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Lessons in Purrsuasion: BBW Paranormal Werelion Surprise Pregnancy Mob Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

Page 5

by Nowlan,Anya

  Stone leaned out from against the wall, spraying the approaching men with bullets. One of them went down with a sickening thud. The others returned fire immediately, forcing him to retreat. The wall he was ducking behind exploded with shards of brick, obscuring his vision.

  Stone got down low and squeezed the trigger, managing to hit one of the guys in the kneecap before he had to pull back more. The man crumpled to the ground, clutching his leg, as his gun skidded away.

  Three to go.

  His senses were on edge, adrenaline pounding like sweet nectar through his veins. Stone never felt quite as clear-headed and in control as when he was in the thick of battle, death following him like a shadow but never quite reaching him.

  He almost grinned.

  The remaining men edged closer, keeping him pinned down with suppressive fire. One of them sniffed the air, head turning towards the road.

  “She’s not with him,” he called out, running back to the car.

  I’m out of time.

  Of one of the two men still gunning for him, the shorter one made the mistake of looking back at his buddy headed for the SUV. Stone pressed the balls of his feet into the ground and pushed, lunging forward with all the speed and strength his inner predator allowed.

  He caught the short man off-guard and they fell to the ground.

  Stone positioned himself to land on the bottom, meaning the taller man couldn’t fire without hitting his comrade as well. Fangs erupted from his mouth and he sank them into the neck of the man struggling on top of him.

  He scrambled to his feet, holding the now bleeding man up in front of him as a shield. The goon was struggling for breath, quickly bleeding out. The two of them barreled into the taller man. As soon as the guy hit the ground, Stone let go of his previous victim and wrapped his hands around the fallen guy’s neck.

  He gave the man’s neck a savage twist.

  The last man standing was already in the car. He was staring out of the driver’s side window at his dead or maimed friends splayed out on the asphalt. Stone ran toward the SUV, snarling. The man fumbled with the keys, glancing from the ignition to Stone, clearly panicking.

  Stone tore the door off the car as easily as if he were shredding paper. Apparently superhuman strength came easy when the life of someone he cared about was in danger. The thought almost made him stumble.

  Do I care about her?

  The man went for his gun, but Stone got a hold of his hand first, bending it at an unnatural angle. The man howled in pain. The howl turned into a roar as orange fur started to ripple over the man’s face, the tiger shifter slipping into his shift.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Stone growled as he yanked the man out of the car and pulled him into a headlock.

  The man struggled at first, clawing at his hands. It just made Stone hold on tighter. Soon the man’s body went limp, the shift broken as he ran out of oxygen. Stone picked the man’s gun up from the car.

  One of the goons, the one who got hit in the knee, was crawling along the ground, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He was reaching for the 9mm that flew out of his hand before.

  Stone flexed his finger on the trigger, the aftershock of the shot rippling through his body like music he’d missed too long.

  The man stopped moving.

  Stone was nearly frantic as he ran to the parking lot, fishing his phone out from his pocket at the same time.

  She has to be alright, he told himself feverishly, before he forced himself to refocus on the situation at hand.

  He picked the oldest car he could find and yanked the door open.

  How did this go again…he thought, messing with the wires under the steering wheel.

  The car started just as Selina answered her burner.


  “Get out of the car and go to that mall we passed on our way to the motel. Stand near the main entrance, I’m coming to get you,” he rattled off before hanging up and stepping on the gas.

  He reached the huge box of a building in about six minutes. Selina was already pacing out front, looking sweaty and out of breath. He pulled up, throwing the passenger door open. She climbed in and they peeled off.

  “You’re bleeding,” she remarked, voice shaky.

  Stone glanced down at the scratches on his forearms.

  “You should see the other guy,” he countered, trying to lighten the mood.

  “How did they find us? Who was that who called you?” Selina asked, overwhelmed, her sweet face twisted in a worried frown.

  “I have a friend who’s good with computers. He let me know someone gained access to my credit card. From there, they could see I rented a car. Probably either bought off or threatened someone at the rental company and got the LoJack info,” Stone explained while weighing his options.

  “So we can’t use your credit card anymore,” Selina deduced and Stone could hear her stomach grumble.

  They hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.

  “I have others,” Stone shrugged. “Right now, we need friends more than we need money,” he added, knowing what he had to do. “We need to regroup somewhere safe and I need more information on the Crimson Claws.”

  He was already reluctantly plotting a course out of town.

  “You have a plan?”

  Her eyes were glued to the rearview mirror.

  “I don’t know how far Parker’s reach goes. There’s one person who I can count on to not sell me out. But she won’t be exactly thrilled to see me after the way things ended.”

  Realization spread over Selina’s face.

  “Wait a minute. That sounds awfully like we’re going to see your ex-girlfriend.”

  “That’s exactly what we’re doing.”

  Hopefully Kate doesn’t stab me on sight.

  The odds were about fifty-fifty, if he were being optimistic.



  Stone pulled up to a lavish villa with a meticulous garden out front after about two hours of driving. A valet appeared out of nowhere, opening the door for Selina and holding a hand out to Stone for the keys.

  She scrambled out, watching the exchange with a slight smirk.

  “Sorry,” Stone shrugged, offering the valet what passed for his apologetic look.

  It didn’t change much on his expression, truth be told.

  I don’t think he’s that sorry, Selina thought with a private smile.

  The valet arched a perfectly groomed brow at the mess of wires shooting out from under the wheel before getting in with obvious reluctance.

  As Stone walked around the car to escort Selina into the house, a man in a suit stopped them at the front door.

  “Mr. Calloway. Do you have an appointment?” he asked in an even tone.

  “This is an emergency,” Stone answered, staring the man down.

  Next to Stone’s 6’5’’ frame, the doorman was completely dwarfed. Selina seriously doubted that the man could keep Stone from going wherever he pleased, regardless of having an appointment.

  The man mumbled something into his sleeve, making Selina giggle. She couldn’t help it. This was all too ridiculous, nothing seemed like real life anymore.

  How did I end up in a Bond movie? And since when is Bond a lion?

  She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that. Parker gave her the creeps and though Selina was certain she’d still feel that way regardless of him being a shifter, it certainly didn’t help. However with Stone, she felt perfectly comfortable and his lion didn’t scare her.

  Though her rational mind told her that it probably should have.

  Selina noticed the man was wearing an earpiece. A minute passed with them all standing around in awkward silence until the guard suddenly stepped aside and opened the door for them.

  “Miss Walker is waiting for you in the study,” he said.

  Stone led the way through a maze of airy, bright rooms to heavy double-doors. He knocked before entering what looked like a private library, the shelves
filled with thick, old-looking volumes.

  A blond, fit woman sat on one of the leather couches, impeccably curled hair grazing her delicate shoulders. She was wearing a flowery blouse and a crisp, white pencil skirt along with heels that probably cost more than Selina’s monthly salary.

  She stood to face Stone with a polite smile that didn’t quite reach her slate grey eyes.

  “Stone. Didn’t expect to see you back here. And you’ve brought a guest,” she said, briefly glancing at Selina.

  Her voice sounded perfect for a woman owning a mansion like this. It fit her to a T.

  “Kate. I wouldn’t bother you unless I had no other choice.”

  Stone’s body was tense, coiled like a spring. Selina quirked a brow at that. He’d seemed so unflappable in the face of danger, yet staring down an ex got him wound up.

  “I just got word of a bloody altercation in front of a fleabag motel,” Kate said absently, looking pointedly at Stone’s bloody arms.

  “You wouldn’t have anything to do with that, would you?”

  Her voice was sweet as honey now.

  “The Crimson Claws are after this woman. I’ve been hired to protect her,” was all that Stone offered as a response.

  It made Selina stand up a little taller. It also earned her a longer look from Kate.

  “Where are my manners?” she said, the smile never leaving her face.

  Selina shook Kate’s outstretched hand, conjuring up what she hoped looked like a friendly expression.

  “I’m Selina, nice to meet you.”

  “Kate Walker. And let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’d like to know what kind of trouble you’ve brought to my doorstep before I decide whether meeting you is ‘nice’ or not,” she countered, eyes chilly.

  “Give it a break, Kate. She’s been through a lot,” Stone growled, defensive.

  Kate lifted her hands in a sign of surrender, rolling her eyes.

  “So after all that moral grandstanding, you’re back to your old ways,” she said, gesturing for Stone and Selina to take a seat on one of the couches as she turned her back on them to return to her seat.

  She elegantly lowered herself into an armchair, legs crossing. Everything about her made Selina feel inadequate. Especially now, when she was sweaty, her hair in a tangled mess, wearing jeans a number too small and Stone’s t-shirt.

  What old ways? Selina wondered, but kept her mouth shut.

  “I’m doing an old friend a favor,” Stone countered, eyes throwing daggers Kate’s way.

  “Of course. Isn’t that always how it starts?” she said with a haughty laugh.

  “One of the upper level guys from Crimson Claws is determined to make Selina his mate against her wishes. I would like to keep that from happening. Will you help us or not?”

  “What’s his name, this guy?” Kate asked, arching a brow.

  “Parker,” Selina answered softly, wondering if she would ever get his face out of her head.

  Kate pursed her lips.

  “I’m guessing that’s Parker Reeves, one of Crimson Claws’ lieutenants. Blond hair, a scar on his face?” she asked, turning to Selina.

  “That’s the one. Do you know him?”

  Kate sank deeper into her chair, tapping her chin with perfectly manicured fingers.

  Everything about her was so put together that Selina felt like she was more staring at a piece of art than a person.

  “Anyone with any sense left would kick you two out right now. The Crimson Claws are well on their way to owning Chicago, anyone who willingly crosses them is a damn fool. A few of their lieutenants have cocked up lately and slowed them down a little, but that’s nothing in the grand scheme. Holland… Jackson… I think they’re learning from their mistakes and you’re messing with the wrong people” she said, eyes moving between Selina and Stone.

  “I still have business there. You know this, Stone.”

  Selina’s heart sank. Her gaze flickered to Stone, who was looking as steely as ever.

  I hope he has a plan B.

  “They’re powerful, no doubt about that, but they’re also a bunch of arrogant assholes. River, the guy rumored to be in charge, has been keeping a low profile. Most of his own right hand guys don’t know what he looks like. And I’ve heard stories about this Parker guy…” Kate continued uninterrupted, throwing Selina a pitying look.

  “Every woman has a right to choose who she wants to be with, even if that choice is stupid.”

  Her gaze flitted to Stone and Selina found herself holding her breath, studying Stone’s expression.

  What do you care? He can be with whoever he wants, it’s none of my business, she reminded herself, though something was telling her that she didn’t care quite as little as she wanted to pretend.

  “So I will help you the best I can, but under no circumstances will I openly stand against the Crimson Claws, is that clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Stone answered with a small smile.

  Kate stood and Selina and Stone followed suit.

  “I trust you still remember where the guest bedroom is?” Kate asked.

  Stone nodded, glancing at Selina with an encouraging smile.

  “I need to make some calls. Get some rest, you both look terrible,” Kate said with a healthy dose of exaggerated disdain.

  Her derisive tone didn’t fool Selina. She had a strong feeling the woman’s hard exterior was just a protective front. And she had just agreed to help them with no small risk to herself. Emotions took over as Selina stepped forward and grabbed Kate into a tight hug.

  Kate sputtered in protest.

  “I just had this outfit dry-cleaned!” she protested, arms stiffly at her sides.

  Stone let out a strangled cough and Selina released Kate with a smile.

  “Thank you,” she said, looking Kate straight in the eye.

  “Yes, yes, go already,” Kate waved them off, her cheeks flushed red.

  Selina noticed something resembling a genuine smile tugging at Kate’s lips.

  “Brave,” Stone said, leaning in slightly as Selina walked side by side with him out of the study. “Her bite is far worse than her growl.”

  Selina followed Stone to the guest bedroom, blushing from the compliment. The bedroom matched the rest of the house, carefully decorated in creams and pastels, fresh flowers on the nightstand next to the massive bed covered in a tasteful arrangement of pillows.

  Selina plopped down on a small settee by the window.

  “So… that’s your ex. Got to say, not what I pictured,” she mused, taking in the lavish room.

  But who would you picture with him then? Yourself?

  Stone chuckled.

  “Don’t let her looks fool you. She is tough, merciless and not afraid to get her hands dirty,” he said, stretching his arms above his head.

  Selina followed the movement with her eyes.

  “Get her hands dirty with what, exactly? And how did you two meet in the first place?” Selina probed.

  Stone and Kate seemed to come from different worlds, yet something connected them. If she could find out more, maybe she could figure out what that was and gain more insight into Stone in the process.

  The man wasn’t easy to read and she wanted to know as much as she could about him.

  “She’s a… problem solver for the wealthy and powerful,” Stone said vaguely, ignoring the other question.

  “You don’t have to protect me from the harsh realities of the world, it’s a bit too late for that anyway.”

  Selina’s tone was bitter. She was tired of stumbling around in the dark, told what and when to do and little else.

  Stone looked at her for what felt like a very long time. His green eyes bore into her with an intensity she had never felt before. Selina squared her shoulders and stared back, determined not to back down.

  “You won’t like what I tell you.”

  “I’d like to come to that conclusion on my own, thank you very much,” Selina countered, angrily now.

  “She’s a hitwoman,” Stone said, eyes still locked onto hers. “She kills people for a living. And she’s very good at it.”

  Selina gulped.

  “And?” she pressed on, voice growing hoarse.

  “We met on the job,” he answered.




  “So that’s what you do? You kill people for money?”

  The look on her face made his stomach sink. It was everything he’d been trying to avoid and yet there it was, clear as day. Fear, surprise, maybe a hint of disgust…

  Great, now all she’s going to think when she looks at me is ‘killer’.

  “Not anymore,” Stone responded.

  Selina stared at him.

  “Not anymore? That’s all you’re going to say?” she demanded, exasperated.

  “I’m here to keep you safe and that’s what I’m doing. Anything else is irrelevant,” he replied tersely.

  He hadn’t intended to sound as he did, but the thought of being found less than adequate by Selena made him bristle and his insides twist. Not that he thought himself to be a good guy by any stretch of the imagination. He’d done things he wasn’t proud of.

  That was why he had gotten out of The Firm and refused to work for anyone like them, too. Men like Spade and Foster and everyone else in the intelligence unit there were brutal beings and Stone had no stomach for it. He was a killer, sure, but in his opinion, big money could lead to big corruption and he didn’t want to be around for it when it happened.

  So he’d started working for himself, only taking the jobs he believed in. It didn’t give him any reason to defend himself to Selina, though, and he wasn’t going to. Not really.

  But having her think lowly of him… it still stung.

  His response seemed to take Selina by surprise as she grew quiet.

  “I guess you’re right,” she said after a while, eyes turning cold.

  “Can I have some privacy?” she continued, glancing at the bathroom attached to the room.

  “This place has plenty of space. The room is yours,” Stone said curtly before leaving.


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