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Shifting Too

Page 3

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  Heavy Malik. Malik stretched out on him, keeping him down and being warm and Good.

  His eyes closed, tail sliding alongside Malik's. So Good. So Real. His Malik.

  Malik licked his whiskers, purring for him, making him so sleepy.

  He tried to wiggle, open his eyes, wake up.



  Purrrr and purrrr and more. The sound made his head fuzzy, made his eyes heavy.

  He took a deep breath and started running, bouncing in the bright sun with Malik, his Raj, chasing butteryflies that flew and were brighter than the whole Sun.


  Rishi slept finally. Malik was worried that the kit never would again. His poor young one, so worried, so protective of his tail.

  Malik was afraid to broach the subject of his transformation, or Rishi's, for if it made Rishi this frightened, the next time might make Rishi run. Malik had gotten used to Rishi being around, had grown to love him already.

  So he guarded Rishi's dreams instead.

  Snuggling and purring, the scent of pleasure and happiness strong around him, Rishi dreamed for him. Those heavy paws ran and chased and... those gold eyes popped open, a happy purr sounding, a hot tongue sliding over his paw.

  He purred right back, loving the care his Rishi showed him, the open affection.

  Now he could snuggle close and let his own sleep take him for a bit, let Rishi groom him. He was groomed and loved and licked and nuzzled. His whiskers were cleaned and his eyebrows smoothed; his ruff thoroughly explored and the tip of his tail nipped and nibbled and chased.

  Malik snorted, flipping the tip of his tail just enough to make Rishi chase it.

  He could hear the happy chuffs, the wind as Rishi jumped and ran and leapt and...


  One of his ears was quite firmly chomped and then Rishi chuffed, the sound proud and pleased.

  Waiting until Rishi was in the release stage of chew, Malik roared, rolling them over and over and over. Rishi's paws grabbed him, held on, those gold eyes fastened onto him as they played.

  His Rishi looked at him as if he was the sun in the sky. It made him want to roar, to tell the world how wonderful his Rishi was.

  They landed in the tall, green grasses, Rishi panting beneath him. Those paws massaged his chest and belly, claws carefully kept sheathed.

  Malik closed his teeth around Rishi's throat, tongue soothing the flesh he bit. His lovely one. So Good. Malik purred, feeling himself begin to grow hard and heavy.

  Oh. Oh no.

  Rishi's low purr answered his, body shifting and sliding beneath him. Rubbing.

  Torn between rubbing back and running for fear of upsetting Rishi, Malik let Rishi choose for him. As his young one pulled him close with the barest hint of claw, Malik settled, rumbling and pressing, feeling it all the way to the tip of his tail.

  Golden eyes shone at him, Rishi panting and beginning to call and growl and purr out pleasure.

  He should have known his Rishi would take quickly to anything that felt as good as this. Malik rubbed, rocking against Rishi hard, feeling soft fur and hard muscle against him. Vibrating beneath him, Rishi arched, twisted, head shaking on the ground restlessly.

  The feeling was beginning to get urgent for him as well, and Malik moved faster, feeling Rishi's hardness against him, making it all bigger and stronger. He bit down, marking Rishi. Claiming.

  Rishi stiffened and roared, the scent of need marking the air before the heat registered against him. Yes. Oh. Malik needed only moments more before his own seed burst from him, hot and wet on Rishi's belly.

  Rishi nuzzled, purring low. He could hear his young one's song -- love and pleasure and need, singing to him, about him. Telling the birds and grasses how Rishi loved him, how he was Rishi’s Raj and home and here and Rishi's own.

  Home. Oh yes. He'd known it from the start. It would be even easier now, with this between them, to do the rest. Malik licked and loved, purring right back.

  He was home.



  Blink. Blink.




  Munch munch nibble snarf.



  Got caught in his teeth and itched.


  Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle.


  Malik came out of the grass, roaring Very Loud at being woken up.

  Rishi squeaked and turned and Ran.

  Not that he was scared.

  Because he was Brave.

  But still...

  The grasses behind him crackled and swished and the ground shook as Malik chased him.

  Maybe a little Scared.

  He headed for the trees. He could jump and climb higher and better than his Raj. And if he was high?

  Then he could drop on Malik.


  Oh, that would be So Fun.

  Sharp teeth just grazed his tail as he leapt into a tree, Malik snarling at him.

  He growled back, daring to bare his teeth and shake the tree limb.

  Malik paced at the base of the tree, low, constant growls sounding, tail lashing.


  Was Nevernevernevernevernever coming down.

  Never ever.

  He settled down on the branch and watched, trying very hard not to make So Sorry Rishi sounds.

  His Raj settled, too, stretching out under the shade of the tree, panting.

  He leaned his head over the branch. Looking. Trying to see how mad his Raj was.

  Not that Malik really looked angry now. Instead his Raj groomed, licking a big paw and swiping it over his face.

  He batted a leaf down, watching as it landed on Malik's paw.

  A single lazy move sent the leaf flying, one side of Malik's mouth curling up.

  Rishi licked his paw, thinking and watching.

  Then he sent another leaf down.

  Ignoring the leaf, Malik rolled onto his back, pale pale belly showing.




  He shivered with temptation.

  No one could resist that.


  That belly.

  He leapt with a roar, heading right for that soft, white fur.

  Fur that vanished as Malik moved So Fast, rolling and catching him as he landed, pushing him down and roaring.


  Rishi closed his eyes tight-tight and pretended he was a Rock.

  It worked on birds sometimes.

  Except that Malik was not a bird, and had much sharper teeth that nibbled him. Birds did not do that.

  And birds did not usually roar. Or head-butt. Or put Very Big Paws on him.

  Rishi tried a little tiny purr.

  Nipping, Malik grabbed his throat, but not hard. Not really.

  He purred a tiny bit louder and stretched. He hadn't meant to wake Malik.

  Not really.

  There were butteryflies.

  No one could resist butteryflies.

  Relenting, Malik nuzzled his throat, licking and purring.

  Oh. Oh So Good! He purred back, all the not-scared and worry dissolving.

  His Raj was so good to him, praising his butteryfly hunting and his tree climbing.

  Rishi preened and began grooming, singing about the fine sky eyes of his Raj and the thick fur of his Raj and the long tail of his Raj and the... whiskery whiskers of his Raj.

  They settled together, tails twining, Malik purring roughly, returning his touches.

  The butteryflies were starting to flutter again, but his Raj's paw was Very Heavy on him.

  Rishi was pretty sure that meant Stay.

  Stay, and Nap, and be with Malik.

  He could do that.

  At least while he got the butteryfly wings out of his teeth.


  His paw had healed. The days had passed and the prickly being out had done the job. Now it was time
for him to survey his new territory fully, something he had not done in the time since he had come.

  He left Rishi sleeping, which he felt a little guilty about as he had told Rishi never to run off without waking him, but he would be back soon. Perhaps with some meat. That would be a nice treat.

  The territory he and Rishi had was large. Large enough that it was midday before he was even close to circling the whole of it, and tired.

  Tired and hungry. Too hungry to hunt.

  Malik looked about, checking the trees. Yes. There. He thought hard about his man form, knowing he was a better climber that way. That was one thing his young one did better than he, the slighter body mass allowing for better climbing ability.

  His man came to him more easily than the last time, his body shrinking and standing upright, feeling oddly light. He grasped the big roots of the fruit tree he had found and shimmied up, legs clutching the trunk, climbing until he could reach the big, juicy fruit that had his mouth watering.

  It wasn't until he noticed the complete silence that he frowned.

  No birds. No frogs. No songs or chirps or calls or cries.


  He stiffened, wishing he had his tiger eyes and ears. If there was a large predator about, he didn't know if he could change in time to fight, not in the position he was in now. He searched the trees and grasses, looking hard.

  It was only luck that exposed the tip of a white tail to him, golden eyes staring at him through the grasses.

  Ah. Rishi. It had to be Rishi, as he had never seen another tiger in all the time he had been there. He sighed, slipping and sliding back down the tree, two large fruits in his hands.

  Poor Rishi. He always caught Malik at the worst times.

  Rishi stayed hidden, watching him, so still, so silent.

  Malik sat, legs folding beneath him, knowing he would be less intimidating sitting down. Then he dug in and opened one of the fruits, making an inquiring chuff Rishi's direction.

  Rishi crept forward, so slow, so careful.

  He purred, cursing the human voice that didn't let him put as much emotion into it as he would have liked. He licked juice off his fingers, holding out a hand to Rishi and chuffing again. Rishi's nose twitched, his young one sniffing so hard the long nose wrinkled up.

  Switching to his human talk, Malik growled a little, low and deep. "Come Rishi. You know it is your Malik."

  Rishi stopped. Blinked. Chirruped back in utter surprise.

  Malik grinned, waggling a piece of fruit. "Come, my young one. Let me pet you."

  Rishi's head tilted, those golden eyes flicking between him and the fruit. The soft sounds were curious, questioning, but not aggressive, not scared.

  "Good. Sweet." Yes, he knew Rishi would like it better as a man than as a tiger, but he was not sure he could convince his young one to change. Not when it had scared him so when he did it by accident.

  Rishi crouched low, creeping toward him, sniffing. When the wet nose brushed his knee, Rishi breathed in deep, tongue flicking out for a taste.

  "Shhhh. See? I am your Malik. I promise." The piece of fruit in his fingers was starting to run juice, so he popped it into his mouth, humming happily. Malik licked his fingers before stroking Rishi's ears, just so he would not get that heavy fur sticky.

  Rishi purred softly, scenting him, licking and nuzzling, exploring his man-skin, his man-body.

  Those whiskers tickled. Oh, this had not happened since... well, perhaps since he was a cub. He was always a tiger with tigers and a man with men. It might have been his dam who was the last to touch him this way. He scratched harder on Rishi's ears, waiting to see the look that meant Rishi was enjoying it. For Malik knew he would.

  Rishi groaned, the tip of his tongue coming out, those eyes going distant and soft. A storm could come now and Rishi would not see. Rishi's heavy claws pushed into the ground, rolling and rubbing.

  Yes. See, young one, he thought. See that there are some advantages to being a man also. "Like that, my Rishi. Yes. Feels good, hmm?"

  Rishi purred and chirruped, trying to answer, the sounds familiar and good to both of them.

  Just scratching, he lifted the fruit he'd picked in his other hand, trying to get some energy back. He thought he might well have to take a nap.

  Rishi reached up, batting the fruit idly, claws sinking in the rind.

  "Silly Rishi. It's good. Here. Taste." He popped a piece into Rishi's open mouth before his surprised tiger could clamp down with those sharp teeth, laughing.

  Rishi's face squeezed up, tongue rolling the fruit around his mouth gingerly.

  He laughed even harder, watching Rishi try to negotiate the fruit. He took his own bite, and oh the sweet, juicy taste reminded him of why he'd lived years among men.

  Rishi's head tilted again, eyes fastened on his mouth. One paw lifted, landed heavy on his shoulder as Rishi leaned in, whiskers twitching.

  He had a sudden inspiration. "What? What is it you want, Rishi? You have to ask."

  Rishi's eyebrows lowered, a series of cries and mews filling the air, that paw heavier and heavier.

  Malik licked his lips, his nose touching Rishi's. His poor young one was trying so Hard. "You can do it, Rishi. My So Good Rishi."

  He could feel it in the paw on his shoulder becoming fingers, see the man pushing through the tiger -- a beautiful man with eyes gold as the sun. Those eyes held his with a quiet desperation, a mixture of panic and the need to please him.

  He reached up, twining his fingers with Rishi's, holding on. Oh, he could cry. His Rishi cared for him so well. So well. That he would do this even though it scared him so.

  "Yes, my Rishi. You see? It is all right."

  Rishi rested against him, heart pounding, eyes rolling. Oh, his young one, so smooth, so warm. Little sounds poured from Rishi's mouth, scared, disbelieving little cries.

  "Shhh. Sweet Rishi. I promise you are still a tiger. I promise. Hush now." He kissed Rishi's cheeks, his chin, then his mouth, the kiss sticky sweet with fruit.

  A soft peep filled his mouth, Rishi's eyes going huge. Then Rishi licked his lips, his cheeks, the sweet distracting his young one from the fear.

  "Mmmm." Yes. Yes, exactly. He'd squashed the fruit rather badly in his tension, so Malik picked up the other, tearing it open and plucking out a piece of its flesh to press against Rishi's mouth.

  Rishi's tongue came out, licking and lapping both his fingers and the fruit.

  And his wrist.

  And his arm.

  "Here. Bite it, Rishi." He pressed the fruit in, let Rishi chew on it. That would really bring out the flavor. So curious and sweet, his Rishi. So Good.

  Rishi chewed and swallowed, then moved to clean his face, his fingers, tickling his sensitive skin. "Rrrrrrrrrrrraj."

  "Rishi. My Rishi." His heart was so full. He kissed Rishi again, moving his lips against his young one's, showing him one thing that humans did right.

  Rishi looked confused, fingers moving restlessly over his skin, touching him. Loving on him.

  Chuffing, he bit Rishi's lower lip, just a little, proving that he could play this way as well, knowing it would comfort.

  "My So Good Rishi."

  "Rrrrrraj." Rishi pushed him down, nuzzling his belly, his hip, his leg, trying to scent him.

  He laughed, looking at the sky through the branches of the tree. That was probably enough for one day for his Rishi. He would get worried soon, Malik could tell. So he thought hard of his tail and his claws and his whiskers that seemed made for Rishi to groom, and immediately he felt himself taking up more space, growing and stretching. And growling.

  Rishi's response was joyful, the man disappearing immediately, the heavy beast that pounced him was his beautiful One. His Rishi. Tail and all.

  He chuffed, this time the sound sharp and clear. They scented each other, rubbing cheeks and whiskers, biting tails and throats. He could hear Rishi's relief, the joy just ringing through the air, the songs of love and need and the beauty of his tai

  Their tails curled together, and he sang his own song back. He sang of how Brave Rishi was, and of how grateful he was that Rishi loved all of him. He pushed Rishi down and rubbed on him, purring loudly.


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