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Page 12

by Yolanda Olson

  My mind was made up in an instant.

  I took off through the trees into the woods dodging uprooted branches and jumping over rocks and boulders. I caught his scent, inhaling deeply as I ran. I pumped my arms and legs like I did when I wanted to pick up speed.

  I felt the sting of the rocks tearing little pieces of flesh off of my skin and I felt the branches whipping back at me as I pushed them out of the way, cutting me in small gashes. I’d be lucky if I didn’t wind up in jail or a mental institution if someone on the street saw me, I was going to have to be sure to stay in the tree line.

  I stopped.

  The trail seemed to cut off in the middle of the forest.

  I heard a twig snap and felt a leaf fall down and land on my shoulder.

  I looked up.

  There he was, hanging upside down from a thick tree branch. He swiveled to look at what was making the sounds in the woods. When he saw me the look of shock on his face was apparent. Quickly he untangled himself and hopped down and hugged me.

  I pushed him away.

  “Don’t touch me,” I said wiping myself clean of his scent.

  “Sorry about that, I don’t know what came over me,” he said regaining his composure. “I thought you were a goner for sure though.”

  “Tell me something. What do you get out of showing up almost every single night?”

  “I just do it to remind you that you’ve made a deal and I intend you to follow through,” he said sitting on one of the boulders nearby.

  “Trust me I haven’t forgotten,” I replied giving him a level stare.

  In the distance I heard a twig snap in the forest. A set of footsteps was coming at us incredibly fast. Instinctively I knew that it was Kaeden and he was probably angry that I fooled him and headed off after Skiles. Reaching over I secured him on my back and took off as fast as I could go. I had never had to run carrying someone before but he was surprising light.

  “You’re really strong for someone so little,” Skiles shouted over the sound of the speed I was going.

  “Something you should definitely be worried about,” I shouted back tightening my grip on his legs.

  I heard the sounds of the footsteps now bouncing off the bark of the trees.

  Great, he’s gone airborne now. I shifted Skiles slightly and tore off to the left. No way was I going to let him take this victory from me. When this monster on my back was finally dead it was going to be at my hands.

  A guttural cry came from the trees above us and a figure fell down onto one knee in front of us. I dropped Skiles in surprise and almost tripped on him.

  Holding up one hand, he caught me and managed to hold me up while he picked himself off the ground.

  I was so preoccupied with him that I wasn’t paying attention. A pair of angry hands grabbed me around the neck and threw me to the floor. Involuntarily I felt my eyes squeeze shut as I struggled trying to get out of this grip. It had to be

  Kaeden but how could he be so angry?

  “Get off of her,” came an angry familiar voice. I felt the hands being ripped away from around my neck and heard the scream of my attacker as they flew through the air. I heard the thump of their body as they smacked a tree in the distance.

  “Are you okay?” said the voice above me.

  I struggled to open my eyes to see who had saved me and who had attacked me but the pain of being choked was a little overbearing at the moment.

  “Come on breathe slowly and you’ll be okay,” the person said.

  “You have got to have the worst luck in the world,” Skiles said standing me up.

  “Yeah you noticed?” I retorted.

  “Look I'm out of here. I'll see you in a few weeks. You're not gonna see me again until then. Promise,” he said giving me a salute. Then I watched as he scaled a tree and bounced off them as he left.

  I hate him.

  I stood there rubbing my eyes trying to steady my breath. I couldn’t believe that Skiles was that much of a coward but then again what was he supposed to do?

  Help me? Not likely.

  “Steady,” said the voice next to me.

  “Yeah yeah,” I muttered.

  I stopped rubbing my eyes and let them focus. I looked around at the trees to see which one had been damaged by a body hitting it at brute force. Glancing around I saw something that shocked me. Tied to one of the trees was my attacker.


  I knew it was her but she looked so angry, so vicious that I was having a hard time believing it. She had taken on the persona that Kaeden had assumed to ‘scare off’ Skiles. Only this time, with Ava, the anger was genuine and the hatred was meant.

  As she struggled against the chain that was used to bind her I wondered how long it would be before it actually gave way because when that happened, I knew that it would be time to fight for my life.

  “Don’t worry, those won’t break, she’s only going to wear herself out.”

  Oh yeah. Maybe I should take a look at who helped me.

  Slowly I turned my face up to the person standing next to me... and I almost fell over.

  “Drake? DRAKE!”

  I jumped on him, which knocked us both to the ground. Laughing he hugged me and sat up. It felt weird to be sitting on his lap facing him in my underwear, but I was so happy to see him that I didn’t care.

  “How? How are you still alive?” I asked tears of joy streaming down my face.

  The laughter that was coming from me was so uncontrolled I felt like I had gone mad with happiness.

  He stood up and took me by the wrist leading me to a spot further away from


  “Kaeden didn’t kill me. I ran into him in the backroom when he came into the shop. He asked me if I could help him with something. I agreed only because I could smell the age on him you know? It wasn’t like decay or anything, just something I’d never smelled before. So then he looks at me and says ‘multiply’. I stared at him like he lost his mind.”

  “’Multiply’? What did he mean by that?”

  A big grin spread over Drake’s face, “Watch.”

  He closed his eyes and spread his arms out in a slow sweeping motion. What I saw shocked and intrigued me at the same time.

  Standing next to Drake was Drake.

  “He’s real,” he said pointing to his clone, “You can touch him.”

  “That’s impossible!” I got closer to the Drake that was just created and touched his face. It definitely felt real.

  “I didn’t even know I could do that,” he said looking at his ‘twin’. “And the crazy thing is he said that I can do more than one replica, I can do as many as I want, but I have to build up to it you know?”

  “That would definitely come handy if you had to fight someone,” I said dropping my hand from the clone’s face. “Well, except for all that hand gesturing you need to do.”

  “Oh that!” he said laughing, “I was just being dramatic. I don’t need to do all that.”

  Then his face turned serious, “I saw everything that happened Finn. I watched from the back room, I never thought in a million years that Ken would attack you. I’m sorry about that. See Kaeden said he wanted to teach Ava a lesson and he would need her to see one of us die to do it, only he didn’t want to actually take a life. In a weird way, I felt honored to help him.”

  “Yeah I kind of know the feeling when it comes to him,” I said scratching my head.

  We turned and started walking back toward Ava when we heard the animalistic scream she let out.

  “So, what do we do with her?” I asked him.

  “I’m not sure,” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t ask. I guess leave her.”

  “But when the sun comes up she’ll be fried,” I said pointing up.

  “No she won’t. See how the trees are blocking most of the moon? Same thing with the sun. Kaeden picked this spot. It’ll be just enough to punish her for everything she’s doing but it won’t be enough to kill her. Just, you
know, singe her some.”

  “Isn’t that kind of mean,” I asked looking at her.

  “Hey it wasn’t my idea, I’m just doing a favor that was asked of me. Of course I can let her go if you want,” he said grinning.

  “Nah, I’m not dressed for battle,” I said laughing.

  “Why are you walking around like that anyway?”

  “Long story. Let’s get back to Kaeden’s and we’ll talk there.”

  As we made our way back to Kae’s house I could hear Ava screaming her empty threats of how she would kill me for Kaeden choosing me over her and how it was her fault that Ken was taken from her and blah, blah, blah.

  Drake jabbering away about things he had been doing in the past few days.

  Staying out of sight, learning his multiply ability and trying to expand it, how he was finally able to catch Ava, and how honored he was that Kaeden had chosen him to help.

  He kept talking all the way back to the house. Kaeden, I saw was still rocking in the hammock just as he was when I took off after Skiles. As Drake walked past him to sit in one of the wicker chairs, they slapped five.

  Boys, I thought to myself chuckling.

  I sat in the chair next to Drake and looked out at the trees. I wondered if Ava would be able to break those chains, or she’d come after me again sometime soon. I mean it would be great practice for my showdown that was inevitable. I sighed. I wished I had my journal. If I would be able to just write in it all these thoughts running rampant in my mind would subside. Looking at Kaeden I wondered if I should ask him.

  That’s when I decided to test something, since he looked like he was in a daze, I thought now would be a great time to try.

  Kaeden, I need my journal. My thoughts are too consuming and I need to be able to spill them into my book.

  He chuckled but didn’t respond. I wondered if he heard me or if he was just thinking of something. Leaning a leg down, he pushed himself again and the soft creaking of the hammock was the only sound.

  Kaeden I know you can hear me. If you think Ava’s lost her mind you have no clue how bad I can get if I don’t get my journal.

  Looking at me he raised an eyebrow. Wait, so did he hear me or did he just realize that I was here too.

  “Do me a favor,” he said looking at me but clearly speaking to Drake.

  “Sure,” Drake replied jumping up.

  “Go to 761 Addison Road and go down into the basement area of the house. Go to the last door at the end of the hall and grab the journal in there. Bring it back here. It’s a little ratty and old but it’s what I’m looking for.”

  He must’ve heard me. He just gave Drake the address to my home and he told him exactly what I was thinking that I needed to get.

  Drake hopped off the porch and started into the woods.

  “Hey!” called Kaeden.

  Drake spun around and looked toward the hammock.

  “The sun will be up soon. If you get in trouble or need to hide from it, you know what to do.”

  “Got it!” Drake said with a grin then disappearing into the woods.

  “Did you hear what I was thinking?”

  “No,” he said, but I saw a smile spreading across his face. Then he turned on his side, “What do you think of Drake’s power? Cool, isn’t it? He’s the only one that has it.”

  I stared at him through narrowed eyes, “Yeah, it’s cool. You know what else I think is cool? Honesty. So I think I’ll ask again. Did you hear what was in my mind?”

  Rolling over on his back he let his breath out and closed his eyes, “You know what I think of when I think of you? That Warheads candy. On the outside you’ve got that bitter layer. I mean you can actually see the bitterness, I’ve never seen that before and I’ve met some bitter people. But the more I get to know you and the more layers that are sucked away, you get sweeter and kinder, no matter how hard you try to hide it. I can tell that you’re a good person; you just have really bad things happen to you. A lot,” he said with a chuckle.

  I didn’t say anything. I brought my knees up to my chest and crossed my arms in front of them. It was true. Bad things have been happening to me since that one day I thought I was hot stuff. I definitely learned that much. I put my head on my arm and glanced at him. He had turned on his side again and he was looking at me.

  “I guess,” I replied.

  “Go inside, the sun will be out soon,” he said.

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine,” he said smiling at me. “Go. Oh and Finn?”


  “We’re going to have start dressing like humans do for the appropriate weather. I hear a snowstorm is coming our way.”

  I lingered for a moment. He still hadn’t answered my question but after he just said all those nice things about me, I didn’t feel the need to prod any further and prove him right. As I turned to walk into the house, I felt the sting of dawn’s rising on my back.

  Wondering if Ava was going to survive, I grabbed Kaeden and went inside.

  7. Hell Hath No Fury

  (Day Five)

  I’m so happy to have you back.

  I’ve missed you.

  Drake sent a clone of himself back to Kaeden’s house just so I could have you to

  write in tonight.

  It was pretty burned, but I'm glad he thought enough of me to do that.

  Yesternight was crazy.

  Found out that Ava wants to kill me.

  I guess it’s my fault that Kaeden is my friend.

  I’m used to everyone hating me now though.


  Oh! Speaking of Drake!

  He’s alive after all!

  I thought I had seen Kaeden kill him but it turns out that

  Drake has the power to multiply.

  And for the first time in a long time, I had a dream last night.

  But I’ll write you about that later.

  I want to go check on Ava.

  I’m dying to see what the sun did to her.

  Closing my journal I gave it a kiss and set it down on my bed. I really was that happy to have it back.

  Outside I heard the wind howling. Kaeden was right, there was one hell of a snowstorm that raged in during the day while we were sleeping. I pulled back the curtain and looked outside.

  It was so beautiful. I had never seen snow with these eyes. After I had been changed I hid myself from the world. I didn’t want to see the outside because I knew that the outside didn’t want to see me. Something I learned after stepping out into the sun one day.

  I sucked in my breath and stared in wonder as the snowflakes fell softly onto the ground of white wonder. The trees that were usually a lush green had been capped in snow. The night sky was purple and I wished I had been awake when it started. I would’ve love to seen the first snowflakes fall.

  I leaned my forehead against the window and watched the snow accumulate. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a soft knock at the door.

  “Finn?” Kae asked through the door.

  “It’s open,” I called back.

  Opening the door, he stepped through with a black parka vest, boots, long pants, and a sweater. “Wear these when we go out. People will look at us weird if we’re out in flip-flops and summer wear.”

  “Okay,” I said turning back to the wonderland outside.

  I heard his footsteps approaching. Pulling the curtain next to me open, he looked outside and smiled.

  “You’ve never seen snow have you? Since you’ve been born again, I mean.”

  I just shook my head.

  “Don’t go to sleep today. We’ll go outside and you can see it in the daytime.”

  “How?” I tore my eyes away from the snow again long enough to wait for his answer.

  “Because the clouds blot out the sun. There’s no way that the rays can penetrate it. It’s even prettier in the daylight,” he said in a soft voice.

  “That would be awesome,” I said.

  I managed to pull mys
elf away from the window and I looked at him. “You never answered my question you know. Can you read minds?”

  Smiling he let the curtain drop and walked toward the door.

  “Get dressed,” he called over his shoulder. “I want to take a walk in the woods.”

  I knew what he wanted. It was clear that he wanted to check on Ava. Since those were my intentions when I woke up I was more than willing to comply.

  Quickly I dressed in the clothes he had brought for me, although I didn't imagine there would be that many humans walking through the woods. I pulled on the light green sweater, and pulled on the black slacks. I scoured through the dresser and found ankle socks and put those on too. Then I slid on the black snow boots.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and turned around. I actually looked decent; human even. Maybe I'd have to invest in some clothes like this one day.

  As I pulled the door to the room open, I heard voices downstairs laughing and talking. Curiously I walked over to the top of the staircase and saw Drake leaning on the bannister talking to Kaeden who was sitting on the stairs.

  Drake looked up when he saw me and smiled, “Hey kid!'

  I decided to be a little humorous this evening, so I grabbed the railing and walked down like a runway model showing off a designer outfit. They both laughed and Drake made catcalls and hooted as I walked down the stairs, while Kaeden clapped.

  Laughing loudly, I ran down the rest of the way and stood between them. It was easy to notice how giant like both of them were when I was standing in between them.

  “So what's on the agenda for tonight?” I asked them.

  “I figured we'd go for a stroll through nature,” Kaeden said.

  “Sounds good to me, let's go,” I said leading the way to the door.

  Both guys followed behind me obediently. When we stepped off the stairs into the snow I heard the crunch of our boots in the snow and smiled. I couldn't wait to see how it looked in the day time.

  Neither one of us said anything. In a way we all know what we were going to see, so we just walked through the trees silently. Drake stopped for a second and scratched his head. Looking around for a moment, he pointed to the left and we all walked in that direction. We reached the clearing where Ava was and I took a deep breath. But when we got to the tree we all were shocked.


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