Without Doubt
Page 9
“Actually, I didn’t. I just got a double queen room for you and Greyden.”
“Declan! You promised me you would get me my own room! I’m not staying in a room with him. He’s going to be having sluts come in at all hours of the night, and what if I found a guy I want to hook up with huh? What am I supposed to do? Go to his room?”
“NO!” Me, Greyden and Declan all yell at her.
“Macie, don’t say stupid shit like that,” Greyden says, patting her knee and giving her a friendly smile. “I’ll get another room if I find a girl.”
“They’re all booked,” I remind him, not really wanting to burst his bubble.
“Well, then I’ll figure something else out,” Greyden says as Declan’s phone starts ringing.
Declan reaches down to the console and tenses before silencing it. I grab it from him as he tries to protest, but I’m way too damn curious to not look at what he’s hiding from me.
I unlock the screen and go to the call log. Rachel. Rachel called him. Why is Rachel calling him? Right before I turn to ask him that very question a text comes through.
Rachel- Please call me when you get back from LV. I need to talk to you.
This time I do look over at him and see him watching from the corner of one eye. “Why is she calling you?” I ask in an eerily calm voice, a voice that is completely masking the inner mayhem I’m experiencing.
“I don’t know. I didn’t answer,” he replies skeptically.
I hand him the phone and he takes it, but before I release my death grip on it I tell him to call her back.
“I’m not calling her, Ava, you can forget about it,” he dismisses me as he looks back to the road.
“Um, yes you are,” I grit sternly through my teeth, “and how the hell does she know you’re going to Vegas?” I’m swiftly losing my mask of calm.
“Sunshine, everyone knows we’re going to Vegas. Don’t be mad, I don’t talk to her,” he says in a soothing voice as he rubs my bare thigh gently.
Greyden and Macie sit quietly in the back seat, obviously embarrassed to have witnessed this whole discussion. I should probably feel bad about the way I just reacted, but I don’t. I’m new at this relationship stuff and it pissed me off, so I thought it best to confront it.
“Ava, did you tell Mace about Harper’s latest joke?”
I’m still trying to get over being pissed, so I just shake my head no. Declan sighs before glancing to the back seat to make sure they’re paying attention.
“Ok, so why was the boy a bonk head?” He waits a beat before continuing when they obviously aren’t going to answer that ridiculous question/joke. “Because him bonked his head on the door!” Declan finishes, laughing wholeheartedly.
His enthusiasm for Harper makes me smile. Apparently while our friendship had taken its one week break, Declan had confided in Greyden about the fact that it was possible that I had a kid. He said that it was Greyden that convinced him that it wouldn’t matter if I had an alien, there was no way possible he would be able to walk away from me. I am forever in debt to Grey. Then slowly, over the next couple of days, after he and I had made up and I had met his mom, he told Keegan and Luca in the way guys typically talk about that kind of thing. He and I told Macie over lunch one day; she cried and begged to meet her, promising to treat her as her own and be the best auntie in the world. Then Declan told his parents at the last family dinner that I didn’t go to. I guess it didn’t go nearly as smoothly as he had anticipated. They, of course, were very concerned about all of the possible drama it could bring into his life. It would be a big deal if he chose to date a single mother who actually birthed her child and didn’t have a birth father out there anywhere. Instead, here I am, a single mother with sole custody rights, with not only a flighty birth mother out there somewhere but also a birth father who has no idea he has a kid. What happens if he finds out about Harper?
Declan was irritated with their concern. He wanted them to welcome us with open arms, no questions asked. After meeting his mom, I wouldn’t expect anything less. They have valid questions and concerns, concerns that I deal with on a daily basis and had considered for Declan before I agreed to date him. Well, dating him was inevitable, there was no stopping it by either of us, but those questions, concerns and possibilities are what delayed the inevitable.
“That is the worst joke I have ever heard, dude.” Greyden sounds completely disappointed and I kind of want to laugh at that—was he expecting a good joke from a three year old? But my amusement passes as my heart melts over Macie’s reaction to Harper’s silly little toddler joke.
“Oh my gosh! How cute! Shut up, Greyden. Please can I meet her when we get back?”
“Yeah, I think we’re going to have family dinner at my place on Sunday and have the guys over too. You still game for that, Sunshine?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” I don’t want to lose this; I don’t want to lose him. I’ve never felt this much happiness at once and it freaks me out that I could lose it all, that Harper and I can lose it all. Declan reaches back over and grasps my hand, giving me his heart-stopping smile.
Our discussions lighten up and we talk about anything and everything for the rest of the drive. We sing along to the music on Greyden’s iPod and Macie and I dance in our seats like we’re the greatest rock stars to ever live. We laugh hard at stupid stuff and my heart swells at the opportunity to act like a 23 year old. Soon enough, we pull up to the Paris Hotel and I am in awe. I’ve never stayed in anything even close to this nice. The circular drive and the large columns in front of the gold outlined glass doors are breathtaking. I just gawk. My door is opened and a young very good-looking valet attendant extends his hand to help me out of the car.
“Good evening, Miss,” he says politely as I straighten my cramped legs. He has perfect white teeth that are showcased in his dazzling smile. He releases his hold on my hand only to place it on my back and guide me to the sidewalk off of the circular drive. I kind of think this may be inappropriate, but like I said, I’ve never stayed anywhere this fancy before. Maybe this is protocol or something?
“Ava, come here,” Declan says sternly from the trunk of the car where he’s instructing another attendant on what needs to be taken inside.
My heart plummets; this apparently is not typical of the valet attendants. The good-looking blond man quickly drops his hand from my back and I walk briskly to Declan’s side.
“Two minutes. We have been here for two minutes Ava, and you already have guys after you.” He’s talking in a hushed tone but I can tell he’s really bothered by this.
I notice Greyden and Macie talking over by the entrance and I’m curious their take on Declan’s reaction to the valet attendant touching me. Is it normal for him to flip so quickly that way, or is that just a reaction with me?
“He was just walking me off the road, Dec, you’re being dramatic,” I say as glance over to the poor guy I left behind over by the sidewalk. He’s keeping his eyes busy with something in his hands.
Declan takes a deep, calming breath before handing attendant number two a tip then grabbing my hand. “This is hardly a road, Ava. Just stay by my side until we get up to the room so I don’t break that guys’ hands for touching you.”
I really need to learn all of his quirks already so we can avoid these instances. He’s being possessive, not dramatic. I grab his face and kiss him deeply before offering, “Okay.”
His strong hands go automatically to my waist and hold me firmly as he joins in on my passionate PDA. He quirks his eyebrows. “Okay? That’s it?” he asks doubtfully.
“Yes, that’s it. Now can we please go to our room? I really want to get you alone,” I whisper in his ear and feel him tense against my body.
He takes a step back and pulls me over to the young attendant who is waiting for direction. The guy gives him a tag and tells him our bags will be delivered to our room. I don’t really understand why we can’t take our own bags to our room, but this is clearly a d
ifferent world and so I won’t question it; this weekend I’m just going to roll with it.
Once we get inside, it takes my eyes a second to adjust because it’s a dim room with neon lights everywhere. It’s a lot colder than it is outside, too, and the smoke-filled air is suffocating. “The air isn’t nearly as bad here as it is in the older casinos. You won’t notice it too much soon enough.” Declan says to me as we walk over to the registration desk.
We step into a large, all white marble room with several huge gold and crystal chandeliers hanging overhead. I stay very close to Declan’s side, my hand still in his, but I can’t keep my eyes from inspecting everything. We pass a very long line of eclectic people that leads to several receptionists behind an extremely long white marble counter that extends the length of the room.
As we reach the end of the line, Declan pulls me into his arms and against his body so I wrap my arms around his waist. “Thank you for bringing me,” I whisper into his chest. “This place is incredible.”
“You’re welcome. You haven’t seen anything yet. You’re going to love the room.” His words skim the top of my head, which is resting against his warm chest.
It was a really long car ride and I’m very tired, but his hard body is doing things to my own traitorous body. Maybe I don’t want to take a nap after all. “Have you stayed here before?” I ask him quietly.
“Yeah, we usually stay here when we come. It’s Mom’s favorite and it’s in a good location, within walking distance to just about everything.”
“Excuse me, Mr. James?” I hear a man ask from behind me.
I break away from Dec’s chest and turn around, but Declan pulls me back into his chest, only facing out this time. In front of us is a good looking man in a suit and tie who looks to be in his early forties.
“Declan,” he corrects. I’ve learned that he refuses to be a “Mr.,” especially when referred to it by folks older than him. “What can I do for you, man?” Declan responds in a cool and casual manner.
The guy turns total fan girl on him. His smile kicks up about ten notches and he shakes his head in disbelief as he reaches out his hand to Dec. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Declan. I’m a huge fan. You actually fought my boy a few years back in San Francisco and I’ve been following your career since.”
“Thank you. I remember that tournament. It was the only one I’ve done in San Fran, what’s your son’s name?”
“Zach Ryan.” I can see the amount of pride pouring from this father as he says his sons name to the famous Declan James.
I hate fighting. I hate Declan’s career. But I will admit, this is a very cool moment. I feel Declan’s chest rise and fall behind me as he chuckles at a memory.
“I definitely remember fighting Zach Ryan,” he says, more that politely. “He was good, almost had me. I haven’t heard anything from him since, though. How’s he doing? Still into MMA?”
The man gives a sad smile and again shakes his head a little. “No, that was his last fight, actually. He got into a car accident and did some damage to his brain so they recommended that he not return.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Declan offers sincerely as he lets go of me with one hand and reaches for his wallet. He pulls out a business card and hands it over to him. “This is my publicist. If you and Zach want to come out to a fight sometime, just call Bailey. I’ll let her know to be expecting your call. She’ll get you a schedule of upcoming fights and maybe you guys can come out to one that’s near you.” He puts his wallet back and wraps his arms around me again. My heart swells some more with my feelings for Declan James. He’s a badass, but he’s a badass with a heart. I couldn’t ask for much more.
Mr. Ryan stares at the card for just a second before reaching back out to shake Dec’s hand again. “Thanks, Declan. It was nice to meet you; we’ll definitely get in touch with your publicist and come watch you soon. Are signing with the UFC this weekend?”
“No, just meeting with them this weekend. It was nice to meet you too, and tell Zack hello for me.”
The guy gives us a small wave before strolling up to the large counter with his carryon suitcase behind him.
* * * * * * *
Macie and Greyden went up to their room as soon as we checked in. I wanted to go look around real quick so Dec and I went on a little adventure. The hallways are made to look like the outdoors of Paris, complete with cobblestone walkways and little shops that look as if they’re right in downtown Paris. I notice a very tiny crepe shop and decide that we’ll be getting that for breakfast in the morning. Declan never releases my hand as he lets me take it all in. It’s easy to imagine us walking in the City of Love instead of a smoke-filled casino, though I find it absolutely lovely and I’m filled with love and excitement to be here experiencing this with Declan.
We stop and get a frozen concoction before going upstairs. Mine is vodka and lemonade. I’m not a drinker, not even a little bit, but this is amazing. It’s really hot tonight and I just want to suck these down one after another.
“I’m taking you dancing tonight, so you better not get drunk off that drink before we even head out for the night,” Declan says with a big smile as we ride the elevator up to the top floor.
I give him a quick kiss just when the door opens. There’s an older couple waiting for the elevator as we step out into the hall. They watch us carefully and the lady takes a small step to the side to keep her distance from Declan. I have to giggle, not only to find it ridiculous that she’s intimidated by one of the nicest guys I have ever known, but also the vodka flowing through my veins is insisting that I laugh at this situation.
“Behave yourself, Sunshine,” he says, lifting me into his arms and carrying me to our room.
The room is exquisite. Its French décor is understated and beautiful; it’s at least the same size as my little apartment, probably bigger. Declan sets me down and puts his hands in his jeans pockets as he bites down on his bottom lip. I walk through the rooms, still holding our drinks, appreciating every little detail including the gold swan that is the faucet in the ginormous bathroom.
“I need to take a bath in here,” I whisper to Dec as he follows me into the luxurious bathroom.
He sets our drinks on the vanity before lifting me up there too. I’m feeling a tiny bit like I’m on a tilt-a-whirl, but I’m not denying that Declan also makes me feel that way, not just the vodka in my very yummy lemonade.
Declan steps in close to me and kisses me thoroughly. “You taste delicious, Sunshine. I just want to suck on this enticing tongue for a bit. The lemonade taste suits you; you should drink it every day, minus the vodka.” After drawing my tongue deep into his mouth one more time, he continues his kisses onto my neck and rubbing his hands over my ribs.
“Dec,” I moan.
“Yes?” he answers, placing sweet kisses along my collarbone.
“I need you, Dec. Please.” I somehow find words to describe somewhat of what I am feeling right now.
“I need you too, Sunshine, but I think our luggage just arrived. I heard a knock on the door.” He pulls back way too soon for my liking and helps me off the vanity.
I scoop up my drink and suck it down as I walk back out to the living area. It’s the attendant that helped me from the car. Declan asks him to take the bags to the room and the guy smiles brightly at me.
“Can you go sit on the sofa?” Declan asks, or rather, demands.
“What?” I reply, annoyed that he’s speaking to me like that.
He lets out a little groan and steps closer to me. He grabs my hand and leads me to a sofa that’s facing away from the bedroom the guy went into and the entry door. He gently pushes down on my shoulders for me to sit and I flop down.
“What is wrong with you?” I ask in a harsh whisper. I’m a little embarrassed and a lot pissed off that he thinks he can dictate where and when I stand.
Declan kneels down and pulls me closer so my legs are on either side of him. “I’m sorry. You have no idea how hot you look in
your extremely sexy, but very short shorts. I swear I will smash his face if he looks at you one more time, even in a friendly manner. I will br-eak him, Ava.” Declan sounds out the word break as though it’s physically painful not to follow through with at the moment. “Can you please just sit here until he leaves?”
“Yes,” I reply because I really don’t want to fight with him. We bicker and argue, but we haven’t fought and I definitely don’t want to start our first one over me wearing short shorts.
“Thank you, baby.” He kisses me quickly and stands just as I hear the guy come in from the room. Declan thanks him and I assume tips him since the other guy reciprocates before the door closes and locks. I wait for him to come to me. He was pretty upset just a minute ago and I don’t really know what to expect right now.
Declan comes over to the couch and sits next to me before pulling me onto his lap. “I don’t have any clue how long it’ll take for me to get over this jealousy I seem to be experiencing. I’m sorry I’m coming across as an ass, Ava. I dislike it about as much as you do I’m sure, but I don’t know what to do about it. This is definitely a new one for me.”
“Are we ever going to have sex, Declan?” I ask as I snuggle into his chest and inhale his intoxicating scent. I feel his chest rumble beneath my cheek.
“Did you finish your drink, Sunshine?”
My drink? Where is it, anyway? I sit up, suddenly feeling like my tilt-a-whirl is going at full speed. As my ride slows back down, thankfully, I see Dec pick up my empty cup and grab my slice of lemon to suck on it. Him and his lemons. Him and his lips. That tongue…
“I think I may have. I can’t remember right now.” I look at him and he seems so completely happy. Right now, I really want to take a shower with him and get in bed. I’m so tired, and so… I just really want to get in bed. With Declan.
There’s a knock on the door and Declan stands up after he situates me back on the sofa and puts my head on a pillow. I’m not sure if my eyes are going to stay open long enough for that shower, definitely not sex, that’s for sure.