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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

Page 22

by Simone Elise

  “Don’t worry about it Roach, I got it handled. Pity, though, seems like a nice kid.”

  My blood ran cold, and suddenly I didn’t care if Dad saw me half naked or not.

  I jumped out of that hot tub as if it was burning me and blotted with a towel.

  “Great, shit’s gonna get messy now, it’s easier just to drain the hot tub after you kill them,” Cody said with a boredom in his voice.

  “Dad.” I swallowed sharply, pushing my wet hair to the back. He seemed to still be in shock, which was fair enough. How many times do you see your daughter drop out of a man's pool after asking that girl to be killed?

  The bullet in that gun was for me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Abby?” Dad’s moment of shock had gone, and he was in full-on rage mode now. Great, another reason for him to fight with me about. I guess at least I wasn’t going to be shot in the head.

  “Your daughter!” Cody looked outraged. “You fucking with me?”

  “No, I’m not, but I bet you were about to,” Dad snarled and reached into his vest.

  “Dad, nothing happened, trust me. You stopped it, and I just want to go home, so please just take me home?”

  Only hours ago I couldn’t get farther away from the clubhouse, and now I was begging to go back.

  I stopped in front of Dad, rising on my toes, making eye contact with him. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. Don’t kill him. Take me home, please.”

  There was a calm voice that Kim and I used on Dad when shit got seriously fucked up, and right now stopping Dad from killing this guy counted as a serious situation.

  “Fine, get your clothes.” His eyes scorched mine for a moment as I scrambled off to find the pieces of my clothes.

  Why couldn’t I just have a normal teenage life? You know, the one where you spent your night on Facebook stalking the guy you were never going to talk to or search “weheartit.”

  But no.

  I had to be a biker bitch who is creating drama when I’m not getting into drama.

  I had a strong feeling that the lecture I was getting off Dad for this one was going to be a long one.

  Chapter 43


  “Cody Marks!” Kim jumped on my bed, waking me up. “I just don't believe it. I’ve been trying to get on that for years.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe it was the whole cast thing that did it for him.”

  “Shut up, Kim,” I groaned while trying to push her off the bed with my feet. I failed miserably.

  “Have to ask,” she sniggered, “did you wrap the cast in plastic first?” She broke out into uncontrollable laughter.

  Why did the thought of my broken arm and sex in a hot tub amuse her so much? The woman was insane!

  “Piss off, Kim!”

  “Bubbles, alcohol, no clothes, and a plastic bag!” she stuttered out while rolling around on the end of my bed, laughing her head off.

  “If you don’t get out, my cast is going to give you a facelift.”

  “Have to ask.” She positioned herself with one elbow, “will there be a plastic bag involved.”

  I threw a pillow at her.

  For someone who wasn’t a morning person, she really was laying it on thick this morning!

  “How do you know anyway?” I snapped, pulling myself up into a sitting position.

  I hadn’t seen her this morning or last night when I did the walk of shame back into the clubhouse followed by a furious father.

  So how on earth does she know?

  “Dad told me.”


  “Fine, I overheard it.”

  “Overheard him telling it to who?”

  A satisfied smile bloomed into a full-blown grin. “Reaper.”

  I groaned instantly, falling back into the pillows and putting one over my face.

  This just had to happen, didn’t it? Now Kade is going to think I’m over him or something or worse, he will do something stupid and start screwing his way through the club meat.

  “I have to find him.” I threw the blankets back.

  Kim pushed the blankets away from her. “Who are you going to find?”

  “Reaper, of course!”

  Was she that thick? I had just tightened my jeans button when she got off the bed.

  “Well, if you are going to go tell him it was a big mistake and you were hurting or some other bullshit like that, you should know this.” She stood, hands on hips, blocking my bedroom door. “Men have two emotions: love and hate. They either love something to death or they hate something till it’s dead. Reaper cares for you, Abby, and I don’t think you fully understand what the power of that love can do to a man.”

  “Reaper doesn’t love me; he loves the idea of having a woman. Which is why I’m going to go tell him we are finished. Completely and utterly finished.”

  She tilted her head to the side, examining me before stepping out of my way.

  “You were never a good liar, Abby,” Kim said before letting the door swing open.

  I wasn’t lying.

  It was over with Reaper.

  It had to be.

  I swallowed sharply while marching down the hallway. I would not let any man tell me what I can and can’t do.


  The one day that I actually want him to be around, he isn’t. That was just my luck. I groaned to myself, leaving the empty boardroom, which was the last place I could think of where he might be. It turned out that that decision was a terrible one because guess who I walked into on my way out?


  To say I was avoiding him was an understatement.

  “Abby.” His tone was softer and perhaps gentler. “Been waiting for you to poke your head out of your room.”

  “What, couldn’t come to me?” I glared down at my sandals.

  “Didn’t think you would want to see me, darling.” He gently cupped the side of my face, bringing my head up to look into his eyes.

  The regret boiled within his eyes and his face twisted with guilt.

  “I’m sorry darling, I know you can’t forgive me for this yet, but I wanted you to know I’m sorry.”


  Did it even fix it?

  Why do people think they can do awful things and then just throw a sorry at the end of it like all is forgiven?

  I found myself counting my breaths. I didn’t want to yell at him, but I wasn’t ready to forgive him either.

  So I did the next best thing. I deflected.

  “Have you seen Reaper?” I asked in an unemotional tone.

  He eyebrows arched. “Why?”

  “He owes me something?”



  “A ride?”


  “Then what does he owe you?”

  “If you must know, answers.” I crossed my arms defensively. “So do you know where he is or not?”

  Dad let out a big grunt. “Should have expected that,” he muttered more to himself before he walked around me and into the boardroom.

  I turned sharply, “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “Tell me the question you want to ask him, then I’ll tell you where he is.”

  “Screw it. I’ll find him myself.”

  And I had every intention to until his rough grumpy voice stopped me.

  “He’s in jail.”

  “WHAT!” I couldn’t believe he had waited that long to tell me! “What the hell for?”

  Dad’s eyes weren’t judging me, but the look within them told me whatever he was thinking about was me. For a split second, his lips twitched into a small smile.

  “He laid a few punches on a man, police got called, no big deal. He’ll be out by tomorrow.”

  “No big deal.” I stared at him blankly. It sure as hell was a big deal! “I’m going to see him.”

  “And I didn’t expect you not to.”

  I spun on my heels, striding through the common room and collecting my handbag off the table as I h
eaded out the door.

  Reaper knew better than to throw punches, especially at people that weren’t part of the brotherhood or underworld.

  That told me that the citizen he hit really deserved it.


  I spun around, seeing Dad following me. “When you get back, we are talking about last night.”

  I nodded my head while silently groaning. Suddenly I wasn’t in a rush to come back here at all. Maybe I should trade places with Reaper.

  Chapter 44


  Bailing him out was one thing, but having to deal with the lecture he gave me on the way home was making me regret it.

  Should have let him and his opinions rot in that cell.

  “Pull in, would you? I need smokes.” Reaper pointed to the closest supermarket.

  I could’ve been a bitch and keep driving but this was me, I was the nicer twin after all.

  Automatically, the eyes snapped on to us. I followed in Reaper’s large, dominating shadow. He was only wearing an old singlet under his leather vest, which was covered in patches.

  I smiled as I watched people move out of the man’s way. If there was one thing about this town, they knew to avoid the Reaper.

  His reputation was that well known to the general public now; that said something.

  “Hey, I’ve seen you around campus.” A boy I had never seen before suddenly stood in my way.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I was honest with him and my eyes were back on Reaper as he was at the counter.

  “My name’s Sebastian.” His hand shot out.

  “And I still don’t know you.” I looked at his hand and walked back outside.

  A lady walked past me, giving me a look while holding a cross around her neck. What made me more furious was she was my age. If she thought she could openly insult me and get away with it, she was wrong.

  I spun on my heel and walked out the automatic doors, catching her slim figure and boyfriend only a few meters ahead of me.

  “Oi!” I screamed up at them.

  They both turned to look back at me.

  “You got the guts to say what you said behind my back, but do you have the guts to say it to my face? Cause this is your chance.”

  She pursed her lips and took a confronting step forward.

  “I said, there is one of Satan’s sluts.” She crossed her arm, and only now did I notice she was part of a group; a group that was now standing behind her, each glaring at me. ‘The filthy slut.’

  “And she belongs down below,” she snarled. She might dress like a lady, but the woman wasn’t scared or backing down.

  “Funny,” I took a confident step closer to her, meeting her glaring eyes. “Because I swore your man said he was putting me in his spank bank.”

  Her mouth fell open, but her boyfriend went bright red.

  “If it helps you for later,” I twisted, giving him a seductive smile, “I’m really skilled when it comes to sucking and swallowing.”

  “Then once you finish daydreaming about her, I’ll come and give you a face lift.” Reaper’s arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling me back into him, declaring I was his.

  How much of that had he heard?

  “Excuse us,” he added before turning us around and heading back towards the truck.

  “Wanna tell me what that was about?” he asked while lighting up a cigarette.

  “Just living up to their expectations.”

  He scoffed, handing me the cigarette for a drag. “You’re beautiful Abby, you aren’t any club whore, so don’t let any of them get you down.”

  I swallowed a thankful smile and climbed into the truck.

  How could one nice word from him make up for all the shit stuff he does?

  “Been meaning to ask, how’s the wrist?” he asked once we were heading up the highway.

  I still hated the cast; it was sweaty and ugly. “Still there. Been meaning to ask you,” I gave him a quick sideway glance “What got you locked up?”

  His expressionless face turned to a heated expression immediately.

  “Someone crossed a line, and that is all you need to know.”

  “I hate that.” I snapped, shooting him a sharp glare, “When you block me out like that? Just deflect the question and yet when I do it, you won’t stop till I give in.”

  He winked. “That’s just the way it is darlin’.”

  I pursed my lips. Maybe I wouldn’t let it just be that way anymore. I didn’t have to tell him everything, or anything really.

  Something Kim said earlier rang in my mind. We can’t depend on them.

  She was right, and as of tomorrow, I was doing something about it. I wouldn’t spend my life asking questions, getting half answers and dodging bullets. I needed a backup plan for myself.

  I needed something outside the club.

  I knew now; I needed to talk to Kim.


  “You and I need to talk.” I closed Kim’s bedroom door behind me. My sudden invasion startled her, and she snapped her laptop closed.

  “Would it kill you to knock?” she snapped.

  “Like you ever do!” I jumped on her bed, wriggling my way up to the top. “We have some serious decisions to make.”

  She gave me a mocking expression. “Since when did I become the smarter twin?”

  “We need to get our own source of income because we can’t just rely on Dad always being there, and I refuse to get chained to a biker.”

  “Funny how you see marriage as being chained,” Kim pointed out. “I’m already one step ahead of you.”

  She opened her bedside drawer and pulled out a folder. Suddenly I was nervous and felt nauseated knowing what Kim had signed us up for.

  “Guess what, sis,” Kim said with a broad smile on her face and the open folder in front of her. “We’re going to university!”

  Chapter 45


  I stared at her. Then I stared at her a bit longer, then I swung a closed fist, which she narrowly ducked.

  “YOU DID WHAT!” I screamed while launching across the bed at her, again narrowly missing her.

  “Would you let me explain myself and put your fists down!” She skipped across the room. Any minute now and she was going to be in my grasp.

  “THIS EXPLAINS THE BOY AT THE SUPERMARKET!” I exclaimed, pointing a judging finger at her. “He had seen me around campus, but he had mistaken me for you.”

  “Boy, what boy?” Her ears pricked up at that.

  “His name was Sebastian. Now tell me what the hell you enrolled us in.”

  “Was it Sebastian Woodbeam?”

  “I don’t know what his last name was.” I snapped. “What is it you enrolled me into?”

  Even since I left school, I never planned on heading back.

  “Culture studies for you, and I’m finishing off my nursing degree.” Her voice suddenly sharpened. “We need to chop off the anchor called a biker man like you said.” She crossed her arms. “We need to think long-term, Abby. We can’t just be leeching off the club for the rest of our lives. Especially when they are known to like younger women.”

  I scoffed, “Come on, it isn’t like Reaper would just drop me for a younger girl.”

  She gave me a deadpan expression. “Name one biker who hasn’t moved on once their old lady has aged?”

  I opened my mouth then shut it.

  “Ok, at least we agree on that one.”

  “I am always thinking one step ahead.” She smirked confidently. “So between Sebastian, Reaper, and Marks, you do have some men drama on your hands.”

  I rolled my eyes. “There is no drama.”

  “So tell me.” She jumped on the bed, crossing her legs. “What are your theories on why the Shields are still here?”

  “Don’t know and don’t care.”


  “It will be club business; it always is when it comes to these types of things.”

  There was some loud screaming fro
m downstairs that stole both our attentions. As quickly as it floated to our ears, we both ran to the door and down the stairs following the screaming.

  “YOU CAN’T JUST GO SHOOTING PEOPLE UP!” Amber screamed at her brother Troy.

  “Fuck off, Amber; you’ve done enough damage here.” Troy filled his guns.

  “We need to find out who did this first, brother.” Jackson placed a large hand on Troy’s shoulder. “If we don’t know who did it, we could end up fighting the wrong club.”


  Tyler was getting involved now, and the three of them were yelling. Then Dad got involved, and Cole.

  They were all too busy to notice Amber take the keys off the table and slide out the front door.

  I poked Kim and pointed at Amber. Not only was Amber crying, but she was sneaking away from the drama.

  Where was she going?

  Should we follow?

  I took one step down, then Kim grabbed my arm. “This isn’t our fight, Abby. Leave it be.”

  Chapter 46


  The Shields left, but not before doing damage to our charter; and by that I mean they turned my dad into a grumpy beast. Heck, yesterday he snapped at Kim for repainting her room.

  I was no fool. I knew my dad had a bad reputation, and that came with a bad temper. But normally we (Kim and I) were shielded from it.

  But that wasn’t the case since the Shields left abruptly last week.

  So right now as Dad was giving me a lengthy lecture about a scratch he found on the car that he just bought me, I was only half listening.

  “I said I was sorry, ok, Dad? I can’t help it if someone opened their door and hit the side of it while I was in the supermarket.” I defended myself while standing up. “Now if you are done yelling at me, can I go before I’m late for my first day of university?”

  University plus me still left a sour taste in my mouth.

  Dad grunted. “Fine, leave.”

  He didn’t wish me good luck.

  He didn’t even question why we were going to university.

  Like I said, when he wasn’t treating us like we didn’t exist, he was yelling at us over shit that didn’t matter.


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