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Her Firefighter Hero

Page 16

by Leigh Bale

  “Yes, sweetie. We’re going right now.”

  She glanced nervously at Jared, hoping her son hadn’t seen her in Jared’s embrace. She wouldn’t know how to explain it. Not when she didn’t understand it herself. She mustn’t forget that all good things came to an end. Just like the fairy tale Cinderella, the elegant coach turned back into a pumpkin at midnight. Megan had to go back to her ordinary, safe life. Without Jared, or any other man that might leave her with another broken heart.

  Jared wheeled the mop bucket into the back and dumped the dirty water. When he returned to the dining room, Megan had shut off all but the night-light and had June and Caleb waiting to walk out to the parking lot.

  She locked the front door and Jared escorted them to their truck. She breathed in great drafts of cool night air that smelled of honeysuckle and rain. Jared waited until they were safely inside the vehicle and buckled into their seats, then he leaned against Megan’s door.

  “I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” he said.

  She blinked. “No, please don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  She looked away. “You know why.”

  Frankly, she was lonely. And he was steady, kind, good-looking and fun to be with. It didn’t help that her son adored him, too. But working with this man and loving him were two different things.

  He reached out and lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “That’s not going to stop me, Meg. I can’t fight my feelings anymore. I know you feel it, too. There’s no use denying it. You know that now, don’t you?”

  She nodded, still feeling the throb of his kiss against her lips. She’d never met a man so determined, so focused on what he wanted. And it pleased, yet dismayed, her to know that she was his target. That he wanted her and her children. To be a family with her.

  “Tomorrow won’t change anything, Jared. Please, if you really care for me, let me go.” She rolled up the window and started up the truck. He stepped back as she pulled away. And she didn’t look back, no matter how badly she wanted to.

  * * *

  Jared waited for Megan to pull out of the parking lot. Then, he drove home to his lonely house. He thought about the things Megan had told him and wondered if it was worth pursuing her any longer. After what he’d gone through with Sharon, he wanted to be angry at Megan for continuing to push him away. But he couldn’t. She’d suffered enough already. Instead of anger, he wanted to comfort her. To take her into his arms and love and protect her. But he figured that was the last thing she wanted from him.

  He pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. The porch light was on and the chirp of crickets escorted him as he headed up the sidewalk. In the gloomy night shadows, he unlocked the door to his house and went inside. In the kitchen, he’d left one light on, for the dog. Sophie galloped toward him, her puppy ears flopping. She yipped and wriggled a greeting against the dog gate where he’d blocked her off so she would have enough room to move but couldn’t soil the carpets. He stepped over the barricade and she jumped at his feet. He reached down to pet her and she peed in excitement.

  He laughed. “Yes, I’m glad to see you, too.”

  First, he scooped her up and took her out onto the back lawn, then praised her when she pottied in the right place.

  “Good girl. Oh, yes, you’re such a sweet girl. A wonderful little dog.” He rubbed her soft fur and cuddled her before taking her back inside.

  He checked to make sure she still had plenty of food and water. He didn’t mind that she’d had one accident on the floor. After all, it wasn’t her fault. Because he’d spent all day helping Megan at the restaurant, he’d been gone longer than he’d planned. Without a word, he cleaned up the mess, then took Sophie with him to bed. She curled into a ball beside him, and he lay there, thinking.

  Megan didn’t want him to pursue her. She was afraid he might get killed fighting a wildfire. He understood that. But he was determined to show her that life together was better than not being together at all. They couldn’t live their lives in constant fear, because no matter what, bad things happened to good people. And one day, hopefully when they were both very old, they would pass on. But they had to enjoy their blessings while they still could.

  He’d been lonely for so long. So hurt and fearful of loving someone else. But he no longer felt that way. Megan and her two little kids had wormed their way into his heart, and he wanted to build a family with them. To be a loving husband and a father to her two sweet children. To build a future and grow old together, sharing a full and rich life.

  Suddenly everything became crystal clear, and that’s when he realized he loved Megan, June and Caleb Rocklin. His love for them had come upon him slowly, softly. Something he’d never sought out or expected. But it was there just the same. He loved them. More than anything else in the world. And his feelings gave him the courage to take a second chance at love.

  It seemed so simple when he thought of it that way. So amazing and wonderful. The future stood before them, filled with magnificent possibilities. And all he had to do was convince Megan that they should be together. In spite of what he did for a living. In spite of her misgivings.

  Easier said than done.

  In the darkness, Jared closed his eyes and prayed. For the first time in a long time, he asked for God’s help. To help him woo Megan. To somehow ease her doubts and fears. Because Jared was not turning his back on her, no matter what. He’d wait forever, if that’s what it took. But his heart was completely and utterly tied to hers now. Failure was not an option. Not with her. Not for him. Not ever again. Because he was finally ready to fight for her love.

  Chapter Fourteen

  On Wednesday, they got another wildfire. Like before, Jared woke Megan in the middle of the night, giving her as much notice as possible. Hearing his deep voice brought her instantly awake. She grabbed for the notepad and pen she kept on the bedside table and took down the pertinent information. When she had everything, she said goodbye, then called her people to put them on alert.

  Two hours later, Megan had dropped her two groggy kids off at her child-care provider’s house and headed up onto the mountain just as the sun was breaking across the eastern sky. Since this was the first day of the fire and they’d have to set up the dining tent, there was no way Megan was going to bring her kids along. No sirree. She wanted them safely in town, where no harm could befall them.

  A group of firefighters helped Megan’s crew set up the tent, and it went together without any problems. As they unloaded supplies from the back of her truck, Megan paused and dusted off her hands, wondering where Jared was. Usually, he was here to greet her. And she admitted only to herself that she missed him.

  Trying to avoid her own wayward thoughts, she went back to work. She was restocking the industrial-sized refrigerator with gallon-sized Cubitainers when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned in surprise.


  “Hi there,” he said, his mouth curved in a half smile. “You doing okay?”

  “Sure.” She nodded, feeling odd and fumbly in his presence. And yet, a buzzing awareness thrummed through her veins. She couldn’t deny the happy bubble that rose in her chest, and she realized how much this man had come to mean to her and her family. She’d fought her growing attraction for so long. And right there, she had the insane notion that maybe she was wrong about Jared. That maybe, if she didn’t gather her courage and take a second chance on love, she would never experience the joy, either. And she’d have to live with that regret for the rest of her life.

  “Sorry I couldn’t be here when you arrived,” he said. “Were there any mishaps in putting up the tent this time?”

  “Nope, everything went just like clockwork.”

  He glanced around, looking eager. “Did you bring the kids with you this time?”

  “No, they’re in town.”
  “Is there anything I can do?” His gaze brushed past her to the cartons of milk she was stacking neatly inside the fridge. His consideration touched her heart. She felt as though he genuinely cared and wanted to help.

  “No, we’ve about got it taken care of. I’m just getting ready to head back,” she said, trying to keep her wobbly voice calm and even.

  He took a step closer, and she stared at his wide chest, where his brass Forest Service badge gleamed against his left shirt pocket.

  “Have you thought any more about what I said?” he asked.

  She didn’t pretend to not understand. “No, my answer hasn’t changed.”

  She glanced up into his eyes in time to see the hurt there.

  “Megan, please don’t push me away.”

  His voice sounded low and calm. Drawing her in. Convincing her to change her mind. But she caught herself just in time.

  “No, Jared. I’ve got work to do.”

  She turned away, shutting off his next comment. She’d stacked another row of Cubitainers into the refrigerator before she turned around, expecting to see him still there. But he was gone. She’d never felt more lonely in her life.

  * * *

  Three days later, Jared stood near the fire line, supervising the unloading of three giant crawler tractors. Their steel treads would cleat the earth, giving them the traction and power to push tons of dirt, trees and anything else out of their paths as the crews built a fire line.

  Jared tried to focus on his work. Three miserable days had passed in which he’d forced himself to stay away from Megan. To give her some space. He wasn’t ready to give up on her, but he figured she needed time to think. To decide what it was she really wanted in life. And hopefully to realize that she missed him, too. But it hadn’t been easy. One of his men had radioed him an hour earlier to say that she’d arrived in the fire camp and was unloading food supplies. She had the kids with her today, but Jared had resisted the urge to go and see them all. Maybe tomorrow.

  Heavy smoke filled the air, the sky a red, angry glow caused by the fire. Dale Carter, the equipment manager, stood nearby, talking on his radio. He pressed a finger to his ear, trying to hear over the rumbling noise of engines.

  “What’s that you say?” Dale yelled.

  Jared barely glanced the man’s way as he waved his arms to indicate to the driver where the first tractor should begin digging a wide trench of fire line. A few moments later, Jared felt a tap on his shoulder. He whirled around and pushed back his hard hat.

  “We may have to move this equipment back down to the fire camp,” Dale yelled above the growling roar.

  “Why is that?” Jared asked.

  “The fire has burned across the road about four miles below the camp. It’s closed off the road and shut off our access. Some squirrelly winds are whipping the fire around. There wasn’t any notice. The Minoa Hotshots are already there, trying to stop it. A couple of them are trapped in a chimney area.”

  Jared froze. His entire body went cold with dread. “Which men?”

  “Sean Nash and Zach Carpenter. Sean’s the one that gave us the warning. He alerted his crew to the danger and got them out in time, but he and Zach are still in there. Word has it that they’re trapped by flames. Helitack is trying to figure out a way to fly in and evacuate them, but there’s nowhere to land safely.”

  A sick feeling settled in the pit of Jared’s stomach. Sean’s and Zach’s lives were in danger. But something else bothered Jared. Something closer to home.

  Megan was in the camp, but she wouldn’t be here long. A quick in-and-out, just to drop off food supplies. She’d be leaving for town soon and might be trapped on her way down the mountain. Unless he could catch her first.

  “I’ve got to go warn the caterer. She might be caught on that road unaware.” With a wave of his hand, Jared tore off toward his truck.

  His blood rushed through his veins with urgency. One thought pounded his brain. Megan and the kids. He had to get to them. Had to warn them. Had to keep them safe.

  He drove at a fast clip along the dirt road, a stream of dust rising from his tires to mark his passing. Urgency built within him. A fear that he wouldn’t arrive in time. He must warn them. He had to reach them in time.

  Five minutes later, he pulled into the fire camp. He parked his truck near the mobile kitchen and hopped out. It was three in the afternoon, but it didn’t matter. It felt more like nightfall. The sky was filled with gray smoke and a red haze just beyond. A mixture of dawn and twilight. Unique, beautiful and eerie.

  Rows of men and a few women stood lined up for a meal, their faces black with soot. The kitchen never closed its doors. Hand crews came off the fire line at all hours of the day, always ravenous and thirsty. They ate whenever they got the chance.

  “Hi, Jared.” Frank waved to him from the serving window as he spooned heaping mounds of mashed potatoes, gravy and cube steak onto empty tin plates.

  “Where’s Megan?” Jared called impatiently.

  Frank pointed toward the road, a cheerful smile on his ruddy face. “You just missed her. She left about five minutes ago.”

  A flush of panic rushed over Jared. He could try calling her cell phone, but knew she wouldn’t have reception at this high, remote elevation. And even if she did, she was bumping along the dirt road and wouldn’t hear her phone ring.

  Without another word, he raced back to his truck, turned the key, popped the vehicle into gear and tore off down the road. Frantic with worry. Desperate to hurry. Megan and the kids could get caught in the fire.

  He had to find them. Had to stop them from going any farther. To bring them back to the camp where they’d be safe. He’d promised Megan that he’d protect her. That this catering job would never endanger her or the kids. Then June had almost been badly injured by the dining tent. And now this. Jared had asked Megan to trust him. He’d told her that he’d watch out for her. That he had her back. And now, he might be too late.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “The old gray mare, she ain’t what she used to be. Many long years ago.” Megan sang the words to the funny song, smiling at her children’s laughter.

  “Sing it again, Mom,” Caleb said.

  Sitting in the back, he was buckled into his booster seat with June right beside him. A trail of dust sifted into the air behind them on the dirt road. Within an hour, they’d be back in town. Then Megan would take a quick inventory of her shelves so the afternoon delivery truck could replenish her food supplies. She’d make a quick stop at the restaurant, to ensure things were running smoothly there. And after that, she would take her kids to their house for a home-cooked meal.

  They were doing just fine. For the first time in a long time, she’d paid off some nagging bills and was in the black financially. And all because of her catering work on the fire lines. She owed Jared a debt of gratitude.

  “Only if you’ll sing it with me this time,” Megan said, feeling happy and relieved.

  They’d just dropped off the groceries for the fire camp and were on their way home. Even with the heavy workload, they’d had a fun day together. The only thing missing was Jared. And Megan was beginning to rethink her promise to stay away from the man. Because in all honesty, she missed him. Badly.

  “I’ll sing,” June said.

  The girl broke into song, her voice high and sweet. But Megan didn’t join in. She was lost in thoughts about Jared and their relationship. But when she focused on the road ahead, she gasped.

  “What’s the matter, Mommy?” June asked.

  Megan stared in front of her, stunned by what she saw. Fire had come up through the canyon and popped over the ridge. It was burning across the road. A flickering dance of five-foot flames arched toward them. Inaccessible. She couldn’t understand it. How had this happened? Where had the fire come from? The r
oad had been perfectly clear an hour earlier. They had to go back the way they’d come, to seek safety in the fire camp. Right now.

  She tapped the brake and slowed the truck. “We’ve got to turn around.”

  The kids stared out the window, their mouths and eyes round with surprise. They stared at the red flames flickering in the bushes. The wind was driving it straight toward them.

  “Mommy?” Caleb said, his voice high and nervous.

  “It’s okay, kids. We’re gonna be okay.” Even as she said the words, Megan hoped it was true.

  June started to cry.

  “It’ll be all right, sweetheart. We’ll just go back the way we came. The fire camp isn’t far away. They’ve got lots of strong firefighters and big fire hoses there. They’ll keep us safe. No problem.” In spite of her words, sheer panic coursed through her veins. The desperation to keep her children safe.

  “But why is the fire over here, Mom?” Caleb asked in his matter-of-fact voice.

  “I don’t know, honey. Maybe it got out of control. There’s lots of reasons. But I want to get out of here right now. We can find out the details later on.” She tried to sound reasonable. To keep her children calm. But all she could think about was the fire that had killed Blaine. She’d been told that it had happened so fast. Without explanation. Without any notice. And he’d died as a result.

  She spun the steering wheel, urgent to turn the truck around. It was tight on the narrow road. Not enough room. The wheels bounced over clumps of sage and rabbit brush. The kids’ heads bobbed as the tires dipped into a low rut.


  The truck jerked hard. Megan pressed on the gas, but the tires whirred without going anywhere.

  “What’s wrong?” June asked, her voice trembling with distress.

  “We’ve hit something. Stay here while I check it out,” Megan said.

  She opened her door and hopped out. Thick, pungent wood smoke filled her lungs, making her cough. Even from this distance, she felt the heat of the fire like the blast from a furnace and pushed her legs to hurry faster.


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