Wanted to finally make her his in every way. Make up for hurting her, and all the lost years. But he’d never push her. He’d wait until she came around. And she would. She still had feelings for him. He saw them in her eyes, felt them in her touch. As long as they were around each other, spent time together, it was only a matter of time before she stopped fighting their attraction and opened up to him again.

  This time, he wouldn’t turn her down.

  “You’re sure Bella didn’t see these?” Knight asked for the third time, motioning toward the monitor displaying the photographs he snapped of the IDs last night.

  He nodded. “She was busy with the computers, and I kept my back to her while I took the photos.” A slight smile tugged his lips. “Besides, do you really think she’d stay away if she knew?”

  Bella was currently at her house, where he’d dropped her off last night. Hopefully, still sleeping. He’d caught a few hours of shut-eye after staying up most of the night, shifting through the evidence with Knight, hoping to figure out how and when Rasheed was arriving.

  On his way to the apartment last night, after dropping Bella at home, he’d called Commander Lambert to fill him in about the IDs, and promised to send him a copy of the photos so Lambert could circulate them to all the agency heads.

  This way, even if Matteo failed—which, hell fucking no, was not going to happen—there was no way Rasheed could go far without recognition software picking up his ugly mug.

  He just wished the bastard would show up so he could get on with his mission already.

  Matteo scrubbed a hand over his face before reaching for his fourth cup of coffee. It was almost time for his shift at the shop. Christ, he was tired. And today wasn’t a good day to begin with. He just wanted to get through it without thinking too much. Experience had taught him the pas
t few years that the key to getting through the anniversary of his mother’s death was to keep busy.

  This would be the first time he was actually home on the anniversary.

  And in the actual house.

  “Hell, no.” Knight’s chuckle snapped him out of his misery. “Bella wouldn’t stay away. She’d be all over this evidence like white on rice, as the saying goes.” His blue gaze sobered, and narrowed on the ID displayed on the monitor. “But, we need this bastard alive, not dead. I’m afraid Bella’s philosophy is ‘Ready. Shoot. Aim.’ where Rasheed is concerned. It’s a shame, though. We could use her help. She’s a damn good tracker. One of the best I’ve ever worked with, if not the best.”

  He turned to face the commander and cocked his head. “About that. How exactly do you know Bella? Was she one of your agents?”

  “Sort of.” Knight smiled again, but this time admiration lit his gaze. “She’s not a Knight, although, I’m working on that.”

  Which meant…

  “You’re saying you worked with her before you started your agency?”


  Since the commander wasn’t more forthcoming, Matteo immediately understood the meaning of his silence. “At Special Operations.”

  Knight smiled.

  Damn. Bella was recruited into the S.O.G. Only the best of the best were sought.

  Wait. He stiffened. “Is she still working for them?”

  This time the commander shook his head. “No. She was recruited by a different department and left before I did.”

  “Left?” He frowned. “The CIA has her in a different department?”

  Knight nodded. “Yeah, for several years now.”

  “Which department?”

  “I’m afraid she was unable to disclose that when she left.” His lips twitched.

  Matteo raised a brow. “But you know anyhow, don’t you?”

  “Of course.” Knight shrugged. “Like you, she was one of my team members. I make it a point to keep tabs on all of you.”

  A slight rippling of shock flickered through him. “You’ve kept tabs on every SEAL you’ve commanded?”


  The man commanded several teams throughout his Navy career. “That’s a lot, sir.”


  “Going to tell me who Bella works for?”


  Damn. “Didn’t think so.” But it had been worth a try.

  “Why does it matter?” Knight asked, closing the file on the computer, before heading to the coffee pot to refill his mug.

  Matteo lifted a shoulder. “I just want to make sure someone has her back. She seems too used to working alone.”

  Knight sipped his coffee and nodded. “Her outfit conducts team and solo ops. From what I hear, she excels at the solo ones.”

  The memory of her sneaking into that damn building across the street flashed through his mind, and his body temperature shot up several degrees. “What outfit?”

  A smile spread across the commander’s lips. “Still as tenacious as ever, I see, Reaper.”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied. “About that outfit?”

  Chapter Ten

  “It’s so off the books and covert, it doesn’t have a name,” Knight told him.

  Matteo’s gut twisted tight. Son-of-a-bitch. He set his mug down on the counter hard. “Sounds like she’s expendable.”

  “With both her parents gone, and no family to question her whereabouts…she’s the perfect recruit. They all are, in that unit.”

  “Fuck.” He ground his teeth and drew in a slow, steady breath.

  It was his fault. He’d put her in this predicament. If only he hadn’t shut her out. Left her behind. He should’ve faced his father and confessed his feelings for her. Christ, for all he knew, his dad might’ve been okay with it. Then Bella might not have joined the military at all. Never would’ve set out on the path that led to her doing a job where the outcome mattered more than the agent.

  But would she have been cut out to be the wife of a SEAL? To sit at home while he took off without notice to places he couldn’t disclose, and missions he couldn’t discuss?

  As much as Matteo knew she’d cared about him, he also knew that answer was no. She was too vivacious, too adventurous to sit idly by. It would’ve ended with her leaving him—tired and resentful—to go off and see the world. Alone.

  “Yeah.” Knight nodded, lifted his mug in a mock toast. “Now you see why I’m trying to recruit her.”

  Matteo blinked and refocused on the commander. “How can I help?”

  “By doing what you’ve been doing this week,” Knight replied. “What we’ve all been doing. Reminding her that working with a team is better. That someone having her back makes her stronger. That there’s strength in a team.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair and gripped the back of his neck. “Keeping her out of the loop about Rasheed isn’t going to win us any points.”

  Or help him break through the walls around her heart.

  “When she finds out—because she will find out…she’s even more tenacious than you—we’ll just have to make her see why the bastard’s more important alive,” Knight said. “She’ll come around. Trust me.”

  God, he wished he was as confident as the commander. All Matteo knew was he’d hurt her before, and didn’t want to do it anymore.

  The key sounded in the lock in the apartment door a second before it opened and Brooke and Bella walked in.

  “Look who I found pulling up outside.” Brooke smiled, but alarm drifted through her gaze as she glanced at the computers.

  Thank Christ the commander had closed that damn file.

  “Morning, Bella.” Knight smiled. “There’s fresh coffee. Help yourself.”

  “Thanks.” She nodded, then glanced at him as she neared, concern darkening her gaze. “You okay? You look tired.”

  He nodded, stifling a yawn. “Yeah. Just tired. Stayed up late going over evidence.”

  Her eyebrows lowered and pinched together. “Why didn’t you ask me? I would’ve helped.”

  Dammit. He had shit for brains.

  “I called him here,” the commander spoke up. “The Knight Agency is helping him with his mission. If you were one of my agents, I would’ve gladly called you in, too.”

  A smile spread across her lips. “I see what you did there. You are persistent.”

  “When have you known me not to be?” Knight smirked.

  “Never.” Her smile remained. “And I’m pretty certain I wasn’t one of your agents last night either, and yet, you didn’t seem to have an issue with me helping out.”

  “Ah, but that’s different.” The commander’s smirk increased. “I needed you to get my agent inside.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Ah. I see how it is.”

  “I was also hoping you’d get a taste of how good it could be working with a partner or two,” Knight stated, and Matteo nearly choked on the mouthful of coffee he tried to swallow.

  The feel of her soft curves pressed against him, and taste of her hot, eager mouth immediately came to mind. Bella’s gaze flicked to Matteo, and he knew she was remembering their kisses too.

  “From what I hear, you both handled each other well,” Knight added.

  Matteo wondered if the man had seen the footage or heard the tapes, or if Brooke had filled the commander in on their heated improvising, but Knight’s gaze remained neutral and gave nothing away.

  “Yes.” Bella nodded, her gaze finding his again. “Matteo proved to be very capable in a heated situation.”

  Oh, the woman had no idea.

  He grinned and stepped closer. “Thank you. I was thinking the same about you.”

  Her lips parted into a sweet, sexy grin. “Good to know.”

  It was the warmth and motivation Matteo needed to head out and make pizza. But even when he was there slinging dough, he always kept his ears open and continued to work the mission.

  An unease hoovered o
n the boardwalk lately. A tangible gnawing he felt growing stronger each day. The fact Paresh and his two pals stopped in the same time every day—a classic sign they were casing a job—sent up several red flags. If they hadn’t already been under surveillance, he would’ve added them to the list.

  And even though Paresh wasn’t sleeping at the abandoned building, or carrying a backpack, it didn’t stop them from watching him. Brooke oversaw keeping an eye on the kid, which eased some of Matteo’s guilt about surveilling his friend’s son whenever he talked with Omar.

  “So, how is the mission going?” Bella asked as she poured a cup of coffee. “Did you find anything on the computers yet? Or in the photographs Matteo shot?”

  His cue to leave. The less he had to lie to her the better. “I have to go open the shop,” he said, slipping into his coat. “Let me know if anything comes up, otherwise, I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Don’t come back without a pepperoni and onion pizza,” Knight told him.

  “And green peppers,” Brooke added.

  He grinned. “Roger that.” Then turned his attention to Bella. “Anything special you’d like to add?”

  For a split second, heat flickered through her gaze, then disappeared. “You know what I like.”

  He was starting to, and looked forward to discovering all her secret turn-ons―what made her moan, what made her pant, and what made her cry out his name.


  After spending the morning watching live feed of Tariq and Kamal reading in their room in the abandoned building—where the only action taking place was the paint literally peeling off the damn walls—Bella grabbed her coat from the back of the chair and slipped it on.

  “Have fun,” she told Knight and Brooke as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

  Knight transferred his attention from the monitor to her and lifted a brow. “Too much excitement?”

  She snickered. “Yeah. I’ll leave that fascinating bit of investigation to you.”

  “Going to sniff out a lead?” A knowing gleam entered Brooke’s eyes.

  Bella crossed her fingers behind her back, because everyone knew that made an outright lie more of a little fib. “Nah. I’m not technically a Knight, so I’m going to go home and do some laundry.”


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