Shifting Too

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Shifting Too Page 24

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  Two of the pack morphed to build a travois for what was left of the ox, to drag it back to the rest of the pack. But Sochar stayed close to Gareth, trying not to be underfoot, but holding his place next to the Alpha, almost quivering.

  Gareth barked sharply, moving to run ahead, scent for danger.

  The Alpha was almost in the trees when those blue eyes looked back him, the yelping call clear. Are you coming?

  With a sharp bark he put on speed, catching up, rubbing shoulders with the Alpha as they ran through the woods. It felt so good, to be running alongside the Alpha, to be chosen, seen.

  Bellies full, food on its way back to the pack, they were free to run and run they did, Gareth leading him through the woods, skirting the pack and going and going until they'd left the others behind and it was just the two of them.

  Once they were truly alone, Gareth slowed a little, watching him, panting, bodies almost touching.

  It felt good, his muscles stretched, pushing to keep up with Gareth, showing the Alpha what he could do.


  Showing Gareth what he could do, who he was. Yes, he wanted to impress the Alpha, but more than that, he wanted Gareth the male to notice him, to see him.

  They came to the edge of the clearing with its low houses, its cabins and main halls, the border guards greeting them both, muzzles lowered for Gareth. To his surprise, Gareth turned west, moving deeper into the trees, toward the lake and the cliffs.

  He followed without question, surprised or not, he would follow Gareth to the ends of the earth.

  They ran until he was tired, until the daylight was almost gone, until they reached the lake. Then Gareth stopped, lapping at the water, breathing hard. It was beautiful and silent, the water deep and clear and cold.

  Sochar drank his fill and stepped back, admiring Gareth, wondering at being brought here all on his own. Hopeful.

  Gareth ran their muzzles together, rumbling softly, chuffing. He whimpered and risked rubbing against the beautiful, solid body. The caress was accepted, Gareth rubbing back, the scent of hunger and something new in the air.

  He raised his muzzle, sniffing, liking the new musk; it made his flanks quiver and he whined. Gareth rumbled softly, the sound familiar and comforting, vibrating deep within him. He barked happily, telling Gareth he was Alpha, most loved, most beautiful.

  Gareth answered, the low yips and growls an offer, a wish. It was heady, to hear the Alpha had wanted him, watched, waited. His own barks were high, excited and he lay down in front of Gareth, rolling, showing his belly, offering himself.

  Gareth gave him a happy sound, muzzle tickling his belly, making him squirm and pant. He chuffed happily, enjoying the way Gareth played with him, showed him a side only the littlest pups got to see of the Alpha.

  They began wrestling, rolling together, Gareth letting him learn the strength, the power in the lean body. It was a little intimidating, but also exciting, testing himself, learning Gareth. And the freedom to touch, to rub against Gareth... it made him want to howl.

  Gareth's scent was coursing through him, was in his fur, in his nose, mingling with the crushed grass and the water and the scent of night. It made him ache, made him want... made him want all sorts of things he knew he was supposed to want with one of the bitches, but didn't.

  Suddenly Gareth morphed, the long, lean Alpha staring over at him. The Alpha's hair was dark, grey streaks shining in the moonlight.

  Oh. Oh, he swallowed and shook, eyes closing as he shifted, the transition still a little awkward. He was shy without his fur, shivering as the breeze blew over his bare skin.

  "Sochar." The word was rumbled, low, muscled arms opening for him.

  "Gareth," he breathed the Alpha's name, moving forward, pushing into the open arms and whimpering as warm skin met his own.

  Oh, he was shaking, adrenaline and wonder, excitement and a touch of fear firing through him. The soft comforting sounds remained the same, warm hands petting him, holding him close. It calmed him and excited him at the same time and he looked up at Gareth, making a soft sound of inquiry, of need, of want.

  Gareth leaned down toward him, lips exploring his face. They were surprisingly soft and warm, gentle. He whimpered, holding onto Gareth as he grew hard, the sweet touches making his breath short, making him want so much. His lips were lapped, nuzzled, fingers stroking his spine, his nape, pushing into his hair.

  "Gareth." Another whimper left him and he followed his instincts, body rubbing against Gareth, shuddering at the sensation of his hard cock sliding along Gareth's skin.

  Gareth growled, nostrils flaring. "Yes."

  "Yes?" It this okay? I want more. Can I? His thoughts stayed quiet though and he just gazed up into those ice eyes and kept rubbing, shivers increasing.

  "Yes." Gareth's hand slid over his shaft, lips covering his, making him want to rub and jerk and howl and arch.

  He pushed sounds into Gareth's mouth as he pushed his cock into Gareth's touch, sure he was going to explode. Gareth was strong around him, so sure, so warm and comforting and arousing and... Oh.

  Oh, he did explode. Just like that, he came, only it wasn't like rubbing off on his own had ever been. It was... it was everything and when he was done he kind of collapsed, but Gareth had him. Gareth had him.

  Soft rumbles sounded, Gareth cleaning the square, strong hand, tongue sliding, lapping his seed.

  Oh. Oh, that made him start to go hard again and he couldn't believe it. His hardness or what Gareth was doing. He nuzzled Gareth's hand and then licked, the salt-bitter flavor sharp in his mouth.

  Those icy eyes shone in the moonlight, tongue sliding against his own. He whimpered again and boldly pushed his mouth against Gareth's. Gareth growled for him, meeting his kiss, tongue pushing into his lips, the flavor so strong, so male. Him. Gareth tasted like him.

  He put his hands on Gareth's shoulders, hanging on, opening up to Gareth's kiss, submitting happily to his Alpha, his... lover.

  The kiss eased, Gareth backing away. "I have waited for you to be grown, Mate."



  He pushed against Gareth. Yes. Mate.

  They mated for life.

  "How did you know?" he asked. He'd only realized as the winter's snows had faded.

  "Your scent. It made my heart pound." Gareth licked his lips. "The moon was testing my patience, my faith."

  "And you passed the test? Am I your reward or are you mine?" His own heart was pounding, Gareth making him feel so many things and it all got so much bigger with everything Gareth said.

  Gareth chuffed. "You are mine, ves'tacha. When you are ready, I will claim you before the pack."

  He shivered. "Ves'tacha? Claim me before the pack?"

  "When you are ready." Ves'tacha -- beloved before all, mated. Adored. Loved.

  "More patience." He nuzzled Gareth, his body's needs making themselves known, his cock hard again. "Do I have to be patient now?" he asked, rubbing again.

  "Hungry pup." Gareth chuffed, nuzzling his neck.

  "Don't you want, too?" he asked, head falling back with a small moan.

  Gareth growled. "More than you can imagine."

  He shivered, that sound so sexy, making him need. "Show me."

  The speed that Gareth moved them with was amazing, the long body sliding against him, shaft hard and hot and dripping with need. He whimpered, holding on, rubbing back, pleasure everywhere.

  "Sochar..." Gareth's mouth moved over him, licking and nuzzling, low growls brushing his skin.

  He rubbed harder, wanting and wanton, needing things he couldn't give voice to. Gareth threw his head back, howling, the sound ringing in the sky. Sochar echoed him, howl torn from his throat as he came again, his seed splashing against Gareth.

  He could smell Gareth's need, feel the heat as it pulsed over his belly. Burning and hot and so good, knowing that his need was shared, that Gareth truly meant it when he said Mate.

  Gareth nuzzled his throat, then shifted, long wolf tongu
e lapping his belly clean. Sochar shivered and gazed down at Gareth, whimpering softly. Once his belly was clean he shifted, meeting Gareth's muzzle with his own, tongue licking at Gareth's teeth.

  It was late and dark, and Gareth led them to a hollow space in a log, curling around him, snuffling and nuzzling.

  Oh, it was warm and safe and he was Gareth's.

  It had been a very good day.


  Gareth had been waiting years for this moment. He had known the second Lynnea had presented Sochar to the pack that his ves'tacha had come, that the moon herself had delivered his mate.

  Now, that simple fact that his mate was a pup?

  A young pup?

  Proved the moon had a wicked sense of humor.

  Still he had waited patiently, busying himself with leading the pack, with hunting and challenges and protecting.

  But the hunt had proved his Mate was grown, strong, fierce and wild with a long, full tail and strong shoulders.

  Gareth watched the sun rise, luxuriating in the scent of his mate.

  Sochar snuffled, head sliding against him. He groomed Sochar lazily, tongue and teeth cleaning fur and ears, eyebrows and paws. Sochar whimpered softly and woke, pushing instinctively against him. He rumbled, easing the sweet pup, comforting. All pups in the pack knew that sound, trusted it.

  Sochar eased, eyes opening, green and dark and finding his. A low rumble sounded, Sochar pushing their muzzles together. They greeted each other, Sochar licking his chin, then offering the soft throat, his own teeth just brushing the flesh there.

  Sochar whimpered and whined, pressing closer. So responsive. He nuzzled and growled softly, then let his wolf-self go, let his man-hands touch and stroke and pet. Sochar rumbled happily, arching into his touches.

  "So fine." He hummed, closing his eyes and scratching, smoothing the heavy fur. Winter would be early and cold this cycle.

  Sochar enjoyed his ministrations and then shifted, a little slowly, unused to the change still. The green eyes remained the same, turning to him, limbs trembling just a touch.

  "Bright morning, mate." He opened his arms again, offering his strength, his heat.

  Sochar melted against him. "Mate."

  He nodded, wrapping his arms and legs around the pup, rocking gently, humming. Sochar raised his head, mouth open, searching for his kiss.

  There was a pull between them, the draw of the moon, and each kiss, each touch strengthened it. He licked and lapped at Sochar's lips, growling deep in his chest. Sochar was so open to each touch, so eager and wanting.

  The temptation to roll and take what was his was huge, infuriating, but he would not push the pup, would not defy the moon's will that he have control. Sochar's hands found his shoulders, warm and needy, holding on to him, clinging.

  The strength in this pup aroused him, enflamed him. He took the sweet mouth, tongue pushing, taking, needing. Sochar pushed sweet sounds of need and want and love into his mouth. He fed from them, the bond between them flaring to life, sweet and rich. So right.

  Sochar rubbed against him, body finding the rhythm of his tongue. So eager, so natural, so needy. His hands traveled along Sochar's flank, gently petting the heavy sacs, the hot shaft.

  Sochar gasped, pushing into his touches. "Gareth..."

  "Yes, Sochar?" He watched those sunlit forest eyes.

  "It's so big."

  "Yes, ves'tacha. Bigger than the world itself." Beautiful.

  Sochar brought their lips together again, hands sliding on him now. The touch was sweet, making him arch toward the tentative strokes. It was rare that anyone dared pet the Alpha. Sochar's hand stroked down his flank, copying the route he'd taken moments before.

  Oh. Oh, this was no shy pup. He rumbled softly, encouraging. Sochar's hand hit his shaft and skittered away, the forest eyes flying up to his.

  "All is well, pup. Touch only as you wish." He nuzzled Sochar's forehead, tongue slipping out to taste.

  "Still a pup?" Sochar asked, nuzzling into his licks and kisses.

  "Perhaps not." He teased, chuckling. "Time will tell."

  Sochar growled suddenly, pushing him over onto his back and following, lying on top of him and kissing him with far more passion than skill. His instinct was to snap, to put the pup in its place, but he refrained. This was his mate and it was only right that they shared passion.

  He accepted the kiss, then pushed back into it. Sochar slid against him, the pup running on instincts. His hands found the muscled hips, pulling the pup into him again and again. Those green eyes stared down at him, pleasure, amazement and need filling them.

  "It is good between us." He spread his legs, pushing up against the strong body.

  Sochar whimpered. "Good. Feels... yes. Good." The green eyes looked glazed, as if Sochar were not entirely sure anymore of what he was saying.

  "Yes." He leaned up, licking and nuzzling the long, sweet throat.

  "Gareth!" Sochar called out his name, eyes going wide. His mate's body shuddered, heat spreading between them.

  He growled, head tossing as the scent hit his nose. Sochar whimpered, still moving against him, trembling and shuddering. His hand fell to his shaft, pulling, tugging, need making him rough. Sochar's hand slid across his, tentative and trembling, but wrapping around him, tugging with him.

  "Oh... Your touch is fine. Fine, mate." He pushed into their touches.

  "Good?" Sochar asked, licking at his lips.

  "Good. Yes. So good." He was panting now, rocking hard.

  Sochar barked and the licking moved to his neck, his mate bravely nipping at the skin there, not quite hard enough to mark. Oh. Oh, so fine. He shivered, humping into Sochar's touch.

  "Mate," whispered Sochar, teeth biting this time, marking him.

  Gareth came with a sharp howl, seed spraying from him, Sochar's name ringing in the treetops. Sochar's hand kept moving, his mate's tongue sliding over his skin.

  He slowly relaxed, rumbling as he slumped into the ground. Sochar slid next to him, head on his shoulder, hands touching as if now that he'd started, Sochar couldn't stop.

  His own fingers kept sliding through Sochar's hair, petting and loving. "Happy?"

  "Oh, yes, Gareth. I did not dare dream of such happiness, though I hoped for it. I have admired you for as long as I can remember."

  He preened, nuzzling the long face with his own. "That pleases me, ves'tacha."

  Sochar rumbled. "I want to please you."

  "You do. You are a fine male. A hunter."

  Sochar preened for him, the pup easy to make happy, to make feel important and special. He reached down, scratched the pup's belly, nails sliding just lightly.

  "Oh. How did I come to be so blessed by the moon?"

  "Luck." He winked and dove in for another kiss, rolling Sochar playfully.

  Sochar's growls were happy, his pup pushing back against him. Sochar was strong, but inexperienced, easy to overpower. For now.

  They nipped and slid together, both morphing together, wrestling and running, barking along the edge of the water. It was a glorious thing and he felt like a pup again himself, young and free.

  They plunged into the water, yipping and bouncing, drops flying. Sochar's teeth closed over his throat, the pup laying claim to him again. He growled softly, allowing that touch, just barely controlling the urge to snap.

  Sochar barked, rolling him in the water. He bounced up, shaking furiously, water going everywhere, yipping and barking. Sochar was chuffing, dancing away and then back again to nip at his flanks. He pounced, nipping Sochar's ear, panting, laughing. Sochar yelped and chuffed again, rolling, trying unsuccessfully to get away and turn the tables. He started nipping at Sochar's heels, running them both.

  Sochar ran and ran, but, young as the pup was, Sochar tired out first, slowing. They slumped together, panting, resting against each other, muzzles side-by-side.

  Sochar rumbled softly and licked at his muzzle, tongue sliding over his nose, along his teeth. He loved the flavors of his m
ate, nuzzling and lapping back.

  Sochar whimpered, yipped and whined for him, back end rubbing against him. He leaned against Sochar with his full weight, sliding them together, enjoying the sensations of them both. Sochar rolled, presenting the white belly, offering him everything.

  Oh, the temptation to lick and nuzzle, rub his nose in that sweet, soft fur was too great to resist and he wallowed in the pleasure of touching, of grooming, of learning his mate. Yips and whines and soft chuffing met his ministrations, Sochar submitting totally, enjoying his touches.


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