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Tame Horses Wild Hearts

Page 26

by Alison Paige

  The easygoing almost-too-pretty-boy was gone. In his place was all male, all man, set on ravaging her. A visceral thrill moved over her. “What do you mean, a woman like me?”

  “One who takes charge and likes to make things happen.” He nipped at her ear once more. “One who knows what she wants. You do, don’t you, baby? You know what you want me to do to you.”

  Oh Lord, did she. The picture that had repeated in her brain over and over flashed through her mind—her hands wrapped around the footboard, his tall body behind hers, having him all over her while he drove into her again and again.

  “Yes.” Her raw whisper tore from her throat.

  “Then show me.” All laughter had disappeared from his deep voice. “Make me give you what you want.”

  It was just a sexy game. Then things went south…

  One on One

  © 2009 Cathryn Fox

  Taylor Dayton has been holding back a secret from her best friend, firefighter Christian Bain: he’s the only man who can douse the flames inside her. It’s time he noticed her as more than an ice cream and movie pal. What better way to melt the blinders from his eyes than propose an irresistibly sexy grooming session?

  Christian can hardly believe the woman from his erotic dreams has just issued a siren call no red-blooded male can resist. He’ll give her what she wants, and when he’s done with her, she’ll need more than a fire hose to cool her down.

  When their little game leads them to discover their secret fetishes and fantasies, they realize that this sexy seduction is no longer just a game.

  This time, it’s for keeps.

  Warning: Hot sex in creative places, may leave reader salivating for more…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for One on One:

  Grabbing his keys, he walked to the door, pulled it open and, much to his surprise and delight, came face to face with the star of his erotic dreams.

  Poised to knock, Taylor titled her chin. Gorgeous green eyes lit up when they met his. She angled her head, dropped her hand and shot him a playful glance. “I didn’t realize you were psychic.”

  He grinned, letting his gaze race over her body. “I bet you didn’t know about my x-ray vision either.”

  Chuckling, she looked past his shoulder and scanned his apartment. “I’m not catching you at a bad time, am I?”

  “No. I was just heading down to the station for a little one on one.” Although he’d much prefer a little one on one with her. When her lips curled down in a frown, Christian cupped her elbow and hauled her inside. “What is it?”

  “If you’re busy—”

  “I’m not busy. Want to come in and watch a movie? I just picked up a new pint of ice cream,” he added, hoping to sweeten the deal with chocolate and sugar. Okay, okay, so he could have at least tried to mask his enthusiasm a little.

  She rolled on the balls of her feet, the way she always did when she had something on her mind. “Actually, I was wondering if you could help me out.”

  When her voice took on a serous edge, his grin dissolved. “Of course. Anything, anytime. You know that.”

  “I knew I could count on you.” She slipped her bag from her shoulder and dropped it on the floor.

  Trying for casual he said, “Hey, what are friends for?” He guided her into the living room and plunked himself down on the sofa.

  “Exactly. That’s why I came to you. Only a real friend could help me with my dilemma.”

  “Dilemma?” He patted the seat beside him, concern gnawing at his insides.

  She didn’t sit next to him, like usual. Instead she released the top button on her blouse and positioned herself directly in front of him.

  His eyes strayed to her chest, carefully watching the way she moved with innocent sensuality. When he got a flash of tanned skin, he licked his lips with longing. He studied her body language a moment longer and noted that she seemed a little different tonight, a little sexier, a little edgier, and a whole lot wilder.

  Her finger played over the next button, fueling his lust and deepening his need for her. For a split second he envisioned himself disrobing her, his hands racing over her silky smooth skin, his lips following closely behind. Temptation to climb to his feet and do just that swamped him, driving him to distraction.

  Berating his wayward thoughts, he forced his gaze back to her face and commanded himself to redirect his thoughts. Obviously this was not the time to be fantasizing about her. She had something on her mind and needed to talk.

  He shifted to hide his inflated body part. “What is it, Taylor?”

  “You see, lately men haven’t been noticing me and since we’re friends,” she said, stopping to point at him, “and you’re a guy, I was hoping I could ask your advice on something.”

  He noted the way she emphasized the word friends—again. Okay, he got it. He might be a little dense at times, but he wasn’t stupid for Christ’s sake. They were friends. Nothing more. He got it.

  “Ask away.”

  She released the second button on her blouse, then the third and fourth, affording him a view of her creamy cleavage. When she undid the fifth and final button—yes, he was counting—air left his lungs in a loud whoosh. He sat there stock still, watching her peel off her top to reveal the most gorgeous set of breasts he’d ever had the pleasure of viewing.

  “You see, Christian. I need an honest male opinion.” She cupped her breasts. “Do you think these are too small? Too big? Is there anything about them that would turn a man off?”

  Holy. Fuck.

  After a long silent moment, she asked, “Christian, did you hear me?”


  “No what?”

  He let his mind wander, imagining what it would be like to draw one of those tight pink buds into his mouth. To suck, lick, nibble and nip until she begged for mercy. But oh no, he wouldn’t stop there. There’d be no mercy for this sexy little siren. No fucking way. She’d pay dearly for this sweet torture. He’d make her beg him to fuck her and once he had her exactly where he wanted her, writhing beneath him like a wild wanton woman, he’d make her come all over him, again and again.

  “Christian?” Her voice interrupted his musings and pulled him back.

  With his blood rushing south, it became more and more difficult to form a coherent sentence. He coughed and drew a fueling breath. “I think they’re perfect, Taylor.”

  She angled herself sideways to catch her reflection in his big-screen TV. She stroked the underside of her breasts and brushed her thumbs over her rosy nipples, making them swell and darken. His body responded with a shudder.

  “I thought they were pretty good too, but just wanted to make sure.” Her voice sounded husky, sensual and resonated through him. As lust bombarded his body, his cock spasmed with pleasure, clamoring for Taylor’s undivided attention.

  Christian shifted and adjusted his raging erection, aching to remedy his longings. Giving him no reprieve, Taylor unhooked the button on her jeans, and slowly, seductively pulled them down her legs.

  Sweet Mother of God!

  Casually, like they undressed in front of each other every fucking day, she kicked her pants away and stood before him in nothing more than a sexy pair of white lace panties.

  He almost sobbed.

  “Now be honest, Christian. Do I have any grotesque flaws? Take your time looking. No hurry.” She slowly turned in a circle giving him a view from all angles. “I really want to know if there is something about me that men find unattractive.”

  His mouth watered as he concentrated on his breathing. Heck, put a sexy, half-dressed woman in front of him and it reduced him to Pavlov’s dog. His cock began throbbing and pulsing. He clenched and unclenched his fingers as he admired her luscious body.

  “Do you think my ass is perky enough? Here, touch it.” She shimmied closer, grabbed his hand, and put it on her hot little ass cheek. “Give it a squeeze and tell me what you think.” Christian nearly shot a load off right there on the spot as he palmed her lus
h backside.

  Taylor turned her attention to her legs and arched a brow. “Do you think they’re long enough?” Before he had time to answer, she continued, “How about my hips?” She ran her hands over her voluptuous contours, coming perilously close to her pussy. A tremor moved through him as her slow seduction nearly shut down his brain. “Do you think they’re too curvy?”

  Barely able to reply, he shook his head. “Perfect,” was all he managed to choke out.

  Her brow crinkled and she arched her back, tipping her ass up in the air to check out it out in the TV screen. Undaunted, she pressed on, “Are you sure? You see, not only have men neglected to notice me lately, the ones I have gone out with haven’t bothered to call again. So I thought maybe I wasn’t that physically appealing.”

  “Perfect,” he muttered again, noting how easily she’d reduced his vocabulary to one single word.

  With that her eyes lit, and she leaned in to hug him. “Thanks. It’s so great to have an honest friend like you.”

  Christian could no longer hear her speaking. Delirious with want, his entire focus was drawn to her breasts, noticing the way her hard nipples were hovering only inches from his mouth.

  “Is that everything?” His voice was barely recognizable. Fuck, he needed to get her back into her clothes, and out of his apartment so he could abuse the hell out of his rock-hard cock.

  “One more thing.” She crossed the room to grab her tote bag. She pulled out a magazine, flipped through the pages and handed it to him. “I’m looking for a man’s perspective on this. Which style do you find most appealing?”

  As he glanced down at the article on how to style your pubic hair, Taylor went to work on removing her panties.

  Ahhh, Jesus.

  “You see, Christian. Tonight I plan on heading over to The Hose and turning heads once and for all.” She shot him a mischievous look. “There will be no more overlooking Taylor Dayton. And when I take a guy back to my place, I plan on looking and acting so hot and sexy, he’ll come begging me for more.”

  Christian’s nostrils flared, his cock pulsed and thickened to the point of pain. His blood pressure soared. Knowing he was well past the point of vocalizing anything intelligent, he said, “It’s always good to have a plan.” His gaze shot back and forth between her sweet cunt and the sexy pictures in the article.

  She tapped the page. “I was thinking about going with the landing strip.” Taylor widened her legs, her fingers tangling in her silky auburn hair. “What do you think?”

  The magazine fell from his fingers. He jumped to his feet. The woman was a goddamn sadist and there was only so much sweet torture a man could take.

  “Yeah, I…uh…think the landing strip would look good on you,” he muttered. He began to gather her clothes. Fuck, he needed to get her out of there before he tore off his pants, bent her over the sofa and sank his cock all the way up inside her. How was that for a real friend…

  Eyes wide and innocent she said, “The only problem is, I’m out of shaving cream, and to be honest with you, I know I’d probably mess it up, or worse yet, cut myself.” She gave an edgy chuckle and stuck her calf out for his inspection. “You’ve seen the mess I’ve made of my legs in the past. So I was wondering…” The suggestive edge in her voice gained his attention.

  Jesus H. Christ, was the little vixen toying with him? Seducing him?

  With renewed interest, he pitched his voice low and met her gaze straight on. “Wondering what?”

  “If you could shave me.”

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd. It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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