Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Two

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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Two Page 3

by Desiree Broussard

  The arms wrapped around her body tensed. “Not if its owner is vigilant,” Kosmas corrected. “A vigilant owner will never let his guard down. He'll take every precaution to ensure that his bird remains where it belongs... Even if it means leashing his bird until it learns its place.”

  “Don't you mean until it's broken?” Keely squirmed to get up, but his arms were wrapped around her body like steel bands. “Does that turn you on, Kosmas? Maybe you're one of those men that can only get aroused by a woman so meek and uninspired that she does nothing more than lie still and take it?” Keely scoffed disdainfully. “Let me save you the trouble. I'll never be that kind of woman, so you might as well give it up. Leash me all you want. You'll never break me.”

  His thigh muscles bunched underneath her as he lifted his hips up. Immediately, Keely felt the press of his shaft against the crease of her buttocks. It was like a thick steel rod underneath her. Instead of angering him, her words seemed to have the opposite effect. And God help her, her traitorous body was responding to the feel of his shaft so close to her heated core.

  “Care to test that theory?” Kosmas drawled softly in her ear. “Just say the word.” His arms loosened as he gently pushed up against her again. “I'll be only too happy to show you how I like my women to be.”

  Keely wrapped her fingers around her collar and jerked it. “I'm sure you would,” she replied sweetly, her body simmering. “It's not much of a conquest, though, when the woman has to be leashed.”

  Kosmas chuckled as he reached up to unhook the leash. “I wouldn't say that,” he murmured, his deep tone arousing her further. “There's something extremely erotic about a beauty like you naked, leashed, and completely at my will.”

  Keely froze. His words, and the hardened shaft underneath her, painted a picture that interested her far more than she was willing to admit. She imagined herself in his bed, her hips arched as she awaited his pleasure on her hands and knees. Against her will, she trembled. Would her body yield to his shaft like it had for Zander, and would it bring her the pleasure she'd found in his arms? All it would take was one word to find out.

  To her dismay, Kosmas was aware of her internal struggle. He pressed a small lingering kiss on the back of her neck, the contact sending pleasurable tingles throughout her body. “It's only a matter of time, concubine,” he informed her, his voice filled with satisfaction. “I can wait, though I doubt the wait will be very long.”

  “You insufferable bastard.” Keely's rant was cut short as the sound of a loud gong cut through the noise in the amphitheater. The crowd quieted as they directed their full attention to the stage that sat in front of all of them.

  “What's happening?” Keely asked Kosmas, her anger at him momentarily forgotten.

  “The concubines are about to choose their mates,” he replied nonchalantly, sounding bored. “What else?”

  Keely marveled at how excited the other women looked, as if their captivity was some kind of prize. How quickly they'd adapted, their fear completely dissipating from the comforts of their new surroundings. For their sakes, she hoped that they were treated well. The thought of a vampire feeding from her, using her blood as nourishment, made her nauseous. How could any woman bear it, knowing that she'd had to be fed on day after day, year after year, for God knew how long?

  It wasn't for her. Somehow she had to find a way off this planet, even if it meant returning to famine, violence, and disease. Back on Earth was where she belonged... Not here on a planet with beings that didn't even eat food. There was only one card left to play, and Keely knew she had no choice but to use it. It wasn't the right time, though, but with someone as heated as Kosmas it wouldn't be long before it was. And when it did, Keely had to be prepared. She'd get one shot at making it work, and if all went well, she'd find herself back on Earth... And all of this would be nothing more than a bad memory.

  Chapter 3

  Zander walked into the center of the amphitheater as if he owned it. The guards chosen for duty that evening did little more than shoot him a quick, cursory glance before turning back to watch the crowd. Not a one of them would ever think to question him, especially since he outranked them all.

  Immediately, his eyes sought out the raised podium that was reserved for their leader. Anger filled his body. Sure enough, Kosmas was there... With Keely on his lap. His arms were wrapped around her slender body, his mouth close to her ear. And if the calm, serene expression on her face was any indication, she didn't seem to protest it very much.

  For a brief moment, Zander considered walking away. After all, his future was already set, why should he risk it all for the concubine perched so perkily over another man's shaft? The clothing between them didn't matter to him, it certainly didn't lessen the jealousy pumping through his veins. Rage fueled his thoughts, his large hands clenching into fists. He couldn't recall ever being angrier and that was saying a lot when you were immortal.

  There was no telling what he might have done, had his father not joined him. A strong hand clasped his shoulder from behind as Kyle asked in a low voice, “Zander, what troubles you so?”

  Zander's teeth ground together as he struggled for control. When he felt like he could speak again, he turned to face his father. The older man stared at him with a bemused expression on his face, his green eyes concerned. Despite his advanced age, though, with his powerful build and blond hair, he could have passed for Zander's older brother.

  Zander jerked his head toward an empty area next to the concrete wall. Even then, they would have to speak low, a vampire's hearing was superb. Luckily, the crowd was quite loud, but they always were as they waited for the market to start. Their chatter would help to conceal his revelations.

  His father nodded, a deep frown on his face as he walked beside him. Kyle had once been a guard, too, until he'd happily retired. He now spent his time as Zander hoped to, living a peaceful but fulfilling life with his mother.

  Once they reached the concrete wall, they both turned to put their backs to it, a habit born out of necessity. The vampires didn't have a guard for nothing, Legionnaire had been fraught over the centuries with wars, their battles originating from power-hungry vampires to beings not even of their world. An attack could come at anytime, it paid to always be prepared. A momentary lapse in judgment could mean a vampire's death. Zander had seen it happen to others, as had Kyle.

  The walk had cooled him off, but Zander's eyes immediately moved back to the podium. Now that his initial jealously was gone, he was able to see the hint of desperation in her eyes. How could he have ever believed anything different? The concubine was scared, any mortal female would have been. He rubbed a hand over his chin as he considered their circumstances.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?” Zander asked his father reluctantly, turning his head to stare at him. An alarming thought crossed his mind. “There's nothing wrong with Mother, is there?”

  “No, no,” Kyle reassured him, shaking his head. His face shadowed briefly, as if something unpleasant had crossed his mind. “I actually came to see you. I thought you might be here.”

  “Why?” Automatically, Zander knew something wasn't right. His father wouldn't have come to town on the night of the market, not unless something was terribly wrong. “What's happened?”

  “I just come from a meeting with Petereo, Arania's father.. Really, I didn't have a choice, he showed up on my doorstep demanding it.” Kyle stopped to sigh before getting right to the point. “He wants the mating moved up. He's experiencing troubles with his rivals, and he's worried that one of them might demand Arania in exchange for a peace treaty.”

  “How soon?” Zander asked disinterestedly, his eyes moving back to Keely. Everything about the woman was perfection. He'd go to any lengths to have her.

  “This coming Saturday,” Kyle replied, his words sharp. “It's a bit rushed, but not out of the question. After all, you've already committed to this. Petereo is a complete bastard, but Arania shouldn't be so bad. Especially, once you've remove
d her from her father's influence. He's greedy, underhanded, and corrupted. It's a miracle Arania isn't the same way, after living so many years with him.”

  “Maybe she is,” Zander replied thoughtfully, temporarily caught off-guard. He hadn't been expecting that. “I might be committed to her, but let's face it. Neither one of us really knows a thing about Arania. In fact, I made a mistake by ever agreeing to it... And I want out.”

  “Zander,” Kyle choked out, his eyes widened in bafflement. It was probably a first for his father, a man known for always being in control of any situation sent his way. “Have you lost your mind? You've never broken a promise before, and now is not the time to start. You can't just discard this union like a used piece of clothing. Reneging on this arrangement will likely cause a war.”

  Zander shrugged. “Then war it will have to be. I was a fool for agreeing to give my life to a woman I don't even desire. There are a great many single guards here on Golden Harbor. I'm willing to bet that there won't be a problem finding a male willing to take my place, especially in the hopes of gaining an advancement. Offer the arrangement to one of them and find her a husband that way. It won't be me.”

  “The other guards don't come from the same bloodlines as you,” his father exploded, his eyes narrowed at Zander thoughtfully. “And Petereo is not likely to forget that.” He followed the direction Zander's eyes were directed in and fell silent for a moment.

  “Does this have something to do with the redheaded concubine?” Her collar gleamed underneath the lights form the torches, a large and visible reminder of her status. It proclaimed to the world that she belonged to Kosmas, a fact that Zander was determined to change. It hadn't been Kosmas to penetrate her virginal body. It had been him. Keely was his.

  Zander nodded, his face set in stone. He wouldn't give her up, no matter what.

  His father didn't try to talk him out of it. Instead, Kyle simply asked, “Do you love her?” His eyes were searching when they landed on Zander's face. “I sure as hell hope so. Shit is going to hit the proverbial fan when this goes down, it would be a shame to go to war over a woman that you only lust for. We can break our contract with Petereo, but then there is Kosmas.”

  Yes, and then there was Kosmas. Zander's lips tightened into a grimace. Throughout the years, Kosmas had gained quite the reputation when it came to women. It wasn't a question of how many of their female vampires he'd bedded, it was more how many had he not bedded. He was notorious for taking several women a night, should the mood hit him to do so. Even worse, Zander hadn't heard any complaints. Women all but lined up to bed him, sometimes even at the same time.

  Kosmas would attempt Keely that very night, of that Zander had no doubt. The thought sent a jealous pang through him. Would the concubine succumb to his charms?

  The market started, the first concubine revealing her mate. Zander barely noticed. “Do I love her?” he repeated, filled with worry from his musings. “I'm not sure,” he continued reluctantly. “I've never experienced that state before. All I know is I want Keely, and I'm willing to risk it all to have her.”

  Instead of the stern lecture and opposition he'd been expecting, a ghost of a smile hovered about Kyle's lips. His eyes were lit up with an emotion that Zander could only describe as satisfaction. Kyle wasn't the type of man to ever back down from something he wanted, and Zander was the same way. They were on the same page.

  “I experienced something similar when I met your mother,” Kyle confided, leaning his large frame against the wall. “I was working in the guard and at the top of my game when it came to women. But looking back now, I can honestly say I was cynical and jaded. It happens to a man when he's realized that there's always a new woman and a new bed to be had. At that point in my life, the last thing I ever expected to do was become fixated on just one female. After all, why would any man want to, when there were countless women just waiting for no-strings sex?”

  One side of Kyle's mouth turned up. “But one day there was this woman standing in front of me, and I found myself captivated by her. I was hooked from that moment, although it took me a long time to realize what hooked meant. I immediately lost interest in any other woman, my days and nights were spent looking for ways to win her. It was that simple, but yet it was so complicated.”

  The wry expression fled, replaced with an intense look that showed his father meant business. “I fell in love with your mother the moment I saw her, but I didn't realize it. I called it everything but what it really was. It took me a long time to realize the truth, but that's the way a love like that works. Your mother affected me so deeply that my reaction to our first meeting has lasted several lifetimes. That's what love at first sight is, but it's tricky. I can look back now and see it for what it was... At the time, though, I was clueless.”

  “So you're not going to tell me I should leave Keely alone?” Zander asked curiously. He wouldn't have anyhow, but he was interested in hearing his father's response. Knowing he had his support made a difference to him, but he was man enough to still pursue her, no matter what.

  “Hell, no,” Kyle replied, his lips creased into a wide smile. “The men in our bloodline are stubborn as hell, it would just be a waste of time. It has taken hundreds of years to see you show this much interest in a female, I'm not going to discourage you now.”

  He stopped and frowned again, his eyes flickering up to the podium where Kosmas sat with Keely. “It's not going to be easy, though, and God only knows how it will turn out. You're going to have to be very forgiving, son. Your female might be placed into a situation that she can't refuse. If you want to win her, though, you're going to have to accept that she might not be untouched by Kosmas. He's claimed her as his concubine, and I think we both know what that means.”

  Zander inhaled sharply as he struggled for control. Like always, his father was right. He turned his face away from him, not wanting the other man to see what his words did to him. Blindly, he surveyed the crowd as he said in a low, tight tone, “I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, I can't handle thinking about it.”

  “Do you have a plan?” Kyle asked, changing the subject.

  “I did,” Zander replied, nodding at one of his men as they walked by. It wouldn't do for any of them to think that something was wrong. “But that idea went out of the window when Kosmas refused to let her join the other women.”

  Kyle nodded. “Have patience. We need to break the mating contract with Petereo. I'll do my part tonight, and I'll make sure he receives it as soon as possible. I think you should file a formal petition to meet with Kosmas. Let me know when it's arranged, and I'll go with you.”

  Kyle's green eyes flashed with determination. “We have a lot of standing here at Golden Harbor, and it won't pass by unrecognized. Kosmas has a wandering eye, and he often loses interest quickly. With any luck, the same will happen with the concubine. Then she'll be free for you to step in and claim her.”

  He grabbed Zander and gave him a quick hug. “I'll be in touch with you tomorrow, and I'll let you know how things are going on my end. Above all, Zander, don't lose control. Think about the big picture and keep cool. It will go against your cause if you're reprimanded. File the petition as soon as possible and keep your eyes and ears open. You don't want another male to beat you to it.”

  Zander hugged him back. His emotions were wild, which was bewildering for him, a man always in control. “Thanks, Father. That means a lot to me.”

  Kyle nodded, his expression clouded. Zander watched him go, his thoughts already speeding toward his next plan of action. He turned to cast one long look back at Keely before heading for the exit. He hated to leave her, but there was nothing more that he could do at the amphitheater. At least he had the reassurance she wouldn't be mated to anyone, Kosmas was much too possessive for that.

  Zander walked in the direction of the palace library. There he would find what he needed to formally petition Kosmas... And hopefully gain the concubine he so royally desired.

>   Chapter 4

  “So this is the kind of hospitality you show us?” Laryn protested, the crowd immediately silencing as they watched the drama unfolding in front of them. The fourth concubine had just chosen her mate, an instant before he erupted. Laryn stood in front of the stage where the women waited to be claimed by their new mates, with his men right behind them.

  He glowered at the podium where Kosmas sat, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. “Your market is rigged,” he accused him, his voice reminding Keely of the dangerousness of a rattlesnake's rattler. “None of us ever stood a chance, did we?”

  Kosmas shot him a bored look. His hands were locked on her hips, holding her in place when she would have come to her feet. The very air of the amphitheater was fraught with tension. Something bad was going to occur, Keely just knew it.

  “Our concubines are free to choose the mates they would like,” Kosmas retorted, his expression unconcerned. His facade was a lie, Keely could feel his powerful muscles bunching underneath her. At the first sign of trouble he'd be on his feet, and woe to the one that crossed him. They'd never stand a chance. “Should we feel bad that none of them found you to be as interesting as the men they picked? It's not very smart of you to walk into our territory and make false accusations. Maybe you'd like to rephrase that, Laryn, before you seriously offend me.”


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