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The Bear And The Unicorn (Supernatural Enforcers Agency 6)

Page 12

by E A Price

  “What the fuck did you come as?” roared brute number one.

  “I am Wolfman, prepare to be obliterated… not actually obliterated… but I will take you down… so prepare for that!”

  Surprised, Nellie watched as he did just that.


  Holy fuck! A Unicorn? He had no idea unicorn shifters even existed. Unicorns didn’t exist in the wild, so… wait, did they? Were there some wild unicorns? Okay, now he had even more questions.

  His bear rumbled as she melted back to her human form, a nervous expression on her face. Zane held back a mewl of disappointment as she pulled her pajamas back on.

  “So what do you think?” she asked, shifting from foot to foot.

  What did he think? His mate’s a fucking unicorn! Screw not labeling it – she was his. That was that. She was even more incredible than he realized and needed his protection even more than he thought. No wonder she was scared. A unicorn. So rare, so perfect, so his.

  He imagined there were plenty of people who would be thrilled to get their mitts on her delectable body. He would too but for different reasons.

  She liked him, trusted him enough with this secret, but now he knew the truth, he was even more scared for her. Scared for himself – he couldn’t lose her now he’d found her.

  Sky looked at him uncertainly, and his bear growled. He grasped her hips, dragging her against him and covering her mouth with his. She moaned against him as her arms snaked around his shoulders.

  The warmth of arousal, the feeling of rightness it was to have her close, having her surrender to him, spread through his body, lighting every nerve. His manhood pressed against her stomach, hard and insistent.

  Zane wrenched his mouth from hers, peppering kisses along her jawline.

  “I think I got my answer,” she whispered.

  Mine snarled his bear.


  Nellie shivered under her blanket as the SEA agents asked her questions. Her idiot boyfriend was holding her hand. She was still mad at him, but it felt nice. He hadn’t even glanced at the busty, ten-foot tall blonde lion shifter. Nope, all of his concern was for her. He would be forgiven… eventually.

  “What were you doing out this late? Where were you going?” asked the enormous polar bear shifter, Gunner.

  Nellie flicked a look at her boyfriend, Evan who had the grace to look chagrined.

  “What does it matter? I was on my way home, and my idiot cab driver kicked me out of his cab because he wanted to go home. Two morons caught me, said something weird about whether I was the right one. They tried to stick me with a needle and then Wolfman saved me.”

  She sighed as she remembered her masked hero. Evan frowned at her, but he could suck it up. When he saved her from two attackers while wearing a form-fitting jumpsuit, then he could get a little bit of hero worship.

  The blonde lioness, Avery patted her hair. “Is Wolfman still here?” she asked eagerly.

  “No, he left. He said he had a city to save.” Another sigh.

  “Oh.” Avery deflated a little.

  Gunner gave her a look.

  “Because I wanted to arrest him,” she added quickly, looking thoroughly embarrassed. “Because he’s a vigilante. No other reason.”

  Nellie snorted. She totally had a crush on him.

  Gunner focused on Nellie. “You said they didn’t try to rob you or hurt you…”

  “Other than jabbing me with a needle you mean?”

  “Any idea why they targeted you? Did they give any indication of what they were going to do?”

  The two guys were barely conscious after going five rounds with Wolfman, but they managed to mutter one word - ‘lawyer’.

  Nellie looked away, and Gunner sharpened. “You do?”

  “Maybe,” she said hesitantly. She flashbacked to when she was fifteen, and a zoologist was trying to convince her parents to allow him to do tests on her. When they wouldn’t give in, he tried to abduct her. Didn’t work thanks to her high-pitched scream and a swift kick in the nuts. But after that, she became good at hiding the nature of her rare beast. “It’s kind of a secret.”

  Ignoring Evan’s pout, she pulled Gunner down and whispered into his ear.

  He straightened up. “Huh.”


  Ten years they’d been running these rare shifter auctions, and none of them had a problem. This year… fuck - what could go wrong did go wrong.

  “It’s not my fault,” Christian hissed, sounding like a whiny little girl. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Bring the auction forward,” rumbled Booker.

  “I can’t; we’d lose too much money – something we’re already hemorrhaging thanks to your useless men.”

  Booker snarled. “The two we lost today are at Los Lobos General.” His gorilla shook his head in disgust – beaten up by a freak in a mask – probably some nerd fanboy. They better be ashamed of themselves – for what little life they have left. “One of our doctors is on staff. She’ll take care of them.” He got paid a huge paycheck to ensure their specimens were healthy before the auctions. The least he could do was get rid of the two bumbling fools – they’d paid for his vacation home in Aspen after all.

  “But we should still move up the auction.” Before a sinkhole opened up in their warehouse.

  Not that they had much to sell. He flicked through the security camera feeds. The fucking highlights were a giant penguin that doesn’t stop crying. A nerdy mammoth shifter panting after the idiot penguin. A gigantopithecus with as much personality of a block of wood. Not to mention the sabre-tooth tiger with the personality disorder - he would sell and well, but he didn’t envy the person who bought him.

  “We’re almost there. Be patient. Forget the tortoise - the SEA will be all over her. Grab the other two Dr. James found. A dodo will be good – the last one we had ten years ago sold well. Just a few more weeks and this will all be over.”

  His gorilla bristled at the tone Christian adopted. He was trying to handle him – to treat him like one of his sap business associates.

  “Remember, we said one more auction, and we’ll be set for life,” cooed Christian.

  Booker didn’t like it, but he was right. “Sure,” he spat.

  “Great. You just get more specimens, and I’ll line up the buyers. You’ll see - everything will be fine.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sky squealed in excitement as a paintball sailed past her head. She responded by firing off three shots in the direction it came from.

  Zane watched in awe as his unicorn let out a battle cry worthy of any bear and pursued her thirteen-year-old attacker. Feeling a little riled after their nocturnal making out session, and his heightened fears for Sky’s safety, he needed some release. He wasn’t sure Sky would go for it, thinking it a little too childish and maybe aggressive for her, but he was pleasantly surprised when she jumped at the chance. Even more so when she threw herself into it with even more gusto than he had. Had he ever made one of their opponents cry? No. Sky really was something.

  He shouldn’t have really been surprised. Sky was outgoing and pretty much up for anything. Almost anything groused his bear. Yeah, their enjoyable groping earlier that day had been cut short when Sky decided they should wait and get to know each other better. Apparently, the few days they’d spent together weren’t enough for her to just jump into bed with him. Grr.

  Nope, it was a-okay. He respected her wishes. He was fine with it. Totally fine. He loved having blue balls.

  But seeing her running around was making him hot. Paintball should not be sexy. The brown jumpsuits should not be titillating. Yet, when Sky was playing, they damn well were. He should probably get himself under control. Think unsexy thoughts. Icy cold showers. Basketball. Romantic comedies. Ah yes, that would do it. He felt himself wilting as he imagined being trapped in a movie theatre for three hours while the hero tried to learn how to love – blurgh.

  After all, he couldn’t play paintball with an erection. And there
were a lot of kids around – he definitely didn’t need to be called out as some kind of sex offender for running around hard.

  “C’mon, slowpoke!” yelled Sky. “They’re getting away.”

  His bear growled. Just try and stop him.


  Juliet pursed her lips while studying the photos Lake had taken. Hawk didn’t seem to be doing anything wrong… but that didn’t mean he wasn’t.

  She’d tried to petition a judge for wiretaps, but the idiot was too in awe of Hawk to do anything. He was an asset to the city, blah, blah, blah.

  Juliet had even gone on two more dates with the slimy bastard to try and get something out of him.

  She suspected Hawk knew what she was up to and didn’t care. He was toying with her. Dick. Reminded her of her maker so much she wanted to scream every time he touched her. She’d tried cajoling Hawk’s assistant, but the damn weasel shifter knew nothing or was a very dominant shifter who excelled at lying. She doubted it was the latter. Vampires develop powers the longer they are alive. Hers was talking to animals. Just call her Ms. Dolittle. Yes, it was lame, but the power added to her natural dominance and it meant she was good at persuading shifters what to do. And as an older vampire, she could be very dominant. There wasn’t a shifter at the SEA who could out-dominate her.

  He’d been taking a lot of lunches with millionaires and billionaires. Businessmen and women like him, but also socialites and even minor royalty. They seemed to be flocking to Los Lobos. That was a little odd. Unless they were in town for the salt crab season. Doubtful. At that time of year, there was always an explosion of salt crabs and a ton of them walked up onto the beach… and then they were eaten. There was this whole festival around it – it was lame, but Juliet enjoyed it. Well, she was around when they first invented it.

  Lunch meetings with other rich people were hardly anything to worry about. Each time, he’d met with them, eaten lunch, showed them some kind of file and left. So far, not so suspicious.

  Lake had managed to swipe a picture out of one of the files as the crowned prince of Lavikistan or something left the restaurant. The photo was of a large penguin – obscenely large. Prehistorically large, and Juliet was still pondering that. Could Hawk be involved in some weird genetic engineering? And if so why would he create a giant penguin? Unless someone wanted to eat it… ugh.

  Whatever he was up to, she’d find out. That’ll teach the pervert to try and date her against her will.


  “That was so much fun!” gushed Sky.

  Zane scowled as he deleted another text message from Melissa and looked up to find Sky beaming at him, pink and blue paint splattered across her face and hair. She looked mad and disheveled and dirty and sweaty and absolutely gorgeous.

  Sky grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and downed it in one.

  Zane sniffed at his clothes. “I better shower.”

  She bobbed her head. “Sure, go ahead.”

  He was under the water for barely a second before awareness slammed into him. His bear perked up in interest as he heard the soft sounds of Sky moving around the bathroom. Fabric rustled as he glanced her shadow behind the shower curtain.

  Zane let out a low rumble as she slid in behind him, wrapping her arms around him, stroking his stomach. He felt her body behind his, lithe and soft and her nipples grazing his back.

  “What happened to taking things slowly?” he asked huskily.

  “We can. Let’s take things, real slow,” she whispered and leaned up, nipping his earlobe.

  His chest heaved as her hands moved down his torso. Water trickled down his body, streaks of paint washing away. Sky gripped his lengthening cock, her small hands clutching at him as he grew hotter and harder at her touch.

  Zane groaned and leaned against the tiles. “Sky,” he groaned as her hands moved excruciatingly slowly up and down his length.

  She pressed kisses against his back. “Zane,” she cooed in return.

  He looked down to see her small hands wrapped around him, her delicate pale fingers working his almost angry red flesh. His hips started rocking against her ministrations, pushing against her hands, his excitement slowly rising. The bear growled as she squeezed him and then let go.

  He spun, grumbling as his manhood bobbed in front of him menacingly. The minx dropped to the ground and sucked the head into her mouth.

  “Ah, jeez, fuck, Sky.”

  She let go of him and beamed. “You like that?”

  Her mouth enveloped him, and he moaned. She grasped the base of him, moving up and down in gentle motions as she suckled him. Her careful, slow ministrations sent echoing shockwaves through his body. The lead up to his release more intense than anything he’d felt before.

  Sky released him and licked around the head, bathing him with her tongue before taking him in her mouth again. She did this over and over, arousal mounting until his whole body quivered and trembled. Her hand squeezed and stroked him as her mouth took him to the brink.

  “You’re killing me,” he hissed.

  “You want me to stop?” she teased

  “Yes,” he groaned.

  Sky paused, about to engulf him again, and met his eyes, hurt flickering over her orbs.

  “I want to fuck you,” he growled, putting it as simply as he could. It was an understatement compared to the thoughts running through his head, but really at that moment in time, joining his body with hers was the only thing he wanted and needed.

  Her hand, previously frozen started traveling up and down his length again. “I want that, too,” she murmured.

  “Damnit Sky, do you want me to explode?”

  She giggled and freed his engorged length. Slowly, she rose to her feet, practically climbing his body as she planted feathery kisses over his wet skin. He made no move to touch or stop her, just watching wondrously, as she gave him caress after caress, allowing her to take and give what she wanted.

  Finally standing before him, she pulled his face to hers for a kiss. Her lips were soft and gentle, and her tongue tentative as it delved inside his mouth. She tasted like sugar, peaches and sugar, something so sweet and decadent – like a bite of heaven. Ironic really considering how little she ate sugar – she’d probably abhor eating a big peach dipped in sugar. He chuckled against her lips, and she deepened the kiss, her mouth and tongue more demanding as she took her pleasure and gave it back to him in spades. He met her, stroke for stroke, wrapping his arms around her lithe body and dragging her against him. It was like a first kiss. No, this was his first kiss. Every time with her would be a first kiss. This eclipsed everything he’d ever done with any other women. Just her mouth – which he already knew was deliciously talented – made him forget every other sexual partner he ever had.

  His manhood, trapped against her stomach, throbbed painfully.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair, and she nibbled on his lip. “I can’t wait any longer,” she purred in between bites.

  Zane cupped her mound and his thick fingers roughly pushed inside her, finding her already slick with arousal.

  “So wet,” he whispered huskily.

  “Yes, hurry,” she urged, raking her nails down his back. She thought she could take this slowly, but no, from the moment she took him in her mouth, to his tantalizing kisses, her desire was gaining momentum. She needed him now – that second, every passing second was taking too long. Neither she nor her unicorn could wait another moment

  Zane snarled and pulled her up his body, and lowered her onto his cock, abruptly pushing inside her. She cried out at the sudden fullness, limbs quivering as they snaked their way around him. Her muscles ached and rejoiced at his swift entrance.

  He gripped her hips bruisingly tight and pressed her against the shower wall. Her name dragged out of his mouth on a long, throaty groan.

  Zane immediately started taking her, crashing his body into hers – payback perhaps for her teasing touches, but he wouldn’t hear her complaining. This was just what she wanted. His moveme
nts were almost rough and wild, demanding she keep up with them. He wouldn’t be disappointed.

  Sky slammed her hips against his as hard as she could, clenching her inner muscles, taking from him what she needed too. She’d never been so hungry for pleasure, so desirous of a man. She found herself wanting and needing something more than she ever had. But then she’d never met a man who quite incited her like Zane. The moment she met him, she felt something inside her, something deep, something instinctual and primal.

  “More,” she whimpered, her hands gripping his shoulders. “Harder.”

  Zane bent his head and bit her neck in between growls of ecstasy. He pistoned in and out of her, faster and faster, his hot hardness scorching its way in and out of her vibrating body until her climax hit, a bolt of lightning that had her screaming, and then she was floating. He followed her into release, groaning, gasping and growling and making a hell of a strangled sex face that had her giggling maniacally. She needed to get a camera on that sucker.

  He then got all grumpy and annoyed. She then soothed him and got to her knees to finish what she started earlier. He couldn’t wait and dragged her up his body, and they did it all over again – hilarious sex face and all. They stayed there, repeating their actions over and over until the water ran cold.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Zane sprawled over the bed while Sky kissed his chest, curling her fingers into his chest hair.

  A sense of peace assailed him - his bear was actually snoozing. He’d never felt this peaceful in his whole life – never with any other female.

  He was content just to lay there forever while Sky’s pretty mouth tickled his chest. Sadly, that probably wasn’t feasible. Sky would have to go back to work tomorrow; he would have to get back to the office to find out about all those clients he didn’t have. He really needed some clients. He’d never intended to charge Sky for his services – that was the last thing on his mind when she sashayed into his office – but now that they were intimate… yeah, he really couldn’t send her a bill. That would send a very definite message about the service he was providing.


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