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Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 5

by Don Ship

  Silver Angel's back arched, her head thrown back, she felt him ripping her willpower to shreds. Her body was instantly aroused, sitting at the brink of sexual explosion. Then his cock came out, and slid right up her poop chute.

  "Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Silver Angel cried, the most powerful climax of her life burning away the last shreds of willpower and dignity. "Oh God, I've been tamed!"

  "Are you a whore?"


  "Who's whore are you?"

  "I'm your whore, Jake, all yours!"

  Hank was so excited he creamed Purple Avenger's mouth, ballooning her satiny brown cheeks. She swallowed his cum without prompting, and he pulled her up. Leaning her back against a car fender, he pushed her up, spread her mile long legs, and pushed his cock all the way into her slippery wet twat.

  The super strong brother hammered Purple Avenger's super tight snatch. She arched her back, gasped and groaned, whipped her head back and forth, and wrapped her shapely legs around and squeezed him in tighter, harder. Then all too soon she lost her battle, and screamed in climax.

  "Yyyeeeooowww! Oh! Oh…my….GAWD!" she cried. "I've been tamed. Tamed. TAMED. Oh, mercy, I am helpless."

  "You are my whore now. Say it!"

  "I'm your whore."

  "You are my Happy Hooker."

  "I'm your very Happy Hooker," Purple Avenger gasped out. Then her big brown eyes went wide. "Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

  The Biggs Brothers spent another ten minutes thoroughly taming and claiming the two vivacious vigilantes. When it was over, the crowd cheered them enthusiastically.

  "Give us a few minutes, and these two super hookers will be back to treat each and every one of you to a sexlicious treat," Hank said. "For a price, of course."

  "Of course!" the crowd cried joyfully.

  "But first we have to take a peek under their masks," Jake said. "To cement our absolute power over them."

  Jake and Hank half dragged the semi-coherent super heroines into the nearest hooker hotel, then into a back room. Ashley and Gia followed, eager to know who was hiding behind the masks. The defeated heroines didn't have the heart left to fight them. They docilely let the two blonde society hookers pulled their heads back by their long, silky hair, and let Hank step up and slowly peel off Purple Avenger's mask, and Jake pull off Silver Angel's mask.

  "Holy shit!" Hank cried. "Tanika Grayson is Purple Avenger?"

  "Hot Damn, Annette Moore is Silver Angel!"

  Hank said, "But they are already our whores."

  "More so, now, Bro," Jake said, and laughed. "Now we have three super heroines."

  "Three?" Ashley said.

  'Tammy is Uber Woman," Hank said. He uncuffed Purple Avenger and handed her back the mask. "Put this back on. Get back in costume and get to work. You already know what to do."

  "Anything you say, baby," Purple Avenger said with a tiny little girl voice, feeling utterly shamed and defeated.

  "You, too, Annette," Jake said, slapping her sweet round ass. He gave her the mask and laughed. "Remember, you're both super heroines. That means you get $100 dollars a shot."

  * * * * *

  Ms Patriot angrily turned off the DVD player, and popped out the disk Commissioner Jorden gave her earlier that day. It had been a scene recorded by a bystander a month earlier. The day Purple Avenger and Silver Angel were captured on the streets of Sugar Town, used and abused in the usual orgy of debauchery captured super heroines had to endure, and then forced to turn tricks afterwards. Neither super heroine was seen after that night of sordid debauchery. Word was Purple Avenger was sold to a Bangkok brothel, and that Silver Angel was purchased by Japanese billionaire for his private collection.

  The super sexy super heroine was still dressing as she watched the video. So far, she only wore her red stiletto thigh boots, the gold choker, red star earrings, and golden tiara. Next she pulled up her blue star-spangled short-shorts, tugging them firmly in place. Then came the bustier, with the vertical red and white strip. It was her patriotic "Flag" costume. After plumping her DDs enticingly, she put on the blue mask and then the red opera gloves. Finally, last but not least, the Paladin of Justice snapped the golden power belt, with the large red P, around her tiny waist.

  "Uummmm, good," Ms Patriot moaned, enjoying the heady feeling of super strength, endurance, and other enhancements filling her super shapely body. The power belt was her "talisman" to energize her super powers. "Now time to go kick serious miscreant butt. I'll make the Biggs Brothers sorry they were ever born."

  * * * * *

  Meanwhile, in their Sugar Town home above the street where their Biggs Bimbos plied their illicit trade, the brothers were brainstorming ideas on how to bring Grimme City's greatest pillar of feminist virtue under their thumb. Jennifer Jade paraded herself out as the epitome of a superior woman, of all a woman should and could be. She was the role model of legions of young women, who all longed to be just like her — rich, powerful, and virtuous.

  "Look at her, smiling all smug and self-satisfied," Hank sneered, tossing the newspaper down. There were two color, and two black and white pictures on the front page with Jennifer in them. One of the color photos was of her and Ms Patriot sitting in a well appointed room and talking. "She's off yammering about Police incompetence in ridding the city of Sugar Town scum."

  "And sermonizing how everyone should be more like her, all superior and pure as the driven snow," Jake said. "I can't wait to soil her."

  "Yeah, we'll fuck her into submission, then fuck up her pretty little public image," Hank snarled. "She's worse than a super heroine sometimes."

  Jake picked up a large brown envelope and pulled out some 8 X 10 glossies and a DVD. "These aren't bad, but I don't think the quality is good enough."

  Hank accepted the pictures and looked through them. They were photos of a shapely black haired woman kneeling before three men, who jacked off in her face and then pissed in her face, in her hair, all over her. They'd hired a computer graphics guy to put Jennifer Jade's face on the woman. The DVD was the video, also with Jennifer's face transposed. The photomanips were so badly done he doubled the video could be any better. Not good enough to make Jennifer submit to their blackmail.

  "Larry said he's got something," Jake said. Larry Pitts was the sleazy private investigator they hired to dig up dirt on Jennifer Jade. They hired him six weeks back, and he's only delivered crap so far. "He sounded excited."

  "He always sounds excited," Hank said, scowling. The subjugation of Jennifer Jade wasn't going well. "That bastard better find something soon, or we're going to fire his ass."

  Finally, they left everything on the coffee table and went out for some brunch.

  Ms Patriot slipped into their top floor apartment. She slowly moved from room to room, looking for the two brothers. She'd fought them a number of times, and hadn't faired well. One-on-one, she was more than a match for either. But together they were a deadly combination for any super heroine, even the premier super heroine of Grimme City. But she knew the secret to taking out any super enhanced person, male or female, was to take them down fast.

  The Paladin of Justice checked every room, even the closets. The apartment was empty. She scowled, since there was no way to know when the brothers would return. It very well might be five o'clock A.M. the next morning. She couldn't wait around that long. She'd have to go find them.

  "Oh, what's this?" she said, spying a stack of glossy photos. She picked them up and gasped. "Sweet Justice! This is impossible. That never happened."

  There she was, for all appearances joyfully getting…peed on! But then she started noticing inconsistencies. Boobs only D cups and rather saggy, not her magnificent, titanic tits. Body too skinny. Black hair thinner and too short.

  "The face is put on with a computer, and not a very good job of it, either," Ms Patriot said, sighing with relief. "The press will rip this to shreds, with little expected or needed to be done by Jennifer Jade."

  "That was o
ur conclusion, too," Hank said from just behind her. He slammed a super powered fist into her right kidney, then the left. "Shame, ain't it?"

  "Uuuuggghhh," Ms Patriot moaned, staggering away.

  "Where you going, Ms P-hole?" Jake said, and promptly blurred out of sight. A half second later his fist connected with pubic mound, and then his other fist with the point of her chin. She grunted as her head whipped back and feet left the floor. "Up, up and away, Ms Pussylicious!"

  Jake wasn't super strong, but his fist was so fast it was like being hit by a super. Her head was spinning, and her body sluggish. Ms Patriot slowly rolled to hands and knees, scowling and embarrassed. Why did she always have such trouble with the Biggs Brothers? Couldn't she ever get one of them alone?

  "She really fell for you, Bro," Hank said, grabbing her by the hair and jerking her to stiletto heeled feet. Then he ran her straight into a wall. "Hey, look, one of her tits popped out. How embarrassing for her."

  Ms Patriot groaned and slid down the wall, but managed to turn and sit instead of dropping into a crumpled pile. She shook her head, struggling to regain her wits. The statuesque super heroine knew she didn't have much time. The Biggs Brothers were dumb as dirt, but they had a knack for beating people down. Lifelong thugs.

  "Here, I'll take care of that," Jake said, grinning. He kicked it into high speed, and raced straight at the dazed super heroine. The super fast criminal was almost on her, ready to snatch away her top as he passed at super speed. But at the last second she kicked up and connected with his groin. "Uuuuggghhhh!"

  "You boys obviously are in serious need of a lesson on how to properly treat a lady," Ms Patriot said, rising to her feet. Thanks to her power belt combined and working with her Valkyrie-gened body, she recovered quickly from injuries that would keep a normal woman down for hours. "And I'm just the woman to do it."

  "Yeah, right," Hank said. "You showed us that you are no lady, Patriot, last time we tangled. You were a prim and proper lady, up until penetration, and then the wet, wild, and wanton whore within was freed."

  "Yeah, we brought out your inner whore, Pussylicious," Jake said, voice still a little strained as he rose up to confront her.

  Ms Patriot gasped. That was the single most humiliating day of her life. She never dreamed they would throw the facts of that day back into her face. Worse part, just talking and thinking about it made her body tingle and pussy heat up.

  "Yeah, who would've thought you'd be a super whore, capable of fucking two men into a stupor," Jake said. He feigned charging her, which made her throw a vicious roundhouse. The brothers laughed as she dropped back into a fighting stance, baby blues narrowed dangerously. "But now that we know what you are capable of, Ms Pussylicious, we'll not make that mistake again. This time, we put your fat ass to work hooking as soon as you're good and tamed, and eager for the action."

  Ms Patriot glared murderously at them. She so hated it when they trashed her very respected, iconic super heroine name. They weren't the only ones who taunted her with names like Pussylicious, Ms Piss Hole, Ms Perfect Tits, etc…

  "And we all know you will be very ready for the action, don't we?" Hank said, and wagged his brows at her. "Gotta love that wonderful Curse of the Valkyrie, right?"

  "You're both stinking pigs," she growled.

  "Oink, oink," Jake said, and they laughed. "Yeah, boy, it's going to be fun putting you in your proper place, Patriot." He grabbed his bulging crotch. "We're going to make you eager to please. Eager to sell that hot hiney of yours."

  Her throat tightened. It wouldn't be the first time. She struggled to suppress the memories of past "setbacks." Memories of being captured, depowered, and forced to served the desires of evil men. Forced to sell her body to vile men.

  Those memories filling her head, energized her treacherous libido. Butterflies rioted in her lower belly, and she felt her juices flowing. Even her tits and nipples tingled. Sometimes she really hated her own dark, base nature, and her body.

  "Yeah about as eager as those poor souls you force to prostitute themselves for you. Your 'Biggs Bimbos,' I think you call them," she said. Ms Patriot indicated the table. "Is that how you do it? With created blackmail material?"

  "What? Created?" Jake said.

  "I saw the Jennifer Jade photos. Those are so obviously doctored it'll never work. Jennifer will not succumb to your pathetic attempt to force her into prostitution so easily, or shoddily."

  Hank shrugged. "We know. Just been checking out options, trying to work something up. We'll figure it out, and then she'll be our second Biggs Billionaire Bimbo."

  Second? Ms Patriot didn't know who was in their stable of girls. She realized she should've found out first. It might be important.

  "Bro, notice the Pussylicious slut hasn't covered her naked tit?" Jake said, eyes filled with wicked glee. "And her nipple is rock hard."

  "Huh?" she said, glancing down as her hand rose up to cup the naked tit. The nipple was hard. Of course, her body was still tingling. Then out the corner of her eyes she saw Jake blur away as he took off at super speed at her. Ms Patriot didn't hesitate. She sent a powerful roundhouse straight to the spot she expected Jake's head to be in half a second. "Hai!"

  Jake saw it coming, and ducked. Then he cut left, and smashed his fist into her naked tit, followed by an uppercut to her chin. Once again, her head snapped back and feet came off the floor and she slammed back first into the wall. Jake reached out, grabbed her bustier, and ripped it off.

  Dazed, Ms Patriot dropped hard onto her knees.

  "Bastard," Ms Patriot groaned, and rolled to all fours as the two men and super heroine eyed each other warily. "Like most miscreants, you have no respect for women. I'm going to give you both very painful lessons in respect."

  While Bart was strong enough to take her out with a single solid punch, Jake was fast enough to hit her so many times the accumulated affects took her out. She glanced at the door, and then the window that she entered through. She'd forgotten just has dominating the brothers were in a fight. As much as she despised the mere thought, retreat was the prudent move now.

  "No. Two super powers against one super power. You are outnumbered, Patriot. We win," Hank said. "In fact, you have never defeated us in a fight, fair or otherwise, but we have defeated you."

  She covertly checked out a straight back chair, just feet to her left. If she smashed that over the head of one of them, she'd only have to fight one brother. Then she could prevail.

  "And rather handily, too, I might add, Bro," Jake said. "I think the first fight we had with her lasted all of three minutes, before she was sucking cock and loving it."

  Ms Patriot's baby blues clouded over as the memories of that night flooded her fertile mind, senses, and libido. Natural lubricants flowed in her tingling pussy as her chest tightened and nipples hardened even more. But she barely noticed, because all the sights, smells, and tastes of that long, long night of debauchery returned as if they were still in the middle of it.

  The vivacious costumed vigilante had charged into battle at seven after seven that night, and by ten after seven she was beaten, stripped, and had cocks up her pussy and down her throat. It occurred so fast she still wasn't completely sure what exactly happened. By a quarter after, she was climaxed, depowered, and oblivious to anything but their glorious cocks. She was broken and tamed so damned fast it was doubly humiliating. They fucked her until nine the next morning. Well, somewhere during that time they stopped fucking her, and she started fucking them. Ms Patriot fucked them until they'd had enough, and just walked away, leaving her face down, huffing and puffing. They were young, and didn't realize just what they had, or that they could sell her to eager men and women.

  Ms Patriot swallowed, to loosen the knot in her throat. To her shame, her body was preparing for sex. The butterflies in her belly were being burned away by a hot, mushy tingle, as heat infused her entire shapely body. So she rose up to her full five foot ten inches, plus five inch stilettos, chin high, half-naked chest t
hrust out, and gave the Biggs Brothers a withering glare.

  "I, Ms Patriot, do swear that justice will be meted out today! You have used and abused good women too long, so I'll see that you get your just deserts!"

  "And then you will begin working as our whore on the streets," Hank said.

  "Vile miscreants!" the vivacious vigilante cried, and charged them full of rage.

  Hank simple put his foot up on the edge of the coffee table and kicked it with all his considerable strength. The table streaked across the polished hardwood floors, and smashed into her shins.

  "Sweet Justice!" she cried, and went face first over the coffee table.

  Ms Patriot turned that trip into a dive, tucked her head and rolled right back to her feet. Talk about surprising the Biggs Brothers. A fierce kick sent Bart staggering backwards, and then she thrust a foot into Jake's belly, slamming him against the wall.

  Jake swung at her face, which she ducked under and threw him over her hip. As he rolled away Bart charged back into the fray. She blocked his right, left, and then a knee, before she grabbed his left wrist, twisted it behind his back and pushed him against the wall.

  "Yield!" she demanded.

  "Never," he said, struggling.

  He was so strong, that even with all of her super strength Ms Patriot struggled to hold him against that wall. And then Jake streaked up to her, and slammed three punches into her lower back.

  "Uuuggh," she cried. Jake grabbed her long, silky hair and yanked her off her feet as he turned and flipped her over. Ms Patriot knew a second of disorientation as her body flipped above Jake, but she regained her naturally superior balance and landed on her feet. "Surprise."

  Kicking straight up, she connected with Jake's chin. He fell back, as Bart charged around his brother. Ms Patriot was caught with her legs straight up, and vulnerable. His knee came up hard into her butt, lifting her off the floor yet again. She landed on her shoulders, with Bart looming above.


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