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Neptune's Massif

Page 12

by Ben Winston

  "Bad move, bitch!" Jermain said and pulled the trigger again.

  From across the room a pulse rifle fired, hitting Jermain in the head and killing him.

  Noren slowly slumped to the floor clutching her right breast.

  A monotone voice issued from the speakers in the room. "Deactivation sequence initiated. General recall orders sent. Warning! Several AI units are not responding and are assumed to be in hostile hands. Self-destruct commands sent to unresponsive units. Twenty minutes to self-destruction of unresponsive units."

  "Computer, recognize Goya, Admiral, Omega-zeta-niner-niner-five-omicron. Exemption of units Prometheus, Pegasus, Zephyr, Hermes, Adonis," he continued to list every ship he knew to be loyal to New Talos. "Confirm exemption," he finished.

  "Order confirmation required, waiting."

  "Computer, recognize Kentis, Ruling Council member. Eta-zion-seven-three-five-rho-beta. Confirm Orders."

  "Order accepted."

  "Computer, execute Therimis Protocol for the previous mentioned ships. Condition permanent." Goya added.

  "Does Councilor Kentis concur with Therimis Protocol?"

  "Yes, Kentis concurs!" the councilor agreed.

  "Understood. Therimis Protocol now in effect."

  Brekka had put a block on Goya's leg, sealing the wound to stop the bleeding the laser hadn't cauterized. Kentis was trying to help Noren, but the woman was already unconscious and her breathing was ragged.

  "How's Noren?" Goya asked.

  "Not good, we need to get her to a hospital," Kentis replied.

  "I don't think that's going to be possible, Councilor. I think the best we can hope for will be the autodoc on the shuttle the Captain sent for," Goya replied. "Provided it has one."

  Admiral's Office (Temp.)

  Pleiades One Orbital Shipyard

  High Orbit, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  "Admiral, Captain Serena is on the comm for you, she says it’s urgent." Mel called.

  "Thanks Mel, go ahead and put her through," Ian replied.

  When Serena appeared on the big monitor Ian was about to say Hi when she spoke. "It’s started Ian. Prometheus just informed me that it had received a master override from the Command console in the Council chamber. The first order was lock-down and return to New Talos, which is the emergency default command issued when the keys are turned. However, that command was followed with an exemption for the ship. The final command was the initiation of the Therimis Protocol, permanently."

  "The Therimis Protocol? That removes the safeties from all the weapons and systems on the ship!" Ian replied.

  "That's part of it, but it also prevents any outside force from issuing commands to the AI. Not even the Ruling Council can give the ship an order anymore unless I approve it. Pegasus and Zephyr received the same order," Serena replied. "The only way this could happen is if the war has started. Admiral Goya wouldn't need to use it for any other reason."

  "What about the ships that had their AI shut down?" Ian asked.

  "Self-destruct. With the implementation of Therimis, the count is silent, and only an abandon ship message is given. Twenty minutes later, the ship triggers its destruct programing; even if the crew figures it out, it cannot be stopped. Those ships are toast," Serena explained. "Self-destructs are independent of the AI."

  "Yeah, I thought that Talosian warships couldn't be operated with the AI off-line or even dormant. No AI meant no combat systems," Ian asked.

  Serena nodded. "That's the way it’s supposed to be, but Maia tells me that the Zephyr had a bypass installed that basically tricked the shutdown into thinking it was in dry dock." She shrugged. "Personally, I think the weapons should be offline while in dry dock as well, but having them active can also help defend the station. There really is no good answer for it."

  Ian nodded his agreement. "Has there been any other word from New Talos?"

  "No, even the public broadcasting channels are down except the emergency system, which is telling people to simply remain in their homes. No other information has been released yet," Serena said.

  There was a soft beep heard, Mel cut into the channel. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there is a priority call for you from ARC High Command, Fleet Admiral H’joles requests a moment of your time, Admiral."

  "I'll call you back, Serena. I better not keep him waiting," Ian replied.

  Serena nodded. "Good luck, Sir."

  "Thanks," Ian winked and cut the call. "Okay Mel, put him on."

  Ian stood and bowed to the screen. "I am honored, Fleet Admiral. What can I do for you today?"

  H’joles returned the bow. "Have you heard about the Talosian situation?"

  Ian nodded. "Just now. The units stationed here just reported their ships receiving Council override commands. It looks like their situation has become worse."

  "It has. The Benesian Ambassador fled the planet, but called in as soon as she cleared the system. House troops have attacked the capitol city. She did not have much more information on the situation. But we do know now that a state of civil war now exists on the planet." The large gorilla like being sighed. "We at ARC cannot interfere regardless of our feelings or beliefs, as it is considered an internal matter. That being said, the remaining Talosian ships still assigned to us have no command structure. The senior most of the remaining Captains suggested contacting you, as they had received orders to report to you if the worst happens on New Talos. It appears that has indeed come to pass."

  "Am I to understand you want me to take command of the Talosian contingent of ARC forces?" Ian asked, surprised. "I had no idea Goya had issued those orders."

  "I do not believe he issued them to everyone, Admiral. Six Talosian ships retreated from three separate engagements with Imperial fleets. Those ships have apparently been evacuated on the orders of their computers. Their life pod units have been recovered and are on their way back to a safe base," H’joles replied.

  "Those ships were ordered to self-destruct by the Council Override, Fleet Admiral. As I understand what has happened, the ships loyal to the Ruling Council and High Command were exempted from the order. All the others have been set to self-destruct after evacuating their crews," Ian explained.

  H’joles nodded knowingly. "This action makes sense. We thought it odd that only the problem Captains were having this difficulty. This helps us."

  Ian nodded. "As I understand the situation, Sir, in most cases only the command staff was against the Council. The crews of those ships have been told many untruths and given misleading information. Sir, I do have Belirus here. Before he resigned because of that same misinformation, he was an Admiral. We have determined that he is fiercely loyal to New Talos. Perhaps I should ask him to assist us in this crisis."

  "Direct command of the Talosian ships is still being held by the fleets they have been assigned to, but they need a 'home port' if you will. For the short run, we can take care of the rest. But they may need a word or two from you and possibly this Belirus you spoke of," H’joles said. "It is hard to fight for your home when you do not know if you still have one."

  Ian could only nod in agreement. "If I may ask, Sir, how many ships do you still have, and can any of them be spared? Before they left, Councilor Noren entered into a mutual defense agreement with us. On top of that, I am certain many of those crews would like nothing better than to run straight back to New Talos and 'fix' the issue. Not that I would condone such a thing, but if I can work something up for them, maybe we can prevent a mutiny of sorts."

  H’joles smiled sadly. "If it were my people, the ships would have already left. The Talosian ships still on station are proof that the Talosian people are as committed to this effort as anyone that is part of it. We have lost those six that I spoke of earlier, but they were really only guarding non-vital positions, as they were difficult to work with.

  "We have fifteen more Talosian ships spread out over four separate fleets. In most cases, the ships are grouped together as two light
cruisers and one heavy cruiser; we have five heavy cruisers and ten light cruisers. We can return to you two of the heavy cruisers with their escorts, but I would need to recall those ships I left to defend your system," H’joles replied.

  "I would release them immediately of course. However, I hardly think it an even trade." Ian grinned at the confused look on H’joles' face. "If you could send crews back on one of those ships, I have been told the ships in our repair facility will be ready by the time they will arrive."

  H’joles nodded his understanding of the joke and even smiled slightly.

  "Ah! I understand! That is very good, Admiral. I have received a report from Admiral T'rir on his interaction with your people. He was very impressed with every aspect of the encounter. Even for a Croanian, he is at best difficult to deal with. I would say that you have certainly gotten the attention of all of us here.

  "I will make arrangements for the crews to be sent back with the Talosian ships. You would like them returned to your sector, yes?" H’joles asked.

  Ian bowed. "If at all possible, I would like them to report to Senior Captain Serena of the Talosian ship Prometheus. I will be departing the system in a few hours for a rapid strike mission. Did Admiral Goya have the time to forward a copy of my attack plan to retake the planet of Hyperion?"

  "No, I did not receive such a report. You consider the retaking of a planet to be a rapid strike?" H’joles asked.

  Ian hit the keys and forwarded a copy of the mission briefing and outline to the Fleet Admiral. "I do in this case, Admiral. However, I will have to make allowances in light of current events. I am sending you a copy of the mission brief. I am hoping for a 'milk-run' but planning for a full assault. Most of the equipment and materiel is already loaded and ready to go."

  H’joles nodded and looked to his side. "I am receiving it. May I call you back if I have questions?"

  "Of course Admiral. Your suggestions would be welcome, too," Ian replied grinning.

  H’joles snorted. "I forgot you are not Talosian. Very well, Admiral, I will issue the orders and get the ships moving back to you. It is our hope that this matter be resolved quickly and as bloodlessly as possible. Civil War is always a bloody business that has no victors."

  Ian again bowed. "Thank you Admiral. Good day to you."

  "May Grolith guide you, Admiral," H’joles said and cut the call.

  Ascension Main Medical Complex

  Ascension, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  The first sight that Jim saw when he opened his eyes was the beautiful, smiling face of Lara Belden. A firm grip on his right hand caused him to slowly turn his head and see his other friend, Luke.

  “Is it done? Did it work?” Jim asked, softly.

  Luke nodded as he smiled down at his friend, but Lara answered him. “The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you. However, he did tell us that the operation was a success.”

  Jim looked thoughtful for a moment. “I can’t move or feel anything down there.”

  “They haven’t finished with you yet. The doctors explained the whole thing to you if you remember. The first part was to rebuild your hips and pelvis area and now, they will begin to rebuild your genitals. To do that, you have to be immobilized. Do you remember?" Lara asked, because Jim had started to nod his head.

  “Yeah, it’s just kinda weird not feeling much below my chest. Did the doctor say how much longer I’ll be in here?”

  “I’d say about another three and a half or four days,” a new voice said from near the door. “Give or take.” Doctor Ashton smiled. “So far, everything looks really good, as far as the rebuild of your pelvic area. That should be totally healed up in about a week, but I imagine you’ll be stiff until your muscles get used to working correctly again. Now, before I start to explain what happens next, do you have any questions?”

  “None that I would understand the answer to, Doc,” Jim said.

  “Uh, Doctor, how long will Jim be in physical training after you let him up?” Lara asked.

  Doctor Ashton smiled; “Actually, he’s already started the first part. We’ve been strengthening and reconditioning his muscles artificially since the end of the surgery. However, that stimulation will have to stop for a while. The technique used to rebuild the testes could be adversely affected by the electrical pulses we’re using on his muscles.”

  “So, I’ll be finished in another three or four days?” Jim asked.

  “The procedure will be started tonight and finish tomorrow evening. We’ll test its function, then begin to make sure you can walk. You’ll be in physical therapy for a couple more weeks, but we’ll be letting you out of here in about three or four days,” Doctor Ashton explained.

  “Uh,” Jim hesitated, glanced at Lara before asking, “What exactly do you mean by ‘test its function’?”

  “Well, from the sound of it, you’ve already figured out what I mean. We have to know if what we did works, and if your reproductive system is fully functional. It would be helpful to know if you are producing semen and viable sperm cells,” Doctor Ashton answered.

  Jim looked embarrassed, “Okay, I don’t think I want to know exactly how you'll be testing it, but I guess I’ll find out.”

  “So Jim, it looks like it’s time for you to decide what you want to do. Are you still interested in flying a fighter?” Luke asked.

  Jim chuckled, “I don’t think so. I mean, I think I’m a little old to be jumping into the cockpit of a fighter; besides, I was a grunt in the Army. I’d probably get motion sickness if I tried to fly one of those things.”

  Luke smiled at his friend. “Well, we need a lot of Marines, too. Not to mention needing a Training Officer, a Military Liaison, and a whole bunch of other stuff.”

  “Uh huh, like the guy that runs this place will want to have an old hillbilly like me hangin’ around,” Jim teased.

  “Well, we've put up with you so far, so I think you'll be alright." He chuckled with his friend. "But seriously, if you are interested in flying, you don't have to join the military to do it, we'll need civilian freighter pilots too,” Luke suggested.

  Jim looked at his friend in awe, “That might be somethin' I'd be interested in, provided I could pass flight trainin'.”

  Doctor Ashton smiled at the friends; “I’ll leave you all to talk, but please, try to keep it short. We want to get started on the rest of Jim’s treatment."

  “Thank you, Doctor. You really have worked a miracle here,” Lara told him.

  Doctor Ashton smiled and winked at her before turning and walking out the door.

  Luke told Jim about all the different non-military jobs they needed filled in the sector and had mentioned that, since almost all of the new recruits seemed to be going to the military, some of the civilian positions were getting critical.

  "We do have replicators, but as civilians, we shouldn't be relying on them like we are. We need to restrict their use and get busy building an economy," Luke said, sighing.

  "Why would using replicators keep us from building an economy?" Jim asked.

  "Human nature mostly. If you could get anything you wanted for free, why would you want to work?" Luke asked. "I'm not talking about you, I know you'd work no matter what, but I'm talking about the average person. If they had no motivation to, why would they?"

  "I suppose most wouldn't, we'd all turn into a race of spoil't brats fightin' over who has the best gadgets," Jim replied.

  Luke nodded. "Pretty much. We also would have nothing to trade to other planets and civilizations. Not that we would need the goods, but trade is very good for peaceful relations between nations. A lot of the other races out there don't care for replicated items for either philosophical or religious reasons. So, replicated goods are not considered trade items.

  "Well, we do have a few farmers getting set up here, and even one adventurous soul whose going to try his luck at fishing. One family from Wyoming is setting up a huge ranch and next month their livestock will start to arri
ve. The entire herd will take over a month to get here because we can only get about fifty head in a shuttle at one time.

  "We are getting people; colonists that want to try something new. That's a great thing and exactly what we need, but we are also in dire need of people in the infrastructure as well. That's the reason I suggested the freighter to you; if we had a crew, that rancher's herd could most likely make it in one trip," Luke finished. "That's only one example of why we need it. We have ten shuttles running cargo between here, Earth, the moon, Mars and the stations. They are running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Hell even the passenger shuttles are getting over loaded. We need to expand our commercial transportation."

  Jim nodded. "It sounds like it. Tell ya what, have someone bring me some readin' materiel on it so I have something ta do in here. If I like the sound of it, I'll sign up."

  Admiral's Office (Temp.)

  Pleiades One Orbital Shipyard

  High Orbit, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  "Sir, ARC Fleet Admiral H’joles is on the comm for you. Routine priority," Mel called.

  "Thanks Mel, put him through please," Ian replied.

  H’joles once again appeared on Ian's big wall monitor. After the two of them exchanged greetings, said. "I read your proposed mission briefing. I am calling because I have some questions."

  "I'd be happy to answer them if I can Fleet Admiral," Ian replied. "But I feel I should let you know that I have decided to postpone the mission until after the Talosian issue is settled."

  H’joles nodded. "That was one of the questions I was going to ask you. You have no way to protect the planet after you retake it and New Talos cannot spare the forces. There was one other thing I wanted to ask to see if it had occurred to you; when they issued the Council Override commands to their ships, they destroyed two-thirds of their fleet. How are they going to replace those?"

  That was a very good question and it was one that had not occurred to Ian. "You are correct Sir, It had not occurred to me. I would see if we could get started on rebuilding them, but without checking how recruiting has been going, I don't think have the manpower for a project of that scale. In a year of two, after our other planned stations get built, maybe. In all honesty, we could get started on it right now, but it would be a very slow process."


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