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The Blessing Seer

Page 9

by Paula Mowery

  “Hon, go on to bed,” Griffey said.

  “Are you coming?” I sat up and stretched.

  “I’m still working on the service for tomorrow. How do I do justice to a man like my dad?”

  “I don’t know, but if anyone can do it, it’s you.” I stood and put my hand on the side of his face and he in return pulled me into a hug.

  “Thanks,” he said with his head close to mine.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you.”


  The next day, a light snow fell outside as I sat on the front row of the funeral home chapel. Griffey stood on the platform and walked to the small podium. I breathed a prayer for him. It had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  “Today, I stand here with mixed feelings. On the one hand I am honored to speak about this man—Mitchell Townsend. On the other hand, how do I do justice to such a wonderful father? I had a great Christmas day with him, but now he’s home with Mom. I wouldn’t think of depriving him of that. I do realize that I can’t preach his funeral, for he already did that with his God-honoring life. But, he would expect me to tell you how you can go where I know he is now.

  “I learned to give the plan of salvation from his sermons. It is God’s desire that we all go to heaven, so He made a way. We are sinners, which means, we are not worthy to go to heaven, for God can’t look on sin. But He loves us and wants us with Him so He sent His own Son, Jesus. He died on a cross for our sins. Now if we will admit that we are sinners and believe that Jesus is God’s Son who died for our sins then we can be saved. Through Jesus, we are worthy of heaven.”

  There were a couple of songs and a few more remarks, then the service ended. I exhaled, relieved for Griffey to have that behind him.


  On New Year’s Eve, Griffey, Elianna, and I sat waiting for the ball to drop and ring in the New Year. Not accustomed to staying up so late, I kept closing my eyes. Griffey had to nudge me at five on the countdown. I did hear the “Three, two, one—Happy New Year!”

  We hugged each other, then Griffey switched off the television, and we knelt right there in our family room to pray. It was our yearly tradition to pray as the new year began. He thanked God for the blessings of the past year and prayed about the year to come.

  The prayer invigorated me, and I sent Griffey and Elianna on to bed promising to come along soon. The beginning of a new year tends to bring self-examination. Had I been faithful to God? Had I obeyed? Had I allowed Him to use me? Had I made a difference?

  I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but I suppose anytime is a good time to rededicate and recommit yourself to God. I felt I had very little to offer, but determined that what I am and possess, He could have and use.

  A vision popped onto the screen of my mind. Elianna was sitting at a small table with a college friend.

  “I am so thankful that my mom encouraged me to go on the mission trip. She was right; God showed me so much on that trip.”

  The scene switched to Emily.

  “Kevin, I was doubting myself. I wondered if I had done the right thing homeschooling you all along. I was allowing others’ opinions to pull me down. Addy encouraged me to trust what God had called me to do. I’m thankful for her.”

  Again the scene changed. Dr. Reeves was chatting with his son.

  “… even though I’m not actually going to go on any type of mission trip, I appreciate Addy’s encouragement. You can always count on her.”

  Sherri sat with her parents and Elison at a local restaurant.

  “…I knew God was calling me to start this ministry, but I thought who am I? My pastor’s wife, Addy, urged me to obey, and she was right. I’m so thankful she spoke to me. I am reaping the benefits.”

  My own father, Grant Reegan, stood at the front of a church talking to a man.

  “Pastor, I never thought I would be standing here publicly saying I’ve given myself to Christ. My daughter recently showed me with her life that this has been my need all my life…”

  Hope and Jimmy sat on a couch watching Jeremiah play on the floor in front of them.

  “Can you believe how blessed we are? We have Jeremiah and another one on the way. I’m blown away. I’m so glad Addy encouraged us to step out in faith,” Hope said.

  Marilee spoke to a woman I didn’t recognize.

  “Addy is a lady I work with. She has such a confidence in her God; she made me want to know more. She showed me how to have eternal life. I’m forever grateful.”

  Garrett was walking hand in hand with his wife down what looked like a neighborhood street.

  “Honey, you have no idea how happy I am that you quit that job. It’s scary to think of the wrong they are doing,” his wife said.

  “It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It feels great to be in God’s will. I am so appreciative of Addy’s encouragement.”

  Melodie sat at a small table with two other young women.

  “Well, I may not agree with Addy, but you have to respect someone whose loyalty to God is real.”

  Trey was tending a pale Halina.

  “I was having a pity party, but Addy reminded me that I am still a witness to others. God is using me in the midst of cancer.”

  By the time the visions ended, I was on my knees with tears dripping onto the carpet. My heart filled with gratefulness and amazement that God would use me to actually touch people’s lives.

  At some point I stretched out on the couch and fell asleep. A slender ray of sunshine shone across the coffee table signaling the new day. I decided to start the New Year right by getting a little exercise. I threw on my sweats and jogged down the sidewalk. I started to walk at my normal accelerated clip.

  “Feels good when you answer God’s call, doesn’t it?”

  “Conrad, where have you been?” I stopped.


  “I thought you had left me.” I began to walk down the street again, through the dead leaves and crisp air.

  “No, I was close by.”

  I had planned to ask him if he was an angel, but suddenly it didn’t seem that important.

  “Anyway, yes, it does feel good. I guess I didn’t realize that a gift of encouragement could be that significant.”

  “It’s significant to those you encourage.”

  We strolled a few moments in silence then Conrad stopped and spoke again. There were those piercing eyes. “You know, even if you can’t see the blessings someone can obtain, you can still encourage them to follow God’s will.”

  I nodded. That was the moment I knew there would be no more visions. That was also the moment I vowed to be open to whatever God would have for me. I had learned that His call might push me out of my comfort zone, but that zone isn’t that comfortable after all. It is much more rewarding to be out on the limb with Him doing something significant than standing safely on the ground just taking in air.

  Now, I occasionally mourn the fact of having no visions. Could I just go back to the way I was? Would I still make a difference for God? Had I learned anything? Am I changed for the better?

  Conrad has never returned for another stroll, yet I can still hear the simple truths he imparted. I guess I needed a push, maybe even a shove. Conrad was there to do that. I’m sure he is somewhere encouraging someone else in their faith—blessing them with his wisdom.

  I still remember that morning, that first day of the new year. I spotted a lady up ahead. She was moving slowly down her front sidewalk using a walker.

  “Excuse me, I’m Addy Townsend. I live two doors down on the corner.”

  “I’m Edna Lindsey.” She was out of breath. She stopped and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Could I help you?”

  “I need to get this in the mail.” She held up an envelope. “I fell three times this last year. Once I laid here for an hour before I could get help.”

  “Here, let me take it for you.”

  I hastened to retrieve her letter and p
ut it in the mailbox. I pushed the flag up.

  “Bless you, dear. Would you like to chat over a cup of tea?” Her face looked so hopeful.

  “Well, I’d better…” I nearly turned to go but hesitated, looking into her lonely face. “I’d love to. Especially the chat.”

  Bible Study

  A Note from the Author

  The Blessing Seer addresses topics that tend to encourage thought and even discussion. This companion study can be used as an individual study or a guide for a small group. It is suggested that The Blessing Seer be read in its entirety first. Then, this study will journey back through each chapter discussing main points, delving into Scriptures, and posing personal questions and applications.

  It is my hope as the author that The Blessing Seer will be more than a story to entertain. I pray it will spur a more productive spiritual walk and maybe even lead someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Doing something significant for God seems a worthwhile goal—let’s do it and see what God does with us!

  Session One

  Reread Chapter One of The Blessing Seer. What in this chapter stood out for you personally?

  Define the word blessing in your own words.

  Now utilize a dictionary, a Bible dictionary, and any other reference book to delve into the meaning of blessing even more. Record your findings.

  Make a list of twenty blessings God has granted you.

  Just as Addy discovers, some blessings are just given to us by God while others require some action. This action might be obedience or following a directive given by God. Study your list of blessings. Are there any that required your obedience before receiving it? If so, place a star by that blessing.

  Find what each of these Scriptures says about blessing.

  Deuteronomy 11:26-27

  Psalm 24:4-6

  Proverbs 10:6-7

  John 1:16

  Ephesians 1:3

  1 Peter 3:9

  Have you taken the time lately to thank God for the blessings He has given to you? Take a moment to do so. You might write a thank you note to God. We can bless God in the form of praise.

  Session Two

  Reread Chapter Two of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  Think about a time when God required you to step out of your comfort zone for Him. Explain.

  Addy has ambivalent feelings—she wants to be used by God but within her comfort zone. How did you react to the situation you described above?

  Addy realizes that God may have no avenue in which to communicate His will because we are not in His Word or tuned into the Spirit. Evaluate yourself in light of this realization. Are you open to the Spirit’s leading? Are you reading the Bible? Do you pray giving God the opportunity to reply?

  Discover what the following Scriptures reveal about the Spirit and the Bible’s role in our lives.

  Acts 2:17

  Hebrews 4:12

  Romans 8:5-17 and 8:26-27

  Psalms 33:4 and 119:1-40

  1 Corinthians 2:10-16

  1 Thessalonians 2:13

  Galatians 3:5 and 5:25

  2 Timothy 3:16-17

  2 Corinthians 5:5

  James 1:22-25

  What might you do to better know God’s direction? Do you need to step out of your comfort zone to follow God’s direction?

  Session Three

  Reread Chapter Three of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  Addy tries to avoid another vision by not placing herself in any intimate situations of interaction. Have you avoided doing something God has called you to do? What tactics have you used?

  This chapter involves a short discussion about spiritual gifts. Have you discovered your spiritual gift(s)? If not, ask a pastor or your local Christian bookstore for a spiritual gifts inventory. What spiritual gifts do you possess?

  Are you active in using these gifts God has given? How?

  If you are not using you spiritual gifts, you are robbing the body of Christ. How could you use your gifts?

  What do the following Scripture passages say about spiritual gifts?

  Romans 12:4-8

  1 Corinthians 12:4-11

  Session Four

  Reread Chapter Four of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  We can become envious of others’ spiritual gifts as is evidenced in Chapters Three and Four. But, it takes each part of the body for it to function properly. Do you tend to look at someone and envy their gifts and talents?

  Think of ways your gifts combine to enhance that other person’s gifts and vice versa.

  What do these Scripture passages say about spiritual gifts?

  Romans 12:3-5

  1 Corinthians 12:12 and following

  1 Corinthians 14:12

  Do you have “challenging” people in your life? For Addy, Beatrice seems to always cause conflict. Emily brings up a good point when she says we all have “rough edges” that probably annoy someone. Do you agree? Why or why not?

  What do these Scripture passages say about our relationships with others?

  John 15:12-13

  Romans 12:9-21

  Hebrews 10:24-25

  Addy wants to hear “well done” when she stands before God at the end of her life. She knows this means a willingness to be used by God in ways He chooses. In light of your own life, what does this mean to you?

  Session Five

  Reread Chapter Five of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  Are there things in your past that hinder your present? Explain.

  Sometimes looking back gives us a clearer picture. Looking back, can you see God’s hand in your situation or its aftermath? Explain.

  What does Philippians 3:12-14 say about the past, present, and future?

  We, like Addy, can become discouraged when a person does not respond the way we would want. We have to remember that it is our job to share what God would have us share. We are not responsible for the other person’s response or actions. Can you think of an example from your own life?

  Explain these verses in your own words:

  Romans 8:28

  1 Corinthians 2:14

  Session Six

  Reread Chapter Six of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  Addy must forgive a long-lost father. She realizes God will forgive her father, so she must do the same. Have you dealt with being required to forgive someone you really did not want to forgive? Explain.

  What do these Scriptures say about forgiveness?

  Matthew 6:14-15

  Matthew 18:21-22

  Colossians 3:12-14

  Addy wonders about the difference her father’s salvation would have made in her life if he had done it earlier. She realizes that God does work things to the good for those who love Him.

  God’s plan for you is not thwarted by someone else. Your willingness and obedience is the key. Tell God now that you desire to be in His will—involved in His plan for your life—despite any stumbling block Satan might put in your way.

  Session Seven

  Reread Chapter Seven of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?

  Addy has a moment of introspection. She reflects on her visions and whether she has obeyed God by speaking and encouraging. Take a moment to ask yourself if you are obeying God’s call on your life. Write down your thoughts.

  What do the following Scriptures say about obedience?

  Exodus 19:5-6

  Exodus 34:11

  Deuteronomy 6:3-9

  Deuteronomy 15:4-6

  Psalms 119:33-40

  John 14:15

  Romans 2:13

  1 John 2:3-6

  1 John 5:3

  Addy also realizes that since obeying God can benefit others, disobedience might affect others as well. Do you agree? Explain.

  Session Eight

  Reread Chapter Eight of The Blessing Seer. What stood out to you in this chapter?
/>   Addy has the opportunity to lead Marilee through the plan of salvation. God gives her the words. Have you led anyone to accept Jesus? Have you had God give you the words to say in a situation? Describe.

  Melodie has misplaced the focus of the gift God has given her. True, a person can utilize his or her gift for God’s glory in any setting even secular. However, our gifts are given not for our glory but for God’s glory.

  What do these Scriptures say about who gets the glory?

  Psalms 63:3

  Romans 12:1-3

  Romans 15:17

  1 Corinthians 10:31-33

  1 Peter 2:12

  Session Nine


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