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Unconditional cw-7

Page 16

by Lauren Dane

  Josh watched down his body to where his woman knelt, his cock in her fist along with Akio’s. Nearly lost it when she licked over the heads and he felt the corresponding throb and gasp of Akio. Each one of them looked down, wonder on their faces.

  He thrust into her fist, sliding along Akio’s cock. Akio looked up at him, one brow rising slowly as he thrust in answer.

  Michelle hummed her delight. This side of her was unexpected. Nearly hedonistic and he dug it.

  He leaned in and grabbed Akio’s hair around his fist and pulled him closer for a kiss.

  Kissing a man was different than kissing a woman. Kissing the anchor was a whole different thing entirely. Kissing anyone but Michelle after they’d bonded? He felt her in the back of his consciousness, like spice to this moment. Akio tasted like her, like Josh’s mate.

  He growled, possessive, greedy for more, greedy of her very essence.

  Akio growled back as the kiss deepened, a gnash of teeth and tongue. As Michelle took the heads of their cocks into her mouth in a tight, hard suck, his fingertips dug into her shoulder and yanked Akio’s hair harder.

  She kissed down both cocks, drawing her tongue over the root of each, down over their balls and up again. It was so good he found himself making little deals with himself as to when he’d stop. Little equations as to how close he could get without coming.

  Because he wanted to save that for her. Inside her after Akio had finished. His wolf knew that had to be the way of it. Yes, this other male could mark her this once. But he would come after, fill his mate with his seed.

  “Too close, little witch.” Akio gasped as he placed a gentle hand on her head, a caress followed. “I need to save that for when I’m inside you.” He stepped back with a slow breath, and Josh helped her up, pulling her close.

  “Your lips are all swollen.”

  Her eyes had that blur she got when she was really turned on. His wolf was very close to the surface, driven by Akio, who was in a similar state. This female, his mate, dripping with magick and sex, held endless fascination for wolf and man.

  “I’m going to fuck you now.” Akio stood just behind her, sandwiching her between them.


  Her voice was breathy, and she leaned her head back on Akio’s shoulder.

  Josh’s hands slid up her belly to her breasts, always back to those it seemed, and her hips jutted forward when he tugged on her nipples.

  “I love that,” he murmured.

  “That works out because I do too.” Her smile was only for him.

  Akio walked her to the bed and rolled onto his back. She stood at the edge and looked at him, Josh at her side.

  “All that hair is so beautiful,” she said quietly. Where Josh was big and braw, muscular, tawny skinned and outdoorsy, Akio was lithe and powerful. Tall. Absolutely powerfully built, but more like a swimmer or a cyclist. He was utterly beautiful and she was going to have sex with him and it was totally all right with her boyfriend. Mate. Yes, him.

  She climbed over his body, straddling his waist, her fingers digging into all that hair spread out all around him.

  “Ride me,” Akio said, his voice raspy.

  Josh got behind her, pressed to her back. “Lift up.” She did, and he angled Akio’s cock, stroking the head against her until she slid slowly down, taking him inside her body.

  With Josh behind her this way, it was like he was part of it. Her link to him was so strong she knew he felt what she did, knew that while she enjoyed this moment with Akio, it was Josh who filled her thoughts of forever.

  Akio’s hands slid up her thighs and met Josh’s at her hips. They joined fingers and both grasped her there. She closed her eyes and leaned back as Josh took her weight.

  She lost track of time as both men caressed her skin until Akio growled and shook her from that place she’d drifted off to.

  “Josh, make her come.”

  Well, that certainly got her attention!

  One of Josh’s hands caressed down her belly to her clit while the other held her breast out for Akio to roll and tug a nipple.

  So much. Too much. She closed her eyes to try to find some control but couldn’t resist opening them again to look down at the man below her, at two sets of hands on her body, to be enticed and seduced by the scent of the room. Magick rose from her in reaction, so sharp it nearly hurt.

  Josh’s mouth cruised to the spot where her neck met her body. His teeth grazed her there once, twice, and then he struck, his teeth digging into the flesh, into the muscle, and she came. So hard all the breath left her in one exhale of sound.

  Akio cursed, sped beneath her, thrusting up to meet her body as she came down. The fingers on her nipple tightened, and he snarled, coming.

  The anchor bond slammed into her and she lost her equilibrium again. Dimly she was aware of Josh picking her up off Akio, pulling her into his arms, his mouth brushing her cheeks, speaking soft endearments as this new bond found a way to work with the one already in place.

  Akio kissed her forehead, and she knew he left the bed as the magick of the bond drew her away from that movement and deep into herself.

  Josh looked up from where she snuggled into his body. Akio was getting dressed. “Thank you.” Not just for that moment, but for the commitment he’d just made to Michelle.

  Akio nodded. “It was my pleasure. Thank you for sharing your bond with me.”

  “You’re welcome to stay over. Especially since we’re going over to the crime scene tomorrow morning.”

  “I think you two need the time alone so I’m going to head out.” Akio reached out to take one of Michelle’s hands, kissing it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, little witch.”

  She dragged her eyelids up, a smile on her lips. “Okay. Thank you, Akio.” She blushed and both men chuckled. “I mean, yeah, thanks.”

  “I told Josh already, but I promise you it was my pleasure.”

  “Come over early and I’ll make a big breakfast.”

  Akio nodded and was gone. Josh turned his attention to her once more. “Hey, beautiful, you all right?”

  “It’s sort of a mini-version of the bond with you. I’m feeling better now.”

  “Yeah? How much better?” He needed her. Not if it would hurt her or bring her discomfort. But his wolf was anxious to stamp over Akio’s presence.

  Her gaze sharpened, and she managed to sit up and straddle him. “Why is that, Josh? Hm?”

  He slowly got her to her back, looming over her. “I…”

  “Need to be in me because another male just was?”

  “Sounds petty.”

  She shook her head. “No it doesn’t. Come on in.”

  And as he slid into her body, he came home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She got up and took a shower, saving her tears for when she had time behind a closed door. She’d woken up after a dream where she’d been back at the house they’d found Allie.

  The memory of her friend’s broken body echoed through her like she’d been punched in the gut.

  Of course Josh sensed her upset through the link and barged in.

  “What’s wrong?” He pulled the enclosure door open.

  “I’m living with a man who doesn’t knock on a closed bathroom door?”

  He simply got in the enclosure with her, crowding her, pulling her close. “Living with a wolf. Comes with the territory.”

  “I just had a dream about Allie.”

  He took over, washing her hair as she stood there, sort of stunned by this big, powerful male tending to her so gently. He was so…tender with her. It made her tears come again.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry this much,” she muttered.

  “If anyone got to cry, you get to this week. There’s no shame in mourning someone you lost. I’m sorry. I wish I could make it better. I wish the end of the story was different.”

  “You are making it better. Without you I probably wouldn’t even have found her, and even if I had, I’d be alone. This t
hing between us, this bond? It makes everything better.”

  He tipped her chin up as he soaped her body. “Thank you for that. You’re okay about…everything this morning?”

  She couldn’t help it, she laughed. “After my three-way you mean?” He tried to appear stern but failed. “Yes, I’m fine. I mean, it might be awkward when he comes over for pancakes, but it felt…right, when we were doing it.”

  “It was beautiful. You’re beautiful, and I ache that you’re having to go through this pain.”

  “I’m alive. I’m in love and have so much ahead of me. Allie doesn’t have any of that. If it’s the last thing I do, I will find the people who did this to her. Who destroyed her future.”

  “I’ll be with you the whole way.”

  They got out and she made a big breakfast, as promised. Though cooking for werewolves was a challenge because she had to make so much more than she normally would.

  Right on time, there was a tap on the door and Josh let Akio in.

  He moved to her and she realized there was a link to him too. Not as all-encompassing as the one she shared with Josh, but she could feel his pleasure at seeing her. Affection. It was nice to have someone see her and feel so happy.

  He kissed her cheek and handed her a huge bouquet of flowers.

  She put them in water as he and Josh got coffee and put out plates before they all sat at the table to eat before they headed out. Their connection was easy, and she began to understand what Gina had meant when she’d talked about their connection with her anchor.

  Akio was dear to her. He was part of her now and she part of him. She didn’t need to be a wolf to understand it. It just was and it pleased her to hear him speak. The rumble of his accent as it accented Josh’s.

  And where Josh was snarly when other males had been affectionate to her, he seemed fine with the way Akio would touch her from time to time. How he’d stolen food from her plate and she’d laughed.

  Even when he’d hugged her when she’d nearly cried as she’d described the situation at the crime scene. Josh had handed her a box of tissues, and both males had watched her carefully, features full of concern.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Akio asked from the back seat as they pulled away from the apartment and headed to the scene. “You can stay back here. Josh can take me. I need the scents, I can get it without you. Neither of us wants you unnecessarily upset.”

  “He’s right.” Josh worried about her too. “I don’t want you hurting any more than you have to.”

  “Look, yes, this is my friend, but I’m a cop. It’s what I do. And frankly at least this way I can feel like I’m doing something to find whoever is responsible. It’s not my ideal way to spend a Sunday morning, but it needs to be done.”

  Akio squeezed her shoulder, and Josh let his concern and comfort flow through the link. He knew it was hard sometimes for newly bonded pairs to share through the link, but maybe it was due to having known her so long, things seemed to be all right on that front.

  She was open with him, affectionate, accepting of the bond and fairly laid-back when it came to how dominant he could get. So far anyway.

  Akio kept her occupied as they drove, asking her questions about her former job and what she planned for her future. He skirted asking if she’d consider the change. Many human mates made the choice to take on a wolf. But heaven knew she had enough on her plate just then. It was something he could bring up later on but for the time being, they had other things to work through.

  “It’s just up here. Don’t take the driveway. I want to walk it again.” Michelle had pulled into herself. Her eyes had shifted from the warmth of his mate to cold, flat cop eyes.

  “I’m going to shift,” Akio said as they pulled off to the side of the road. “I can scent better this way.”

  “Good idea. I’ll get your clothes in my pack so you can shift back up at the house if you want or need to.”

  Two minutes later Akio handed Josh his rolled-up jeans and shirt, along with his shoes.

  The flat cop eyes were gone as Michelle scrambled to turn and look. “Can I watch? You shift I mean.” She blushed.

  Akio brushed his fingertips over her cheek. “You can have whatever you like, little witch.” He winked and she laughed. Josh was grateful for that moment of levity. The heaviness of her heart was palpable through the link. He ached to make something better that no one and nothing could.

  A wash of magick rushed through the car as Akio shifted, pulling at Josh’s wolf. A lower-ranked shifter might have succumbed to that siren song, but Josh just breathed in deep and rode it out until he could see clearly again.

  “Beautiful.” She reached out to touch Akio’s fur. His wolf was obsidian with a splash of honey-gold on his chest.

  Akio’s wolf head butted her and shook himself out, and she opened his door to let him out.

  Michelle put her cop back on and they headed up to the house. She tried to compartmentalize it. The job had taught her how to put all her personal feelings to the side when she was working. To view a crime scene in a certain way, and she worked really hard to do just that.

  Akio had stalked off, sniffing and doing his wolf business. Josh was beside her, his gaze shifting, taking in every detail as they moved.

  “They would have brought her up here in a car. She was close to dead by that point if the time of death they called was right.”

  They’d gone through the house rather thoroughly but she did it again. It wasn’t a big space, but the stench of death magic seemed to have sunk into the walls and floors.

  “I’m not even a witch and I can sense all the bad stuff in the air.” Josh kept close, though not in the way should she need to draw her weapon.

  “Whatever they did here killed so much of the natural energies all around.” It was unnaturally silent, the air hung too heavy. “I don’t see any of her energy in the house at all. Just some on the back porch.” They walked out the back door and she indicated a corner.

  Akio came around the corner and sneezed a few times, shaking his head.

  Josh spoke, “Yeah, I know. It’s all wrong here.”

  Though she didn’t want to with all her heart, she needed to get back to that circle where they’d had Allie.

  Haltingly at first, she headed that way. Akio brushed against her legs and Josh put an arm around her shoulders. “We’re here with you. Just take it as slowly as you need to.”

  She squeezed his hand and ran her other along Akio’s fur, drawing strength as she took the scene in through her othersight.

  Dark, ugly smudges of energy. The stolen magic used to fuel whatever they’d done to Allie was gone, but the aftereffects of it were still smeared over the area like an ugly film.

  She shielded herself the best she could. “You two wait outside the circle.”

  Akio snorted and Josh simply ignored her.

  “Look.” She turned to face Josh. “I don’t know if I can protect either of you if something goes wrong. There’s some fucked-up magic here, stuff way beyond my skill level. You can sniff from out there or we’re leaving.”

  Josh touched her cheek. “I don’t like you not within reach.”

  “I don’t like that my best friend was murdered. So you know, lots of stuff happens that we don’t like.” She sent a look to Akio who stood at Josh’s side. “You too. Outside the circle or I’m out of here.”

  “If anything looks remotely hinky, I’m coming in there and grabbing you.” Josh crossed his arms over his chest which, in addition to making him look stern, also bulged up his muscles. Damn he looked good.

  One of his brows slid up which meant he knew what she was thinking. She rolled her eyes and turned around, getting to her knees in the circle, her hands hovering just above the earth there.

  Akio circled where she knelt, his nose to the ground, and Josh prowled around, never getting too very far from her.

  She used a spell Lark had described to her over the phone to try to discern how many different mages ha
d been there. She could pick up two mages, along with Allie, and there was something else.

  She paused, brushing her fingertips over a patch of ground, and it was like she’d opened a drawer or pulled the lid off something. The power of it, whatever it was, flooded her, crashing past the shields she’d erected to defend herself.


  Horrible. So horrible and overflowing with bad things, there was nothing else, only cold and loneliness. It filled her veins with lead even as all she wanted to do was move away as fast as she could.

  Her senses all seemed to be jumbled up, fighting against each other as she froze, trying to run but not having the will to do it.

  He was fine watching her until she brushed her fingertips over a spot in the dirt and then something wrong spilled through the area. It made him want to slip his skin and snarl. Wanted to run away as fast as he could.

  He might have simply done that if it hadn’t been for her. It rolled over her, and their link, which until that moment had been fully open between them, had gone from warm and vibrant to a rush of ice. The fullness of their exchange narrowed, choking, dwindling the amount of sensory exchange to nearly nothing.

  Akio growled low, stalking between Josh and where Michelle crouched inside the circle.

  He looked back over his shoulder at Josh and then growled louder, leaping at Josh, shoving him back and freeing him from whatever feedback loop he’d been caught in.

  “Thanks,” he called as he stepped back to her, grabbing her body below her arms and yanking her free. The energy of his motion knocked them both flying back and onto the dirt with a bone-jarring thud.

  She was limp in his arms and he shook her slightly. “What? What? Michelle, speak to me right now.” Fear rushed through his veins. Aside from the pack, nothing and no one had been important to him the way she was. That anything threatened her well-being made him no little unstable.

  So pale. Damn it. He took her cheeks in his hands, touched his forehead to hers and rushed through their bond, yanking her back from wherever or whatever had tried to take her from him.

  He found it, the golden thread that bound them together, and he yanked it as hard as he could with a mental snarl, pulling her close.


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