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Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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by Don Ship


  (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)


  Don Ship

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  Rogue House Press

  Copyright 2013 by Don Ship

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  If you enjoyed this story, why not read others by Don?

  Justice Girl: When the Tide Turns (a full novel)

  Justice Girl: Getting Randy

  Black Cat: Catfight

  Platinum Angel: Silver Lining

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  If you enjoy this story, please check out other titles by Don Ship at the end of the ebook.

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  (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)

  Uber Woman sneered down at the scene below her. She stood tall and gorgeous atop a five story building, deep inside Grimme City's most notorious red light district: Sugar Town. She tugged on her left, pink opera glove and then tugged up on the matching super skimpy short-shorts of her legendary super heroine costume. Her top was a midriff baring white corset, with matching thigh boots. She finished off her costume with a white choker and white mask.

  "Some men never learn," the sexy super heroine said, shaking her platinum blonde head woefully.

  The Biggs Brothers were shaking down some hapless street vendor. From what little she overheard, the idiot accepted a loan from a Sugar Town loan shark. He had to be stupidity personified, but he probably wasn't counting on the Biggs Brothers being hired to collect.

  The Biggs Brothers were genetic freaks. She'd heard alternately that they were the results of genetic experimentation on their mother, then only on them, and also the result of an experiment of an evil scientist. The Biggs Brothers gave a different story every time they told it, too. So who really knew the truth? Fact was, big brother Hank had super strength to rival her own. While younger brother Jake moved faster than any super heroine she ever heard about. One-on-one they were tough, resourceful opponents, but together they'd only been defeated once. Ms Patriot barely defeated them five years back, and sent them to prison for twenty years. They were released early for "good behavior" and overcrowding, serving a mere thirteen months.

  Uber Woman touched the glowing pink diamond embedded on her silver tiara. The gemstone was enchanted by the Goddess of Freya, the ancient Viking Goddess of Love and War, and as the chosen wearing of the enchanted gem Uber Woman was blessed with super powers. She was compelled to become a super heroine and rid the world of riffraff like the Biggs Brothers.

  She was also a direct descendant of the Norse gods, tracing her linage back to the mythic Valkyrie. Indeed, all super heroines were descended of the Valkyrie. They were, one and all, demi-gods, but their blood deluded enough for them to need talismans to tap into their super powers.

  "Humph! If Ms Patriot can defeat and capture the Biggs Brothers it should be a snap for me," the statuesque super heroine muttered, then smiled darkly.

  She loved Ms Patriot like a sister, but that didn't mean there wasn't a friendly competition between them. Ms Patriot was such a glory hog anyway. As she recalled, before Ms Patriot captured the Biggs Brothers, the raven-maned super heroine had been captured and fucked by them in the previous five confrontations. She always managed to escape before being unmasked or turned over to more intelligent captors, but still. This would be Uber Woman's first fight with the Biggs Brothers, and she intended to show Grimme City's premier super heroine how it was done. The first time.

  The pink and white clad super beauty leapt up and up, flying off the roof to a good fifty feet above the top of the building. Then she began a big loop that sent her streaking into that dark alley faster than even Jake could move. She hit Hank head first in the belly.

  "Ooff!" Hank grunted, and flew out of the alley to smash into a blue Ford parked on the street.

  Uber Woman landed five feet from Jake and smiled wickedly.

  "Surprise," Uber Woman said, her deep, sexy voice echoing in the dark alley.

  "Hank?" Jake said, glancing behind him at his unconscious brother.

  Uber Woman took the opportunity to look Jake over. She'd never met him face to face before. He wasn't as attractive in person as in his photos. He was heavily muscled and very tan, with shoulder length blonde hair. But his face showed wear and tear, from years of getting smashed in the face. He wore a red muscle-shirt to show off his body, and tight jeans.

  "He's indisposed at the moment, miscreant," Uber Woman said. "As you are about to be, as well, unless you surrender quietly."

  Jake scowled at her, his big hands curling and uncurling.

  "You know what the main problem is with you super heroine types?"

  Uber Woman arched her right brow. "Do tell."

  "You are a bunch of smug, over confident whores," Jake sneered.

  "Really?" the vivacious vigilante in pink and white said, a smug smile tugging at the corners of her full, glossy pink lips. "Well, the problem with …hey!"

  Before she could finish, Jake all but blurred before her eyes. He was moving that fast. A faction of a second later his big fist slammed into the side of her face.

  "Ugh!" Uber Woman grunted, staggering to the side.

  Truth was, it was a dangerous blow. Any normal man or woman would've been knocked unconscious. Oh, she couldn't take too many powerful blows like that, but she had super strength and endurance thanks to the enchanted gem in her tiara.

  Uber Woman caught the barest hint of a blur to her left, so flew straight up.

  "Uughh," Jake grunted, having missed her and slammed into the brick wall behind her.

  "Oh, sorry I wasn’t there to cushion the blow, babe," Uber Woman said, grinning. Jake was staggering back from the wall, a trickle of blood rolling down between his dazed eyes. She dropped back down behind him. "Bet that hurt, eh?"

  Jake grunted, then dropped low and spun so fast her feet were kicked away before she realized he moved. The statuesque super heroine landed hard on her back, and Jake was already waiting to stomp down onto her vulnerable belly. That blow would doubled her up if she let him complete it, but she seized his leg and threw him against the wall. Hard.

  Jake fell straight back and lay still, spread eagle.

  "There, that wasn't too hard," Uber Woman said, climbing to her feet.

  "Really? How hard is this?" Hank snarled. Uber Woman whirled around, and his brutal uppercut connected with her chin a second later. He was so strong, she flipped completely over and landed face down on the pavement. He grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head, pulled her to her wobbly feet, and ran her straight at the Ford that broke his fall earlier. "Let's see how hard this is!"

  Uber Woman went head first through the passenger side window. The driver side door stopped her, since she hit head first just below the window. Oh, it hurt. The powerful blow left her dazed and confused. Down, but not out.

  Hank tried to open the door to get at her, but it was locked. He paused to reach through the shattered window to unlock it. That was all the time Uber Woman's Valkyrie Blessed body needed to recover, with more than a little help from the Heart of Freya. She kicked out with both feet, her super powered legs ripped the door off the car and sending
it smashing into Hank.

  Hank was down again, moaning and groaning. As she crawled out of the car, though, she noticed Jake wasn't where she left him.

  "Looking for me?" Jake said from the top of the car.

  He tried to stomp down upon her upturned face as she looked up at him, but the sexy blonde wasn't so easy to take out. She jumped back and he missed.

  "Ha! You fools," Uber Woman sneered as she watched him teetering atop the car. "You are no match for me!"

  "Yikes!" Jake cried, falling face first to the concrete at her stiletto-heeled feet.

  Jake threw his hands before him defensively, the left hand grabbing something metallic and pointed. His right hit something soft, felt some resistance as he grabbed hold and ripped it off, and then got his hands in front of him just in time to keep his face from bouncing off the sidewalk

  "Hey! You idiot, you ripped off my top!" Uber Woman cried, throwing a covering forearm across her big jostling boobs. Then she felt her super strength bleeding away, and realized he'd removed the all important Heart of Freya from her person. She reached up to find her tiara missing, and then spotted it in his hand. "Give that tiara back!"

  "No!" a bystander cried. "The gem in the headband is the secret of her super powers. I read it on the internet."

  "Hey!" Uber Woman cried, blue eyes wide in disbelief. The common people weren't supposed to work against her. She was a super heroine! Besides, moron, it wasn't a "headband" it was a tiara. "Shut up!"

  Jake leapt to his feet and streaked over to a BMW, opened the trunk, and tossed in her costume top along with the Heart of Freya. Then he slammed it closed and pocketed the keys.

  Uber Woman gawked at him a long moment. Her whole body got all tingly, tensing up. It'd been a while since the last time she was depowered. It was the first time she was depowered while fighting two other super humans.

  "Oh, Freya, help me," she muttered to her Goddess.

  "Without her enchanted gem, Uber Woman is just another scantily clad bimbo," the bystander called, though a lot further down the street now.

  Uber Woman cut him a sharp look, scrunching her nose as her blue eyes narrowed. All Valkyrie women were semi-divine, but they were not immortal. The Valkyrie did possess naturally superior physiques. Greater strength, speed, endurance than the average man or woman. So stripped of her talisman, Uber Woman still possessed the speed, strength, and endurance of an Olympic Athlete.

  Yeah, run, coward! the super heroine thought.

  Hank suddenly loomed over her. She sucked in a sharp breath when he grabbed her wrists, forcing her hands behind her back with ease. A second later, her short-shorts were ripped off and he forced her to bend over at the waist, knees locked.

  Uber Woman struggled frantically. Hank was too strong to break his grip on her wrists. Then she realized a crowd had gathered to watch, and they were all mesmerized by her jouncing tits as she struggled.

  "Great Freya! I've been de-powered and captured," Uber Woman cried, hearing Hank unzip behind her. From past experience, she knew what that sound meant. Her body got all hot and tingly, her pussy juices flowing. A thrill raced up her spine as Jake stepped up before her and unzipped with a very smug and pleased look on his face. "Uh-oh! You won't get away with this."

  Hank kicked her feet wider, and she couldn't stop thinking how her pussy and ass were positioned perfectly for exploitation. Her pussy was throbbing, all achy and needy. It was part of the Blessing of the Valkyrie, or as some called it, the Curse of the Valkyrie.

  "Wanna bet?" Hank said, and she felt his hard cock side up between her satiny thighs. He started rubbing her tingling twat with his left hand, while the right continued to hold her wrists together. Within seconds pussy juices began flowed, saturating her sweet snatch. "Damn, this slut is hot to trot."

  "Uber Slut, your fat ass is ours," Jake said, laughing.

  "Uuuggghhh," Uber Woman groaned, feeling Hank's giant cock penetrate her most sacred place. Her eyes widened, amazed how wide he stretched her. Ripples of pleasure flowed through her. He started pumping, going deeper and deeper with each thrust as her eyes closed and head rolled back. "Ooooooh."

  Jake pulled out his monster cock and held it up with his left hand. His right reached up and sank deep into her silky platinum locks, and grabbed hold tightly. Then he forced her face down towards his cock.

  "Oh no! Not that, too!" she cried. He impaled her open mouth, driving deep, deep inside. "Mmmmmpphhhh!"

  "Damn! You see that?" a spectator cried. "Uber Woman just opened right up for him."

  "Damn right," a hooker said. "She gobbled him down like a pro."

  The sexy super heroine felt humiliation wash over her. Her face reddened all the way down to her boobs. They didn't understand the price she paid to be a super heroine, especially to be Uber Woman. The Heart of Freya was an ancient talisman. Freya was Goddess of War and Love. The Heart of Freya made her very powerful, and at the same time it made her just as horny. On top of that, she carried the Valkyrie Gene, so already had a powerful sex drive. A dangerous combo. Now she was paying the price.

  "Her fucking pussy is super tight and super wet," Hank groaned out. "She's the best fuck ever!"

  "Mmmmm," Uber Woman groaned. She felt that huge cock filling her up, sliding in and out. Felt it profoundly. Her whole shapely body was tingling, butterflies rioting deep in her belly. Her snatch was burning with pleasure. Add the taste, smell, and feel of a thick cock in her mouth, and she knew she was a goner. "Huummpphhh."

  "Oh, she's loving this," Jake said with a strained voice. "Bro, this bitch gives head better than Patriot!"

  "You got a BJ from Ms Patriot?" a spectator cried, astonished.

  "Yep," Jake said. "We both did. Fucked her in the pussy and ass, too."

  "Yeah," Hank said, scowling. "But the bitch fucked us stupid, and then captured us while we were passed out. That's when we went to jail."

  Uber Woman was only vaguely aware what anyone was saying by this time. Her world revolved around a pair of amazing cocks. They were driving her wild with pleasure and desire. The butterflies were quickly being burned away by that feeling she knew all too well.

  Oh Freya, I'm going to come so hard this time! she thought, both frightened and thrilled.

  "Bro," Hank gasped out, suddenly starting to pump harder, faster. "I think…we are…going to break her…on the first fuck."

  "I think you're right," Jake groaned out. "She's sucking me so hard my eyes are crossing. Wow."

  "Hhhhhhppppppppghgggggggghhhhh!" the sexy super heroine screamed around Jake's cock, as she erupted with intense pleasure that consumed her body and mind. Jake exploded into her mouth a second later, then Hank creamed her pussy. She climaxed again. "Uuuuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

  "Shit fire!" Hank cried. "Her pussy is pulsing, squeezing my…cock…so hard."

  Uber Woman's insides were hot and mushy, throbbing, pulsing. She felt the muscules of her pussy clenching over and over, milking Hank dry. It felt so good. Too good. She felt her body change, going back into that wild rush to climax.

  "Great Freya, I am tamed!" Uber Woman cried. And climaxed again, her core throbbing with pleasure, "Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeee!"

  The Biggs Brothers pulled out and released the statuesque super heroine, who just dropped to her hands and knees. To everyone's astonishment, a tall black man stepped out of the crowd and held out a twenty.

  "What's that for?" Hank said, taking the money.

  "I want to fuck the bitch," he said.

  Hank looked at the man, then the money, and finally down at Uber Woman. She was still gasping and quaking from being double fucked, spit-roasted, and forced to climaxed twice. A tamed and very vulnerable super heroine at the moment. Hank grinned at Jake.

  "Bro, we just became pimps," he said, and laughed.

  "Yes," the black man said, and dropped his pants before kneeling behind Uber Woman. He grabbed her round hips, and thrust deep up her sopping wet twat. "Take that, you stuck up super bitch."

"Uugghh," Uber Woman grunted, back arching. Her libido was in overdrive instantly.

  "I only have eight dollars," an ancient, skeletal ruin of a homeless man croaked out. "But I sure could use a good blow job."

  Jake and Hank grinned evilly at each other. People in the crowd were already starting to laugh with wicked delight.

  "For you, old timer, eight is enough," Jake said, taking the money.

  The decrepit bum stepped up to Uber Woman. She gave him a languid look, then reached out and unzipped him. The crowd gasped as she pulled out his cock and started to suck on it with loud slurps.

  Deep down Uber Woman was appalled. The bum's stench was enough to curl paint. But that rancid stink of his crotch seemed to call to something deep and unsavory within her soul. She loved it, and was quickly licking him from cock head to scrotum, savoring every lick, the stench and foul taste. And within couple of minutes she was climaxing again and again. The bum lasted all of three minutes, while the black man lasted a good five more.

  They were quickly replaced by two more johns. And two more, and on and on. For two hours Uber Woman turned tricks on all fours for the Biggs Brothers. Then they rented a room once the initial rush to fuck slowed down. After that, Uber Woman spent the next five hours turning tricks in that room.

  "You belong to us, Uber Slut," Hank said.

  She was kneeling between them, now only wearing her white stiletto thigh boots, pink opera gloves, and white mask. The beautiful blonde was still in a daze and wondering why they weren't fucking her.

  "Mmm hmm," she said, biting her lower lip.

  Hank reached down and grabbed the edge of her mask. "As your pimps, we need to know who is behind the mask." He pulled it off as she gasped. "Oh shit!"

  "Is that the news girl?" Jake said. "Tina….um…."

  "Tammy Thomas," Uber Woman said angrily. How could he not know her name? She was famous. "I'm award winning investigative reporter Tammy Thomas."


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