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The Bear And The Unicorn (Supernatural Enforcers Agency 6)

Page 9

by E A Price

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zane eased himself into his car, groaning internally as every muscle cried out for mercy.

  “Are you okay?” asked Sky, her lips turned down in concern.

  “Four yoga classes were a bit much for me,” he admitted, only feeling a touch less manly.

  Sky patted his shoulder. “You managed very well. You have an excellent form, your body is… Well, it’s…” Her cheeks bloomed pink. “With practice, you could be excellent.”

  The reply, ‘no way in hell am I ever doing yoga again’ died, and instead, he just grinned cockily. “Thanks.”

  “Your knuckles are a little red,” she commented, lifting one of his hands close to her face to inspect it. A low sound emanated from his throat as he felt her breath caressing his skin.

  “Just a scrape,” he breathed. Against Erik’s fat jaw added his bear smugly.

  Fucking elk shifter’s muscles weren’t just for show - the guy was like a stone wall. He would have made a pretty impressive opponent were it not for the fact that he didn’t know how to use his muscles for anything more than preening at females.

  When Zane approached him – or more like bellowed his name and charged at him – the two friends scattered, leaving the Elk wide open. His bear thoroughly enjoyed hauling the elk against a wall and growling at him, telling him to stay away from Sky. Then it got a bid sad when Erik started sobbing that he was sorry. That diminished Zane’s enjoyment a little, but only a little. Squeezing Erik’s neck ‘til his eyes bulged still felt good.

  Course, he completely perked back up again when he let Erik go, and the idiot started jeering at him and actually had the nerve to call him a pussy. That was only something his bear did. And also Melanie used to do it – something that completely pissed him off. Rawr.

  The punch to the face and the wedgie Erik got? Totally deserved. Felt like he was in high school again, teaching other bears that it wasn’t okay to pick on hedgehog shifters. But he was pretty sure Erik wouldn’t be bothering his female again.

  Sky gave him a pretty smile and brushed her lips over his reddened skin. It was soft and quick and tender and good for a week-long boner. Fuck.

  He stilled as a husky rattle sounded in his throat.

  She lowered her eyelashes, cheeks turning pink, but lips turning up in satisfaction. “I take it we’re spending the evening together.”

  “I think it would be irresponsible of me to leave you alone. How could I live with myself if something happened?” How could he live with himself if another man hit on her when he wasn’t around to scare them off?

  “That’s so handsome of you – good! Good of you.” Her cheeks now resembled two apples. “How about dinner?” she added quickly.


  He could think of something he would like to feast on. Some sweet pie. His bear licked his lips. Given his imaginings, the next couple of hours turned out to be very disappointing.


  “Isn’t this nice?” Christian smiled at her.

  Juliet slared at him. Yep, slared. It was something she’d mastered – the art of the slare. Smile-glare. On first glance, the person was smiling, but really they were glaring. Took a special talent.

  Christian perused the menu. She didn’t bother. She wanted blood; nothing else would do. Other vampires ate now and again, trying to recapture the joy of eating the same food they did when alive. It was never the same. Juliet had spent most of her human life hungry; she didn’t have many good memories of food. None good enough to tempt her to undergo the agony of trying to push some chocolate out of a colon that no longer worked. Yeuch. She would order blood and hope that maybe watching her drink it would freak him out. Sadly, she expected it might turn him on. Again, yeuch.

  It was a nice restaurant; she’d give him that. Upscale and one smart enough to realize that vampires tended to be a wealthy bunch – building their fortunes over centuries – and catered to them as well as humans.

  When the waiter arrived, Christian ordered for both of them and Juliet bit her tongue. Okay, yes, she did want blood, but she could order for herself. His high-handed manner was just another example of how he was trying to control her. Like the way he took hold of her elbow and escorted her through the restaurant. She could snap his neck like a twig, and yet he was trying to control her.

  “So, how did you make your money?” she asked. Page one of how to annoy rich dicks.

  But no, he laughed a rich chuckle. Dick. “The old fashioned way. I inherited it.”

  Juliet pursed her lips. Worthless rich boy. She didn’t consider that there wasn’t actually an answer to her question that would make her happy.

  Christian gave her a lazy look. “You don’t want to date me, do you?”

  “I don’t want to date anyone,” she answered honestly. She left off the ‘especially you’ part.

  “Nobody wants to be alone.”

  “You get used to it.” She gave him a peevish look. “I thought you wanted to talk about the SEA.”

  The amusement never left him. “Yes, I’d like to donate money for… well, actually whatever you want. New computers, new body armor, new guns – whatever you like. I’ll leave it in your very capable hands.” His eyes traveled up and down her body.

  “That’s very generous,” she said grudgingly, struggling to find fault with him.

  Christian smiled in a way that was supposed to be modest – he missed it by a mile and hit arrogant instead. “In times like these, people like myself are obligated to help as much as they can.”

  “I’ve seen worse times – a lot worse.” Living through plagues would do that.

  “I thought crime was at an all-time high.”

  “I don’t believe so. It’s just that more people report crimes – the police forces are more robust than they’ve ever been. Compared to when I grew up, these are very good times.” People sure smelled better – that was a big plus. Deodorant was one invention she loved.

  His eyes twinkled. “And when was that?”

  Juliet narrowed her eyes. “I’ll never tell.”

  “I like older women.” He waggled his eyebrows, and she regretted the fact that she no longer had the ability to retch.


  “I thought your missing person department was overworked.”

  She looked at him sharply, but before she could probe him further, he changed the subject, and her blood arrived.


  Chapter Fourteen

  “And what is this?”

  Sky forced herself not to giggle, and even her unicorn chuffed. “Tofu.”

  Zane gave it an experimental sniff and tentatively licked it. On reflection maybe this wasn’t the ideal place for the huge bear. Completely vegetarian, healthy food, no alcohol and the placed had soft furnishings and mood lighting. But her friend Mandy owned it, and Sky wanted to give her as much business as possible.

  At first, it was kind of funny seeing Zane trying to identify his food, and kind of sexy as he licked it, but now she just felt bad for him. She doubted he’d ever eaten quinoa before. And judging by his ill-concealed grimaces never would again.

  Sky leaned over from her cushion and placed a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, why don’t we go somewhere else?”

  Zane shifted in his beanbag chair, looking thoroughly uncomfortable, yet a smile forced it’s way over his handsome face.

  “No, this is… I’m having fun.”

  “You are?”

  “Sure, I love places like this.” He gestured around him, scowling at the Flaming Guy Festival poster.

  “You love vegetarian restaurants?” She didn’t bother to hide the skeptic tone. Even her smitten unicorn – who believed the bear could do no wrong – was dubious.

  “Sure, I go to them all the time.”

  That sounded like a lie. But rather than annoy her – like it did when countless ex-boyfriends lied to her - it actually improved her mood. Maybe he really was trying to get into her panties!

Okay, then – more jasmine tea?”

  “Ah, sure.” He looked like he was being led to the gallows as he sniffed the liquid. He put his teacup back down and cleared his throat. “You come here often?” His eyes narrowed. “Come here on dates?”

  “I do come here as much as I can, but rarely on dates.” She had tried to bring Ethan, but the wolf had insulted Mandy – calling her a dirty, unwashed hippy – and he was banned.

  “You like it?”

  “Sure. I find it relaxing. The food’s nice.”

  He almost choked, and she patted him on the back.

  “Uh, yeah,” he agreed.

  Sky gave him a thoughtful look as she chewed on a piece of broccoli. “You know if we’re going to be hanging around together, maybe you should tell me about yourself – unless you don’t think it’s professional.” Although their meal together felt anything but professional – felt like a date. Which is why she made sure she brushed her teeth and applied make-up before she left the gym – just in case.

  “No, no,” he said quickly. “What would you like to know?”

  “Maybe we could start with the usual. Favorite color, favorite movie, I already know where you work, family, favorite food, that kind of thing.”

  “Huh. Green.” He looked into her eyes and winked. “True Lies. Mom and Dad – we don’t get on. And I’ll eat anything.” He glanced down at his tofu, which didn’t seem to be disappearing very quickly. Perhaps he should amend that to almost anything. “You?”

  “Oh, also green. I tell people it’s Casablanca, but really it’s George of the Jungle. Yoga instructor – as you already know. Mom, dad, a younger sister and two older brothers – we get on fine, mostly because they’re in another state. And I love pineapple and tofu.”

  “Yep, I ah, can see why.” He held up another piece and eyed it suspiciously.

  Sky pressed her lips together. He took another bite and grimaced slightly.

  “Oh, you have a little…” She reached over and stroked her thumb across his lip. “There, gone.” And yet, she didn’t move, her hand stilled on his cheek, caressing his full lips.

  Zane leaned towards her, seeking her touch, seeking her. Her heart sped up as his eyes blackened to his beast. She licked her lips as she felt him coming for a kiss. It was perfect until his overly large frame burst the beanbag chair and the balls propelled everywhere. Zane growled as he sprawled on the floor.

  She gave up. Wild laughter exploded out of her.


  “That was a nice meal,” commented Sky, humor still dancing on her lips.

  Zane tried not to scowl, but he couldn’t help it. She liked it; he was all cutely menacing when he scowled. It was sexy. He was sexy. Every gruff, growly inch of him. Her unicorn tossed her head in approval.

  Sky busied herself checking her messages as Zane re-checked for bugs.

  Was it a good idea to get involved with Zane? She wanted him, the warmth in her tummy and her nipples straining against her shirt were evidence of that, but what if she was in danger? What if someone wanted her unicorn? What if she had to disappear? Or worse, maybe Zane was in danger just being near her.

  Zane didn’t know her true nature. How would he feel if he ever found out? Would it make a difference? Would whoever was after her go through Zane to get to her. Lord, he didn’t even know how much danger he could be in!

  The instinct to hide herself was strong, something instilled in her since a young age. But this new urge, the one to protect Zane, to give in to Zane, to surrender everything to him – that was quickly gaining momentum. Her unicorn wanted to give everything to him.

  No, she couldn’t tell Zane the truth about herself yet. But she needed to keep him safe, needed to get him away from her. Needed to…

  “You bitch! Answer the fucking phone…” Another one of Ethan’s delightful messages. “I’m getting really angry… answer the fucking phone… I miss you… pick up the fucking phone…”

  Sky sighed as the message ended and quickly deleted the offending temper tantrum.

  “Ethan,” growled Zane, an inch behind her. She and her unicorn jumped, quickly twisting to see his dark eyes regarding her fiercely.

  “Oh, ah yes.” Zane got his name right for a change.

  Zane eyed the answer phone with the same contempt as if it had just insulted his mother. “He leave a lot of messages like that?”

  “Some… a few… about twenty so far,” she admitted glumly. She was getting a little tired of it. Maybe she should just change her number.

  He snorted. “He needs to be stopped.”

  “He’ll get bored eventually.” Ethan tired of everything eventually. There was a reason why her bedroom was only half painted purple.

  Zane grunted in a non-committal manner.

  “No need to worry about it,” she said uncertainly.

  Another grunt.

  “Or do something rash.” Like something that might put him in danger. Ethan was a tool with a lot of tooly friends.

  Another grunt.

  Sky lifted her hands to his temples, gently holding his head. “Picture a calm blue ocean.”

  Zane glowered for a second before chuckling lowly. He caught her wrists and lowered them.

  “Didn’t you say you wanted a shower?” he murmured.

  Sky cocked her head. “Oh. Do I smell that bad?”

  His eyes glittered. “Not bad at all.” Her breath caught in her throat as he brushed his lips over her wrist.

  “Go take a shower,” he crooned gutturally. “Don’t worry about a thing.”

  “Okay,” she whimpered. He let go of her and on wobbly legs she made her way to the bathroom. Head clouded with desire, unicorn neighing gently and logic completely gone, she entered the shower, making it as cold as she could stand.


  New York

  Booker gave the gigantopithecus a kick. She wasn’t so tough. Dumb bitch actually followed a limping cat down an alleyway. Didn’t even notice she was being drugged ‘til she was drooling on the ground. The giant ape shifter was currently working at a pet hotel so it was a safe bet she’d do gaga over a bloody house pet. Catching the cat and giving it a limp was the hard part.

  He grunted as he answered his cell phone, holding back the annoyed sigh as Dr. James jabbered at him. He put her on speakerphone and Vargas perked up at the sound of her voice. Good, let Vargas deal with her.

  “I have wonderful news!” she cried. “I was talking to one of my old professors and it turns out he found a dodo bird shifter! He couldn’t wait to tell me but he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with details about her, so I had to let him get a little handsy while I got him drunk. When he was passed out, I found all the details about her. He also had details of some other potential candidates too! Isn’t that great?”

  “Yeah, great,” muttered Booker. He handed Vargas the phone and sauntered over to check the chains on the gigantopithecus were secure.

  “Sure is babe,” said Vargas winking at Booker. “How handsy exactly?”

  “Oh shit!” yelled Dr. James. A crash echoed down the line.

  “Babe!” snarled Vargas. “Babe?!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Los Lobos

  Sky yelped on finding a tall, lanky gator shifter lounging on her couch.

  He looked up from the TV, a beer in one hand and the remote in the other, and nodded at her. “Hey. Wayne. Friend of Zane’s.”


  She held back from him and on noticing her reticence, he pulled out a SEA badge, flashing it around along with a huge, toothy grin.

  Sky shifted the towel she was wearing, very aware she was virtually naked. To be fair, she was kind of hoping to catch Zane while only in a towel. While reliving the wrist kiss in the shower, among doing other dirtier things, she had kind of imagined yawning and accidentally-on-purpose letting the towel fall to the ground. It was why she’d shaved a heart shape into her hair… down there. An impulse that she envisioned would make Zane laugh… before becoming overwhelmed
with lust and taking her right on the couch, or the kitchen table, or against the wall… whatever.

  “Ah, what are you doing here? Where’s Zane?” An exploratory sniff showed he was long gone. “Did you bring your own beer?” She looked down at her coffee table. “And order a pizza?”

  Wayne shrugged languidly. “Had to go out. Asked me to watch you. Didn’t want you to be alone. And yeah, glad I did. No offense but your fridge is like a nuclear wasteland for food.”

  “That was nice of him.” Although, her unicorn let out a sulky huff. “And my fridge is full of food.”

  Wayne almost choked on his beer. “First of all, what you call food, I call rabbit meal. Secondly, nice? You think Zane is nice?”

  Sky pursed her lips. “Of course, he’s been nothing but nice to me since we met.” Even as she wished for him to treat her a little… dirtier.

  Wayne seemed to be trying not to laugh. “Zane? Big guy, permanent scowl on his face, looks like he has a unibrow? Got a gait like a drunken ox?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Funny. Would you like some lemonade?”

  “Tried it, hated it. Seriously, get rid of it.”

  “Zane likes it.”

  Wayne slid his eyes in her direction and grinned. “I’ll bet.”

  “Is he coming back later?” she said, ignoring her heated cheeks.

  “Try and stop him.”


  He growled as he stirred. His sabre-tooth tiger snarled, demanding release. His body ached, and his head throbbed with the pain of a thousand hangovers as he pulled his sluggish limbs into a sitting position. A whimpering sound assaulted his tender senses.

  “Shut up,” he snarled.

  The whimpering intensified. Vague images flashed before him. Waking in a cell. Trying to attack the men feeding him. Being tazed. Then waking in a cell again… That happened over and over.

  He looked up to find he now shared the room with other creatures in cells. A large penguin shifter sniffled and cowered while a huge elephant-like shifter tried to reach out to her. Elephant-like, but not quite elephant – he smelled wrong.


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