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The Phoenix Agenda: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 6)

Page 55

by JC Ryan

  “There you go, Nigel. There are your explosions.” Daniel laughed. “Feeling better now?”

  “Yeah, now we’re talking business.”

  When they got to the last target on the list, Roy called Rebecca over. “Rebecca I saved this one for you. Will you please do us the honor?”

  Rebecca had a big smile on her face as she pushed the button that would leave the China chip manufacturing facility and the Science Advisory Panel Headquarters in ruins. When Dennis got confirmation from the China agents, triumphant cheers went up and again when the video clips arrived a few minutes later.

  Raj had entered the access code for the CHCU, the Beast, and uploaded the code that would activate its shutdown routine. He gave the thumbs up when he got the confirmation back that the code was activated.

  In Brussels, the technicians on duty in the CHCU control center looked at their screens in disbelief. This had never happened before. The CHCU was programmed to restart once a week only, and that happened automatically - they had no control over it. The CHCU had gone through a restart two days ago. Something was wrong, and they got on the phone to their supervisor. He would be there in half an hour.

  Sam stood next to Roy. “Okay, I told you nothing would give me more pleasure than to watch you blow those Skywalkers into oblivion. Here I am - show me.”

  Roy looked at him and said, “There was a slight change of plan. Instead of you watching me do it, I will be watching you doing it. What do you say?”

  “Well, I couldn’t ask for more. That will give me great pleasure. What do I have to do?”

  “See those twenty-four red dots flickering on the screen? Click on them one at a time. Every time you click, it will disappear in a few seconds. When that happens, it means it's destroyed. Think you can do it?”

  “Son, move over let me give you a demonstration for a change.”

  The destruction of the Skywalkers was the final step in the process. With them out of the way, the Supreme Council’s reign would finally be over. This was the moment they’d all worked and prayed for all these many months.

  Nigel started counting down aloud as Sam clicked the red dots, and soon everyone joined in. “One down, twenty-three to go. Two down, twenty-two to go…” their voices reached a crescendo when they all shouted, “Twenty-four down!” All were on their feet cheering.

  John Brideaux’s new world order had finally come to an end. All that remained was to inform him about it.

  The screen went blank

  Nigel Harper looked at all the faces around him. Not too long ago, he would not have believed it if anyone told him this moment would arrive in his lifetime. His and Esther’s rescue was still fresh in his mind, and so was the pride and honor he felt to work with this group of people in front of him in the months that followed their rescue. For the rest of his life, this moment would become his most cherished memory.

  He was about to face the world and the Supreme Council. Thanks to Rafael Martinez, everyone in the world in front of a TV screen or radio would see and hear him. He could see all the members of the Supreme Council in their meeting room, and he knew they could certainly see him. When Raj lifted his hand, he was on.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the Supreme Council and everyone across the globe watching and listening, my name is Nigel Harper. I am a former president of the United States. I am now going to address the Supreme Council, but what I have to say is of utmost importance to every citizen of our planet.”

  John Brideaux was in the middle of a sentence when the big screen came on. Everyone turned to look, and silence descended as they recognized the face of the man they'd killed a few months ago. When Nigel started speaking, many of them almost jumped out of their chairs. His voice was so loud and clear it was as if he was in the room with them.

  Across the world, people grabbed their remote controls and raised the volume as their programs were interrupted.

  “Mr. Brideaux, I apologize for not making an appointment. The reason for the interruption is to inform you of an important event that took place during the past hour.”

  Brideaux was on his feet. “You’re dead.” He screamed, “You’re fucking dead. I know you are! This is a trick.” He swung around and addressed the members, “Those bloody people are at it again. It’s a fake.” He waved his hands around and repeated, “It’s a fucking fake, don’t believe it.”

  One of the council members had the remote control and attempted to disengage the screen.

  Nigel responded, “I have to inform you, Mr. Brideaux, it will not be possible to ‘turn me off’. You and the council have to hear my message.”

  Brideaux sunk halfway back into his chair and then jumped up again. He ran to the screen and stared at Nigel in horror.

  Nigel looked back at Brideaux coldly. “Today we have taken away all of your power and control. People of your ilk will never reign again. The horrors you have visited on the people of the world ended an hour ago.”

  Brideaux was shaking his head, his hands in front of him as if was trying to fend off something while he slowly walked backward away from the screen.

  “Your satellites are destroyed. The Central Human Control Unit was shut down and cannot be restarted. All chip warehouses were reduced to rubble, the entire stockpile of killer bots destroyed. Every chip in every human body has been deactivated. Your day has run its course - it’s over.”

  “You fuckin’ imbecile! You liar! No one can do that! I am God. I am the only one who can do that. I am God! You must obey my commands!” Brideaux had a wild look in his eyes.

  There were many ashen faces around the table and someone vomited.

  “Today the world was delivered from your monstrous, savage, and disgusting ploys of madness.”

  In the background, Nigel heard the sound of the fire alarm and the announcement for everyone to evacuate the building. The council members jumped up and rushed to the heavy wooden doors, but they were locked. No one could escape.

  Nigel had a faint smile on his face as he continued. “Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats. We are not finished yet. The alarm was just to get everyone else out of the building so we can continue without interruptions.”

  The councilors slowly returned to their seats, their heads hanging in defeat. Brideaux was sitting on the floor in the far corner of the room. His eyes were wide and bloodshot.

  “Just to prove to you that all I have said has happened is true, let me show you a few short video clips.”

  The screen went blank for a few seconds before filling with images of the explosions at the warehouses from around the world. The councilors watched in stunned silence as they saw the destruction of their empire, while sounds of jubilation erupted across the globe.

  “I have left one of those clips for a bit later. I first want to show everyone what was really happening at that facility before we destroyed it. Before I continue I will issue a solemn warning to all viewers except the Supreme Council, of course, that what I am about to show you is disturbing in the extreme. I advise that sensitive viewers don’t watch for the next five minutes, and under no circumstances should children be allowed to see this.”

  Again, the screen turned black for a second, and then the views of Professor Barbara Cohen’s Science Advisory Panel headquarters in China came on. It was with pleasure that Nigel saw many of the councilors beginning to cringe. That most of them had no idea how far Brideaux and Cohen had taken their power hungry drive was clear as they were forced to see for themselves what they had implemented.

  Nigel’s face appeared on the screen again, “That, ladies and gentlemen, was the research work of Professor Barbara Cohen’s Science Advisory Panel. I am glad to tell you it no longer exists and never will again.” He played the last clip showing the explosions that turned the place into dust.

  In the corner, Brideaux was on his feet and beginning to squawk. It was an ugly sound, and an awful sight, as foam gathered at his lips and nose. He was jerking in a strange dance of fury that seemed as
if his joints would no longer hold him together. He was waving his gun at the councilors, screaming incoherently as everyone stared at him in fear.

  When he tried to lift the weapon to his head, Rafael, and Ruben rushed forward to stop him. “It’s not going to be that easy John Brideaux!” Rafael shouted.

  The first shot hit Ruben in the chest and threw him to the ground. The second shot grazed Rafael’s left arm before he managed to reach Brideaux and wrestle the gun from Brideaux’s jolting hand.

  The doors swung open. Five men with black balaclavas walked in and told everyone to remain seated. One of them stood almost six inches taller than any of his comrades. It was this man who walked slowly towards John Brideaux and stopped two paces short of him. He removed his balaclava.

  “Told you we would meet again.” He had a grin on his face.

  “JR … I … I … should have … killed you,” Brideaux slurred, as his trousers grew dark with urine. He was beyond controlling even the fundamental elements of his body.

  Professor Cohen sank to her seat, pallid. All had fallen to dust, and she was powerless. Her last sane thought was Please don’t let me wet my pants.

  One of the masked men went across to where Ruben was lying on the ground, checked for a pulse, and shook his head. He moved his hand over Ruben’s smiling face and closed his eyes.

  “You son of a bitch! You killed my best friend!” Martinez screamed with fury as he grabbed Brideaux by the throat.

  JR jumped forward and pulled his hand away. “Stop it. There will be no more killing. It’s over.”

  Everything went quiet as the dazed councilors stared at each other and John Brideaux in the corner.

  Nigel’s voice startled them. “Jack, Chief Detective Pierre Bertrand informed me that he and his men are waiting outside to escort you and the councilors to the airport. Air Force One is waiting and ready to take off as soon as you arrive. Have a safe trip. We will wait for you in Washington.”

  Jack nodded to his men. They moved forward and started to handcuff the councilors.

  Nigel continued. “To everyone who has been following these events, I will sign off shortly, but before I go, I have a few requests. Please let us all remain calm and civilized as we rebuild our planet. There rests an enormous duty on the shoulders of every one of us to rebuild our society and our lives. We will only succeed if we can respect each other. What has happened to us must not be allowed to ever happen again. Work with your police, offer your help to those in need, and take care of each other. I will talk to you again in ten hours.

  “May God bless us in our undertaking.”

  The screen went blank.

  There is a time for everything

  Around the world, chaotic scenes of jubilation were erupting as people woke up to the news that they’d been liberated. Bonfires and fireworks lit up the night skies as people streamed out of their houses onto the streets, dancing, and singing. The events that took place at The Berlaymont in Brussels earlier were not only the main news - it was the only news that was broadcast in all countries, on all stations. The news media had been replaying the recordings and speculating about the future for nine straight hours when Air Force One touched down at Joint Base Andrews in Washington DC.

  Brad Johnston did his part as he’d promised. Hundreds of police recruited in advance and sworn in the past nine hours were present. Banners with messages of welcome and gratitude accompanied by the thundering noises of bliss coming from hundreds of thousands of people greeted Jack and his team when they appeared at the top end of the steps.

  Chief Detective Pierre Bertrand and his men remained in the airplane to keep a close watch over the thirteen Supreme Council members until Brad’s police would take over.

  Rafael Martinez was amongst them. He’d requested not to be given any special treatment for his role in the demise of the Supreme Council. He had no misapprehensions about his part in the creation of the worst human disaster since the dawn of the 11th Cycle. He was deeply remorseful and repentant about everything he did – his actions of the past few months were testimony to that – yet he was prepared to accept the justice that would be measured out to him.

  Nigel and Esther Harper were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Next to him stood Daniel and Sarah, Sam and Susan Lewis, and the rest of the Rosslerites. They had tears of joy in their eyes as they looked up to the five men who’d taken the Supreme Council into custody – the numbers of the Rosslerites were full again.

  Jack and his team were embraced by their waiting loved ones and then Nigel harper walked over to the podium while every news camera in the world followed him.

  “My fellow Americans and citizens of the world. A very wise man once wrote the following:

  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

  a time to be born and a time to die,

  a time to plant and a time to uproot,

  a time to kill and a time to heal,

  a time to tear down and a time to build,

  a time to weep and a time to laugh,

  a time to mourn and a time to dance,

  a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

  a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

  a time to search and a time to give up,

  a time to keep and a time to throw away,

  a time to tear and a time to mend,

  a time to be silent and a time to speak,

  a time to love and a time to hate,

  a time for war and a time for peace.

  Today is the beginning of the time to be born, to plant, to heal, to build, to laugh, to dance, to gather, to embrace, to search, to mend, to speak, to love, and above all it is time for peace.”

  The crowd was absolutely quiet until his last words reached their ears and their minds. They began to chant – “Harper for president, Harper for president!”

  Nigel held his hand up and the crowd went quiet again.

  “My friends, there is also a time to come and a time to go. I had my time. I am an old man, and the days that God has granted me to remain on this earth are few. It is my time to go. Our country and the world need new leaders to take us into the future. We need people who get courage from their deeply-held beliefs - people who will not waver in the face of adversity.”

  The crowd exploded in applause, while Nigel waited for them to calm down and for the musketeers to do as they’d agreed.

  Daniel and Sarah didn’t know what was happening when the musketeers and their spouses who formed a half circle around them moved closer and gently started pushing the two of them towards the podium five yards away. They looked around in bewilderment at the smiling faces. They were holding on to each other as their legs began to feel jittery.

  “Sarah what’s going on?”

  “I have no idea, Daniel.”

  When they were close enough, Nigel took their hands and pulled them towards him and the microphones.

  “It is today my privilege and honor to introduce to you two of those people. They are half my age, but over the past few months, they taught me two things:

  One. Our present circumstances will not determine where we will go; it merely dictates where we will start.

  Two. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

  I present to you Daniel and Sarah Rossler, the next President and First Lady of the United States of America.”

  The End

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