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The Phoenix Agenda: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 6)

Page 51

by JC Ryan

  Peter had a hard time not to crack up laughing. Not only was that the most words he ever heard out of Jack’s mouth, but he also learned that Jack actually had a sense of humor.

  “Fuck you! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. The police will be here soon.”

  “Mr. Johnston, we will have to discuss your language at some stage soon. We have young people here. You can’t swear like that, you’re setting an awful example for them. As for the police on their way here, I don’t want to be rude and call you a liar, but let me put it this way - you are having an adulterous relationship with the truth.”

  Peter and Eric had to walk a few paces away - they were about to ruin the whole thing with their urge to laugh at Jack’s larks.

  Back in the Rabbit Hole, Sam and the ops team were watching the whole thing on the screen. He had to mute the microphone when everyone burst into laughter for Jack’s sudden, uncharacteristic streak of humor and loquaciousness.

  “Ah, fuck you, you son of a bitch. What do want from me?”

  “Honesty Mr. Johnston, honesty. That is what you wanted from Bill earlier. Is it too much to ask you for the same courtesy?”

  Brad didn’t answer - he just glared at Jack and the others’ masked faces.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Before I tell you what I want to know, let me just help you with a bit of background information. I think that will help us get to the point much quicker. We have been following you from the moment you landed here in Austin. We have a full recording of every telephone conversation you made today, and, of course, the entire interrogation of our boy, Bill.”

  “You’re bluffing. I’m not an idiot.”

  Jack winked at Eric, who walked up to Brad, opened his tablet, and started playing a video of the recording they made in the police station. They skipped a bit and played a clip of the questioning of Bill earlier. Brad tried to keep up the façade.

  “Okay Mr. Johnston, tell us why are you on your own. Why have you moved our boy here for questioning? Why didn’t you keep him at the police station?”

  “I don't know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, you know very well Mr. Johnston. But wait, I can see you need some help with this.”

  Jack waved Peter to him. “I didn’t pay close attention when they showed us how to use this thing. Can you remember which one activates the pain bots? I think it’s this one.”

  “I can’t remember, but we’re wasting our time with this guy. Let’s push them all and see. Maybe he’s lucky and we’ll find the pain button before the killer button.”

  They were whispering loud enough so that Brad could hear them.

  “Ah, okay, I guess you’re right. I am getting tired, as well. I want to go home and get something to eat. I'm hungry,” Jack said as he turned around and pushed a button on the phone.

  Brad’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when an electric shock shot through his body and the muscles in his neck started cramping. He yelled, “Stop it, please, stop it, oh God, please!”

  Jack looked at him and then at the phone and said, “You’re a lucky man. I really didn’t know what that button was going to do.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  Brad’s voice shook while a puddle of urine formed below his chair. He was shaking with terror. This was his worst nightmare coming true. He’d always dreaded the day when his chip was going to kill him. He'd seen so many people killed and tortured by the chips - it was something he could not get out of his mind. Today was his turn. He had no doubt about it.

  “I told you before. Honesty. Nothing else.”

  “Okay. I brought the boy here to question him because I don’t want anyone else to know about this.”

  “You wanted to know how to modify the chips and you didn’t want anyone else to know? Is that it?”


  “You aren’t going to tell me why?” Jack lifted the phone and moved his finger to the dials.

  “No don’t do that! Please don’t. I’m trying to discover how it works, so I can get this damn thing out of the bodies of my wife and children and my own. I hate this government. I hate this job, and I just want to get away from it all.”

  “Now, that is what I call honesty, Mr. Johnston. At last, we’re getting somewhere. So let me see if I have it have it right. You wanted to find out how to deactivate the chips and get them out of yourself and your family. You were not planning to tell anyone about it. Then you were going to run away and hide some place? Is that about right?”


  “And you were not going to help anyone else? Not even your friends or family, nobody, it’s all just about you, and yours, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know what I could do to help others. My family is precious to me. I didn’t ask for this job, John Brideaux forced me into it. I had no choice. I want out.”

  “It sounds very selfish to me, Mr. Johnston. You see somewhere on this device I have a button that could deactivate your chip. I can’t remember which, but that doesn’t matter. I won’t do it for just anyone. I need people that will help their fellow humans to get rid of this government. So unfortunately, I won’t be able to help you.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “You’ve just told us that there isn’t much you want to do.”

  “If you tell me what I can do to help, I will do it.”

  “Yeah, maybe we can talk about that later. I’m not so sure you’re the type of person I would like to work for me. I have a few more questions.”

  Brad nodded.

  Jack reached into his pocket, took Brad’s mini cellphone out, and showed it to him. “I found this in your pocket while you were sleeping earlier. It has only one number on it, and if I’m not mistaken, +32 is the Belgian country code. Who will be answering when I push that quick dial button?”

  Brad’s face went pale. He shook his head.

  “Oh, okay, I’ll have to ask the person on the other side, then.” Jack lifted the phone.

  “Oh, my God, no! Please don’t do that. I’ll tell you. It’s the number of Councilor Martinez.”

  “I see. Rafael Martinez, who owns the world’s communications and satellite systems - and you have him on speed dial. Old school buddy, Mr. Johnston? No, wait that can’t be. He's from South America, and you're from North America. Geography was never my strong suit. You’ll have to explain the friendship to me then. Just remember, you’re still in the job interview. I have not yet given up on the idea of employing you.” Jack tossed the little phone in the air and caught it as Johnston turned even paler.

  Johnston began talking fast. “About three weeks ago, Councilors Martinez and Weinstein came to see me in my office while they were on a trip to America. They questioned me at length about the Rossler Foundation, the recent disappearances of their family members and former President Harper and his wife. They are of the opinion that the people who disappeared might still be alive, despite the activation of the killing sequence in their chips. They believe the fact that none of their bodies has turned up proves their theory.”

  “The Rosslers? I’ve heard of them. Aren’t they the bunch of outlaws who stole a lot of money and vanished? Rumor has it they’re holed-up in some ancient lost city somewhere in the Amazon jungle. Wild goose chase, if you ask me.”

  In the Rabbit Hole, Sam’s ops team was screaming with laughter. “I need to have a fatherly chat with Jack Symonds when he gets back here,” Sam commented dryly.

  Johnston bristled. “Well, I happen to agree with the councilors. The fact that none of the bodies of those forty-one people, including their security guards, have turned up, while the bodies of more than five-hundred others in America, who were terminated at the same time, are all accounted for, makes a strong case for that.”

  “I see. Yes, that does make some sense. So what’s that got to do with this little cell phone?”

  “Martinez gave it to me. It’s a secure connection. I was instructed to make sure he's the first pe
rson to know the moment I have any information about the Rosslers or find anyone who has a chip that has been modified.”

  “And did you do that?”

  “Yes, I phoned him yesterday. I told him I was flying to Austin to investigate a report about such an incident and would let him know as soon as I am aware what is going on.”

  “I guess you have a call to make, then. You don’t want to keep the councilor waiting. You have all the information now, don’t you? Or could there be something else you wanted to know before you make the call?” Jack extended his hand with the phone to Brad. “Want me to untie you to make the call?”

  “Well, that’s a bit weird. What do you want me to tell him?”

  “I suggest you are honest with him. Tell him you found the chip meddlers, and that you have proven the theory could be correct. There are in fact people that know how to deactivate parts of the chip and even remove it without causing harm. Also, tell him you have offered your services to those people, and if they make you a job offer, you will have to leave his employment. That’s what I would do.”

  Peter and Eric were struggling to control themselves, Nigel was shaking his head, and the others were crying with laughter.

  “Okay, wait I see you’re a bit nervous to talk to Martinez. Let me call him for you and speak to him. I am sure he'd enjoy hearing how we do it. I’ll be able to explain it much better than you can.” Jack moved his index finger to the dial pad.

  “No don’t do that, man! You might as well kill me yourself.”

  “No? You don’t want me to call him, and you don’t want to call him yourself. In that case, you have to explain to me why the world’s communications and offshore oil tycoons are meddling in the affairs of BOSS. Why would they have instructed you to bypass the Director of Boss, your direct supervisor?”

  “I’m not sure why. I’ve been wondering about that, and my theory is that they want to go against the Supreme Council. There’s no other logical explanation.”

  “What made you think that?”

  Brad gave them a full account of the meeting with the councilors and explained how the conversation was recorded up to a point. How the recorder was switched off, and he received his instructions and the mini phone off the record.

  “Oh, I see. So they have you by the short and curlies, then.”


  “Okay I have decided to make you a job offer. But it will be on a trial basis until I’m happy with your performance.”

  “What do I have to do?”

  “You will stay over for another day or two here in Austin. Tomorrow morning, we’ll meet again to finalize your job description and compensation. At the meeting tomorrow morning, you will have three of those canisters with you, and will hand them to me. When you have done that, I will deactivate the pain bots in your chip. How does that sound to you? “

  “I'll do it. Where and when will we meet?”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll let you know.”

  Jack untied him and handed all his personal belongings back. “I suggest you make that call to Martinez soon. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I think it's important you know that while you were asleep we, made a slight modification to your chip so we can hear everything you say and know where you are at all times. I hope you don’t mind - it’s for your own safety.”

  Brad didn’t know if the man was bluffing or not, but when he looked down at his wet pants, he decided he wasn’t going to take a chance to find out.

  “No problem. I will get the canisters and wait to hear from you about the meeting tomorrow.”

  When Brad left, Jack, Peter, and Eric got to their car and drove off to the safe house. They'd planted eavesdropping devices, provided by Raj, in Brad’s two cellphones and were able to listen to all his conversations.

  “Excellent job team!” Sam commented. “We didn’t know you were so verbose Jack! However, I have a serious matter to discuss with you.”

  “What would that be?”

  “The Rosslers a bunch of outlaws who stole money and living in the Amazon jungle? You have some explaining to do when you get back here, my friend. I have got a lot of very unhappy people around me at the moment.” Sam managed to sound serious.

  “Okay, I’ll prepare myself for that.”

  “We're all looking forward to watching the sequel tomorrow.” Sam finished the call.

  As soon as Brad got to his room at the hotel he phoned Martinez.

  “Councilor Martinez, I’m in Austin and thought I should give you an update.”

  “Go on, I am listening.”

  “Sir, the initial assessment by the police was correct. The chip was modified. The modification resulted in the deactivation of the pain and killer bots.”

  “Do you know how it was done and by whom?”

  “All that the suspect could tell me was that a device was swiped across his right shoulder, and that apparently did the job. He had no idea how it worked. Someone whom he met only recently did it. The police have been unable to identify that person yet. I will be staying down here for a few more days to help them find that person.”

  “You do that, it’s critical that you find that person. We have to know how it’s done. Keep me posted.”

  Peter smiled. “I think Johnston is right. That conversation almost convinced me that Martinez and Weinstein are working on a scheme to get out. If they were legit, they would have gone openly and directly to the plant in China to get the information they want. They’re definitely hiding something.”

  Jack nodded. “Yep, I agree. They're up to something.”


  At 8:15 the next morning, while Brad was having breakfast, the waiter dropped a note on the table when he served the coffee.

  9:00 a.m. at the Wilderness Coffee shop on Congress Ave.

  Brad arrived five minutes early and ordered a coffee. By 9:15 a.m., he was getting worried and started looking around. The server approached and took his empty mug away. “Anything else I can get you, sir?” she asked as she dropped a note on the table.

  It was a new address, about five miles away - he had to be there in half an hour. Three hours later, four relocations, three more coffees, and heart palpitations from all the caffeine, Brad walked into a motel room ten miles outside the city. Two men with balaclavas over their faces were waiting inside. They scanned and searched him, and told him to sit down.

  “You found the place okay, Mr. Johnston?” Jack asked.

  “Not too difficult, but was it really necessary to send me on a wild goose chase all over town? You can trust me. I’m not being followed, and will not give you away. I really want to work with you.”

  “Mr. Johnston, listening to your conversation with Councilor Martinez yesterday afternoon gave me no reason to trust you. You weren’t honest with him. Were you?”

  “Ahh, well, what else could I say?”

  Jack ignored his question. “You have the canisters?”

  “Yes, I have.” He took three canisters out and placed them on the table. ”Listen, about that conversation with Martinez, I couldn’t tell him what had happened. If I did that, he would have pushed my button, and I would have been dead.”

  “I don’t think so. I got the impression Martinez wants you to bring him the technology that can deactivate the chips. He doesn’t wish to ask the scientists working for the Supreme Council, although he has access to them. Why do you think he'd rather find another way to do it?”

  “I told you. I think he and Weinstein might have plans to rebel against the Supreme Council.”

  “Therefore, he won’t be pushing your button. You are their only hope. Do you agree with that?”

  “I never thought of it that way. I am just too shit-scared to take any chances.”

  “Okay. I promised to make a few alterations to the settings of your chip. So just sit still while I do that.” Jack got up and held the device close to Brad’s right shoulder, making sure he could see the lights. When the green light came on, he stepped back. “All done, th
e pain bots are inactive. Martinez will still be able to kill you if he decides to push the button, but I can guarantee that you won’t piss your pants again.”

  Peter had to drop his head so Brad wouldn’t see him laughing, while Sam had to mute the microphone in the ops room.

  “Let’s talk about your next assignment and your compensation.”

  “Wait, hang on! What about the killer bots, and what about my wife and children?”

  “Well, that brings me to your compensation. We are not a wealthy organization. Since the introduction of your government’s new fiscal arrangements, business is atrocious. We don’t have money to pay you. All I can offer you is the modification of your and your family’s chips as payment. My suggestion is for every assignment you complete successfully, I will make a change to the chip of the person in your family that you choose. Your chip’s killer bots will be the last to go. How does that sound to you?”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Arrange for the two of us to take a trip to Europe, including a visit to Brussels, where you will catch up with your two esteemed friends. The reason for your trip is to get a better idea of the policing and law enforcement methods in Europe. Brussels will be one of the stops on your journey. I take it a man in your position can easily arrange that?”

  “You are going with me? Why? I don’t even know your name, nor have I seen your face. I will be able to arrange the trip, but taking you along might be a problem.”

  “You will know all in time, Mr. Johnston, even my name and my face. Just be patient. In the meantime, make the arrangements.”

  “I think I should be able to organize that without too much trouble. What should I say to the councilors? Why do I want to meet with them?”

  “You will have information about the forty-one missing people and the deactivation of the chips that you want to show them.”

  “I’ll make arrangements as soon as I get back to Washington. The only remaining problem is I’ll have to give Martinez an update in the next day or two and I don’t know what I can say so he doesn’t become suspicious.”


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