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The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868-1945: vol. 1 (Modern Asian Literature Series)

Page 129

by J. Thomas Rimer

  Self Portraits: Tales from the Life of Japan’s Great Decadent Romantic. Translated by Ralph F. McCarthy. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1991.

  The Setting Sun [Shayō]. Translated by Donald Keene. New York: New Directions, 1956.

  Ishikawa Tatsuzō

  Soldiers Alive [Ikite iru heitai]. Translated by Zeljko Cipris. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.

  Kajiyama Toshiyuki

  The Clan Records: Five Stories of Korea. Translated by Yoshiko Dykstra. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995.

  Ōoka Shōhei

  Fires on the Plain [Nobi]. Translated by Ivan Morris. New York: Knopf, 1957.

  The Shade of Blossoms [Kaei]. Translated by Dennis Washburn. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1998.

  Taken Captive: A Japanese POW’s Story [Furyoki]. Translated by Wayne P. Lammers. New York: Wiley, 1996.

  Ōta Yōko

  City of Corpses. In Hiroshima: Three Witnesses, edited and translated by Richard H. Minear. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990.

  Shimao Toshio

  The Sting of Death and Other Stories [Shi no toge . . .]. Translated by Kathryn Sparling. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1985.

  Uno Chiyo

  Copeland, Rebecca L. The Sound of the Wind: The Life and Works of Uno Chiyo. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992.

  Confessions of Love [Iro zange]. Translated by Phyllis Birnbaum. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989.

  The Story of a Single Woman [Aru hitori no onna no hanashi]. Translated by Rebecca L. Copeland. London: Peter Owen, 1992.


  Kusano Shinpei

  Asking Myself, Answering Myself. Translated by Cid Corman and Susumu Kamaike. New York: New Directions, 1984.

  Mt. Fuji: Selected Poems, 1943–1986. Translated by Leith Morton. Rochester, Mich.: Katydid Books, 1991.

  Oguma Hideo

  Long, Long Autumn Nights: Selected Poems of Oguma Hideo. Translated by David G. Goodman. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1989.

  Saitō Sanki

  The Kobe Hotel. Translated by Saitō Masaya. New York: Weatherhill, 1993.


  Sakaguchi Ango

  I Want to Be Holding the Sea [Watakushi wa umi o dakishimete itai]. Translated by Shōgo Oketani. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995.


  Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made for permission to reprint copyrighted material. Every attempt has been made to trace copyright holders. The editor and the publisher would be interested to hear from anyone not acknowledged appropriately.

  Akutagawa Ryūnosuke. Poems from Modern Japanese Haiku: An Anthology, compiled and translated by Makoto Ueda. Reprinted by permission of University of Toronto Press Inc.

  Edogawa Rampo “The Human Chair.” From Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, translated by James B. Harris. Reprinted by permission of Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc., of Boston, Massachusetts, and Tokyo, Japan.

  Futabatei Shimei. Excerpt from Japan’s First Modern Novel: Ukigumo of Futabatei Shimei, translated by Marleigh Grayer Ryan. Copyright © 1967 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Hirata, Hosea. The Poetry and Poetics of Nishiwaki Junzaburō. © 1993 Princeton University Press. Reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press.

  Inagaki Taruho. Excerpts from One-Thousand-and-One-Second Stories, translated by Tricia Vita. Copyright © 1998. Reprinted with the permission of Green Integer Books, Los Angeles.

  Ishikawa Takuboku. Poems from Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology, edited and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Ishikawa Takuboku. Poems from Takuboku: Poems to Eat, translated by Carl Sesar. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1966. Reprinted by permission of Kodansha International.

  Ishikawa Tatsuzō. Excerpt from Soldiers Alive, translated by Zeljko Cipris. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  Izumi Kyōka. “The Holy Man of Mount Kōya.” From Japanese Gothic Tales, translated by Charles Shirō Inouye. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  The Japan Quarterly October–December Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 469–474, “The Nose” (Akutagawa Ryūnosuke), translated by Ivan Morris.

  Kajiyma Toshiyuki. “The Clan Records.” From The Clan Records: Five Stories of Korea, translated by Yoshiko Dykstra. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  Kitahara Hakushū. Poems from Donald Keene, Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism. Copyright © 1998 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Kitahara Hakushū. Poems from Margaret Benton Fukusawa, Kitahara Hakushū : His Life and Poetry. Ithaca, N.Y.: East Asia Program, Cornell University, 1993. Reprinted by permission of Shigeyuki Fukusawa.

  Kitahara Hakushū. Poem from Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology, edited and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Kitasono Katsue. Reprinted by permission of the Harvard University Asia Center from Shredding the Tapestry of Meaning: The Poetry and Poetics of Kitasono Katsue (1902-1978), by John Solt. © The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1999.

  Kobayashi Hideo. “Literature of the Lost Home.” From New Leaves: Studies and Translations of Japanese Literature in Honor of Edward Seidensticker, edited by Aileen Gatten and Anthony Hood Chambers, Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Number 11 (Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1993). Translation © 1993 Center for Japanese Studies. Used with permission.

  Kōda Rohan. The Icon of Liberty. Translation © 2004 Kyoko Kurita and James Lipson.

  Masaoka Shiki. Poems from Masaoka Shiki: Selected Poems, translated by Burton Watson. Copyright © 1997 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Mitsuhashi Takajo. Poems from Far Beyond the Field: Haiku by Japanese Women: An Anthology, compiled and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Mori Ōgai. “The Boat on the River Takase.” From The Incident at Sakai and Other Stories, edited by David Dilworth and J. Thomas Rimer. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  Mori Ōgai. “The Dancing Girl.” From Youth and Other Stories by Mori Ōgai, edited by J. Thomas Rimer. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  Nakano Shigeharu. Poems from Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990. Reprinted by permission of Miriam Silverberg.

  Natsume Sōseki. “The Civilization of Modern-Day Japan” and “My Individualism.” From Kokoro: A Novel and Selected Essays, translated by Edwin McClellan and

  Jay Rubin. Latham, Md.: Madison Books, 1992. Reprinted with permission of the Pacific Basin Institute.

  Natsume Sōseki. Poems from Japanese Literature in Chinese, vol. 2, Poetry and Prose in Chinese by Japanese Writers of the Later Period, translated by Burton Watson. Copyright © 1976 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press

  Ogiwara Seisensui. Poems from Donald Keene, Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism. Copyright © 1998 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Oguma Hideo. Poems from Long, Long Autumn Nights: Selected Poems of Oguma Hideo, 1901–1940, translated and with an introduction by David G. Goodman, Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Number 3 (Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1989). Used with permission.

  Okamoto Kanoko. Poems from Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology, edited and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University
Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Ōoka Shōhei. Excerpt from Taken Captive: A Japanese POW’s Story, translated by Wayne P. Lammers. New York: Wiley, 1996. Reprinted with permission of the Pacific Basin Institute.

  Ōta Yōko. “Fireflies,” translated by Kōichi Nakagawa. Copyright © 1985 by Kenzaburō Ōe. Reprinted by permission of Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

  Saitō Mokichi. Poems from Amy Vladek Heinrich, Fragments of Rainbows: The Life and Poetry of Saitō Mokichi, 1882–1953. Copyright © 1983 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Saitō Mokichi. Poems from Currents in Japanese Culture: Translations and Transformations, edited by Amy Vladek Heinrich. Copyright © 1997 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Saitō Sanki. Poems from The Kobe Hotel, translated by Saitō Masaya. Copyright © 1993, Weatherhill, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Weatherhill, Inc.

  Satō Haruo. Excerpt from “Discourse on ‘Elegance.’” From Beautiful Town: Stories and Essays, translated by Francis B. Tenny. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.

  Shaku Shō ku. Poems from Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology, edited and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Shiga Naoya. “The Paper Door” and “The Shopboy’s God.” From The Paper Door and Other Stories, translated by Lane Dunlop. Translation copyright © 1987 by Lane Dunlop. Reprinted by permission of Lane Dunlop.

  Sugita Hisajo. Poems from Far Beyond the Field: Haiku by Japanese Women: An Anthology, compiled and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Taneda Santō ka. Poems from For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santōka, translated by Burton Watson. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Tanizaki Jun’ichirō. “The Two Acolytes.” From The Gourmet Club: A Sextet, translated by Anthony H. Chambers and Paul McCarthy. New York: Kodansha, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Kodansha International.

  Tayama Katai. “The Girl Watcher.” From The Quilt and Other Stories, translated by Kenneth G. Henshall. Copyright © 1981, University of Tokyo Press. Reprinted by permission of University of Tokyo Press.

  Toki Zenmaro. Poems from Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology, edited and translated by Makoto Ueda. Copyright © 1996 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Wakayama Bokusui. Poems from Donald Keene, Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism. Copyright © 1998 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Yamaguchi Seishi. Poems from The Essence of Modern Haiku: 300 Poems by Seishi Yamaguchi, translated by Takashi Kodaira and Alfred H. Marks. Atlanta: Mangajin, 1993. Reprinted by permission of Alfred H. Marks.

  Yasunari Kawabata. “The Dancing Girl of Izu” by Yasunari Kawabata. From Stories by Yasunari Kawabata copyright © 1997 Hite Kawabata, English translations copyright © 1997 by J. Martin Holman. Reprinted by permission of Counterpoint Press, a member of Perseus Books, L.L.C.

  Yokomitsu Riichi. “Mount Hiei.” From Autumn Wind: And Other Stories, translated by Lane Dunlop. Reprinted by permission of Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc. of Boston, Massachusetts, and Tokyo, Japan.

  Yosano Akiko. Poems from Currents in Japanese Culture: Translations and Transformations, edited by Amy Vladek Heinrich. Copyright © 1997 Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of Columbia University Press.

  Yosano Akiko. Poems from Janine Beichman, Embracing the Firebird: Yosano Akiko and the Birth of the Female Voice in Modern Japanese Poetry. Reprinted by permission of University of Hawaii Press.



  Major Plays of Chikamatsu, tr. Donald Keene 1961

  Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu, tr. Donald Keene. Paperback ed. only. 1961; rev. ed. 1997

  Records of the Grand Historian of China, translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien, tr. Burton Watson, 2 vols. 1961

  Instructions for Practical Living and Other Neo-Confucian Writings by Wang Yangming, tr. Wing-tsit Chan 1963

  Hsün Tzu: Basic Writings, tr. Burton Watson, paperback ed. only. 1963; rev. ed. 1996

  Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings, tr. Burton Watson, paperback ed. only. 1964; rev. ed. 1996

  The Mahābhārata, tr. Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan. Also in paperback ed. 1965; rev. ed. 1997

  The Manyōshū, Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkō kai edition 1965

  Su Tung-p’o: Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet, tr. Burton Watson. Also in paperback ed. 1965

  Bhartrihari: Poems, tr. Barbara Stoler Miller. Also in paperback ed. 1967

  Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsün Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu, tr. Burton Watson. Also in separate paperback eds. 1967

  The Awakening of Faith, Attributed to Aśvaghosha, tr. Yoshito S. Hakeda. Also in paperback ed. 1967

  Reflections on Things at Hand: The Neo-Confucian Anthology, comp. Chu Hsi and Lü Tsu-ch’ien, tr. Wing-tsit Chan 1967

  The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, tr. Philip B. Yampolsky. Also in paperback ed. 1967

  Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenkō, tr. Donald Keene. Also in paperback ed. 1967

  The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon, tr. Ivan Morris, 2 vols. 1967

  Two Plays of Ancient India: The Little Clay Cart and the Minister’s Seal, tr. J. A. B. van Buitenen 1968

  The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu, tr. Burton Watson 1968

  The Romance of the Western Chamber (Hsi Hsiang chi), tr. S. I. Hsiung. Also in paperback ed. 1968

  The Manyōshū, Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai edition. Paperback ed. only. 1969

  Records of the Historian: Chapters from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien, tr. Burton Watson. Paperback ed. only. 1969

  Cold Mountain: 100 Poems by the T’ang Poet Han-shan, tr. Burton Watson. Also in paperback ed. 1970

  Twenty Plays of the Nō Theatre, ed. Donald Keene. Also in paperback ed. 1970

  Chūshingura: The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, tr. Donald Keene. Also in paperback ed. 1971; rev. ed. 1997

  The Zen Master Hakuin: Selected Writings, tr. Philip B. Yampolsky 1971

  Chinese Rhyme-Prose: Poems in the Fu Form from the Han and Six Dynasties Periods, tr. Burton Watson. Also in paperback ed. 1971

  Kūkai: Major Works, tr. Yoshito S. Hakeda. Also in paperback ed. 1972

  The Old Man Who Does as He Pleases: Selections from the Poetry and Prose of Lu Yu, tr. Burton Watson 1973

  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Śrīmālā, tr. Alex and Hideko Wayman 1974

  Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China: Selections from the History of the Former Han by Pan Ku, tr. Burton Watson. Also in paperback ed. 1974

  Japanese Literature in Chinese, vol. 1: Poetry and Prose in Chinese by Japanese Writers of the Early Period, tr. Burton Watson 1975

  Japanese Literature in Chinese, vol. 2: Poetry and Prose in Chinese by Japanese Writers of the Later Period, tr. Burton Watson 1976

  Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma, tr. Leon Hurvitz. Also in paperback ed. 1976

  Love Song of the Dark Lord: Jayadeva’s Gītagovinda, tr. Barbara Stoler Miller. Also in paperback ed. Cloth ed. includes critical text of the Sanskrit. 1977; rev. ed. 1997

  Ryōkan: Zen Monk-Poet of Japan, tr. Burton Watson 1977

  Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real: From the Lam rim chen mo of Tso-khapa, tr. Alex Wayman 1978

  The Hermit and the Love-Thief: Sanskrit Poems of Bhartrihari and Bilhaa, tr. Barbara Stoler Miller 1978

  The Lute: Kao Ming’s P’i-p’a chi, tr. Jean Mulligan. Also in paperback ed. 1980

  A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns: Jinnō Shōtōki of Kitabatake Chikafusa, tr. H. Paul Varley 1980

  Among the Flowe
rs: The Hua-chien chi, tr. Lois Fusek 1982

  Grass Hill: Poems and Prose by the Japanese Monk Gensei, tr. Burton Watson 1983

  Doctors, Diviners, and Magicians of Ancient China: Biographies of Fang-shih, tr. Kenneth J. DeWoskin. Also in paperback ed. 1983

  Theater of Memory: The Plays of Kālidāsa, ed. Barbara Stoler Miller. Also in paperback ed. 1984

  The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry: From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century, ed. and tr. Burton Watson. Also in paperback ed. 1984

  Poems of Love and War: From the Eight Anthologies and the Ten Long Poems of Classical Tamil, tr. A. K. Ramanujan. Also in paperback ed. 1985

  The Bhagavad Gita: Krishna’s Counsel in Time of War, tr. Barbara Stoler Miller 1986

  The Columbia Book of Later Chinese Poetry, ed. and tr. Jonathan Chaves. Also in paperback ed. 1986

  The Tso Chuan: Selections from China’s Oldest Narrative History, tr. Burton Watson 1989

  Waiting for the Wind: Thirty-six Poets of Japan’s Late Medieval Age, tr. Steven Carter 1989

  Selected Writings of Nichiren, ed. Philip B. Yampolsky 1990

  Saigyō, Poems of a Mountain Home, tr. Burton Watson 1990

  The Book of Lieh Tzu: A Classic of the Tao, tr. A. C. Graham. Morningside ed. 1990

  The Tale of an Anklet: An Epic of South India The Cilappatikāram of Iakō Aika, tr. R. Parthasarathy 1993

  Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince, tr. and introduction by Wm. Theodore de Bary 1993

  Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees: A Masterpiece of the Eighteenth-Century Japanese Puppet Theater, tr., annotated, and with introduction by Stanleigh H. Jones, Jr. 1993


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