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Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 8

by Don Ship

"You have a choice to make, Jennifer," Hank said. "You can cooperate and we'll cut you a sweet deal. Or you can fight us and we make you our full-time sex slave whore. Which will it be?"

  Jennifer, breathless, looked deeply into his eyes. His eyes showed no promise of salvation. She put her hands on his shoulders, and took over riding his cock. She bounced up and down its length, loving the feel of him inside her. Loving it way too much.

  "What kind…of…ugh…sweet deal," she groaned out, her mind already whirling from the cock in pussy action.

  "You keep your day job, we say nothing, and then you work for us every night," Hank said.

  "You'll get nights off for charity balls and other such things," Jake said. "Got to keep up appearances, you know?"

  "Yeah…appearances," she gasped out. Jennifer licked her lips, then gawked at the brothers. They were serious. She was also on the verge of climax. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll cooperate."

  "Good decision," Hank said.

  While Hank fucked her, Jake pulled her head over and forced her to give him a blow job. Both brothers creamed her just before they reached their destination. Then Jennifer was pulled out of the limo by Hank, who led her straight into the Happy Hookers Hotel. They already had a room on the second floor rented for her. Her hooker clothes were laid out on the small bed.

  Jennifer had to squeeze into a one-piece, shiny, metallic red mini dress. They let her keep the six inch stiletto platform pumps.

  The first person she met upon stepping out of the hooker hotel was Ashley Vanderholm. The beautiful blonde was Jennifer's lifelong rival and nemesis. Ashley looked her over with wicked glee.

  Jennifer felt her face burning. It was more humiliating that any defeat and debasement she knew as Ms Patriot. Worse even than how the Biggs Brothers dominated and debased her. Ashley knowing, witnessing, her defilement was the worst fate possible.

  "Ah, I've longed to see this day," Ashley said. "Jennifer Jade, brought low by a pair of pimps. Forced to sell her rich, pampered body to lowlifes and scumbags, to the gutterscum of society. The reigning Queen of High Society has fallen, and is now the Queen of Skanky Street Whores." She laughed, then pointed to the street. "Get to work, bitch. Long may the Queen strut her stuff upon the mean streets of Sugar Town."

  "You're a whore, too."

  Ashley shrugged. "I wasn't born rich. I fucked my way to the top, and you love to point that out," she said. "Now it's my turn to gloat over your humiliation."

  Before she could respond, a middle-aged man in a suit approached. He looked her over with lusty eyes.

  "How much for a date?" he said.

  Jennifer hesitated. Ashley beamed with pleasure.

  "One hundred dollars," she said.

  "Really? Everyone else charges fifty," he said.

  She gave him a meaningful look, dropped her eyes down to her body, and then back up to his face.

  "You can see me, right? Jennifer said. "Do any of those fifty dollar skanks look like this?"

  He looked her up and down, eyes lingering on her DDs. He swallowed hard, and nodded. "Okay. One hundred."

  She led the john to her room, and gave him way more than a hundred dollars worth of pleasure. That first night, no one refused to pay the price of getting between her legs. Jennifer worked until three that morning, then spent the rest of the night in Jake's bed.

  * * * * *

  Sugar Town, three months later…

  "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, baby, yes!" Jennifer cried. She was flat on her back, boobs sloshing wildly as the big Latino drug pusher fucked her with all he had. "You're the best, baby! Cum for momma, baby! Yes!"

  And he gushed into her.

  "Oh, yesssss," Jennifer groaned. "You wore me out, baby."

  He pulled out, and she rolled to her knees. Biggs Bimbos always gave a courtesy tongue bath after every job. Jake said it kept the johns coming back for more. So she licked and sucked until he was cleaner leaving than when he arrived.

  She cleaned up with a whore bath at the sink, while he dressed. Then they returned to the lobby arm in arm. In the lobby, she kissed him on the corner of the mouth and sent him on his happy way. Then she sauntered over to Jake, slapped the hundred she just earned in his hand, waited for him to slap her ass, and headed back to the street.

  Stepping out into the hot summer air, she glanced at the nearby University Clock Tower, and saw it was ten until two in the morning. Another hour and she could call it a long night. It was already slowing down. Tammy and Tanika were laughing and joking at the corner. Tammy was in all white mini and pumps, while the brothers always made Tanika wear purple or lavender. Tonight Tanika was wearing lavender latex mini dress and matching thigh boots. Annette had the night off for a stockholders function. All of the other Biggs Bimbos worked days.

  Jennifer scowled to recall how Ashley Vanderholm and Gia Graham hooted with wicked glee when she was brought down by the Biggs Brothers. Neither woman liked being a part time whore, but it delighted them when others fell victim to the brothers blackmail.

  That was three months back, late spring. She'd worked seven days a week, from six at night to three in the morning. No weekends off. Indeed, weekend frequently meant she had to come to work from noon to three in the morning, or work frat parties and other group sex type jobs. Occasionally, one or both brothers would pick a girl or two to party with them. More sex. Usually involved girl on girl sex shows. Jennifer and Tammy seemed to be their favorite pairing.

  Jennifer walked over to the other girls. She was wearing all black leather: studded halter top, matching thong and thigh boots with spurs. It was the outfit the brothers liked her to wear most of the time. Indeed, it had become her "signature" outfit. But she did rather like how her boots clicked and jingled when she walked.

  "Wazzup?" Tanika said. "How you hangin', Ho?"

  Jennifer stopped, scowling at the beautiful black woman. "What? Why are you speaking like an uneducated whore all of a sudden?"

  The other two former super heroines laughed.

  "That's what my last john wanted," she said. "More than sex, even. He was an old, decrepit white guy. Rich. I fucked him for two hundred."

  "Yeah, that's why the brothers love you best," Jennifer said. "You put in that extra effort."

  Truth was, they all knew that Jennifer was the brothers' favorite, and not just because she was the richest and prettiest. No, they loved her physiological need, her obsession, with always doing the very best she could do, no matter how demeaning the job. Jennifer had a deep-seated need to be their best, most profitable girl. She worked harder, fucker harder, and made more money than any of them. Only Annette came close in earnings and enthusiasm, and it still wasn't that close.

  "Ha. You're funnier than that outfit," Tanika said.

  "Hmmm," Jennifer said, looking herself over critically. She sensuously stroked her bare ass cheek, and then gave it a firm bootie slap. "I used to agree with that, but it's kind of grown on me. I like it now."

  She tugged up on her thin, thong bottoms. Then she ran a finger up her quite obvious camel-toe. Tanika and Tammy shook their heads.

  "So the brothers will probably change it up," Tammy said.

  "True dat," Tanika said, and she and Tammy broke up laughing again.

  "Have you two been drinking again?" Jennifer said, one eyebrow raised in disapproval.

  "Like sailors," Tammy said, and fished out a small bottle of vodka from her purse. "Want some?"

  "No. A chance to escape this living hell might come at any second. I intend to be ready," Jennifer said. A car started to slow down as it approached them. "Heads up. Hey baby, looking for a date?"

  "Such a hard worker," Tanika snickered.

  "That's why she's pimps' pet," Tammy said, and they giggled.

  Jennifer ignored them. Truth was, she hated being second best at anything. If she was a hooker, then she'd be the best, hardest working hooker in the state. She earned the most money for the brothers every night, and she was rather proud of that fact, too.

ow much?" the middle aged man asked nervously.

  He couldn't take his eyes off her hanging tits.

  "One hundred, and a bargain at that price, baby."

  He looked away, then back at her tits, before his eyes rose up to her eyes.

  "Okay. Get in."

  "We use the hotel behind me," she said.

  "I only have the hundred bucks," he said. "I can't afford the room, unless you want to take it off your price."

  "Bye-bye, baby," she said and walked away. "Cheap bastard."

  "Whore!" and he drove away.

  She spun around to give him a piece of her mind, but it was too late. She scowled at his car as it drove away. Her hands curled into fists.

  "That pisses me off!" Jennifer growled. "I'm sick and tired of being a whore. I want out."

  "So do we all, babe, but the brothers own us, body and soul," Tammy said.

  "Yep, and they don’t let us forget it, either," Tanika said.

  "Forget?" Jennifer said. An idea formed in her mind, and left her almost giddy. "What if they forgot we worked for them? What if they forgot everything?"

  "They're not going to forget."

  "I have some powerful drugs that say otherwise," Jennifer said.

  "But we're de-powered," Tammy said. "And they have super strength and speed."

  She noticed another car slowing down. It held four big, black gangbangers. Jennifer grimaced, because she knew they were looking for her. They were some of her regulars. Shaking her head, she started preparing herself for their preferred type of rough sex gangbang. On the positive side, they were vicious but fast. She'd earn $400 in less than an half an hour.

  "I've been giving that some thought, too," Jennifer said. "I have an idea on how to reenergize my powers."

  The other two former heroines were too afraid to help her. The brothers had too much on them, since they knew they were also Uber Woman and Purple Avenger. Jennifer didn't blame them. If Hank and Jake knew she was Ms Patriot she might not chance it either. Of course, if she failed, then they very well might capture her in costume, and it wouldn't be long before they unmasked her. Then she'd be in the same predicament as the other three sexy super heroines.

  Knowing it was her last night, Jennifer turned three more tricks after the gangbangers before calling it a night. Luck being as it is, her last job wanted extra time, and had the cash to pay for it. So she didn't get out of there until four-thirty that morning. But she felt energized as she drove home, ready for anything.

  First thing, Jennifer undressed and crawled up atop her bed. She pulled out a vibrating dildo, and went to work. She quickly worked herself up into a frenzy, then raced off to get a cold shower. Calmed, she returned and started with the dildo again. It took five hours, but Jennifer found herself a boiling cauldron of pent up sexual frustrations. Just like the good ole days.

  After her shower, Jennifer went straight to her hidden room behind her closet.

  "My Goddess, I've missed you," Jennifer said when she saw her Ms Patriot costume waiting.

  She put on her boots first, then pulled up the blue, star-spangled short-shorts. Next came the red and white striped bustier, followed by the tiara, and mask. After she put on the earrings and choker, she pulled on her red opera gloves. Last, as always, came the golden power belt.

  "Oh, yes. Yes," Ms Patriot groaned as she felt the heady feel of super power surge through her statuesque body. "It's good to be back."

  At eleven that morning, Ms Patriot left Jade Manor, heading for a date with destiny.

  The super heroine got as close to Cummins street as she felt was safe. She didn't want to be spotted and have the Biggs Brothers alerted. It was much harder sneaking up on them in full daylight, but Jennifer was expected on the job well before nightfall. It was broad daylight or never. She carried a special medical kit, filled with the drugs she needed to erase someone's memory, and a rope.

  "Perfect," Ms Patriot said, peeking around a corner and spotting Hank out front of the hotel, watching over his turf. That meant Jake was inside collecting the money from the girls. She watched Ashley bartering with a young black man, then they struck a deal and went upstairs. None of the other five society girls they had working days were anywhere to be seen, so presumably were upstairs on their backs or knees. "The coast is clear."

  The Biggs Brothers lived on the top floor of the building across from the Happy Hooker Hotel. It gave them a fine view of their Biggs Bimbos working their sweet round asses off for them. The vigilante vixen snuck into the alley and hurried up to the back of that building. She then used her superior strength and skills to throw the grappling hook up atop the five story building. In no time she shimmied up the side of that building and was outside one of the brother's windows.

  Ms Patriot pried open a window with ease and slipped inside. She moved slowly through the apartment, the only sound the clicking of her boots on the hardwood. She carefully started searching for the blackmail material. It had to be in there somewhere. It took about ninety minutes, but she hit pay dirt.

  "Yes!" she cried. It was all in a trunk. Easy to transport. No mess. Simple. "The Biggs Brothers aren't the brightest candles on the cake."

  "Brighter than you, Ms Pussylicious," Jake said.

  She froze, glanced over her shoulder, and spotted Jake, Hank, and Ashley. Jake and Hank looked angry. Ashley looked quite pleased with herself. Of course, relations between Ms Patriot and the Vanderholms were never friendly.

  "See? I told you I saw a shadow in the window," Ashley said.

  "I'm here to help rescue you from sexual bondage," Ms Patriot said.

  "What are you, an idiot or something?" Ashley said. Her blue eyes narrowed and she pointed an accusing finger at Ms Patriot. "If they are arrested, then the fact that we've been hooking for them will come out in the trial. Evidence or not. I'll be ruined."

  Ms Patriot shrugged. Ruining Ashley would just be the icing on the cake.

  "Justice must be served," Ms Patriot said.

  "The only justice to be served today will be Street Justice, Ms Patriot," Hank said, smacking his fist into his hand. "And as judge and jury, we sentenced you to a proper ass whipping, followed by sexual slavery."

  "You know, I thought about that, but after further review of my schedule, I just can't do it," Ms Patriot said. "Sorry, boys, but the party is over."

  Jake blurred. The vivacious vigilante kicked straight up, and caught the super fast pimp in the chin. She was aiming for the balls, but had a hard time judging when he was so fast. But any strike was good. Jake staggered back as she moved on Hank.

  Hank had to dodge around Jake, so she was able to get inside his guard. Ms Patriot slammed a right cross into his face, spinning him around. Hank lashed out with a backhand, smashing into the side of her head. Both went down with a grunt. Ms Patriot immediately rolled to all fours and glared at her foes.

  "You boys have filled me with so much rage, I cannot be stopped," the sexy super heroine said. "I will enjoy beating you two into pulp. I will savor every single blow."

  I have to take them out fast, Ms Patriot thought. I cannot fight both for very long. History has shown me that.

  The Biggs Brothers were between her and the door. Ashley was somewhere beyond that door. Probably was running away in dread, knowing her perfectly little world was about to come crashing down upon her. She'd have to be caught, and quickly. Her and Gia had to have their minds wiped, too, since they knew the secret identities of Uber Woman, Purple Avenger, and Silver Angel. Then the brothers climbed to their feet and stole all of her attention.

  Ms Patriot understood the brothers better than they knew, since being their whore for three months. Jake would attack first with his superior speed to disorient her, then Hank would come in for the killing blow. Take out Jake, and their scheme falls apart, just like it did a few minutes ago.

  Jake's body language said he was about to attack. She covertly reached back and grabbed the curtains. They were long curtains, too. A good eight feet long, and o
f good strong material. Jake blurred and she jumped forward and to her feet with the curtains trailing. Any second now Jake would racing into the curtains, and become entangled, or at least tripped up. She would pounce immediately.

  "Wait," Ms Patriot said. Jake didn't become entangled. He seized the curtains, and raced around in a circle around her. At lightning speed. In two seconds flat the sexy super heroine found herself wrapped up tightly in curtains, arms bound tightly to body. "Sweet Justice! No!"

  "Yes!" Jake cried, one end of the curtains in hand. "Do you get dizzy?"


  Jake vanished again, pulling the curtains suddenly. Standing on polished hardwood in stiletto boots, the hapless heroine didn't have enough purchase to stop it. She instantly began spinning like a top. Super fast.

  "Eeeeeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww!" she cried. The spinning stopped, and Ms Patriot began staggering around in a circle, unable to stop herself. Five seconds later, she fell and began clawing at the floor, unable to tell up from down. "Oooooooooo."

  The brothers each grabbed an upper arm and dragged her out into the living room. Ashley was there, pacing and fretting. She was overjoyed to see they had defeated Ms Patriot. Again.

  "Now the best part. We fuck her into submission," Jake said.

  "My favorite part, Bro," Hank said.

  "Wait," Ashley said. "Don't be fools. You've got to find out who — "

  "Shut up, woman!" Hank shouted. "Don't you call us fools again. We caught your ass and made you our slave. That means we're smarter than you. Stupid bitch."

  Ms Patriot was forced to her knees before Hank. He unzipped and grinned down at her. Her spinning head was starting to calm down.

  "Suck it, whore," Hank commanded.

  The brothers looked victorious. Confident. Why shouldn't they be? They've conquered time and time again, subjugating both powerful women like Jennifer Jade and super heroines like Uber Woman, Silver Angel, and Purple Avenger. They had no reason to believe they hadn't defeated her.

  "Yes, master," Ms Patriot said.

  "You hear that, Bro? Patriot called me master," Hank said.

  Ms Patriot rose up on her knees, opened her mouth wide, and reached out for his cock. But she grabbed his ball sack instead. And twisted. Twisted hard and violently.


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