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Page 6

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  "Man, I hope not." He reached for his wallet, took out some bills and laid them next to his water glass. "I hope you weren't teasing me on the dance floor about wanting to continue this elsewhere."

  "Nope. Not teasing."

  He tucked her in next to him. "Then let's get out of here."

  "You don't need to say goodbye to Colin?"

  "If I know Colin, he's surrounded by admiring women and he wouldn't appreciate being interrupted while he plays rock star." Sam guided her through the tables toward the front door. "We always connect between sets. After that, we leave each other alone to do our thing."

  "I see."

  "And as it happens, I have something important to do."

  Warmth coursed through her. "As it happens, so do I."

  "That's good to hear." He gave her a squeeze. "Because your frog story is already wearing off."

  * * *

  The night air felt cool against Sam's heated skin. That helped a little, but he still set a brisk pace as they covered the distance back to the car. "Am I going too fast?" he asked at one point as the staccato beat of her heels on the sidewalk made him realize she might be struggling to keep up.

  "No, you're not going too fast."

  Yet maybe he was, in the larger sense. This relationship had progressed to its sexual launching pad much quicker than he would have expected, but he wasn't a strong enough man to call off the countdown now. Besides, a woman as ready as Kasey seemed to be might not appreciate being left to her own devices.

  He'd seen the look in her eyes out there on the dance floor. The woman needed to have someone ring her chimes, and she needed it very soon. These days ladies didn't take kindly to having a guy slow down right when they'd planned a race to the finish line.

  A breeze picked up. The desert cooled off quickly after the sun went down, and the temperature could go from ninety-plus at noon to sixty at midnight. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, but she had no sleeves at all. "Are you warm enough?"

  "Believe me, I'm plenty warm."

  He chuckled and drew her tighter against his side. "I vouch for that I'd go as far as to say you're plenty hot."

  "I'd say you are, too. So don't slow down on my account, and don't worry about the temperature, either."

  "Gotcha. We're making tracks." God, how he loved an eager woman. The way he was starting to see it, he and Kasey needed to get horizontal before they could make any more progress on the friendship front. Sex was getting in the way of having a decent conversation. So they'd take the edge off with a session between the sheets, and then they'd be able to talk, at long last.

  He had lots he wanted to talk about, when the time came. Now that he knew she was a brain, he wanted to find out more about her childhood, which might have been way different from his. He wanted to learn about her friends, her family, her hobbies.

  Besides that, he'd been serious about hiring her to do some PR. When she'd told him about changing the Slightly Scandalous store's image, it had dawned on him that he had a business that could use an image makeover. That would give him a great excuse to see her, besides potentially setting up more earning capability.

  But before they could take care of business or friendship, they had to take care of pleasure. He knew sex would be fantastic with Kasey, especially if she plunged in with the same enthusiasm she'd given to dancing. Within the next hour, they would make each other very happy.

  Once in his Mustang, they rode the distance to his university-area bungalow in cozy silence, holding hands across the console except when he had to shift gears. Words didn't seem necessary when they both knew exactly where they were headed and were equally interested in getting there. He didn't even bother with the radio, because the wrong song might come on and change the mood, which at the moment was perfect for what he had in mind.

  The weeknight traffic was sparse, but he was careful not to speed even though he might have gotten away with it. He was taking no chances on messing this up. It could turn out to be the best sex of his entire life.

  Even without speeding, he made good time to his house, an older home near ASU. "We're here," he said as he pulled into his driveway. He decided not to bother putting the car in the garage. He'd rather take her in the front door, anyway.

  "You have a house?"

  "The bank and I have a house. Mostly it still belongs to the bank." He'd bought the place so he could try out some landscaping ideas in the backyard, but once he'd moved in, the concept of having a serious relationship had moved right in with him.

  He wondered if he'd look back on this night as the beginning of that relationship. So far, he had every reason to believe that one day he would do exactly that.

  She opened her door and stepped out before he made it around to her side of the car. "A house seems so grown-up," she said.

  "It has its advantages." He took her hand as they headed up a curving walkway to the door. A lamp he'd left on glowed from the living-room window. He thought it gave a welcoming look to the house, and he wanted her to feel very welcome. Extremely welcome.

  "Like what advantages?"

  "For one thing, no neighbors with common walls, so I can make all the noise I want." Right now he could hardly wait to get naked and vocal.

  "Are you noisy?"

  Heart hammering, he fit the key in the lock and turned to her. The light through the window illuminated her face. "Depends on what's happening," he said. "Are you?"

  She gave him a look of pure seduction. "Depends on what's happening."

  He trembled with the need to have her. "Come on." He twisted the key and shoved open the door. "Let's go in and make some noise."

  * * *

  Kasey had been startled to find out Sam lived in a house, much less a house he actually owned. Just when she'd decided there wasn't much of a gap between them, after all, here was more evidence that they were miles apart. She couldn't imagine renting a whole house, let alone buying one. She was years away from a step like that.

  But it didn't matter, she told herself as she stepped into Sam's living room. She was here to satisfy her craving and make sure that he changed his mind about hiring her for PR work. One would take care of the other, and whether his bed was located in a rented apartment or a cute little house near the campus made no difference.

  Her sexual engines had been revving ever since this date began, and she'd worked herself into a lather on the dance floor. She was completely focused on climbing into Sam's bed. Once that happened, everything else would sort itself out.

  Sam seemed to be of the same mind. She had a quick glimpse of large green plants, polished wood floors and furniture slip-covered in beige. Then the front door lock clicked into place, Sam pocketed his keys and took her hand.

  "This way." His tone was urgent as he led her down a darkened hallway. Then he paused and sighed. "You know, I'm acting like a sex-crazed idiot. Maybe first you'd like something to drink, a chance to tour the—"

  "Later." She didn't want to give herself any more time to think about this. Right now her mind and body agreed on a course of action, and she wanted to keep it that way.

  "Great." He squeezed her hand and continued down the hall to a door at the far end of the hall. Inside the room he flipped a switch and two bedside lamps came on.

  He had a grown-up bed, too—king-size mattress, solid wood headboard, plaid comforter. He threw back the comforter to lay bare the creamy sheets upon which she planned to get lots of satisfaction.

  Then he drew her into his arms. "We didn't have the health talk." He slipped the straps of her dress over her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. "We should probably have the health talk."

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her body against his, loving the way his eyes darkened. "Your equipment is safe with me," she murmured.

  "As yours is with me." His voice was husky. "And right now, I'm really glad that I've been so damned careful all these years, because I'm free to love the living dayli
ghts out of you."

  Her heart pumped wildly as she looked into his eyes. She had no doubt he was capable of doing that. "That's why I'm here."

  "I know." He cupped one breast through the material of her dress. Slowly he brushed her nipple with his thumb.

  She began to quiver, anticipating what lay ahead for them.

  "I wanted to touch you like this on the dance floor, but I didn't dare. Dancing fast, in a dress like this, wearing no bra—you were tying me up in knots."

  "Was that mean of me?" Desire thickened her tongue.

  "Only if you'd told me no at the end of the night." He continued to caress her. "But you said yes. So you weren't being mean, just provocative."

  She had trouble catching her breath. "I … liked the music."

  "And I liked watching you like the music. To think I almost didn't take you to hear my little brother's band."

  "But you did."

  "And now here we are." His smile was slow and easy. "Tell me the best way to get this off. I'm feeling impatient, and I don't want to rip it."

  She'd always dreamed of having a forthright lover instead of the tentative boys she'd stumbled into bed with in the past. In truth, she'd given that imaginary lover Sam's face. Now fantasy and reality had combined. And she already knew her lines.

  "Better yet, let me show you the best way to get it off." Moving a step back, she leaned down, clutched the hem in both hands and lifted the dress over her head. "How's that?"

  Sam's quick intake of breath told her that she'd made the right impression standing there in only her black panties and her red shoes. She'd seen centerfolds in outfits like this, and she'd posed in front of a mirror to gauge the effect, but this was the first time she'd tried out the ensemble on a real live man.

  As her dress slipped from her fingers to the floor, his gaze roamed her bare breasts and her erect nipples. She let him look. Putting herself on display excited her as much as it obviously excited him. She'd never exploited the power of her naked body before. It was more fun than she'd imagined it would be.

  He gulped. "Kasey, you're … so gorgeous. I can't even find the words. You're—"

  "Still not naked." She was ready for the next level of thrill seeking. She kicked off her shoes with a flourish and shimmied out of her panties.

  He groaned and started ripping off his own clothes. A button popped, but he paid no attention. His focus remained fixed on Kasey as he tossed his shirt on the floor.

  And there was that sexy tattoo, rippling as he hurriedly shucked his pants. At the age of eight she'd been mesmerized by that tattoo, the first one she'd ever seen up close and personal. Now the man with the tattoo was going to get very up close and personal with her.

  She could hardly wait to get her hands on his beautiful body, but she didn't want to appear too eager. He didn't have to know that he was the best specimen she'd ever seen naked, not counting the guys in Playgirl. She hoped he wasn't quite as hugely endowed as some of the men in that magazine. A few of the centerfolds had dimensions that were scary for the average girl.

  Anticipation had her gulping for air, so she covered that by walking to the bed and stretching out on the cool sheets. That put her at eye level with his package, which was currently straining to escape from its cotton prison. Judging from the bulge, Sam was plenty big, but any minute she'd know whether he carried around a large or a supersize model.

  Then he peeled off his bikini briefs, and she was thrilled to discover he possessed wonderful proportions, proportions that could certainly satisfy but not intimidate. From this vantage point, Sam's manly attributes were truly inspiring, and her complementary parts had indeed become very inspired, responding with a rush of moisture.

  Sam pulled out the bedside-table drawer, took out a box and set it down next to the lamp. "Now." He crawled in beside her. "Come here."

  * * *

  Chapter 7


  The moment when Sam gathered Kasey's warm, supple body close and kissed her smiling mouth felt so incredibly right it made his head spin. He'd never believed in love at first sight, but this woman had slipped into his life, into his bed, like the missing piece of a puzzle. She had the perfect touch, the perfect scent, the perfect voice.

  She belonged in this house, in this bed, in his arms. And he would show her exactly how much. Kissing her with all the certainty he felt, he rolled her to her back. She spread her thighs, and he could have taken advantage, burying himself inside her without stopping to put on a condom. He wondered if one day he'd be able to do that because caution wouldn't be important.

  Maybe. But first many things had to happen. And at the head of the line was a night of pure pleasure. Although he wanted nothing more than to enter her and make that ultimate connection, he knew that most women expected to be led gradually to that point. And he was only too happy to guide her.

  Sam intended to leave no sensual stone unturned tonight. Whatever she needed to make this an unforgettable experience, he'd provide. He lifted his lips from hers. "Tell me what you like. Tell me how I can make you happy."

  Her breath came in quick little puffs, breaking up her words. "I'll bet … you already … know."

  He nibbled her earlobe. "Generally, I might. I want specifics."

  She moaned softly and wiggled beneath him. "And I want … something very specific."

  "Then tell me."

  Panting, she reached between their hot bodies and curled her fingers around his penis. "This."

  His heart thundered in his ears. The pressure of her fingers was nearly enough to set him off. "Now?"

  "Right now, Sam." She fondled him, creating havoc with his control.

  He drew away, afraid he'd lose it. "But I was going to… What about foreplay?"

  "We've had … hours of … foreplay. Do me."

  He believed her. Only a fool would keep questioning when a woman spoke that plainly. "You've got it." He rolled to his side and made rapid work of opening a condom packet. By the time he returned to her, she was looking at him with undisguised longing.

  Blood pounded through his veins as he moved between her thighs and braced himself on his knees and hands. "I thought it was only guys who liked to go straight to the main event."

  She grasped his hips. "Wrong."

  "I'm glad to be wrong." Watching her eyes, he probed gently, found that sweet door to nirvana and shoved home. There, that was what he wanted to see in her expression, the same sense of wonder he was feeling. He'd had plenty of sex in his life, but this was different, more significant somehow.

  She felt wonderfully snug, as if the two of them had been created to make this connection with no room to spare. Somehow he'd known they'd fit like this. Maybe she had, too, and that's why she'd insisted they forget the preliminaries.

  "Better, now?" he asked softly.

  Her rapid breathing made her breasts quiver. "Much better."

  "I still want to kiss you all over. You have such kissable breasts. I want to run my tongue over each nipple, and then—why are you smiling?"

  "Thinking how nice that will be … later. But I can't wait for you to do all that."

  He drew back and pushed in again. "Even if I kissed you until I made you come?"

  That idea registered in her eyes. "I would like that."

  "I think you would."

  "But right now, I need you here inside me."

  "Then I can guess what else you need." He began a slow rhythm. With the perfect fit they had, he suspected she'd feel every thrust in all the right places.

  She moaned softly. "Good guess."

  "Remember, no common walls." He picked up the pace. "You can be as loud as you want." He'd never tested that. This would be the first time in his house. He was glad she was here to test it with him.

  "Mmm." She closed her eyes and lifted her hips slightly. "Ooh. Mmm, yeah. Right there."

  He took his cue and snagged a pillow. "Lift up a little more."

  She opened her eyes. "But it's … it's good like this."

  "I know. But you'll get tired holding yourself up.

  Lift." When she did, he tucked the pillow under her. "Tell me how that feels." He slid slowly in and out, stroking steadily.

  Her eyes became unfocused and her lips parted. "Like … heaven. Like we're doing it on a cloud. Oh, that's very good."

  He felt ridiculously happy that he'd found a way to share some of his expertise with her and increase her pleasure. The angle did a few special things for him, too, so he'd have to exercise some control. Gliding back and forth like this was building the tension to a dangerous level.

  When he felt her start to tighten around him, alerting him that she was on the brink, he bit down on his bottom lip to stop the surge of his own climax. She affected him so strongly that he'd have to work on his stamina when having sex with her. But what fun work it would be.

  She began to whimper.

  "That's it." He increased the tempo, but that made his own climax edge closer. He thought about frogs and kept going. "Come on, yell for me, Kasey. Show me what you're made of."

  Her whimpers became cries, and she dug her fingers into his back.

  He rode her harder, coaxing her into ever louder moans. "Let me hear you come!" he yelled, pumping faster. "Come for me!" And as if obeying his command, she came, shouting and laughing as her body bucked against his.

  Only the image of frogs kept him from following right after. As she quivered beneath him, he thrust gently, absorbing the aftershocks, hoping to keep her on the edge.

  She opened her eyes, a question there.

  "Again," he murmured. "Show me that move again."

  "I … I can't…"

  "Sure you can." Easing slowly in and out, he reached down and rubbed his thumb over her happy spot.

  She gasped.

  "See?" He continued a circular motion with his thumb and watched her expression change from doubt to excitement.

  This time she was loud from the get-go, groaning and urging him on, wrapping her legs around him, abandoning herself to the possibility of another climax. Already the dynamic had changed between them. He could feel her trusting him now to take her where she wanted to go. And he would do that.


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