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Page 11

by jonesv

  “What do you seek in our land?” Queen Isirica demanded, as the Egyptian guards fought to protect her. Nanatuthamen insisted she stay inside, but Isirica was determined to stand by her Pharaoah.

  “I am your new Pharaoah, but never will I be a powerslave. I will live on!” Valaris hissed, as Nanatuthamen fell to his knees and the guards fought among themselves. “Now, summon the mother of your sky god, Horus.” The bloodthirsty vampire slowly approached the queen and her guards….

  * * * *

  “Noooo!” Violently jolted out of her sleep by the terrifying dream, Akaisha howled in agony, as though the sword had pierced her chest instead of King Nanastantuthamen’s, awakening Daegan, his feral red eyes scanning the room for possible intruders.

  “Akaisha!” Daegan called her name in vain; unfortunately, his cries falling upon deaf ears, for it would appear as though Akaisha was trapped, hypnotically between this realm and her own. To his horror, he realized Akaisha saw things he could not see. The daywalker violently thrashed about, her fangs elongated, biting her own lips, heartache carved on her once peaceful face.

  “Magus!” Daegan called at the top of his lungs, until Hysteon and Kale pounded upon the door of the bedchamber.

  “Let us in, Daegan!” Hysteon yelled.

  Reluctantly, Daegan dashed from the bed to open the door.

  “What is wrong with her?” Hysteon asked, helping Daegan to calm Akaisha.

  “I don’t know, Hysteon. She awoke in this manner, and there is nothing I can do to help her!”

  Daegan hissed.

  “Valaris killed my father!” Akaisha screeched a blood-curdling howl. Her pain, cutting through Daegan like a sharp dagger as he tried his best to restrain the woman he loved.

  “No, my love, Valaris is dead! I promise you!” Daegan assured her, a look of confusion and pain forming upon his face.

  “Noooo, Valaris lives! Mother!” Akaisha howled painfully, suddenly convulsing, eventually collapsing in Daegan’s arms.

  Magus shook his head, closing his eyes in an effort to read Akaisha’s aura.

  “No, this cannot be!” the magus roared.

  “What do you speak of, brother?” Kale asked, his heart pounding violently within his chest, fearing the answer he would receive.

  “She’s lost her mind, magus,” Daegan bellowed. “Help her, I beg you. Wake up, Akaisha!”

  Daegan roared, his heart unable to withstand losing his soul mate once again.

  “She lives, Daegan,” Hysteon murmured. “Like Valaris, Akaisha is not dead, I assure you. We have bigger problems,” The magus spoke, not believing his own words.

  “Then pray tell, magus, who the hell did I kill?” Daegan demanded.

  “Not Valaris, Daegan. I’m afraid we underestimated him; he has traveled to Akaisha’s time killing her father, the Pharaoh . He magically cloaked a slave, leading everyone to believe you killed him. He has learned more than I thought while I was away. I’m sorry, Daegan, ” Hysteon said regretfully. “He now seeks the aid of an Egyptian goddess.”

  “For what?” Kale asked in disbelief.

  “I’m unsure, everything is too unclear, but the queen is in danger,” Hysteon replied.

  “Then I, too, shall travel to Egypt, and kill Valaris once and for all. I will need you to teach me of these tricks as well,” Daegan seethed, anger permeating his entire being. “I won’t underestimate my brother again, I promise you this. When I kill him, I shall behead the bastard and leave his dead body to greet the first light of dawn!” Daegan growled…

  The End

  Coming Soon: Valley of the Kings

  About the Author

  I enjoy writing historical and contemporary novellas, some of which are a mixture of the darker paranormal. My heroines and heroes are old, reincarnated and cursed souls who are forced to live out their existence until they have atoned for past sins they truly care not to remember. Most often, my characters are struggling between good and evil within, while some easily succumb to the darkness, others aggressively fight for what they believe in, ultimately achieving a higher level of happiness and salvation within their cursed existence.

  Sugar and Spice Press

  Where romance is everything nice.




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