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Bespelled: A Fae Fantasy Romance (Fae Magic Book 5)

Page 10

by Jessica Aspen

  But was it wise?

  “I’m not going to wait all night.” She let him go and sat up, kissing him. Her lips were cold, but her mouth tasted of warm brandy, a hint of spice, and the flavor of his own heat.

  Desire rushed through him again, driving blood into his erection so fast it throbbed. She was everything he wanted in a woman—strong, capable, decisive. And with those provocative eyes and wild red hair, her mouth swollen with his kisses—she was as sexy as hell.

  “Fuck it.”

  This wasn’t smart, it wasn’t right. He might very well regret it come morning, but he was going to do it anyway, because he not only wanted her, he needed her. He reached for Thorn, pulling her back onto his lap where her heat radiated through her pants and onto his cock.

  She made her eyes go wide and innocent. “Such language.” And then she laughed, her triumph ringing into the night as she wrapped her arms around him.

  It was one of the most arousing sounds he’d ever heard, and it made him harder. He pulled her in tight and kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth with a savage intensity born of months of loneliness and deprivation he was almost afraid to let loose.

  He needed this, more than he’d realized.

  She clung to him, keeping pace, sounds of pleasure sounding deep in her throat.

  He paused, and tore his mouth away, his ragged breathing echoed by hers. “It’s been a while. Odds are, I won’t be gentle.”

  Her lips curved up in a wicked grin and her eyes sparked a challenge. “No one asked you to be.”

  “Good.” He seized her by the waist and lifted her to her feet, her gasp of surprise going straight to his cock. “Don’t forget you said that.” And with one fast motion he stripped her pants and belt down, yanking them over her hips and exposing her to the night sky.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thorn barely had time to blink before Ardan got to his knees. He grabbed her ass on either side, and placed his face between her thighs, his mouth finding her center. She laced her fingers through his long hair for support, and moved her legs further apart, granting him further access to her core. Pleasure slammed into her as he sucked on her clit and her knees buckled.

  He was right, he wasn’t gentle. He used his tongue and his teeth, nipping and sucking and letting go exactly when it was too much. He slid the fingers of one hand into her folds, sliding and playing her as if she were an instrument and he were the composer, pulling notes of wild music from her body and soul.

  How he knew to do this, she had no idea. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know. For tonight it was only them under the moonlight and he was doing precisely what she wanted him to do—taking her to the stars.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand up any longer, he stopped. She stood, shuddering in the moonlight, realization of the cold finally seeping into her body. “I’m cold.”

  He got off of his knees, taking off his fur-lined cloak and wrapping it around her, enveloping her in its warmth. He stripped off his tunic, sliding underneath the cloak with her and pressing his nude body to hers. The skin on his palms was rough and he used it to his advantage, stroking her back and arms, massaging heat back into them and she leaned into his strength buzzing with the sensation. “Better?”

  She nodded. This was what she’d wanted, what she’d needed—Ardan bringing her solidly into this world. She was intimately aware of his cock, whose every touch made her quiver. “I’m better.”

  “Good, because I’m not stopping now.” He kissed her, all teeth and tongue and passion.

  Arousal quaked through her, making her shake and barely able to stand. He took them both to the ground, cradling her body on top of his, the heavy cloak falling around her encasing them together.

  “Sit up.” He didn’t wait for her but moved her into position straddling his hips. It turned out to be exactly where she wanted to be, the slick folds of her center cradling his large erection. He cupped her breasts, one in each hand, his moon-lit eyes hot with appreciation as his thumbs stroked over her nipples. “You’re so beautiful. Lean closer.”

  She felt beautiful, naked under the stars. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t remember. For just this moment—with him—she knew exactly who she was. She moved along his length, sliding and rubbing and leaning down. He pinched her nipples hard, taking first one and then the other into his mouth. With each gasp she made he licked and sucked, before pinching again and moving to the other side. The pain mixed with the pleasure until each tweak had her humming with anticipation. Over and over, pinch and lick and suck, while she rubbed his cock with her wet, slick center, the pain grounding her in pleasure.

  “Oh, yes. That’s it.” He moved his hands back down to her hips, working her harder and harder over his length, the muscles in his face going tight.

  She wanted to watch him, see the fever in his eyes, but everything inside her rose to a crescendo, their song of pleasure singing in her veins. Her eyes closed and she came, digging her fingers into his shoulders, moans ripping from her throat.

  He lifted her up and pushed into her, filling her just when she needed more. A second orgasm tore through her and she arched back. His hands were strong, digging into her hips, working her up and down. She hung on to his shoulders and opened her eyes in time to watch his face as he tore through his own climax.

  The shock of his pleasure spilled into her, spiraling her into a third rush of last convulsions before she collapsed on top of him. She rested her face on his shoulder and caught her breath. “I wish we could stay here forever. No one hunting us. No fear.”

  “And running out of supplies.” Ardan stroked her hair. “It’s a lovely fantasy but by the next dark of the moon I have to present the queen’s head to the prince or they place the bounty on my head.”

  She looked up at the sliver of moon. “That’s a little over three weeks.”

  “I know.”

  The stars were bright in the sky, shining around the new moon like courtiers dancing around the queen. She’d wax full and then wane. And if they didn’t have what Ardan needed, he’d be on the run.

  What would that be like? Would it be any different than the last few days? Rough camping in strange places. Never knowing if they were safe.

  She gave him a little hug, her arms wrapped around his broad chest. “I’ll go.”

  “What?” He stopped his stroking.

  “I’ll go with you to the Golden Court to see the Oracle.”

  “You don’t have to. I can go by myself. I can leave you here.”

  A fierce need to stay with him rose up pushing aside her fears of the Golden Court. He was all she knew in this world, her anchor, and she didn’t want to lose him. She clung to him, wrapping her arms tighter around him. “I’m going.”

  A tension she hadn’t realized was in him released, and his body relaxed under hers. “I didn’t expect you to change your mind. I’m not used—.” He shook his head. “Never mind. Thank you. We’ll go tomorrow.”

  We. She didn’t know if they were exactly a couple, but it sounded right. She relaxed into his arms and let the feeling of safety take her into sleep.

  ARDAN SENT OUT A QUESTING thread of magic and tested the boundaries around them. Good. All his markers were undisturbed. The moon had traveled across the sky and was nearly out of sight behind the trees, leaving them in the glittering bright light of the northern stars. Thorn had fallen into the deep sleep of the weary, still nestled on top of him, and he didn’t want to move her back into the cave. At least not just yet. He was enjoying too much the feel of her asleep and trusting in his arms.

  In the last hour, everything had changed. He’d brought her with him as bait for the Black Queen, but now the thought of using her that way was repellent.

  How had he gotten here?

  How had something so simple as sex brought him to the point where he was considering her well-being before his quest? Or had he been thinking of her as something to be protected all along and just hadn’t known it? Was he still tha
t vulnerable to a woman’s sharp tongue and soft curves?

  His arm was falling asleep and he shifted it to a better position, trying not to disturb her. Thorn muttered a quiet protest, then settled back into sleep. It hadn’t been long enough for him to feel so protective of her. He’d spent years with Maeve, learning how to please her, being conditioned to be exactly the way she wanted him to be. He thought he’d thrown off that conditioning, but here he was again, thinking of this woman before himself. What was wrong with him?

  He eased out from under her, wrapping her tenderly in the large cloak and letting her continue to sleep. He went to his pile of clothes and pulled out the glass ball of the lodestone. The thick black needle still pointed directly at Thorn.

  How could this be? He’d seen the Black Queen herself. Thorn was nothing like a queen of the courts. Her aura was pure and clear, her Gift strong, but not enough to rule. Why did the lodestone insist that she was the object of his quest?

  He got dressed and bent down, scooping blanket, cloak, and woman up into his arms. The last light of the moon slipped behind the trees. A dark shadow crossed Thorn’s face and she muttered something, snuggling further into his chest. He thought of all the times he’d let himself be fooled by a woman, and hardened his heart.

  He had no options. He didn’t trust his own judgment where women were concerned—he had to take her to the Oracle, even if it might not be the right thing for her. His life was at stake and he had to know—was she the Black Queen after all? Was this all some cosmic joke and he’d find himself falling in love with another manipulative selfish woman who would simply use him and then throw him away?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thorn woke up slowly, a smile on her face. Last night had been wonderful and even though she ached in intimate places, they were good aches, reminding her of all the pleasure she and Ardan had shared. She reveled in the small twinges in the inner recesses of her body, and stretched, reaching out her arms. Her hand hit the side of the sleeping bag.

  She jerked up, frowning in confusion and clutched the top of the bag to her chest. She was still naked, but she was back in the cave. Daylight streamed in from the entrance and a fire had been lit. She could smell the warm scent of porridge over the crisp smell of burning wood. Breakfast was waiting, but Ardan was nowhere to be seen.

  “Ardan?” She got up and found her clothes had been cleaned and sat next to her in a nice, neat pile. The cave seemed emptier than before. The clutter from their dinner and bath was gone and everything but her small space had been packed away. Her stomach sank. They were really going to the Oracle.

  She’d said she’d go, and she’d meant it, but that didn’t mean that the thought of going to the Golden Court didn’t still have her worried. It was like the feeling she’d had at the cottage. She didn’t know why she knew it was bad, but it was. And it gave her the shivers.

  She washed in the small wash basin and got dressed in the same overlarge shirt and pants, wishing she had something that truly fit her. Somehow the morning, which had seemed so bright with promise, was now a muddle of too big clothing, cold wash water, and porridge for breakfast.

  “Are you almost ready?” Ardan strode in from the door, back in his silver chain mail, sword buckled at his side, and looking sexier than she remembered. “Triton is saddled and waiting. We just need to pack your sleeping bag and clean up and we’re out of here.”

  She smiled up at him, expecting him to come to her and kiss her good morning. But he didn’t smile back. Instead, he picked up her sleeping bag, sending it back into its tiny pouch with a touch.

  “I’ll be done in a few minutes.” She held up her half-empty bowl.

  He grunted and left the cave, heading outside and leaving her alone.

  Worry curdled in her stomach congealing with her breakfast. She put her half-eaten porridge aside.

  Where was her romantic lover from the night before? Or at least, the man who’d seduced her into sharing her memories with patient kindness. That man appeared to be gone this morning, as if Ardan had put on a stony attitude with his armor.

  Maybe it was too much to expect he’d be a gentleman and kiss her after their night together, she didn’t have any memories of what the right thing to do was. But she had a feeling deep inside, he should at least be civil. She put on her jacket and went out into the cold chill of a cloudy day.


  “Not even a good morning?”

  “Good morning, my lady.” His face was hard and closed. “Did you rinse your bowl and put it with the dishes? We need to get moving.”

  A hot ball of temper formed in her chest. “What in Danu’s breath is going on?”

  He flinched. “I don’t know what you mean. We’re heading to the Oracle, like you agreed.”

  “I know where we’re going, but what happened to you since last night? Why are you behaving this way?”

  “Last night was wonderful. And I thank you for it. But today, we need to be back where we started. I’m on a quest, and it’s not to be your lover.”

  The anger twisted into hurt. “So that’s the way it’s to be?”

  “Last night was a sweet interlude, but we can’t let it distract us. I have nothing but my quest and you have your own quest to find out who you are.”

  Tears prickled the corners of her eyes, and she blinked them away fast, before he could see. She’d made a mistake in letting him see inside her garden wall. She wouldn’t do it again. He was right, they were better off keeping their distance. She hadn’t even been able to tell him her real name. She had to remember, her name was Thorn now to keep the world at bay. She put on her own stone face and lifted her chin.

  “Are you ready to go?” He frowned. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No. I said I’d go, and I will.” She motioned at Triton, but Ardan hesitated, a deep line etched in his forehead. “Well? We don’t want to keep the Oracle waiting.”

  “As you wish.” He mounted and gave her his hand, pulling her up behind him.

  She resisted the urge to wrap her arms around his back and lay her head down on his shoulder. Instead, she pushed down the pain and anger curdling in her stomach, sat up straight, and readied herself for the unknown.

  He placed the barrier and hiding spells back into place around the cave, sealing it into the mountain’s anonymity. The entrance disappeared from sight. Would she ever be able to find this place again? Her heart ached at the thought. They turned to the open spot where the night before, they’d made love. A rush of power came from Ardan. The gaping mouth of a portal appeared. Purple gray mists coiled out, long reaching fingers curling up in shock as they hit the invisible force field of Ardan’s magic. And in they rode.

  The ride into the portal’s abyss took forever. It took seconds.

  Time and physicality lost their meaning as the distorted images of the space between worlds flashed by. Phantasms moaned and laughed, the sound scratching its way along Thorn’s spine. Misty skeletal hands reached to touch her from the void, hesitating at the feel of her aura and shrinking back into the strange purple-grey mists from whence they came.

  After the cold cloudy morning they’d left, the lands into which they emerged were oddly sunny. Even the air here felt softer than the harsh cold of the north where early snows rode the breeze. Here, everything was mellow with the warmth of fall and they rode through broad rolling hills checker boarded by low stone walls into green and yellow fields, and dotted with sheep and horses. And with every mile, the tall spires of the castle in the distance grew closer and the fear inside Thorn grew deeper.

  They topped the last hill and looked across the valley to the castle itself. “There it is—” Ardan said, “—the home of the Golden King himself.”

  “It’s lovely.”

  And it was. Bright golden pennants flew against a perfect blue sky. The castle was enormous, built of light-colored stone and set within a series of three concentric rings of towers and battlements that ran down to the moat wall. At the bott
om of the hill, contained by the last wall, was a picture-perfect village with low-humped thatched roofs and cobblestoned streets. But with every step Triton took closer to the rushing river that wound around the base of the hill and the bridge leading to the gates, Thorn’s nerves wound tighter and tighter.

  As they approached the river her jaw dropped open in amazement. She couldn’t remember ever seeing anything like this, and she wondered if she ever had. Everywhere Thorn looked there were people. Humans with bright jeweled chokers around their necks. Beefy dwarves glared as they pushed their way through the lower half of the crowd shouting, “Out of my way!”

  An elvatian man in brown coveralls and no shirt pushed a wheelbarrow full of logs, his sweating skin gleaming green in the warm fall sun as he waited in the long line to gain entrance to the castle. Tiny flower fairies the size of a man’s fist buzzed around a woman’s cart of flowers. She swatted them away but they just circled around and flocked back. “Scat!” She glared, her face gaining a red tinge as she tried to keep them from her wares.

  Thorn’s heartbeat sped up to a rapid staccato as they drew closer to the bridge. Every nerve in her body screamed, run! She clutched at Ardan’s waist, seeking some kind of stability.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered into Ardan’s ear.

  Ardan tilted his head back. “The crowd’s too noisy. Speak up.”

  She tried again, pitching her voice louder over the feel of her throat closing. “Turn back and let me down.”

  “But we’re here.”

  It was too late. The milling crowd pushed them between the low walls leading up to the bridge and up over the moat. They were shoved into the front of the line and they crossed over the stones and rode into the shadow of the walls. Above the castle gate, the sharp black teeth of a portcullis hung, waiting to drop and cut them off.

  Once they were in the barbican they could be sealed into the tunnel and then picked off, shot from the arrow loops on the high sides. Or have boiling oil dropped onto them from the top. Or the guards could drop the iron teeth of the gate down on them and pierce them with the poisonous metal.


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