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Accidental Foursome

Page 9

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “That’s not really what it’s called, is it?” Nick said, studying Polly’s new vibrator.

  Nodding affirmatively, Polly turned it so the raised lettering was visible. “I found it when I went shopping in Lesbos the other day. Figures.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Now I ask you,” she said, still amazed that she’d found her newest toy with the oh-so-appropriate name. “After creating my gypsy fantasy-foursome script, how could I possibly pass this little gem up?”

  “Little?” Helen said, poking her head between the brothers to get a look. “That thing is enormous!”

  “Hey, stop drooling on my gargantuan gyrator,” Polly teased. “I’ll give you the name and location of the shop later.”

  Stiffening, George sniffed. “Helen doesn’t need one of those when she has me.”

  “Oh, George, George, George,” Helen said chuckling and giving her husband a hug. “You still have so much to learn about women.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Yorgo,” Nick said. “There’s nothing to get insulted about.” He gave George a playful whap on the arm and then shook an admonishing finger under his nose. “Don’t try to tell me you don’t masturbate too, because I know better.”

  George flushed a bit and then kicked at a crack in the stone floor. “Well, I…”

  “Uh-huh. So don’t be such an old-fashioned chauvinist.” Belting out hearty laughter, Nick clapped his brother on the back.

  “Okay, time to get back to the script, everybody,” Polly said with a sharp clap of her hands. “Captain Cutthroat Ivan,” she said, motioning to her husband, “you’ll need a condom for this one because you’re going in Vadoma’s back door. Captain Ironblood, after Cutthroat fills her you’ll pack her in front. Vadoma, you’ll need to strip so the pirates can see what they’re doing.”

  “Your wife is a very bossy woman, Nikolas,” George said, elbowing his twin.

  “Yes, but I know how to keep her in line,” Nick said with a resolute nod.

  “Aha!” George snickered. “Now who’s the chauvinist, eh?”

  Once Helen had stripped, leaving her only in her headscarf and the jewelry around her neck, wrists and in her ears, she took center stage. The summer sun was already starting its slow decline and its burnished-gold glow was better than any artificial stage lighting. Polly thought Helen looked like a pale gypsy goddess as she spread her arms and wiggled her fingers at the brothers in invitation. Knowing firsthand the magnificent treat her sister-in-law was about to experience for the first time, Polly smiled and hugged herself.

  Flanked by the studly pirate captains, Helen pressed the back of her hand to her forehead and moaned, “Oh, woe is me,” according to the script. “After taking a dip in the lagoon I returned to find my clothing gone. See how chilly I am?” With a look to the left and then to the right, Helen took her nipples in her fingers and tugged, eliciting happy grunts from the brothers. “And I’m even colder on the inside,” she said, slicking the fingers of one hand between her thighs while trailing a finger up her butt crack with the other. “Do you suppose there’s something you two burly pirates can do to warm me up deep, deep inside?” She batted her eyelashes at George and Nick.

  “My sweet, lovely wife—do you have any idea how beautiful you look at this moment?” George said, stroking Helen’s cheek and feathering a kiss across her lips. Then he looked down at the significant bulge in his pirate leggings and laughed. “Jesus, I think I’m fully hard already.”

  “It’s Polly’s sexy scripts,” Nick said. “Happens every damn time.”

  On Helen’s cue, Polly ambled over to Nick, pressing her wicker basket against his flat belly. “Some fine gypsy lubricant for you, Captain Cutthroat. And a good strong gypsy condom for your fine, handsome pirate cock.”

  “Thank you my saucy little wench,” Nick said with a wink and solid pat on his wife’s ass as he retrieved the tube of lubricant and condom packet.

  She turned to leave then paused. “Oh, and why don’t you chesty pirates remove your shirts so Vadoma and I can admire all those beautiful bronzed muscles.”

  Once Nick and George had complied, complete with a dual round of impressive pectoral and biceps flexes, Polly skipped away. After stripping her clothes off she sat on the low stone wall so she had a good view of the threesome and they had a good view of her.

  “Sorry, but this has got to come off now so I can see what the hell I’m doing. I don’t want to miss one single bit of this.” Winking, George tore off the pirate eyepatch, tossing it aside. Nick followed suit.

  Nick greased his fingers and placed the other hand on Helen’s shoulder. “Let’s see how well I can warm you up back here. Ah yes,” he said as he trailed a finger down Helen’s crack and found the opening, “here’s your poor, chilly little rosebud.” He eased an oiled finger inside and Helen gasped. After slipping it in and out a few times he asked, “How does that feel, Vadoma?”

  Helen swallowed hard. “Mmm, good. Very good.”

  Getting hornier by the minute as Polly watched Nick prep Helen from the back while George caught one of Helen’s nipples in his teeth, tugging and nibbling as he slid a hand between her thighs and rubbed, Polly decided it was definitely time for the Gyrating-Gypsy-6000 to go to work. She spread her thighs and glanced down to see the juices already dribbling from her pussy. With one little twist, the vibrator was humming and Polly traced her pussy lips with its head, sending delicious vibrations inside. She avoided swiping it across her clit because she didn’t want to come so early. As she played with herself she glanced up to see her husband looking over Helen’s shoulder at his wife and smiling.

  They locked gazes and she looked on, fascinated as Nick rolled on the condom and began easing his cock into Helen’s ass, loving the rapturous expression on both of their faces. In another moment Nick had obviously filled Helen and she sagged against him, moaning.

  “So fucking tight,” Nick said hoarsely. “She’s ready for you, Yorgo.” Bending his knees behind hers, he supported Helen.

  George bent to position himself and then he slowly guided his cock into Helen’s cunt. Amidst her loud moans and shudders as he filled her, he kept asking how she was doing. She answered verbally when she could and simply nodded when she was unable to utter anything. Polly remembered the feeling well. And then the brothers straightened their knees, standing erect and carefully supporting Helen, whose feet dangled a good six inches from the floor.

  Vibrator in hand, Polly strolled over to the sandwiched threesome, circling them slowly as she smoothed her cool fingers up, down and across sweat-slicked backs, bellies and thighs. She was rewarded with a chorus of pleasing moans and groans.

  “I know how you’re feeling right now,” Polly said to Helen in a whisper loud enough for the brothers to hear. “As if every cell in your body is sexually charged. And you can feel the wild, wonderful sensations of pulsing pleasure clear down to your toes.” Polly turned the vibrator on low and ran it from Helen’s waist down her leg and across her ankle.

  “Unbelievable,” Helen breathed out, her eyes passion-fogged and heavy lidded as she clung to George. “Unfuckingbelievable.”

  “And I have a good idea how this feels for you too,” she purred to George. “Seeing your lovely new bride relishing this pure bliss and knowing that you’re bestowing pleasure on her beyond anything in her wildest dreams.” Polly set the vibrator on low again and ran the tip lightly up and down George’s butt crack.

  “Jesus Christ, Polly,” he growled out. “It’s so fucking hot.” He slanted his head to take one of Helen’s nipples in his teeth, tugging it hard.

  “And you, my darling, husband,” Polly cooed to Nick. “Right now your magnificent cock is providing your sister-in-law with the same immeasurable elation that her husband gave me a few months ago when we enjoyed our own honeymoon threesome. Feel the tightness of Helen’s ass muscles clenching you. Know that each and every twitch of your cock is bringing her one step closer to an orgasm such as she’s never known.” And then Polly reached dow
n and glided the head of the vibrator over her husband’s balls.

  “Polly! Fuck. Fuck!” Nick sucked in a shuddering breath and steadied himself. “George I can’t hold out. I’m going to explode.”

  “Me too,” George growled.

  “God oh God oh God,” Helen shrieked as her head swayed from side to side. “It’s too much. Too good.”

  Clearly close to detonating, the brothers widened their stance enough to get the best foothold possible.

  “Nick,” George eked out, “make sure you have Helen good and tight. Stand firm with me so we don’t fall. She’ll get hurt.”

  “Got her.”

  “Nick, baby,” Polly said breathlessly and he turned to look at her. “Watch me fuck myself for you as the four of us come together.” She set her Gyrating-Gypsy-6000 at high-speed and jammed it into her cunt, hammering it in and out as she made sure to slide it over her clit.

  In the next instant, at the same moment that the summer sun dipped behind the hills of Santorini, four euphoric cries of unbridled rapture were carried away on the warm Aegean breeze that swept over the Kokoris brothers and their wives.

  Chapter Nine

  After the grand finale, George, Helen, Nick and Polly crumbled against the inflated mattress into a jumbled mass of supremely sated flesh.

  “Dear God in heaven, “George pleaded once he’d regained the power of speech, “please tell me that we’re finished because, I swear, I’m done for.”

  “Don’t worry, George.” Helen patted his thigh. “We’re done…well, at least until after dinner—and then it’s Polly’s turn to get double-packed.”

  “Hey,” George flipped his flaccid cock, “these aren’t toys made of rubber with an on-off switch like your gypsy vibrator, you know. Ours,” he gestured with his thumb to Nick’s cock and his own, “don’t come with rechargeable batteries.”

  “Oh come on you big old fake,” Helen said as she sat up and gave George a playful whack on his abdomen, eliciting an ooph from him. “You know you guys loved every minute of it.” Helen reached over and cupped each twin’s groin, gently massaging, smoothing and twisting, not a bit surprised when the limp cocks twitched and trembled, struggling to rejuvenate for an encore. “Oh look, Polly.” Helen winked at her sister-in-law. “We might even be able to get in a quickie before dinner.”

  “Oh, that’s just plain wicked,” Nick said.

  “And impossible,” George added. Doing his best to hide an emerging smile, he propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at his reclining brother. “Nikolas, if we were smart we would have taken the Sabatini sisters up on their generous offer.” Helen and Polly gasped. “Because they’d never have the inhuman stamina of our sex-crazed women,” George continued, “and our poor petered out peckers wouldn’t be in jeopardy of falling off from excessive overuse.”

  “You’re right, Yorgo.” Nick pulled himself up on his elbow to face George. “I say we toss our wives over the wall and into the sea and then place a call to Amanda and Andrea, begging them to forgive us.”

  “If we work fast maybe they can catch the next plane out here,” George said.”

  Polly sat up exchanging narrow-eyed glares with Helen as they listened to their husbands guffawing. “Are we just going to sit here and let our smartass husbands talk like that?” she asked Helen.

  “Hell no,” Helen said with a dangerous smile as she fingered a long strand of small beads around her neck. “Let’s make them pay. It’s time for the beaded cock stranglehold you invented, Polly.”

  “The what?” the brothers cried in unison as they covered their slowly burgeoning cocks.

  “Sabatini sisters, indeed,” Helen mumbled just before leaning in close and snatching George’s mostly limp cock into her mouth. Next to her, Polly did the same to Nick. After a succession of wicked tongue swirls that left her husband groaning Helen lifted her head, letting him pop out. Eyeing the pair of merrily bobbing cocks, she and Polly exchanged devilish smiles.

  “That’s just not possible,” George said, eyes bugging as he spied his rapidly swelling cock. “Not this quickly.”

  “Oh but it is when you’re dealing with the Kokoris women, mister,” Helen teased as she whipped the beads from around her neck and began wrapping them around George’s stiffening cock. Polly mirrored the action with Nick.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” George said.

  “Exacting cruel and unusual punishment,” Helen said. “Retribution that will erase all thoughts of the bony-assed, melon-titted Sabatini sisters from the blackboard of your dirty little mind, sweetheart.” She gave the beads a tug.

  “Jesus!” As Helen wound the beads securely around George’s flesh he turned, wide-eyed, to his brother. “Nikolas. They are trying to kill us.” And then he let out a low groan as his cock expanded, trying to break free of its beaded prison. “Damn, that hurts. That hurts so good.” He ground out a low, husky chuckle.

  “Yorgo,” Nick said in a strangled tone.


  “Remember when we were—ooh, damn!” Nick’s eyes rolled back in his head as Polly wrapped another row of beads around his cock and tugged. “When we were kids,” he continued after finding his voice again, “and our teacher used to make us write about what we did on our summer vacation?”

  “Yeah…wouldn’t old Mrs. Loukianos love to read about what we’re doing on this one?” George choked out a strangled laugh that matched his brother’s.

  “Sabatini,” Helen said, cupping her hands around George’s beaded cock and rubbing as if it were kindling and she was trying to start a fire—which she was. “What does that name mean to you?”

  “Nothing,” George growled as he clapped his hands on Helen’s hips and squeezed. “Never heard of it.”

  “And you?” Polly asked Nick as she toiled to stir up a flame.

  “Not a damn thing,” Nick said, covering her hands with his.

  “Mission accomplished,” Helen said. Nodding in accordance, she and Polly each gave a sharp jerk on the strands of beads, quickly and carefully disengaging them from their husband’s cocks. Then they promptly straddled the twin pillars of flesh, sliding down to fully seat themselves as the brothers belted out rapturous groans.

  And then, with a reciprocal wink, the Kokoris women gleefully rode their men into the Santorini sunset.

  About the Author

  Imagine frantically trying to file your way out of a locked bathroom door with a teeny nail file, dressed in nothing but a too-small towel while you’re waiting for a real estate agent and a family with three small kids to arrive for a showing of your house.

  Okay, now picture the contents of a box of just-delivered sex toys (purely for research purposes, you understand) strewn on the bed just outside the same locked bathroom door.

  Welcome to the madcap real world of award-winning author Daisy Dexter Dobbs.

  With her works hailed as the best in screwball romantic comedy, Daisy firmly believes in the healing power of love and laughter, although she’s quick to disavow any notion that the often hilarious foibles and mishaps that frequently happen to befall her have any connection whatsoever with the zany predicaments of the characters in her romantic comedy novels.

  Uh-huh. Right.

  A Chicago native, Daisy now lives in the Pacific Northwest. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart, and has one child.

  Daisy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

  Also by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Caroline’s Christmas Viking

  Polly’s Perilous Pleasures

  Wicked Payback

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.

  >   Daisy Dexter Dobbs, Accidental Foursome




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