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Knight: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 4)

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by Giulia Lagomarsino

  I was scared at how much I desired this man. It wasn’t right. I shouldn’t want a man like him or feel like my heart was going to pound out of my chest when he was around. Still, there was something about him that had me getting wet whenever he touched me. It wasn’t just his good looks. It was the way he protected me as if I was his. But I wasn’t his and there was no way I ever would be.


  I walked in the door a little after ten. I had a ton of paperwork to catch up on and since Kathy had left early, I had to get her paperwork filed also. I really needed to hire another person that could deal with some of this extra stuff. Kathy was great at keeping reception running, but she didn’t work with billing or anything to do with running the clinic. That’s what was killing me day in and day out. It was the one thing I hadn’t really considered when I started the clinic.

  I threw my bag down on the kitchen table and walked over to the fridge for the bottle of white wine I had stashed there. I needed at least one glass so that I could relax before I went to bed. Pouring myself a glass, I sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels. There wasn’t really anything that I was interested in watching, but I just wasn’t ready to go to bed yet. Plus, I had no idea where Knight was. Would he creep into my bedroom again tonight?

  I finally settled on reruns of Seinfeld and finished off my glass of wine. I had no idea what time it was when I woke up, but I was covered in a blanket and lying down on the couch. I didn’t remember pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and I definitely didn’t remember the warm body snuggling in behind me. I shifted and saw Knight lying behind me with his eyes closed. His bad arm was resting partially on me and it looked like he was uncomfortable. I tried to slide out, but the arm that was under me tightened around my shoulder.

  “Stop.” His voice was gravelly, like he had been sleeping and just woke up.

  “That can’t be comfortable with your shoulder.”

  “If it was a problem, I wouldn’t be doing it.”

  “Why are you doing it?”

  He shrugged. “You looked uncomfortable, so I laid you down, but then you asked me to stay.”

  “I did not.”

  “Think whatever you want, but you asked me to stay.”


  “Call me Garrick.”

  “Garrick. Is that your real name?”

  “It’s the name I go by now.”

  “What did you used to go by?”

  “If I told you that, I’d have to kill you.”

  “Why?” I asked, believing that he actually meant it.

  “Because, if you knew who I really was, a whole lot of other shit would come up that you don’t need to know about or deal with.”

  I didn’t want to get involved, but part of me was very curious about this man. “You’re an assassin. What could be worse than that?”

  His face hardened and he sat up. “Right now, I have a few agencies that are mildly interested in me. They keep track of my kills, but don’t care too much because the people I take out are scum. If they knew who I really was, I would have the entire weight of the government bearing down on me.”

  Now I really didn’t want to know who he was. Could who he used to be really be even worse than who he already was? That was terrifying to think about.

  “I think I’m going to go to bed,” I said, sitting up quickly. But I ended up sitting face to face with him, just a few inches from his lips and as much as I knew that he was not a good man and I shouldn’t want him, his lips were just so damn inviting. I stared at them and remembered how good it felt the last time he kissed me, when he possessed my mouth. I wanted that again and before I had a chance to give it a second thought, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his.

  He didn’t hesitate and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He wrapped his hand around my head and held me still, but fell off balance with only one good arm. I ended up underneath him and spread my legs so he could lay between them. I could feel his hard length pressing against my core and I wanted so much more. I thrust my hips up, moaning as it hit me right where I needed it. I did it again and again, feeling the pressure build within me. He met each thrust with one of his own. I couldn’t take it anymore. I gripped onto his arms as I ground my hips into him again, but then stopped when I heard his strangled groan.

  Opening my eyes, I saw pain shoot across his face and realized that I was gripping his injured arm and probably pulling it out of alignment.

  “Shit. I’m so sorry,” I said, sitting up and trying to get him in a more comfortable position.

  “Stop moving,” he growled.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

  “Just shut up,” he barked, causing me to flinch back. “I don’t give a shit about my arm. If you keep moving though, I’m gonna come in my pants and I’d rather be inside you.”

  That shut me up real fast and it also hit me like a dose of cold water. What the hell was I doing? Where exactly did I think this was going to go? I’d have casual sex with a murderer and then what? Ask him to pick up some bread on his way home from his latest kill? I was such an idiot.

  I pulled my legs out from under him and stood quickly, straightening my clothes. “I have to go.” I ran up the stairs as quickly as possible and slammed the door behind me, making sure to lock it. Not that it mattered. He had gotten in the other night and it was locked.

  I woke in the morning with what felt like a hangover, but in reality was just lack of sleep. I hadn’t been able to sleep after I came up here last night and I kept waiting for him to come in my room, but he never did. At least, he didn’t while I was awake. I quickly got ready when I saw the time. I had slept in and I would be late to work if I didn’t hurry up.

  When I went downstairs, there was no sign of Knight anywhere. I did a quick search to be sure, but he was nowhere in sight. I couldn’t worry about him right now. I had to get into work. Whatever was happening last night between us wouldn’t be happening again.


  Knight and Kate


  After she ran away from me last night, I had a serious case of blue balls that I hadn’t had in years. Since I was always moving around on different jobs, I had never tried to date a woman, not that I could. I couldn’t ever have a future with someone because of who I was. Not just the killer part, but the part of me that had to keep myself a secret because of who I used to be. So, I slept with random women, most were skanks that I picked up at bars. They did the job, but were rarely satisfying.

  I left this morning before she got up, because if I saw Kate again this morning, I would shove her up against the wall and take her. I didn’t follow her to work this morning. I went back to my house and hung out there for the day. If she had any clue that I lived just two houses down from her, she would kick my ass out. I couldn’t let that happen. Being so close to her calmed all the shit in my head. I knew that I couldn’t actually be with her, but as long as she took pity on me and kept me in her home, I would enjoy what I had.

  It was boring sitting around all day and I would be doing this for the next six to eight weeks, according to Kate. What the hell was I going to do? I certainly wasn’t hurting for money, but since I was always working, I never really sat down and got bored. A few hours alone at my house and I was ready to slit my wrists. I called Hunter to help me out.

  “Pappy, I need your help.”

  “I’m working. What do you need?”

  “I need you to get me a TV.”

  “Seriously? You think I’m going to leave work to get you a fucking TV?”

  “I’m bored. It’s either you get me a TV or I go stalk Kate some more.”

  “Some more? You said that you were just making sure she was safe.”

  “And how do you think I’ve been doing that?”

  “Jesus, why can’t I have normal friends?”

  “So, is that a yes?”

  “You’re staying with her. Just watch her TV.”

nbsp; “It’s weird being in the house without her.”

  “Do you realize how fucked up that is? You stalk her everywhere she goes, but you don’t like being in her house by yourself?”

  Well, when he put it like that. “I may stalk her, but I would never invade her privacy like that. I mean, besides the few times that I was there with her when she didn’t know it.”

  “That’s so fucked up, I don’t even know what to say about it.”

  “So, are you going to do it for me or not?” I asked in frustration.

  “You’ll have to wait until my lunch break. I only get an hour, so you better be fast.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna need you to install it too.”

  “Not happening.”

  “How the hell am I going to do it with one arm?”

  “That’s not my problem. I have a job to do and I can’t take that much time off.”

  “Fine. Be here in an hour.”

  I hung up before he could argue with me any more. It was weird having Pappy back in my life. I wasn’t sure what to think about it. It was nice to have the camaraderie again, but I just didn’t know if it was a good idea. It was never a good idea for an assassin to have friends. Which begged the question, why the hell was I following Kate around? Eventually, knowing me would end up putting Kate in danger. Now I had moved into a house down the road from her and if anyone was following me, they would see me following her.

  I was always very careful that no one could track me, but my last assignment had been sloppy. Had I screwed up on any other jobs because I was distracted? I didn’t think so, but there was a first time for everything, and if there was a first time, there could be a second time.

  I would have to leave once my shoulder was healed up. I couldn’t risk sticking around and drawing attention to myself. I should leave now, but as long as I didn’t wander out too much, it should be fine.

  Hunter picked me up and took me shopping for a TV and an entertainment center. We argued about what I needed. He thought I needed the biggest screen with surround sound, but I didn’t think that was necessary. I didn’t usually sit around watching TV, so what was the point?

  “You watch football, right?”

  “Sometimes,” I shrugged.

  “Then you need the big screen. What if I want to come over for the game? I’m not watching on a twenty-four inch.”

  “Fine,” I groaned in frustration. “Just get whatever the hell you want. Anything to make you stop bitching at me.”

  “You two are so cute together,” the sales lady said with a blush.

  “Excuse me?” I said.

  “The way you argue. My boyfriend and I are like that too. That’s how you know it’s true love.”

  “What the fuck?” I said a little too loud, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to point it out. Are you not out of the closet yet?” she asked, pointing a finger between the two of us.

  “Lady, I’m not gay.” I puffed out his chest, showing off my muscles. Like gay people couldn’t have muscles, I thought, rolling my eyes.

  “Hey, I’m not judging. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I have a lot of friends that are gay.”

  “Pooky, it’s about time, don’t you think?” Hunter wrapped an arm around my waist and gave me a peck on the cheek. I flinched back and glared at him.

  “Don’t do that shit.”

  “She knows,” he shrugged. “Why not let the cat out of the bag?”

  “I’ll just put your order in and give you two some privacy. You want the big screen, right?”

  Hunter gave her a charming smile and a wink. “You got it, baby cakes. Should we go for the surround sound too, Pooky?”

  I was losing my patience real fast with him. “Pappy, don’t-”

  “Aww, that’s so cute that you call him Pappy. Is that like calling him Big Daddy?”

  I stepped forward, very willing to slap this bitch, but Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me back. The lady, obviously sensing my anger, slunk away to quickly process the order.

  “You need to learn to chill. Who gives a shit if she thinks you’re gay?”

  I shrugged him off and walked away. It wasn’t about her thinking I was gay. In general, I didn’t let anyone talk shit about me. Of course, in my world, I couldn’t let anyone talk shit about me. It was a sign of weakness. I guess I wasn’t so good at civilian life any more.

  Hunter caught up to me outside and pointed me toward the furniture store. “Might as well get something for you to sit on while you’re here.”

  “Thought you had to get back to work?”

  He shrugged as we headed down the sidewalk. “I told Cap that I had to help you out with something. He wasn’t too happy, but he didn’t bitch about it. You know, you could still come work at Reed Security. It doesn’t have to be the type of stuff I do.”

  “We’ve been over this. I don’t want to settle down or have a boss. I like my life the way it is.”

  “Then why are you looking out for Kate and buying a house down the street from her?”

  “Call it an obsession. I’ll get it out of my system and move on.”

  He flung his hand onto my chest to stop me. “What the hell do you mean, ‘you’ll get it out of your system’? Kate’s not a girl you fuck with.”

  “She’s not a girl. She’s one hundred percent woman.”

  “She also works for Reed Security and Sebastian’s not going to deal with you fucking her over. Not to mention that her cousin’s a former sniper. You really want to go there?”

  “You really think I’m scared of a sniper? Bunch of pansy asses. They kill from a distance. It takes a real man to go get the dirty work done up close and personal.”

  “You always were a cocky son of a bitch, Hud.”

  “It’s part of my charm.”

  “You’ve got the charm of a rattlesnake.”

  “I bite like one, too.”


  I finally got everything set up the way I wanted. The TV and entertainment center had been delivered early afternoon and the furniture arrived right about dinner time. I sat down on the couch and looked around the house. What the hell was I doing? Buying a TV and furniture? It was like I was playing house. This wasn’t my world and it never would be.

  I couldn’t decide if I was going to go get Kate or hang out here. I really should back off and leave her alone. It’s not like she needed me or I needed her. But some part of me wanted her to need me. I decided that I shouldn’t go over there. After all, I was already getting in too deep with her.

  I sat on the couch in the fading light and stared at the blank TV screen. I couldn’t even bring myself to turn it on. My shoulder started to throb. I hadn’t taken any pills in a while and the pain was starting to catch up to me. I went over to the counter and shook out a few Tylenol. I had left all the pain meds at Kate’s house and I was trying my damndest not to go over there. I had refused to even go to the window and look outside for her car, but now that I was up, I decided I might as well take a look.

  Not only was her car there, but there was a man standing in her driveway next to a truck. She leaned into him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him. What the hell? I waited to see what would happen and when he followed her inside, I about blew a gasket. She was mine. There was no way this asshole was going to touch my woman. I snuck out into the darkness and slipped around to the back side of her house. He was sitting at her kitchen table and they were laughing together.

  I waited them out and when she went upstairs, I slipped in the back door and snuck up behind him. Cocking my gun, I held it to the back of his head. He didn’t even flinch.

  “Garrick!” Kate’s shocked voice threw me and I whipped my head around to see her pale face staring at me in horror. I hated the look on her face. It said that I was a monster, which I was, but I didn’t want her to see this side of me. It was enough of a distraction that the man at her table spun around and grabbed the gun, kicking
me in the stomach and sending me hurling back into the fridge. My shoulder slammed into it and I felt blood trickle from my wound. I was slower to react than usual and that wasn’t a good sign, especially when he hauled me up and shoved his thumb into my wound.

  I ground my teeth together, refusing to make any noise. In the distance, I vaguely heard Kate yelling at the man to stop, but I was fading fast and it wouldn’t be long before I was down for the count. I used my good arm to knock away his hand and then ducked as he swung at me, hitting him twice in the kidneys. He grunted, but didn’t go down even the slightest. His knee came up and slammed into my ribs, making me double over. I knew I was fucked. I was never this slow, but this guy was good and knew where to strike.

  With one final effort, I swept his legs out from under him and planted my fist in his face. It only temporarily delayed him, though. He grabbed my injured arm and pulled, sending blinding pain through my body. I wasn’t sure how, but he was behind me and twisting my arm up behind my back. The pain was too intense and that was it for me. I hit the floor face first and the last thing I saw was Kate rushing over to me.



  They were going to kill each other, but there was nothing I could do at this point. When two killers go after each other, you don’t try to intervene. I could tell immediately that Knight was going to lose this battle. Cole was just as quick, but he was fighting uninjured. I winced when Cole dug his thumb into Knight’s wound. That had to hurt like a bitch, but to his credit, Knight didn’t make a sound.

  “Cole, stop! Garrick is staying here while he heals.”

  Cole didn’t respond, just kept going at Knight. When he twisted his arm behind his back, the first thing I thought was that Hunter was going to be pissed at me. He had asked me to look after Garrick and my cousin was attacking him. Though, in his defense, Garrick had pointed a gun at his head.


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