Caught In Flames
Page 43
I take two hundred dollars out of my pocket. It’s overkill for the bill, which is only seventy for our meals. The place isn’t glamorous by any stretch, but that’s why I like it. It’s a solid reminder of how very lucky I am. And it’s kind of a relief to not be in a place where everyone suffers affluenza and better than thou attitudes. It’s nice to pretend to be normal .
Jane looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind and I realize she’s aware that I’m over tipping. I worry she might think I’m flirting, so I decide to be honest for honesty’s sake. What she said resonated with me and reminded me to remember that other are also human. And to error is human. None of us are perfect, and it’s always better to be kind than angry .
“I’m taking a bit of your philosophy here,” I tell her, draping an arm around her shoulders because I want her closer. There’s just something about her that’s wonder and pure, sweet and flame. “I don’t know if she’s having a bad day. Maybe that will help .”
A sad smile lights Jane’s face and I know something is bothering her. As we walk out, I decide to do something I would never have dreamed of before; I ask what she’s thinking that’s making her sad. Well, kind of .
“Something is bothering you,” I say and she looks up at me in surprise .
The shadows in her eyes darken and I wonder if she’s going to be honest or blow me off. I wouldn’t fault her for blowing me off. I get that it’s hard to be honest and discuss things that aren’t pretty. Especially with a near stranger .
Then again, if I think about it, maybe it’s easier to talk to a stranger. If she’s being judgmental about my life I can still comfort myself knowing she’ll be gone in a week and I’ll never see her again .
The thought hits me like a blow to the gut and I realize I want to see her again. I want this connection I feel between us to be real .
“Just… this,” She says, gesturing to us. And I get it. She’s aware this is all a sham. And as much as I don’t want things to end, I also know that it’s a good idea to let her go. She’s not a threat. The only reason I’m still clinging to her is because on some level, I hope I can make her realize that there’s something between us that we should explore .
But I can’t force her. If she’s not feeling it, or doesn’t want me, I should accept that. Right ?
As we head back toward our rooms, I decide to do the right thing, as much as everything in me argues against it. I could keep her. I could intimidate her into staying. I could force her to stay, to keep up the appearance of dating. I could, given enough time, make her fall in love with me .
I need to let her go before I give into the thoughts pummeling me .
“Thank you for the date,” I say gently as she looks up at me in surprise. The flash of heat in her eyes at my calling it a date is unmistakable. It's also almost enough to undo me .
I push forward before I can change my mind. “You’re free to go. I only ask,” I say, feeling her whole body stiffen, “That you not discuss my personal life. And I, of course, won’t discuss yours .”
We walk on and she pulls me toward the dock that leads out into the ocean. I notice the place is nearly empty as the skies look like they’re going to open up and pour at any moment now. The waters are rolling and crashing against the wooden posts holding the pier in place and overhead, gulls laugh at the people moving away from the beach for fear of rain .
To my surprise, she pulls out of my grip and throws her arms around my shoulders. Her lips meet mine and I feel every inch of her pressed to my body. She feels like heaven and hell, sweet sin and beautiful wickedness .
Her tongue meets mine and I feel every part of me responding to her. This wasn’t part of the plan. But fucking hell, I’m loving it .
Her lips move against mine and I plunder her mouth like a starving man. It’s all I can do not to drag her back to my place and shove her onto my bed to take what she’s so sweetly offering. She’s a god damned drug and I’m desperate for a fix. My hands find her ass and I forget we’re in public as she breaks the kiss to pull my lower lip into her mouth .
Just as quickly, reality snaps back and thunder rolls through the air. The impending storm makes Jane begin to tremble, and I feel the change in the air before the rain begins to pour on us. A flash of lighting splits the sky and she lets out a little squeal before I give her a quick kiss .
Her hair begins to mat to her head and I feel the heat rising off her body as the rich scent of wet earth and ocean overtake my senses .
“Connor,” she whispers, the sound almost a moan that proves she’s lost to this as much as I am. I give her another quick kiss and know it’s time to leave. If I don’t, I never will .
It feels like losing everything as I turn and walk away from her .
Only when I’m safe in my room do I begin to think on what’s happening in my life. The hopeful sense that maybe the horrors are finally over fills me. Cami isn’t a threat. She’s clean, she’s sober, and she’s the first one to say she’s fucked up but won’t again. And while I don’t trust her at her word, I pride myself on my ability to read people .
She’s not someone I’m going to worry about any more .
But it goes beyond that. I need to make amends for what I did to her. I think I know how; Jane made a valid point .
I strip out of my wet clothes and head toward the shower, a plan forming in the back of my mind. Jane was right; both parents need to be there for that little girl. Olivia deserves both her mother and father in her life .
It's going to take some serious work to get Kieran to pull his head out of his ass and work out some kind of co-parenting plan. But if I leverage things just right, he’ll come to see that I’m right. That Jane is right .
Lightning strikes outside as I step into the steaming shower. Walking away from Jane might have been the stupidest thing I ever did. Even now, the look in her eyes as I pulled away eats at my soul .
But I did what I felt was right. So why does it still feel all wrong ?
Chapter 23
“T hank you for the date,” Connor says, his voice all honey and heat .
Date? Why does that thought send so much liquid heat through every inch of me? I feel like I’m some damned horny woman desperate to be fucked by this hunk. He makes me such a mess. I want him in my life despite the fact that he’s not, by any stretch of the imagination, a good guy .
Hadn’t Zac touted himself as a good guy? Maybe there’s no such thing as a good guy. Everyone has some deep, dark secrets. At least I see Connor’s. He’s not hiding or lying like Zac did. All the ugly truths are already out there between us. And I still feel something for him. Something I can’t describe, but it’s good .
“You’re free to go. I only ask,” he says, his tone serious as his incredible blue eyes stay locked on mine. “That you not discuss my personal life. And I, of course, won’t discuss yours .”
We walk past the dock that I’d been hating on earlier. The sounds and smells of the ocean are wonderful, and the sky looks like it’s battling out between rain and sunshine. That battle rages on inside me and I back out of Connor’s grasp .
He seems surprised as I wind my arms around his shoulders and press my lips to his. My whole body melts into him and pleasure begins inching through me. This is what I want. He’s what I what I want .
Strangers flow around us, headlined toward shelter form the impending rain, but I’m right where I want to be .
My tongue seeks his out and I feel him stiffen against my belly. It’s incredible, the response he has to me, and the one I have to him. Our bodies seem to know what to do, even if our brains are telling us this is a bad idea .
His tongue searches my mouth and I give over to him. He can be in charge, I’ll gladly let him do what he wishes. His hands find my ass and I feel the change in his posture as he holds my sagging body upright. My knees seem to have forgotten how to hold me up, and every part of me feels like it’s melting into his grasp .
The kiss ends and I
pull his lower lip into my mouth, enjoying the response of his body. He’s hard, ready for me, and there’s nothing I want more than him right now, in this moment .
Thunder crashes overhead and I jolt in shock. Then the rain is pummeling on my head and every bit of my body. I look up into Connor’s eyes, loving the heat I see there. Rain streams down his forehead and gathers on his dark lashes and I study him, wanting to commit this moment to memory .
A flash of lighting startles me and I jolt with a little noise. Icy hot prickles run over my flesh as everything tells me to get in out of the storm. But I can’t. I’m hopelessly trapped by this man. And I love it .
Even as the scent of rain begins to block out the ocean, he continues to dominate my senses. His cologne, the scent of his wet skin, the smell of heat on him… he’s delicious .
“Connor,” I moan, needing more of him. I need everything. I don’t want to go home alone, I want to go with him. I understand and appreciate what he’s trying to do, to prove he’s not holding me hostage, that he trusts me, but what about what I want ?
He presses a kiss to my lips and pulls back. There’s sadness in his expression as he turns and walks away .
It feels like my heart is imploding .
With heavy feet and an even heavier heart, I head out on the dock. Wind whips my shorts and shirt despite the wet weighing them down. At the end of the thing, I sit down and dangle my legs over the edge .
Below, I see the sea churning with the storm. Ever since I was a little girl, I’d considered just scooting off the doc. I’m not sure why. It’s not a death wish or anything. It’s more of a test of will. The water is ice cold. Would I have the strength to swim to shore? Would I sink or would I swim ?
I’d sink. I’m not strong enough to push back against that much pain, that much fear, that much cold. I’ve never been one to rock the boat. I’d prefer to live in peace than make life uncomfortable. But then again, I’m pretty sure everyone feels the same way. We get comfortable. Even in bad situations; change is hard .
I back off the edge and head toward my room. Once inside, I hear the shower next door running and I walk over to the wall I’d been listening against a lifetime ago and press my ear to it. It feels like a lifetime ago. Was it really only a few hours since all that had happened? It feels like forever .
I move toward my own bathroom and strip away my wet clothes. The shirt peels off and I look at myself in the mirror. My breasts are on the small side, but I like them. They suit me, they’re perky, and I can go without a bra .
My shorts land on the floor with a wet plop and I study the way my hip bones jut a bit, the way my waist tucks in so neatly, the rounded curve of my hips. I’m not perfect by any means, I’m a bit skinny, I don’t have as much muscle tone as I’d like, my hips are oddly wide for my chest size and don’t seem to match the rest of my body .
But I don’t care. Connor seemed to like my shape, too. I remember his hands on me, the way he’d kissed me, the intensity of his eyes as he intimidated me. Nothing has ever been as sexy to me as that fear and lust cocktail .
I dry off with my towel and dress in dry clothes, all the while thinking of Connor .
* * *
T hree days. That’s how long I’ve been sitting here, listening to Connor through the wall. But he’s wiser now; he’s leaving the TV on while he talks on the phone. But I still hear him come and go, I hear him shower even, and at night, I hear him tell me good night. Every night .
Every morning, he’s there with a good morning that is like a whisper in my sleeping ear that wakes me in a haze of hope he’s here beside me in bed .
But he never is .
And it kills me .
Chapter 24
T hree days.
I’ve managed to be away from her for three days .
Every second is torture. I know she’s over there listening to me .
But I’ve also made headway .
Yesterday, I talked to Kieran. After a lengthy conversation about Cami, he’s decided to take my advice to reach out to her. He’s going to call her – I gave him her number – and will have a tentative conversation about letting her back into her daughter’s life. He did warn me that it’s ultimately up to Olivia if she even wants to see her .
Which I respect. Olivia is old enough to make a decision like that, and I know Kieran won’t pressure her to go about it the way he wants her to. I love that he puts her first. It’s a trait I admire. One I hope that I’m able to replicate if or when I have my own kids .
Next door, I hear her make a noise and I wonder what she’s up to. The sound comes again and I know that little moan .
I’m done .
I get up and leave my room. Next door, I try her handle and it opens under my hand. I can’t help but feel she’s planned this .
She looks up at me in shock, her fingers down her cute sweat pants. Her shirt is pulled up to reveal her perfect little tits. And I snap. I can’t take it anymore, I yank off my shirt and walk over to her bed. I see the flash of fear and intense desire in her eyes .
I climb on her bed and pull her pants off even as she kicks them free, her eyes on me. She’s silently begging me for more and I’m going to give it to her .
When her pants are off, I see she’s not wearing underwear and I growl in satisfaction. She’s fucking gorgeous . Her pussy is smooth and inviting. I need to taste her .
I lower to bury my face in her and she cries out in shock. Her legs wrap around my shoulders and I delve into her warmth. She’s tart, like summer apples with a bite of sweet that leaves me craving more .
Placing a hand on her belly, I reach up with the other to palm her prefect breast. Her nipple hardens under my hand and I can’t help but pinch it and pull gently .
She bites down on her lip to stifle a whimper of pleasure .
Her other hand grabs her other nipple and she tugs on it before rolling it between her slim fingers as I focus back on her pretty pussy. As it begins to plump up with need, I enjoy sampling her, nibbling a bit before she reaches down to part herself for me .
I see her clit, pulsing with need. Closing my lips around it, I suckle a little and she begins to tremble, her little whimpers sounding as much like pain as pleasure. My body responds and I back off .
She looks up at me in shock as I grab her hips and yank her toward the end of the bed. The beautiful surprise in her eyes is a reward as I pull off my pants to help a bit with the friction and kneel at the end of the bed and taste her again. She surprises me as she lifts up on her elbows .
“I want to see,” She says softly, her eyes locked on me as I enjoy her pussy. “It feels so good,” She whispers, her hands finding her tits again. I watch her touch herself, feeling my cock pulsing painfully with need. I’ve wanted her since I laid eyes on her. Since she’d tried to cower back into the wall while I cornered her .
Even then, I’d seen the heat in her eyes. That same heat that I see now as she tugs her nipples and whimpers with pleasure. I tease her clit with my tongue as I continue suckling on it. Her warmth and wet are all I smell and taste, and it’s sheer heaven .
Watching her touch herself and heighten the pleasure is enough to drive me wild and I feel her begin to tense up. Her little belly twitches and I know she’s on the cusp of orgasm. So quickly. My sweet Jane, has no one eaten your pussy like this ?
Her eyes widen and I feel her begin to shudder. Her head falls back, her fingers still teasing her nipples. She’s rougher with them now as she cries out in pleasure. The rush of nectar on my chin is almost enough to destroy me as she comes hard .
I enjoy her, lapping at the sweet tartness of her clean, wonderful pussy. She tastes like home, like heaven, like everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner. As she jolts as her orgasm rips through her whole body, I find myself not wanting to stop. Not ever. I want to do this again and again and again, for as long as she’ll let me .
I want to know if this was a fluke, if she c
ame so quickly because of the wait, or because she’s not had it in so long. Or is it me ?
She pushes me away and I back off, as she rises up, a new heat sparkling in her eyes. We stare each other down like animals ready to attack. It’s the kind of intensity I’ve never had the pleasure to experience .
I stand, ready to leave if she asks me to; even though I really don’t want to. Did I cross a line? The look in her eyes says yes, but there’s so much warmth there I can’t help but feel it was a good overstep .
She drops to her knees, her shirt slipping off her shoulders to show one of her beautiful breasts and leaves my mouth watering. This not quite dressed, not quite naked look is more sexy than the best lingerie I’ve ever seen. Somehow, she’s so damn sexy without meaning to be. It drives me up the wall .
Her fingers wrap around the base of my cock as I look down at her, wondering what she’s up to. “I want to taste you,” she whispers, her breath almost enough to undo me. Her slim fingers are so soft around me it’s enough to drive me closer .
Then, her lips open and she takes the tip of me into her warm, wet, willing mouth and I close my eyes and groan at the sheer ecstasy of it. Fuck, she’s amazing. I open my eyes, not wanting to miss a second of this .
Her lips are pink around my cock, and her hazel eyes are locked on me. It’s enough to drive me crazy. I grab a handful of her hair and resist the urge to shove myself down her throat until she chokes. The second she feels my fingers wrapping in her hair, she takes me deep and I groan at the sensation of her throat tightening around me .
This woman is going to be the death of me .
Chapter 25