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Taken by The Hunger: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 1) Paranormal Romance/ Erotica/ Urban Fantasy

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by Spade, Harnet

  I thought maybe he had this uncanny ability of making me want something like him, so unmistakably brutal. I was feeling very savage at the moment. He stared so deep into my eyes. His eyes possessed me in their intensity… so strong it almost seemed as he knew what I was thinking. Glowing molten silver eyes breaching into my center, it became too much. His eyes were something I would never forget as long as I lived, but the hungered look they penetrated me with frightened me back to reality. I had to force myself to take deep breaths as I tried to regain my strength.

  Our panting breaths were mingling, heating my skin, when his nostrils flared, and I felt him move back and thrust as he looked at my lips. Grinding my teeth, I caught the moan that almost escaped hoping not to voice the desire I felt as panic within me increased. His black claws drew back into his skin as he raised his fingers and held my jaw.

  I knew what he wanted. Expecting to hear the reaction I withheld, he tightened his grip on my jaw forcing my mouth open. He was no longer caressing my skin instead he lifted me higher when his hand wrapped tight around my thigh while the other still held my jaw.

  He thrust harder more violently against me, and this time I couldn’t contain the raspy moan no matter how much I wanted to. The friction he created with his thrusting hips was making me lose my sanity. My hands grabbed and pushed at his waist trying to distance us while my body quivered with lust. I pushed against the tree to move him off me, but it was no use- he was steel all over me. I only managed to feel him closer as he thrust again fusing our bodies together.

  He was consuming me. I closed my eyes knowing that my weak struggles must be feeling more like caresses when in reality I wanted to scratch his skin from his bones for my warring emotions. I kept my eyes closed with my head upturned trying to remove his hand from my jaw. I knew if I opened my eyes I would be staring at death, and in this moment I didn’t need it to be staring back through the most beautiful iridescent silver eyes.

  I came up with a desperate idea. I thought to myself, which would be the cleanest, quickest, and most alluring way to offer up my death because his intentions were clear, and I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction he sought and thought to force upon me. After all, his mind control was working to some degree. I knew he was going to use me and from the size of his body we didn’t look compatible no matter what he was making me feel.

  I told myself it would be a better fate to die a fast death because otherwise if he sought to rape me I would fight him every step of the way, and I knew he could easily rip me to pieces.

  When you’re about to die the strangest thoughts go through your mind and what my mind kept repeating was, you can’t let Darius find your dead raped body- at least don’t let rape be part of it. It repeated… make him do it clean and fast, so the guilt doesn’t eat away at Darius. He’s sacrificed so much.

  In my desperation for a quick solution, I decided for some reason the neck is always so very tempting in movies, so I leaned my scalp up against the roughness of the tree, and extended my neck right before him hoping his appetite for flesh was stronger than his appetite for sex.

  Man was I wrong… he became so still that I had to look at him when I saw his pupils dilated becoming long spheres that began to expand and overtake his eyes as his hands grabbed my thighs more fiercely while he roughly tore my skin tight dress at the sides to get a better feel of me. Trembling from the shock, I thought, what the hell is he and told him, “ple.. ase… please… just kill me,” he then shook me- separating us from the tree while carrying me. I had to grab onto his upper arms feeling him twitch beneath my hands as I looked down on him. He raised me above him inhaling deep at my neck, and then slowly lowering me he pressed himself against me. “I want you to keep your eyes open… keep looking at me while I touch you,” he harshly demanded. “I’ll make sure you don’t feel the pain… I’ll replace it with so much pleasure, you’ll come alive for me,” his voice was deep, rich, and warm as velvet on my skin.

  I felt so alive, yes… I was burning, and it too was painful. No pain… is he freaking crazy, my mind rebutted. I was immobile, shocked he spoke and even more shocked when I saw the fangs extend; I thought I’d imagined them earlier. His hand traveled up my thigh to my hips and waist, over my breast, kneaded, and lingered.

  His eyes searched my face reading my reactions. He carried me back and placed me more gently this time against the tree. His actions told me that he would not hurt me if I cooperated, but I knew pain and my death were inevitable. It seemed he meant to have me here in the woods up against this tree, and he said it wouldn’t be painful; who was he kidding? His hand greedily dove under the upper edge of my dress, lowering the top half, and leaving my black lace and silk bustier out in the open for him to inspect. He seemed fascinated by it as he firmly pressed against my breast cupping and lifting it while teasing my nipple with his thumb.

  Through all the need I felt, I was shocked, all I could do was take in hard breaths and look at the starved expression on his face. I heard my dress tear… as I held my breath, prepared for the worst, and slapped him hard across the face with my bloody hand. I was looking at him alright. His jaw became tight, stretched showing the blood my palm left across his cheek and lips.

  He then smiled a cruel unwavering smile that showed off his fangs. “Love, I never expected for you to make things easy for me,” he said pinching my nipple and heat spread like lava through me. He made no sense, I thought! I knew if I kept up the blows it would be my salvation.

  His face miraculously returned to normal, where he was once red, on the spot I’d hurt him. Was he the same species as Darius and was this why and where the attraction originated? I looked at my crimson blood on his face and drew courage. I could do this… I was going to die, so for what it was worth I smiled back with what I knew to be just as much cold determination in my eyes and raised my hand again to slap him, but he quickly removed his hand from my breast and snatched my wrist pulling it high over my head.

  “Is that all the bite you have left,” he taunted me as he pushed his body harder against mine.

  I was stretched and nearly started crying and screaming, but nooo… I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction, so I spit in his face and raised my free hand to scratch out his eyes. He caught that hand while his hips pressed against my soft open body holding me in place. He licked his lips, brought his face down close to mine, inhaled, and said, “Your scent mixed with rain drove me wild with need while I was held up in that van, I imagined us like this surrounded by this wuthering wilderness. I saw myself driving hard into you making you want me all the more. Making you beg for more. It nearly drove me mad with desire for you, but your taste Emma… that supersedes all. I won’t ever have enough. I’m so hungry for you right now, all I can think about is driving myself deep into your tightness over and over again and then making you come while you scream my name.”

  He took deep breaths as he lowered his face to my neck and continued speaking, “But you have to stop pushing me… I’m really trying not to let the beast takeover. I want you so… so bad.” I felt his tongue snake out on my neck making goose bumps travel all over my body as my head fell sideways then back giving him better access. His tongue had the power to soothe me.

  Chapter 12: He Who Trades his Heart is Gambling Away his Soul

  I realized I wanted so bad what he said he meant to do to me. His hips dug into my core raising me while he united both of my wrists in one of his hands placing them over our heads. I tried breathing, but it was becoming too much because he was large and hard, and a desire I couldn’t control began to take over me. I had limited experience with men. Darius had been the only one I’d wanted this bad before. My body moved reaching and responding to him. I could seek with this beast the relief I could never have with Darius.

  My nipples became unbearably hard beads as he continued to rub himself against me. The friction he created was sweet torture, and I was lost openly moaning for him now. His sweat smelled of woods, spice, and pine or was
that his soap? God, it was messing with my head. All I could do was smell and feel him all over me.

  With my hands caged above my head, I was looking up at the rain and slowly shaking my head no; trying to find answers I knew I wouldn’t get… he meant to have me, I thought. And could I stop him, did I now want to stop him?

  I realized now that was what Kimmy had been warning me against. I had seen such uncontrolled hunger in every contour of his face that I knew my death was never an option for him. I renewed my struggles as he wound and thrust his hips against me spreading me more- digging into my depth while his other arm had wrapped around my waist and now his open palm covered my rear pushing me closer against him. We were both wet with rain and sweat, his breathing was labored when his face sought mine, and I saw there were tiny beads of perspiration on his upper lip and forehead.

  I realized then that he was trying not to lose control, but I had pushed him too far and his need was too great.

  The feeling was becoming contagious because we were both seeking the rush and climax our need produced as his thrusting hips had me gasping, wanting. The rain that fell on us felt as if it were boiling my skin, and I felt all of him through the only material of clothing he was wearing, his wet drawstring pants. As I struggled and pushed against him trying to maintain a fight I was so quickly loosing, I saw his eyes had become dark pools- his pupil overriding the luminosity I had seen before. The need to struggle became more ardent, so I pushed my breasts and hips harder against him and my mouth came down to bite his shoulder as his hips moved more fiercely lifting me each time.

  “Please,” I whispered hoarsely not recognizing my needy voice, “you have to…” I couldn’t finish the sentence because I didn’t trust myself to tell him to stop. Would I end up begging him like he said, I would? I didn’t know myself, I was becoming as much of a beast as him that in my frenzy I silently begged him for more as I shut my eyes and bit and licked at his shoulder.

  I tasted his sweet decadent blood on my lips, and all that registered was that I wanted… no needed it more than the air I breathed. I existed in this moment only to devour him. He was breathing heavily as he clawed at the tree around my wrist and pulled his hips back to thrust only harder and lift me higher each time.

  I knew I was losing my mind… I had to be… hadn’t I been saving myself for Darius? But there was too much sensation and he only increased to a frantic pace. I was quivering reaching something I didn’t understand with this beast, and I was utterly lost to it… lost… it was too late to be scared any longer. So I reveled in licking my lips, and lifting my head as I moaned. I told myself I would be greedy in my need and take what he offered. Once I had the satisfaction we both craved, I would leave without a backward glance, and then be done with the consequences and whatever it was I was feeling. Somehow I would find a way out of this spell. My reasoning told me my reactions were not my own this was just survival instincts kicking in. That’s when I saw him wet, rigid, and straining with his head thrown back in abandon, his fangs fully extended and his eyes tightly shut. He had a look of pain and ecstasy which drew me to him.

  He was mercilessly taking control of everything I was through the intense and uninhibited pleasure we were feeling. The blood I had been sucking on his neck was tantalizing me, driving me insane as he pumped harder and faster against me. My moans had grown louder and I sought to muffle the sound by lowering my lips and sucking harder on him. I opened my lips wide around his skin, bit not caring if I caused him any pain, and licked up the remaining blood when I noticed he no longer had an open wound, and there was no more blood for me to consume.

  He seemed too far gone to notice, so I forced one of my hands free and greedily searched for his wound, but all I found was his thick neck, corded tight with muscle while he was rigid and oblivious to my hunger for his blood. He was uninhibited as he spoke and grunted in a language I didn’t recognize. His voice was rough with desperation and need.

  Chapter 13: Drink Me Out of My Misery

  In my frustration, all I could do was scream for him to look at me while I struggled to open his skin with my blunt, Wicked- Essie manicured nails. Wicked… exactly how the night turned out, what he looked like, what I felt.

  I had meant to ask him what was happening to me, but what came out was entirely different because instead I heard myself say, “We’ll both get what we hunger for and then I want you to disappear… you’re not real, this can’t be real.”

  His actions cut me off from any further talk as he ceased all movement, straightened his body, and looked at me with what had now turned into resolute black eyes. He drew up his fangs, took a step back still holding me tightly before he slowly let my legs down.

  Dragging his palm over his mouth then lowering it, he watched me very closely. I realized he was trying to regain control. I reached for him not wanting any separation between us, but quickly realizing my mistake I fisted my hand not willing to show my desperation.

  He heatedly looked and pointed at me when he said, “You have no idea the extent of OUR hunger, Emmaley… it’s not something you can easily discard, in fact, it will drive you mad with need if you don’t give into it. But of course you don’t recognize it because you have been weakened. I bet you’re just as ready to beg as I am Emma, is that what you need sweetheart a little demonstration? Should I bring you to your knees woman?” He lowered his gaze to my lips holding me with the intensity of his very visible hunger for me as I straightened and stiffened my back. I was in control… he was wrong if he was now expecting me to beg, I was most definitely not anywhere near it.

  He smiled a cruel knowing smile… then took a razor sharp claw, drew it to his chest over his pectoral muscle while showing me a path of crimson blood down his body. I tried so hard to resist. I even tried a couple of times to look away. My palms were sweating… fisting and opening not sure of what I’d do next. I wanted to pull him to me so bad, but instead I made my body take a timid step to the side away from him.

  I was now very aware of every inch of his breathtakingly beautiful body.

  His nostrils were flaring at my refusal and his manhood throbbed as I saw the blood drip to his torso, over his ribs, and finally fall soaking the rim of his drawstring pants. I saw his hands travel to the edge of those pants, realizing his intentions, I almost fell to my knees in front of him- in fact, I saw myself doing just that when he said, “What are you waiting for hmm… there’s no one stopping you but yourself.” Was my loss of control that easy to read I thought, no... hadn’t he warned me he could do this? Taking in a deep breath, I said, “You’ll hurt me if I give in to you. You think I don’t know this is a trap?”

  “I’ll release you from the traps they've set... the woman within you is begging to be let out. A trap, is that what they made you believe our attraction is? You were trapped before I found you, remember? This is what you’ve wanted… Emmaley. All this time you’ve been searching for me as I was searching for you. You and I were meant to collide.”

  A collision, that’s exactly what it had been. A red, passion filled haze collision which completely had taken me off course.

  He continued by taking his palm and with an irritated look proceeded to wipe his blood clean.

  “You’ll be surprised to find who’s the prey Emma, but if what just happened between us is good enough for you now, then…”

  “No… no… you won’t leave me like this,” I heard myself beg not allowing him to finish his thought. I don’t know what came over me, maybe it was the fear of him leaving me there in the woods alone, cold, unsatisfied, or maybe the fact that I knew he was shutting himself from me, leaving. But whatever it was, had me rushing him as I threw my shoulder against his abdomen. My hand coming up with the motion to push at his chest- the surprise and satisfaction showed all over his face as he let himself fall perhaps the only reasonable explanation of how I managed to land that monster of a man on his back.

  I quickly straddled him wasting no time, my dress rising as I captured his h
ands and brought the one with all the precious blood to my mouth licking at his palm. His eyes slowly closed savoring the moment. When I finished with his palm, I lowered myself on his body finding the trail of blood and licking his warm skin while I moaned.

  Then, I was made to look up because he possessively grasped my hair. I let him pull choosing to ignore the pain while relishing in the pleasure. He yanked hard forcing my neck back when he said, “Emmaley this is going to happen now, beautiful girl... I’ve waited too long. I can’t wait for you to come to terms with a reality you didn’t think was possible.”

  I could see his body was strung so tight. He was still holding himself together, but as I felt his blood deep within me I knew I was much stronger than before. Somehow, I knew I needed more if I was going to survive our coming together- knew it was possible. I knew this was no longer something I wanted to fight. I looked down not finding what I sought so, I demanded by telling him, “I want you to give me more… a lot more of your blood beast.” I called him this because as silly as it sounds it’s exactly what he looked like.

  He smiled showing fangs he no longer tried to hide making me want to offer my neck to him as I anxiously waited and noticed how warm he was beneath me- burning me. I imagined myself riding him giving us both so much pleasure while he drank from my neck. Is he putting those images there, I wondered.

  “No need to say please… Emma,” he groaned, “I’ll gladly give you whatever you wish, I’ll let you drink and ride for hours, love… just as you imagined. It’s just you and me now.”


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